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Chapter 1304 Dao Ji Ai serves

 Before Yukitaka Sanada's death, the last strategy he planned for Nobushige Sanada was to provoke a side provocation so that Yoshihiro would not dare to severely punish Nobushige Sanada.

But in fact, Umino Riichi was not worried about Nagano Yamei returning to Nishi Ueno. Instead of letting the Nagano family's legitimate daughter wander around, it would be better to let her return to Nishi Ueno, which would make it easier to eradicate the problem.

But Nagano Yamori was able to enter the Concentric Sequence, which was beyond Umino Riichi's expectation.

The Kanto Secretariat established by Yoshigan was a shogunate institution that was different from the Shiba Retainer Corps.

Although Sanada Nobushige, Ohkuma Tohide and other Kanto retainers of the samurai family were highly valued by Yoshihiro, in the eyes of the samurai family, there was a difference between closeness and distance. They were far less reliable than Shiba retainers such as Shima Katsume and Yamamanaka Yukimori.

The Tongxinzhong are Yiyin's personal soldiers, and they are also the direct lineage of the direct lineage. They are the close confidants of the Lord, and their status is different from that of ordinary retainers.

Nagano Yamori joined the Doujin Group, and he was not in the same system as the Kanto Palace. No matter how courageous Sanada Nobushige was, he would not dare to do anything to Yoshigan's pro-army.

Umino Riichi said.

"This is really troublesome."

Sanada Nobushige sighed.

"Isn't that right? It is said that Tsudo-den made an exception and accepted Nagano Yashimai because of the last words of Sword Master Kamizumi. I really admired this old guy and he didn't forget to trick me even before he died.

She didn't even dare to come to Dahu City despite Xiaobata Xinzhen, but Jinduodian was tolerant enough to allow her to leave the town of Guofeng City and resume the family business.

I pitifully came here to plead guilty, but I was scolded so badly that I couldn't get the security certificate from Jinlun City. It was unfair and unjust.

Tsutado-dono said that the Sanada people entered Nishi Ueno to help the Nishi Ueno family defend the Takeda family's eastern followers, and it could only be regarded as a temporary garrison.

These words made my heart skip a beat.

I've been busy for a long time and don't have a status. How can I suppress those bastards with evil intentions in the Jilun clan? I'm afraid it will happen again when I go back."

Umino Riichi said coldly.

"Obata Nobuzada is a foreign minister, and Tsuta-den wants to use her, so naturally she should be polite and comfort her.

You are one of Jindoden's own. The harder you scold me, the closer you appear to be. This is not a bad thing.

If the industry in Nagano is prosperous and cannot return to Nishi Ueno, the Minawa clan will not be able to make big waves. I have my own way to help you suppress them.

It's just that there is no status, which will cause some trouble in the long run. Especially if Nagano Yoshimori joins the same group, there will be endless troubles.

I heard that there have been many new policies in the Sibo family recently. It seems that the Tongxin Group will be expanded, and the existing core Ji Samurai will be transferred to the Tongxin Secretariat to assume more important responsibilities.

Nagano Yashimai has caught up with her at a good time, and if she gets involved among the people, she will be a threat to us."

Sanada Nobushige said in frustration.

"Of course I know, but what should I do?

We can't talk to the Tongxinzong. This girl from Kamao clan is famous for being a calf-guard, so I don't dare to mess around. If another dispute comes to the front of the Tsudo Hall, I'm afraid I'll be in bad luck.

Nagano Yamori, let's not hope to block her way. We just hope she is more stupid and doesn't get ahead of herself.

Leave her alone and help me figure out how to deal with the Nishishueno samurai family when you have time. As long as you firmly capture Nishishueno, Tsutado-dono will give me his title sooner or later.

Everyone, please clean up, Tsudo-don asked me to go back to Nishi Ueno to help defend, we will leave today."

The girls left in response, leaving only Sanada Nobuhige and Umino Riichi in the room.

Sanada Nobushige said in a low voice.

"My mother is really powerful. I don't know how she instigated Anzhi Xueshan. She actually had the courage to kill first and then show off, and mobilized the Eastern believers to provoke provocations without authorization. She did me a big favor."

Umino Li said with a cold light in his eyes.

"It is said that Yukiyuki Sanada put a lot of effort into it."

Sanada Nobunaga's expression froze and he said helplessly.

"Sister, you are kind enough to help me, right?"

Umino glanced at her and said.

"Masayuki Sanada and Yukiyuki Sanada will no longer be your mother and eldest sister.

You have been expelled from the Toshin Sanada family and are now the governor of the Sanada family, my wife. Please do not forget the responsibilities on your shoulders and the Hime warriors like us who serve you wholeheartedly."

Sanada Nobushige pursed his lips and nodded slowly.

The two were talking, and someone outside the door bowed slightly, and Sanada Nobushige waved.

"Why didn't Master Yi San pack his luggage? What advice do you have?"

Miyoshi Isan walked in, looking a little embarrassed and said.

"My Lord, my compatriot has arrived at Azuma County. He will go back this time..."

Sanada Nobushige suddenly said.

"Is this the master who came to Shinano Mountain to find you before? Master Yisan, please give me a word of caution, what is this man's ability?"

Miyoshi Isan replied.

"My sister's dharma name is Ching Hai, her talent is ten times better than mine, but she..."

Before Miyoshi Izo finished speaking, Sanada Nobunshige was already beating his chest loudly, making a wave, and he was full of assurances.

“As long as you have the skills, I will definitely use them.

You also know that most of the Sanada people are people who have never seen much of the world in Shangoogou. There are too few cold and powerful perverts like Liu Niang.

This territory is getting bigger and bigger, and a group of reckless women can do nothing but kill people, but I'm worried to death. Talents like you and your sister are willing to come to my wife's county and hang out with me, which is what I want.

I also know that you have been practicing monkhood for a few days now.

Something unpleasant must have happened there.

But don’t worry, I, Sanada Nobushige, am the most kind to my sisters, so your clan sister doesn’t have to worry. No matter what she has done in recent times, when she comes to my land, I will protect her even if the sky falls.”

Sanada Nobushige took over everything, making Miyoshi Izo dumbfounded.

The clan sister she refers to is Miyoshi Masayasu, one of the Miyoshi Trio. Now he has changed his name to Miyoshi Seikai and came to Shinano Country to find her as promised.

It was originally agreed that we would become monks and live in seclusion in the mountains together. Who would have thought that Izo Miyoshi was so moved by Sanada Nobushige's heroic spirit that he actually became an official here.

Mihao Qinghai was speechless and had nowhere to go, so she had no choice but to follow Mihao Isan around.

Sanada Nobushige has a group of mountain barbarians who know how to manage the territory. With a territory of 40,000 to 50,000 koku in their hands, it won't be as bad as a mess, but there is no hope of keeping it in order.

There is only one Umino Riichi, so you can't rely on her for everything, otherwise you will have to die from exhaustion.

Miyoshi Izo was the direct heir to the Settsu Miyoshi family and received a good high-level samurai education. Miyoshi Seikai was a big shot who once dominated Sakai Port.

The two of them are very familiar with managing the territory. However, Miyoshi's family is notorious for killing its master in Shangluo, and Miyoshi Qinghai is one of the notorious Sanhao Trio, who faked his death and escaped.

Miyoshi Izo was worried that someone would find out about this matter in the future and cause big trouble. However, Sanada Nobunaga was eager for talents and did not even listen to what she had to say, so he took over the matter.

Miyoshi Isan thought about it, she and the Qinghai sisters were far away in Kanto, and the recent events should not be implicated in the two of them. It should be fine, right? So they stopped chatting and kept silent.

Seeing her nodding, Sanada Nobushige was overjoyed and said.

"We will go back now, just in time for Liu Niang to have a good chat with Master Qinghai."

Umino Li nodded and said coldly.

"It's time to ask the master for advice."

Miyoshi Izo knew that they were going for an interview, so he was not worried that Miyoshi Sekai would disappoint Sanada Nobushige. Instead, it might be a surprise.

It's just that in the future... I hope there won't be any surprises.


After sending Sanada Nobushige and others away, Yoshigan finally accepted the service of Shima Katsuo.

After an incisive and in-depth exchange, the two of them lay in the inner room to rest and had a long aftertaste.

Dao Shengmeng hugged Yiyin tightly and stroked his short hair, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Yiyin grabbed her delicate jade fingers, rubbed them a few times, and said.

"Haven't you touched enough?"

Dao Shengmeng forced a smile.

"Being so close to Your Majesty is like a dream. I didn't expect that you would choose to become a monk. It's hard to grow your hair, and..."

Shima Shengmeng's tone was melancholy, as if he was very aggrieved by Yiyin. Yiyin didn't care, he had long wanted to shave his hair short and refreshing like in his previous life.

At the time of Owari, I felt relieved by cutting off my hair, but it has grown back in the past two years. Being a monk and practicing Buddhism allows me to get a haircut in a legitimate way, which is an unexpected benefit.

Yiyin glanced at Dao Shengmeng and said with a smile.

"Why, do you think I, a monk, don't keep the precepts? Then you were so impulsive just now and it hurt my crotch."

Yiyin was also startled by her. When she pounced on her, her eyes were so red that she looked like she was about to eat someone. After resting for a long time, Yiyin still felt that her whole body was falling apart and weak.

What a great moral general, he is really a ruthless person with different appearances. The widow superimposed on the monks, and the double taboo buff makes you more impulsive, right?

Dao Shengmeng is now in a sage state, bowing his head shyly, not daring to face Yiyin's accusation.

"I am guilty, I..."

Yiyin licked her fingers, then put her wet fingers into her mouth, blocking her words.

"Stop talking nonsense, you said the same thing last time. As a result, you were even more cruel to me this time."

Dao Shengmeng was speechless and could only put aside his words and said.

"My unsatisfactory body has failed your Majesty's good wishes. I have not been able to conceive with your blood several times."

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that when he pulled Shima Sheng to have sex, he was deceiving her in the name of fearing that the Shiba family would not be able to succeed.

After a few times, he got used to it, and Yiyin himself forgot his original intention, but Shima Shengmeng still remembered it.

Except for the time when she used her mouth with the hot spring, Yoshigum has had three skin-to-skin kisses with Shima Katsuo. But so far, there has been no movement in her belly.

It's no wonder that Dao Shengmeng is a little depressed. The master clearly gave her a chance, but she didn't use it.

Yoshigami thought of the three days between Mitsumine and Terutora Uesugi, and wondered whether she had successfully conceived.

If you can't conceive for three days and three nights, it's not necessarily the Ji warriors' problem, it may be Yiyin's own problem.

Thinking of this, Yiyin's face became a little stiff. Could it be that he was destined to commit a crime against the evil star and was doomed to have no offspring in his life?

Shima Sheng suddenly saw that Yoshiyin's complexion turned bad, and he felt even more ashamed, and whispered in a low voice.

"If...if I am incompetent, why not ask the Lord to find someone else to try again?"

Saying these words, Shima Shengteng was actually heartbroken. How could she let Yoshiyin be harmed by other Ji Samurai. However, the inheritance of the Shiba family cannot be destroyed in her own hands.

Dao Shengmeng looked gloomy and did not notice Yiyin's strange expression. In fact, he had done this a lot.


Yin coughed lightly to relieve his embarrassment, hugged Dao Sheng and said fiercely.

"Don't think wildly, maybe the problem is with me and has nothing to do with you.

If you don’t have time to think about these things, it’s better to work harder, don’t you think this is the truth?”

When Dao Shengmeng heard what Yiyin said, he was moved and stood up resolutely to continue working hard.

Seeing that she was about to make another move, Yiyin turned pale with fright. Are you coming again? I've been fooled by you for a long time, but Jill is still weak. Can you please let me go slowly?

He stretched out his hand to stop Dao Shengmeng. Under her doubtful gaze, Yiyin's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to change the topic.

Finally, he sighed.

"It's really hard on you this time. If you hadn't taken the overall situation into consideration and persuaded the ladies of the Kanto Palace to go south for rescue, I wouldn't have dared to imagine the tragic consequences."

Hearing Yiyin talk about business, Dao Shengmeng was embarrassed to sit down with him and enjoy the meal. She sat upright without clothes on, straightened her waist, and wanted to speak.

Yiyin was attracted by her toned figure and couldn't help but swallow. A certain child seemed to have a little more fighting spirit.

But Shima Shengmeng's thoughts have returned to business, and she did not give Yiyin any chance to regret, she said.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Yiyin smiled.

"You and I are honest with each other. Is there anything we can't say?"

His pun made Dao Shengmeng's face turn red, and he concentrated on speaking seriously.

"I don't understand why Your Majesty is so kind to the Uesugi family? His Highness Uesugi has almost ruined your two years of hard work. The Kanto strategy has failed.

But even so, after you come back, you have to help her clean up the mess and continue to maintain the Echigo duopolitan structure. Is it worth it?"

Shima Shengmeng's words are not unusual. Most of the girls in the Kanto Palace had this idea, but they were suppressed by Yoshihiro.

If it weren't for the ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them, Dao Shengmeng would never ask this, lest he would offend his master. But not asking doesn't mean that he doesn't have doubts in his heart.

Shima Katsuo was the No. 1 Shiba general placed in Kanto by Yoshigan. His status was similar to that of Owari's Maeda Toshiie. In recent years, Maeda's interests were of extraordinary importance and he could be called a pillar of the army.

When she asked this, Yiyin had to give a reasonable explanation. Fortunately, Shima Shengmeng was always known for his moral principles, so it was not difficult to convince her.

Yiyin said.

"Since the Eighth Dynasty General, the world has been in chaos for hundreds of years.

Nowadays, the Wu family can arbitrarily tear up the agreement and ignore the integrity for the sake of petty profits, resulting in no trustworthy people or trustworthy things in the world.

Since my debut, I have upheld justice and kept my promises, in order to restore the great justice of the world.

The name of the Wu family is mostly based on righteousness, etiquette, and wisdom, but when it comes to people and things, they are short-sighted, unrighteous, rude, unbelieving, and unwise. I really despise them.

Your Highness Uesugi made a big mistake, but she invited me to divide and rule Echigo. She has always tried her best to cooperate with the Shiba Uesugi family, and she has never wanted to break the covenant.

In this case, how can I ruin the cooperation between the two companies with my utilitarian intentions?"

Yiyin speaks with reason, and other martial arts families may be submissive on the surface but disapproving in their hearts. But he knows that Dao Shengmeng will definitely fall into this trap.

The weakness of the Dao family is due to betrayal of trust. Dao Shengmeng is a man who values ​​justice and will definitely agree with Yiyin's approach.

This chapter has been completed!
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