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Chapter 1284 The Council Has Seven Elders

 Yukimori Yamanaka is the deacon of the Kanto Palace, and Takeo Shima is the leader of the united front. Both of them are important ministers of Shiba, and they should serve as permanent senior ministers to maintain the absolute authority of the Shiba family in the Kanto Palace.

Daxiong Chaoxiu was born as a surrendered minister, and he did not rise to the position with military merit. Although the execution office was important, the Wu family valued military affairs over literature, and actually looked down upon the civil service of the execution line.

As the leader of the service, she was able to become a permanent senior middle school student and participate in the standing committee of the Kanto Service Office. Naturally, she was grateful, and the minor discords in the service office were laughed off.

Daxiong Chaoxiu actually had some understanding of the concubines' thoughts, but the topic was too important for her to dare to speak casually. She thought for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Your Majesty, the Wu family is rewarded by the public, and only when they have given their lives can they dare to expect extravagant rewards."

Yiyin frowned, Daxiong Chaoxiu's words made him a little confused.

The way of the monarch and his ministers in the Wu family is not like that of the Celestial Dynasty after the Yuan and Ming dynasties, where the imperial power grew stronger and the monarch was stronger and the ministers were weaker. Instead, it was like the aura of the Han and Tang dynasties, which meant that the emperor and his ministers shared the world.

The core of public reward is the reciprocity of rights and obligations. You give me benefits, and I will work hard for you. Coupled with the traditional skills of lowering and conquering, it is quite a bit of a wonderful idea of ​​the rampant warlords of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

From what Daxiong Chaoxiu said, everyone is disgusted with the Standing Committee because this matter was done unfairly.

But when Yiyin works, the most important thing is always to be kind to others. What he pays attention to is fairness, fairness, or really fairness.

He didn't understand. How could a formalized standing committee be unfair?

Da Xiong Chao Xiu smiled bitterly.

"Actually, Zhu Ji is not against the Permanent Council itself, but he has some objections to the selection criteria of the two non-permanent veterans."

Yiyin frowned.

"Didn't I make it very clear in the documents? The non-permanent senior middlemen are appointed once a year, and the United Front members take turns taking charge."

Big Bear sighed towards Xiu.

"Your Majesty, if we had arranged this way before, there would be no problem. But these days, you have approved many Guanbazhou martial arts families to join the United Front.

The original united frontmen were all powerful warriors from the Guandong Palace. In the previous battles of the Guandong Palace, they mobilized their military strength and shed their blood to kill the enemy for the Lord.

Moreover, through the relief and land inspection policy, their land and population rosters are already in the military food service account of the Kanto Palace. Since they take turns serving as non-permanent senior middlemen, there is naturally no problem.

However, your document did not mention them by name, but only mentioned United Front.

Not to mention the newly joined local famous families in Guanbazhou, not to mention that they have not made any achievements, and even the most important military and food services are not included in the books.

If war breaks out again in the future, who knows if they will be willing to contribute to the Kanto Service? Many people are not convinced that they are allowed to participate in the rotation of non-permanent senior middlemen on the board of directors.

There are only two seats for the extraordinary position of Lao Zhongren. There are many monks and few people, so it is a rare position.

There were not many martial arts families who originally had the status of a united front warrior. As long as everyone endured it, there would always be a chance to sit there for a year, and then they would naturally be able to gain some benefits for themselves.

But with your expansion, many people feel that they have no hope and hope."

After hearing Daxiong Chaoxiu's words, Yiyin stopped and remained silent. It was a fatal mistake.

In the past, the United Front was a false name given by Yiyin to the powerful martial arts families under the Kanto Palace, mainly to recognize the reputation and strength of each family.

But now, the United Front has been deeply involved in the platform of the Wushu Association, and by supervising the Wujia Yili Promotion Association, it can influence the political identity of the entire Guanbazhou, so people are naturally attracted to it.

These days, he has given many descendants of famous families in the eight states of Guan the status of the United Front and labeled them as the Kanto Palace, which has greatly expanded the influence of the Kanto Palace.

However, the result of indiscriminately posting identities is that the threshold for the Standing Council has been lowered, and the chances of serving as a non-executive senior middleman are slim, which has aroused dissatisfaction among the old United Front members.

Yiyin couldn't help but sigh. He only thought about the advantages of using the united front, but ignored the disadvantages. Fortunately, he discovered it in time.

He said cautiously to Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Fortunately, Big Bear Ji reminded me, so I didn't make a big mistake. It was a fluke, a fluke."

The big bear bowed to Xiu, not even daring to acknowledge it.

Yiyin waved his hand for her to get up, but he was in a dilemma.

It was his strategy to use his identity as a united front man to win over the Guanbazhou martial arts family. If he deliberately separated the close relatives at this time, he would lose the support of the people.

The Kanto Shisho United Front should not be a small group with the Echigo samurai family as the main body, but should try its best to attract new blood to join, and the Standing Council should not exclude the Kanhachishu samurai family from participating.

The current land of Guanbazhou is actually the dual-regulation operation of two systems.

One is the Kanto system headed by the Kanto General and the Kanto Governor, and the other is the Kanto Service Office opened by Yoshigan with the Imperial Sword Order.

After all, the Kanto Shogunate is actually a branch of the Kyoto Shogunate in Kanto.

The Kwantung Shisho unified the war effort, which was equivalent to the honorary status granted by Yoshigan to the Kwantung samurai family on behalf of the shogunate. It did not conflict with the Kwantung system, which was very beneficial to his plan.

A samurai family with the identity of a united front warrior can be a samurai clan of the Kanto system, and those who interact with the Kanto apostle are not subject to the moral condemnation of the samurai clan's traditional monarchs and ministers.

In terms of status, it means that everyone is loyal to General Kantō and respects General Ashikaga of the shogunate. They are all loyal ministers and righteous men, which is gratifying and congratulatory.

It is through the blurred boundaries of this layer of status that Yiyin extends its hands into the scope of rights of the Kanto system and expands its influence.

The Kanto system existed in name only, Ashikaga Yoshiji, the Kanto general, was a clay statue, and Terutora Uesugi's appeal to the Kanto eight states was mostly dampened after the defeat of the Shimonosu Kingdom.

Through platforms such as the Kanto Shrine, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, and the Samurai Negotiation Mechanism, Yiyin spent money on the well-capitalized Hokurikudo trade route to promote the Swamp New Thought of peaceful development.

He did not need to spend a lot of money to buy off the Guanbazhou warrior family who had been cornered by the disaster in Kanto, and he had already made great progress.

The status of the United Front of the Guandong Palace is already recognized by the Guanbazhou Warrior Family as a fragrant steamed bun, and its gold content is very high.

If Yiyin wants to gain more power from the Kanto system, it must use its status as a United Front to further attract high-level martial arts families in the Kanto system and actively move closer to itself.

Give them an excuse based on their status, and they can get more benefits without betraying the Kanto system. They will naturally know what choice to make.

Among the benefits given, one is that the United Front will participate in the Wushu Association platform and supervise the Wu Family Principles Promotion Association. The other is the Standing Council of the Kanto Palace.

The influence of Yoshiin and Kanto Shrine are complementary to each other. Kanto Shrine is awesome x, Yoshiyin is even more awesome x. Yoshiyin is awesome x, Kanto Shrine is even better x.

The United Fronters are eager for more benefits, so they have obtained the status of United Fronters and joined the Standing Council of the Kanto Palace. It seems that Yiyin has given them rights, but in fact it is they who are trying their best to raise Yiyin even higher.

The more powerful warriors from one place became the united front and joined the rotation of non-permanent senior officers, the more one place was affected by the influence of the Kanto Palace, further increasing the influence of Yiyin.

Therefore, the Yi Bank must allow all United Front members to have the right to participate in the board of directors. This is tantamount to stepping on the left foot and the right foot, and the influence is soaring into the sky on a vertical ladder. It is tempting to think about it.

But after all, he is the patron saint of the martial arts family with high morals and high righteousness. If he insists on promoting outsiders regardless of the old united warriors who shed blood and sacrifice for him in the past, this persona will collapse.

The Standing Council must be established as soon as possible, and the policy of rotating the seats of the United Front Committee to the non-president Lao Zhong cannot be changed, but he must give the old United Front Committee a reasonable increase to make them willing to agree to this matter.

Yiyin was so lost in thought that his head hurt, and he sighed helplessly.

"It's hard to do things, but it's even harder to be a human being."

The reason why he is in trouble today is because people set up things too well. In the past, he wanted others to believe in him, so he had to be considerate of everything. Now that others really believe in him, he cannot let people down.

The character you have set must be performed with tears in your eyes. The template of the Wu family saint, no matter whether it is true or false, if everyone takes it seriously, you must act according to the truth.

After all, Yiyin and the martial arts family all hope that his character can be true for a long time. This is called having rules and drawing a circle. Everyone can make a living within these rules and work with peace of mind.

Oda Nobunaga over there is very strong, but she has a surly temperament and cannot be as kind and kind as Yoshigami. If you follow her around, no one will feel safe.

If you do a good job today, you will be rewarded a lot, but if you make a mistake tomorrow, you will be kicked out. This kind of boss is too difficult to maintain. He is old and frail and has to worry about being fired.

Although Yoshibank does not have the rapid development of Oda Nobunaga, it is the iron rice bowl that allows people to continue working patiently by being kind to the staff.

Therefore, it is said that the end of the universe is a fabric. The temporary blooming of flowers is not as good as the long-term peace and tranquility.

Yiyin is immersed in managing his perfect persona, receiving benefits but also subject to restrictions. He is no longer himself, but a perfect sign called the King of Benevolence and Righteousness.

Therefore, he must be recognized by the old United Front before he can continue to promote the construction of the Standing Council, instead of following Oda Nobunaga's example of kicking away stumbling blocks and acting recklessly.

Seeing that Yiyin was in such a difficult situation, Daxiong Chaoxiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Your Majesty is in a dilemma as to how to convince the old united troops, which shows that he is a person who abides by the rules of the game, and he is also a kind person who will not abandon the old unit at will for the sake of immediate interests.

Before Daxiong Chaoxiu came, she had thought about this matter and had some thoughts of her own. Seeing Yiyin frowning, she suggested.

"Your Majesty, I do have an idea."

"you say."

"Since you have already established three permanent veterans, why bother to add another one, which will be filled by the old United Front members on a rotating basis."

Yiyin perked up, thought about it carefully, and then shook his head.

"No, the five seats of old and middle-aged people are for the number of seats that can be used to make effective votes when there are differences in the deliberation.

If we add one more seat, that would be six seats. If there is a three-to-three situation in the voting, wouldn't it delay the business? Besides, there is a seat reserved for the old United Front members. What will the latecomers think?

The establishment of the Guandong Temple has only been two years, and there is still a long time to come. What if in ten or eight years, everyone's qualifications are about the same, but two years ago, there was a special seat, and we must not fall into the blame? "

Yiyin shook his head.

What he wants is long-term stability and a fair system as much as possible, but he also wants to ensure his absolute leadership.

By giving three people permanent seats, they are his most trustworthy subordinates, and they are also his lever for controlling the Standing Council.

If a non-permanent veteran is added, who knows whether those United Front members will always be of the same mind as the Shiba family? It would be ridiculous if someone came from behind and used the majority of seats to control the Kanto Palace.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

“Let’s see, the standing council will have seven Lao-Chinese seats, and the three permanent Lao-Chinese people will jointly oppose it and have the right to veto with one word.

Of the four non-permanent seats, at least one must be filled by the old United Front in the first three years. The specific seats are determined by rotation and are not based on the reputation and strength of the United Front to ensure absolute fairness."

In the end, YiBank chose to increase the number of seats, but it also found a way to retain the mainstay role of the three permanent seats.

Since the absolute advantage of three to two seats cannot be guaranteed, a veto power should be set up to prevent the three permanent seats from being passed if the matter is not passed.

The old United Front members have made two or three more years of merit than the newcomers, so we will give them seat privileges for three years to ensure that they do not suffer in the first round of rotation. As for the future, they must follow the rules.

The number of non-permanent seats has been doubled, making everyone feel that they will have their turn sooner or later. The merits of the old United Front have received special care, and Yiyin has also ensured its absolute leadership of the board of directors.

Yiyin thought about it again and again, and decided to make do with it for the time being. As long as he could guarantee his absolute leadership, when major problems were encountered, he would make changes within the scope of the board of directors.

His idea was that he should be a male cousin, and a memorial arch should be erected. It was obviously to maintain the rule of the Shiba family, but he had to show a high-spirited and dignified manner and jointly manage the Kanto Palace with everyone.

Da Xiong Chao Xiu thought for a moment and nodded.

"Your Majesty is wise.

Doing so can indeed appease the sentiments of the old United Front members, and they will no longer resist the establishment of the Standing Council.

However, the military and food service accounts currently under the control of the Guandong Shi are all part of the old United Front. In the future, when conquests are carried out, the only thing the Guandong Shi can guarantee is that the old United Front will do their best.

As for the newcomer’s contribution, it’s difficult to grasp.”

Through the relief and inspection place of Chang'an in Tibet, the Guandong Post Office did control the existing land and population, and the old United Front mobilized all its efforts to do it without any lies.

But the new arrivals from Guanbazhou's famous families are all here for the benefits of their status as members of the United Front. Most of these wallflowers will do their best, and it is better to expect a boar to climb a tree than to expect them to do their best.

Daxiong Zhaoxiu is worried that the current establishment of council seats has reached a relatively fair balance, but in the future the new and old United Front will have different credits, and new conflicts will arise in the future.

Yiyin pointed at her with a smile and said.

"Daxiong Ji, I once heard a saying. How big your heart is, how big your success will be.

What we have to do is to change the sad fate of the Wu family's five hundred years of mutual conquest, and to put the Wu family on a new path of peaceful development.

The Guandong Hospital must be open-minded, we must convince people with virtue, and we must believe in people.”

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