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Chapter 1386 Spo Gongyi Shows Its Prototype

 According to the contract spirit of the Wu family's public reward, where there are rights, there are obligations. Yiyin established a military system to maintain peace in the name of righteousness, which is righteousness.

Anyone who disagrees is being unjust. Yiyin neither beats nor scolds, he just strips off his status as a United Front member, drives him out of the Kanto Palace, and then condemns him from the moral high ground.

These words sounded harmless, but San Ji, who knew the rules of the political game of the Wu family, felt that this was too cruel.

The traditional rules of the game of the Wu family are that small warlords will be with big warlords, and big warlords will be with super warlords. The interests of small groups will form the Wu family group to pursue the common interests of one family.

If the Kanto Palace still had the old practice of drawing circles to be cute and playing with itself in Echigo, this moral condemnation would only be laughed at by everyone.

But Yiyin has given great rights to the United Front through a series of concessions, and even established a standing council as a platform to share with everyone a large number of benefits from military, financial, and personnel rights.

The United Front Group essentially combines its interests through the platform of the Wushu Association, the Standing Council, and the Grand Review of the Kanto Palace. A new Wu family interest group has entered the stage of history.

Either you don't accept it, but once you get the benefit but are unwilling to pay the obligation, this violates the Wu family's simple values ​​of public reward and the principle of equal exchange.

Mouthful condemnation will not kill people, but if a Wu family who breaks the rules of the game is kicked out of the established Wu family interest group, the trouble will be big.

What the islanders are best at is xenophobia, and what they fear most is losing their own group and becoming a lonely individual. Being an individual means being persecuted.

The harsh living environment of the volcanic island has engraved the collective consciousness in the bones of the islanders. It is impossible to survive in isolation in the harsh environment.

As mentioned before, Yiyin has formed an alliance of interests between the Guandong Palace and the Guanbazhou Warrior Family. As the saying goes, the general trend has been established. Those who follow the trend will prosper, and those who go against the trend will perish.

Guan Bazhou Wu Family either doesn't come to play, but still wants to leave after playing. How can it be so easy?

The first goal of forming a group is to create an imaginary enemy. The lone traitor is a target used to unite people's hearts. If you kill a few fools who run away, the cohesion of the united front will be greatly increased.

Yiyin is not afraid that someone will jump out to object, but he is worried that everyone is too sensible and willing to play together under this rule, so he will not be able to find a chicken to scare the monkey.

Dao Shengmeng thought for a while and said.

"What your Majesty means is to abandon the previous method of mobilizing the military families of the Kanto Palace and transfer all military authority to the Grand Council of the Kanto Palace.

The Grand Council is jointly organized by the entire United Front, and the Standing Council is authorized by the Grand Council to preside over the executive affairs. In theory, military power belongs to the entire United Front.

Any United Front members who betray the principles of the Wu Family will automatically lose their status as United Front members and be stripped of their decision-making power to participate in the Grand Council of the Kanto Palace.

And the United Front members who are willing to participate in the grand review and share their rights are obligated to the spirit of the Kanto Service. This is the cornerstone of the peacekeeping system and the moral basis for participating in joint military operations."

Yiyin nodded.

"Yes, not only military authority, but also economic authority and naming authority. The Grand Council has the power to interfere with the economic activities of the execution office and review and approve or deprive the status of the United Front.

As a powerful martial artist, the United Front's identity is no longer privately assigned by me. It serves as a spokesperson for a place, represents the fundamental interests of a local martial artist, attends major reviews, and discusses major plans.

The representative of the martial arts family is recommended by the members of the United Front, and the Grand Council reviews whether he has the qualifications to represent a local martial arts family, whether he follows the principles of the martial arts family, and whether he is in line with the spirit advocated by the Kanto Shi.

The Grand Council, composed of the United Front, will become the highest authority of the Kanto Palace. The Standing Council, as the closing period of the Grand Council, will implement the decisions of the Grand Council and be responsible for the standing operating organization.

At that time, I used the imperial sword order to open the Kanto Palace to provide shelter for the Kanto warriors who suffered injustice, and called on the ladies to participate in the war in the name of justice.

Nowadays, there are major councils and decision-making, and there is a standing council responsible for operation. All rights belong to the United Front. All United Front members share the rights and have the obligation to implement the spirit of the Kanto Shrine.

First, maintain peace and security in Kanto.

Second, to ease conflicts among various factions and promote the new ideas of peaceful development.

Third, cooperation in promoting economic development, water conservancy construction, financing guarantees, student aid and welfare.

Fourth, it serves as a platform for coordination and communication between various companies, easing conflicts and quelling conflicts.

Finally, it was summed up in eight words, peace, security, development, and cooperation, which I call the Four Principles of Peaceful Development, which are also the core spirit of the Swahili New Thought initiated by Kanto Shisho."

After these days, after many discussions between Yiyin and various important ministers individually or jointly, the final positioning of the Kanto Palace was finally clarified, and the Kanto Palace has now officially entered the world stage.

Seemingly generous, he handed over all the rights of the Kanto Palace to the Grand Council and shared them with all United Front members.

But in fact, through a series of arrangements, Yi Bank has firmly controlled power in the Standing Board of Directors.

The establishment of three standing senior officers and their joint veto power are Yoshibank's new methods of controlling the Kanto Palace.

He does not pursue absolute power. One-man dictatorship means that all responsibilities fall on one person, which is too stressful, and he also knows that everyone is unwilling to play this egocentric game with him.

In this case, he would share all the power, stimulate the subjective initiative of the United Front, and further expand and strengthen the platform of Guandong Palace. He only retains the relative power of one veto.

Absolute rights mean absolute responsibilities, but relative rights can allocate responsibilities to all participants and only capture the core veto power.

Yoshigan is exploring a grand council system that is different from the guardian system of the Ashikaga Shogunate, and has embarked on a new path of peaceful development, laying a solid foundation for the future Shiba Kyougi.

In recent years, Oda Nobunaga is also pushing the decadent Ashikaga Shogunate to destruction and gradually establishing his own Oda Gongyi.

Both the recent Ashikaga Shogun family and the Kamakura Ashikaga family in Kanto are gradually coming to an end, and a new era is approaching step by step.


Shiba Yiyin engaged in ideological construction in Kanto, shouted the slogan of the Four Principles of Peaceful Development, and established the Kanto Military Representative Council and the Standing Council, which were very busy.

At this time, Oda Nobunaga, who had recovered from the transfer to Echizen, also began to launch a new round of offensive, continuing to implement her ambition of spreading military power over the world.

As the busy summer harvest gradually comes to an end, Oda Nobunaga, who has returned to Gifu City, can finally launch a larger-scale mobilization and is about to launch a new round of offensive on the grounds of Asai Nagamasa's betrayal.

At the same time, Asai Nagamasa and Asakura Yoshikage, who were unwilling to sit still and wait for death, were meeting at Kanazaki Castle to discuss the next joint operation plan.

The wind of Kanazaki Castle still smelled of war smoke. It was with this castle that Hashiba Hideyoshi interrupted the Asakura Army's first pursuit, causing Asakura Yoshikage to miss the opportunity.

Today, Asakura Yoshikage, Asai Nagamasa and some important ministers from both sides gathered together to discuss further actions against the Oda family.

In the meeting hall, Asakura Yoshikage greeted the arrival of Asai Nagamasa as a host. The two parties exchanged greetings for a while and then sat down.

The eyes of Asakura Kageki, who sits in the Asakura formation, are flashing with uneasiness. In recent years, with the help of Shiba Yoshigan, she has always excluded Asakura Yoshikage's power from Tsuruga County.

But this time the Oda army entered the Echizen Kingdom, and Asakura Kageki's rule over Tsuruga County was shaky. Asakura Yoshikage led troops to help, and she could not refuse.

This allowed the master family to settle in Kanazaki Castle. Seeing that Asakura Yoshikage had considered himself the master, Asakura Kageki was very uneasy.

In particular, she took in Hashiba Hideyoshi's remnants. Asakura Yoshikage sent people to ask for it several times, but she refused verbally, and the discord between the two parties deepened.

After Asakura Yoshikage and Asai Nagamasa sat down, they exchanged a few polite words and then brought the conversation down to business.

"The Oda traitor acted against the will, controlled the shogunate, and insulted the general.

The general taught me in the imperial book that my Asakura family has been blessed by the shogunate for generations, so I should be a general and fight to the end.

It's a pity that the Oda traitors retreated early, and it was a pity that the Battle of Kanazaki fell short.

I don’t know where the news leaked out. Could it be that someone secretly contacted the enemy and informed the enemy?”

Asakura Yoshikage sighed and glanced at Asakura Kageki who was sitting there, making him shudder.

The owner was so ruthless that he wanted to use the incident of Asakura Keiki taking in Hideyoshi Hashiba as an example and deal with her as Oda's spy.

Asakura Yoshikage felt very proud. Asakura Kageki, the Tsuruga County Chief, was recognized by the shogunate and dominated one side, and he never paid attention to his master's orders.

In addition, the Tsuruga Port's commercial interests bribed the Tsuruga people, and the people in the county were united in their will, so the master couldn't get in even if he wanted to.

Fortunately this time, the Oda army invaded, and Tsuruga County was reduced to a mess. The Tsuruga people were severely damaged and were temporarily powerless.

Asakura Yoshikage, the governor of the family, came with a large army and had already captured Kanazaki Castle. This was a great opportunity to regain control of Tsuruga County.

On the shogunate side, in order to deal with Oda Nobunaga, Ashikaga Yoshiaki made various promises in the imperial letter, hoping that Asakura Yoshikage could defeat Oda Nobunaga. As long as he could win, he would do anything.

With the guarantee of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the Tsuruga Governor that Yoshigan Shiba obtained for Asakura Kageki from his ancestor Ashikaga Yoshiteru may become a piece of waste paper that can be easily torn off at any time.

Tsuruga is a small plain port in Tsuruga Bay. Although it belongs to Echizen Province, it is isolated from the Fukui Plain by mountains. It is the stepping stone of Hokuriku Road to Konki and is relatively independent.

Kanazaki Castle is located at the easternmost end of this small plain, backed by mountains, and is an important town at the entrance to the Fukui Plain.

Asakura Yoshikage's capture of Kanazaki Castle is equivalent to opening the door to Tsuruga County. Now she has an army on her side, sharpening her sword. Once she is caught with an excuse, Asakura Kageki will be in trouble.

But the reality was not as smooth as Asakura Yoshikage imagined. Asai Nagamasa squinted his eyes, feeling full of discomfort.

Asakura Yoshikage's words about Uchida Oda were aimed at Asakura Kageki, but Asai Nagamasa himself felt guilty.

She knew very well that Asakura Yoshikage was throwing dirt on Asakura Kageki and making excuses. And the small bean bag her husband Ichikun sent to Oda Nobunaga was the real reason why Oda Nobunaga quickly withdrew his troops.

If Asai Nagamasa remains silent, Asakura Yoshikage will definitely take action against Asakura Kageki and seize Tsuruga County.

But Asai Nagamasa must protect Asakura Kageki to the death for three reasons.

First, there are already voices in Asai's family that are dissatisfied with the mayor. Asai Nagamasa is a real woman, and she says that if she wants to protect her husband, she must protect her husband.

If the Asakura family begins to liquidate Oda Naikoi, will the Asai family cause a stir and demand that Ichikun be dealt with? This bad sign must be eliminated.

Secondly, Tsuruga Port is an important node on the Hokurikudo trade route, and it is also the bargaining chip for the Asai family to make profits on the Hokurikudo trade route. It is connected to Lake Biwa to the south and Tsuruga Port to the north, which is where the value of the Asai family lies.

Asakura Kageki only had the strength of one county, and she could only secure the position of Tsuruga County Sheriff with the kindness of Shiba Yoshigan. She did not have a big appetite, and Asai Nagamasa also had enough strength to suppress her.

But Asakura Yoshikage is different. The Echizen Asakura family has a deep foundation and strong strength, and the Asai family cannot compare. If Asakura Yoshikage becomes greedy and demands more business profits, what will Asai Nagamasa do?

The merchant ships coming in and out of Tsuruga Port are like endless gold mines. Who wouldn’t be jealous of them?

Thirdly, Asakura Kageki is the person whom Shiba Yoshigan entrusted to Asai Nagamasa and hoped that she would take care of him.

If Asai Nagamasa watched Asakura Kageki being ousted from power by Asakura Yoshikage, how could Asai Nagamasa still have the nerve to meet him when Shiba Yoshihiro returned to Koki?

Not to mention that the boss behind the Hokurikudo Trading Route was the Shiba family, which really pissed off Yoshiba Shiba and made life difficult for everyone. In the final analysis, the Shiba family was in charge of the Tsuruga Port goods.

Asakura Yoshikage was blinded by interests and deliberately avoided Shiba Yoshikage who was behind Asakura Yoshikage. Asai Nagamasa would not make a fool of herself with her.

Asai Nagamasa coughed lightly and said.

"His Majesty Oda treated the general lightly and invaded Echizen from the north. He indeed went too far.

Asakura Kageki-sama was recognized by the shogunate as the Tsuruga prefect, and served as the general's guardian of Tsuruga, and he worked very hard and meritoriously.

I heard that Tsuruga County suffered a sudden disaster this time. Asakura Kageki-sama remained calm in the face of danger and defended Tsuruga Port without surrender. He is indeed a model for the samurai family and others."

Asakura Kageki was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and kowtowed to the ground.

"His Majesty Asai is so complimentary. Jing Ji is really ashamed and undeserved. He is just doing his duty."

Asakura Yoshikage looked ugly. She was showing off in front of Asai Nagamasa, hoping to take the opportunity to win over Asakura Kage. Unexpectedly, Asai Nagamasa would intervene in Asakura's housework and support Asakura Kage.

She rolled her eyes and said coldly.

"How did I hear that Kageki took in the remnant army of the Oda family? Kanazaki Castle sent people to ask for it several times, but they were all rejected.

Jing Ji, how do you explain this?

If it hadn't been for this broken army to ruin my good deeds, the Oda army wouldn't have been able to escape so easily, so you have to think clearly before you speak."

Asakura Kageki bowed.

"My Lord, I didn't know that that team was the royal army of the Oda family.

The leader of them was just a local man, holding a letter from Mr. Mitsuhide Akechi of the Shiba family, saying that he was forced to be involved in the war and asked me to protect him for a few days.

You also know that this time the Oda army went north and brought many samurai with them, and Lord Akechi Mitsuhide himself was in the Oda formation.

I thought this group of troops was Lord Akechi’s subordinates or friendly forces, so I didn’t think much about it.”

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