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Chapter 1411 Nishi Ueno of the Sanada Family

 Sanada Nobushige is really out of touch with others. He has taken over the responsibility of being the leader of Nishi Ueno. He wants to represent the local samurai family to the Kanto Palace for review, and the standing committee will fight for everyone's interests.

Even though the Wu family has always been cold-blooded in doing things, and a mother is a mother if she has breasts, Kobata Nobuzada was also cooked by Sanada Nobunaga's skills, making her charred on the outside and crispy on the inside.

Being the boss has to be voluntary, right? So far, the Nishi Ueno Samurai Group has no intention of accepting Sanada Nobushige, let alone recognizing her as the leader of their own Samurai Group.

She just used force as the backing to forcefully occupy Minawa Castle. Even Yoshigan Shiba, who was revered by the Kanto samurai family, did not recognize her right to rule the land of Nishi Ueno.

Although Obata Nobusada is an ally of Sanada Nobushige, he really cannot get involved in this muddy water.

What benefit would it bring to her, Nobada Nobutada, to help Sanada Nobunshige become the leader of the Nishi Ueno samurai family? Sanada Nobunshige is now in such a dilemma, so borrowing her influence would be the most beneficial to her.

Obata Nobusada's coldness was not beyond Sanada Nobushige's expectations. Sanada Nobushige dared to invite Obata Nobusada here today, so naturally he was confident of persuasion, so he glanced at Miyoshi Kiyomi who was sitting down.

Miyoshi Qinghai nodded slightly, walked out of the queue and bowed.

"Qinghai, a poor nun, has met Lord Xiaoban."

Obata Nobuzada nodded slightly. She had also heard a little bit about this Yufoni who was used by Sanada Nobushige. It was said that he was a very powerful person.

At this time, seeing that she was very polite, which was very different from the other ladies of Sanada, Nobuzada Obata also said politely.

"This is Master Ching Hai? I have long heard that the master travels all over the world and is knowledgeable. I don't know what you can teach me?"

Miyoshi Qinghai smiled.

"The great man praises you so much, but the poor nun cannot bear it.

I've just traveled to more places and seen some strange and weird things, so I can't be said to be knowledgeable.

I am taking the liberty to go out today, but there is something I would like to ask your Majesty to take a look at."

Kobata Nobuzada raised her eyebrows and said.

"Oh? Master Ching Hai's things are probably not ordinary."

Miyoshi Qinghai took out a small piece of cloth from his arms and offered it with both hands.

Obata Nobuzada was confused and took the cloth. He looked around and saw nothing special. It was just a small piece of rough cloth.

Miyoshi Qinghai asked with a smile.

"What do you think of this, Obata-sama?"

Kobata Nobuzada had a cold face, casually discarded the palm-sized piece of cloth on the ground, and said sternly.

"Master Ching Hai, I treat you with courtesy, but you actually make fun of me?

It’s just a piece of inferior cotton cloth with impure raw materials and rough workmanship, making it unworthy of elegance!”

Miyoshi Qinghai sighed.

"Yes, the quality of the wild kapok trees in Azuma County is not good, and is far inferior to the improved varieties cultivated in Mikawa.

Even if Sarutobi Sasuke and Mikawa, the master cotton craftsman whom Rikanosuke finally invited back to take care of it, could weave such inferior quality."

Miyoshi Seikai's tone was melancholy, but Obata Nobuzada was shocked when he heard this. He bent down to pick up the cotton cloth he had just thrown away and looked at it carefully.

The island country has not produced cotton cloth for thousands of years, only self-produced linen cloth, and cotton cloth has always been imported. Obata Nobuzada looked down on this low-quality cotton cloth before, because the quality of this piece of cotton cloth was so poor.

Although the island country is poor and lacks adequate food and clothing, it is still no problem for a local boss like Nobuzada Obata to get some better cotton and make decent clothes.

But Miyoshi Seikai meant that the cotton was produced in Azuma County, which immediately made Kobata Nobuzada unable to sit still.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the necessities of life. Cloth has been used as money since ancient times. No matter how rubbish the cotton is, it is still cotton and can be used as money. Who would dislike the ugly appearance of money!

After looking at it again carefully, Nobuzada Kobata was surprised.

"Although this fabric is of poor quality, it is indeed cotton.

Dare I ask Master Ching Hai, what is going on? Aren’t all cottons dependent on imports?”

Miyoshi Qinghai smiled.

"Obata-sama is unaware of something, but in fact, Mikawa Country has been studying cotton crafts.

In recent years, the finished product of Mikawa cotton cloth woven from locally cultivated kapok trees has become quite good, and it is said that it is very popular in the Kyoto market.

Although it is not as exquisite as the Huating muslin imported from Sakai Port, the price is less than half of the Huating muslin.

I traveled to the Jiaxin Mountains and accidentally discovered that the climate in the mountain basin is mild, and there are actually wild kapok trees surviving.

Out of curiosity, I asked the Lord to invite a master cotton worker from Sanhe. Unexpectedly, I actually produced cotton fabric produced locally.

It’s a pity that the cotton batting from wild kapok trees is small and poor, so we can only weave this inferior quality. It’s really shameful.”

Kobata Nobuzada sighed after hearing this and said.

"There are clouds in the sky. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles."

I have lived in a remote and remote area for a long time, and I am really ignorant. I didn’t know that the island country already had Sanhe cotton cloth, which made Master Chinghai laugh.

Although this cotton is of poor quality, it is still cotton, Sanada-hime, you have made a fortune."

I am really envious of Nobuzada Obata.

I don’t know where Sanada Nobushige found this wild nun to be so capable.

Since the end of last year, the Sanada Territory has been purchasing matsutake mushrooms from mountain residents. It is said that Master Chinghai brought the technology of making dried matsutake mushrooms.

Sanada Nobushige shamelessly went to Shiba Yiyin again and got the merchant ship position from Naoetsu to Konki.

Using these worthless matsutake mushrooms in the mountains, Sanada made a lot of dried matsutake mushrooms and sold them as far away as Kyoto along the Hokuriku Road trade route. Sanada Nobushige made a lot of money.

The most important thing is that as long as there is the technology to dry matsutake, mountain matsutake will continue to be sold for takeout. This is a good and steady business.

This time, Azuma County produced cotton cloth again. No matter how inferior the cotton cloth is, it is still cotton cloth.

The island country is barren, and farmers at the bottom of the family may only have one pair of trousers, which they wear when they go out. They don't wear clothes when working in the fields, for fear that the crops will damage their clothes.

To save energy during the New Year, I bought a meter and a half of low-quality linen clothes to keep out the wind. I had already saved up for a long time in the good years, so that I could improve my life.

No matter how cheap this low-quality cotton is, it can't be cheaper than linen, right?

Things are rare and expensive, and cotton that cannot be produced in the island country is higher than linen. Even if Mikawa cotton is available now, it is sold to Kyoto. There is no such rare thing in Kanto.

Sanada is responsible for producing cotton cloth, which is equivalent to running a money printing machine at home. There are no hundred-yuan bills, but small denominations of five yuan and ten yuan are still money!

Obata Nobuzada's envy was noticed by Sanada Nobushige, and he laughed.

"There's no way to make a fortune, this low-quality cotton can't be sold for much money.

Master Ching Hai is organizing people to search for improved kapok tree seeds in the mountains.

If we can find high-yield cotton varieties and transplant them into more varieties, the quality of this cotton cloth may be even better in ten or eight years."

Obata Nobuzada subconsciously curled her lips, feeling that Sanada Nobushige really didn't show off enough today. This nouveau riche look made people uncomfortable.

When Kobata Shinzada was unhappy, Miyoshi Kiyomi suddenly interrupted.

"Actually, there are many kapok trees not only in Azuma County, but also in Nishi Ueno."

Kobata Nobuzada was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"Is this true?"

Miyoshi Qinghai smiled.

“Both are basins surrounded by mountains, and they are adjacent in location, with similar geography and climate. Kapok trees can grow in Azuma County, and naturally there are also ones in Nishi Ueno.

In fact, when I visited various places in Nishi Ueno, I saw a lot of kapok trees, and by the way, there are quite a few near Kunimine Castle."

Kobata Nobuzada took a breath of air and was suddenly speechless. She suddenly realized that this was the meat of today's drama.

She turned back to look at Sanada Nobushige, who chuckled and said.

“The mountainous wilderness of Nishi Ueno is really incomparable to the plains and rivers of Higashi Ueno.

People say that the Shino clan and I are poor in the Koshino Mountains. From my point of view, the West Ueno clan is not much better.

Fortunately, there are delicacies and trees in the mountains. We can dig matsutake mushrooms and collect cotton wool, and we can still live a prosperous life.

As long as I, Nobushige Sanada, am here, I will definitely lead the people of the West to live a good life."

Kobata Nobuzada was silent for a while and then said.

"Can the peak leaders of our country also share in the benefits of matsutake and kapok?"

Sanada Nobushige said to Master Chinghai.

"Master Chinghai has been traveling all over Nishi Ueno these days and has found a lot of good things. The mountain treasures are not just matsutake mushrooms, nor are there only kapok trees in the mountains.

Kobata-hime, I don’t like to beat around the bush, I just like to tell the truth.

The skills of dried mountain delicacies and cotton weaving cannot be leaked out. It’s not that I can’t trust Kobata-hime, but I’m really afraid that bastards from other places will secretly learn it and steal business from us.

But don’t worry, I only charge a processing fee for the delicacies dug out by Guofengling. I will sell them to Kyoto via the Hokuriku Road trade route. The cost of processing along the way will be deducted, and I will not earn you a penny more.

Master Qinghai will also help Guofeng collar transplant kapok trees and teach cotton picking. The harvested cotton wadding will be woven here for me, and only the processing fee will be charged. If you find better varieties in the future, Guofeng City will also share the seeds.

You and I teamed up to take over the land of Nishi Ueno. Our love is as strong as gold. I regard you as my elder sister in my heart. I cannot live without your elder sister's bite."

Kobata Nobuzada's eyes twinkled.

No matter who has mastered the technology of drying mountain delicacies and weaving cotton cloth, it will not be spread to outsiders. Sanada Nobushige is willing to help Nobata Nobuya process it for free, so that the Obata family can make a big profit. This is already full of sincerity.

What's more, this is also a bargaining chip in the hands of Sanada Nobushige. As long as the Obata family still holds this benefit, in order to continuously make dried mountain delicacies and cotton cloth, it is impossible to fall out with the Sanada family.

But Sanada Nobushige's benefits are not given in vain. Once Obata Nobuzada agrees, he must help.

The blood in Jilun City has not dried yet, and the people of Jilun now dare not speak out in anger.

Even if Obata Nobusada wanted to help Sanada Nobutano, she had to weigh whether she was worthy enough. Don't end up failing to help others and end up being disgraced and losing all face.

Seeing Nobata's hesitation, Sanada Nobushige was a little anxious. She wanted to say something, but Umino Riichi beat her to it.

Umino Riichi bowed and said.

"Lord Xiaobata, my master has been entrusted by the Great Council to serve as the first non-permanent Lao Zhong.

The Lord cares about Nishi Ueno, so he naturally wants to fight for the interests of the Nishi Ueno samurai family. But this is not the case. After this year's situation, others will always take advantage.

But the Nishi-Ueno samurai family can't let others take advantage of it every year, right? Fortunately, Mr. Kohata is here, and my master is not alone."

Obata Nobuzada narrowed his eyes, and Umino Riichi spoke in a cold voice, but the hidden meaning behind his words made Obata Nobuzada feel hot in his heart.

Listening to Umino Riichi, will Sanada Nobushige also help him fight for a non-permanent senior middle school term?

Obata Nobusada was expelled by Nagano Yamasa and fled to Toshin. Later, he was persuaded by Sanada Yukitaka to defect to his granddaughter Sanada Nobunshige and seek explanation from the Kanto Minister.

Since the Kohata family in Kunamine City was considered to be a well-known family, Yiyin gave her the status of the United Front and placed her in Azuma County, so Kobata Nobuzada is also qualified to serve as a non-permanent member of the Standing Council.

But the rotation thing seems fair, but in fact it is about politics. If there is no one to help you, who will let you rise to the top?

Kobata Nobuzada took a deep breath and said.

"Sanada-hime, you and I are allies, and we are comrades who fought together in the bloody battle against Nishi Ueno. Of course I would like you to become the leader of the Nishi Ueno samurai family.

But you also know that many people from the Jilun clan have died, so it is not easy to convince them."

Sanada Nobushige clapped his hands and laughed and said.

"As long as Obata-hime is willing to help, everything else can be easily discussed. I'm not a stingy person, so I won't let you convince the Minawa people with nothing.

The rare mountains and trees in Azuma County can be found in Nishi Ueno, and the position of the United Front is still being applied for expansion. As long as they sincerely accept my Sanada family in Azuma County, I am willing to share wealth and wealth with them.

Of course, for them, I don’t just charge a small processing fee. If they want to discuss the benefits, they must be under the leadership of you and me."

Sanada Nobushige's statement made Obata Nobuzada very satisfied.

On the one hand, Sanada Nobushige prepared chips for Obata Nobusada to persuade Minawa, giving her the confidence to promote this matter.

On the other hand, the status of the Obata family is obviously higher than that of other families in Nishi Ueno. In terms of economic benefits, the Obata family takes the lion's share. In terms of political power, the Obata family is also the only one.

After Sanada Nobushige said this, Obata Nobuzada really had no reason to reject her anymore.

Xiaobata Xinzhen smiled reservedly and said.

"In that case, I'll give it a try."

Sanada Nobushige bowed.

"I've caused trouble to Obata-hime. I'll leave everything to you."

Obata Nobusada, who had benefited greatly from Sanada Nobushige, saw that this little ally was becoming more and more pleasing to his eyes, and he hoped to further narrow the relationship between the two parties.

Kobata Nobuzada tentatively said.

"You're too polite, Sanada-hime. A young and promising girl like you will charm many famous men, hahaha."

In Obata Nobuzada's eyes, Sanada Nobushige was a rude mountain monkey before, but now he has transformed into a quick wife riding a dragon.

Although Obata Nobuzada herself does not have a son, she can adopt an adopted son from a branch line to marry Sanada Nobutano and further consolidate the alliance between the two.

But Obata Nobuzada's temptation shocked Sanada Nobushige.

Sanada Nobunaga's heart has long been filled with Shiba Yoshigan. She has been pursuing atonement and expressing her love all her life, so how could she be willing to marry the Obata family.

Sanada Nobushige looked around as if asking for help, only to find that Miyoshi Seikai looked in agreement, and Umino Riichi, a strategist who knew his ins and outs, had a cold face, but his eyes were full of teasing.

Damn it, no one is helping me, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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