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Chapter 1420 The Unspeakable Transaction

 These big bosses all have deep backgrounds and close relationships with the Sibo family. If they are found in the accounts, Sibo Yiyin will have to scratch his head.

The Ichigo Sect is the largest partner of the Hokuriku Road trade route in recent years, and the Tendai Sect is an old wealthy man who occupies the Kyoto business center.

The Rinzai sect was the sect that was promoted by the Ashikaga shogun family to compete with the Tendai sect. The family background of the Gozan family in Kyoto is deep.

These three sects are the richest and have invested the most money. The old and new Shingon sects as far away as Koyasan and Wakayama can only salivate.

The Shiba family has a good relationship with the various sects, and it is impossible for Shiba Yiyin to fall out with them just because of a small insider transaction.

Needless to say, the four families of Hosokawa, Mibuchi, Ninagawa and Hatakeyama were all supporters of Yoshihide Shiba in the shogunate and part of Shiba's political territory.

There are also Asai Nagamasa of Kitaomi and Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County. They have a good personal relationship with Yoshihiro Shiba, and their territorial locations are sensitive and of great strategic significance.

There are problems with the accounts implicating these forces. Can the auditor use this to attack Takada Harano? Could it be said that Takada Harano has ulterior motives in transferring benefits to these forces?

But if the auditor turns a blind eye to these obvious problems and attacks Takada Harano with some problems that are deeply hidden and scattered and difficult to understand, how is it possible to succeed?

Takada Haruno herself said that Yoshigan Shiba believed in their sisters. As long as there was no bombshell such as rebellion, Yoshigan Shiba's trust in their sisters would not be shaken at all.

Therefore, what Takada Harano needs to do is not to make sure that the accounts of the interrogator are OK, but to prevent these problems from causing trouble to himself. Only by muddying the water can he get through.

The Sibo family is like a fast-growing company. Not long after it opened its doors, the chairman ran out to open a Kanto branch, leaving the recent head office to a group of major shareholders.

These major shareholders have been operating for several years, developed the company very well, and opened up a lot of business, but they already have their own business, and it is difficult for even the chairman to put his hands into their territory.

The arbitrary actions of the company's top management have resulted in a very unequal power and responsibility between a major shareholder like Takada Yono and the small shareholders.

Takada Harano opened up business in the name of Spo Corporation, but after making money, she held the hilt of profit distribution in her own hands.

She can give the company as much as she wants, and the company can't figure out her specific business. How can such a company continue to operate for a long time?

Of course, it is impossible for Takada Haruno to take away the money and run away with her sister-in-law, because she loves Shiba Yiyin and is still thinking about the beautiful future of living a three-person world with her sister and her master.

But from the perspective of the overall interests of the company, we cannot accept such a deceptive status quo.

In the past, when the company was in its development period, many rules and regulations were not perfect, so the only option was to delegate power first, improve the subjective initiative of talents like Takada Yono, encourage them to do more practical things, and focus on performance.

Now that the company has grown in size, it has begun to consider how to operate in a long-term and stable manner, and one after another it is necessary to put in place futile rules and regulations.

The rights of major shareholders must be subject to supervision and restrictions, even if this will reduce efficiency, make the company bloated, and cause the disease of large companies where people are superfluous, there will be no hesitation.

In particular, the emergence of the Shiba Zhong Fund further enhanced the control desire of the Shiba Retainers Group.

If the Hokurikudo trade route opened by Takada Harano was a fishing ground, then the Shibachu Fund would be the most arrogant fishing boat in the fishing ground.

The boat can be sailed at will, the fish can be caught at will, and the fish caught will be a guaranteed welfare for each shareholder of the Spo family, large and small.

In the past, the Spars family was just the Spars Bank of China and the top management of the Spars family. But now there is the Sporzhong Fund, which is the common interest of all shareholders, large and small, and of course they are very concerned about it.

Although Takada Haruno has made great contributions in developing fishing grounds, improving laws and regulations is the common aspiration of all shareholders. Even if Yoshihiro Shiba believes in her, the family business will definitely embark on the path of institutional formalization.

It can't be like an imperfect financial system and half-baked company laws that help major shareholders take advantage of loopholes and use the name of the company to infringe on the rights and interests of small shareholders, right?

When you make money, the money goes into the pockets of the major shareholders. When you lose money, it's none of my business. It's a loss on the company's accounts, and it's stamped with the company's seal. If you have any problems, go to the company.

After swallowing the payment for the goods, they swallowed the property fees, and held a swearing-in meeting in the name of chicken blood. People who buy this company's products are unlucky, and so are the small shareholders who invested in the company.

Takada Harano understands very well that confrontation is not enough, she must cooperate, and she must cooperate proactively.

The emergence of the Integrity Public and the Questioning Party means that Sibo Yiyin is thinking about and exploring the system construction of the Sibo family and improving the laws of the Sibo family.

This is an irreversible trend. She can only follow it and cannot go against it, otherwise she will be extinct from the Sibo family.

Takada Yono sighed and said to Imai Munehisa.

"Do what I want. There is still plenty of time now. You should first prepare to hand over the previous years' accounts to the inquiring party and wait for the order from the Lord.

Imai-hime, I trust you very much, just go ahead and do it, don’t let me down."

Imai Munehisa bowed and left. Just as he walked out of the sliding door, he was shivered by the oncoming dark wind.

Only then did she realize that it was already dark outside, and the late autumn night wind was getting colder and colder, making it look chilling and lonely.

Imai Munehisa couldn't help but smile bitterly and walked out silently, thinking about his thoughts.

Takada Haruno said that she believed in her loyalty. There was no such thing as loyalty. It was just that she was too deeply involved and could not look back.

Imai Munehisa, who was originally a merchant, was promoted as a Hime Samurai by Takada Haruno and entered the Shiba family to serve as an official. Now he has been awarded the Hundred Stones of Knowledge and Practice by Shiba Yoshigan, which is comparable to the middle-level samurai family.

The benefits of this class leap made countless businessmen in Sakai Port jealous. It was only after Tsuda Muneki saw the story of Imai Sohisa's rise to prominence that he decided to join the Oda family and seek a future.

Now that the Oda family has evacuated in panic and the Miyoshi family has returned to Sakai Port, I don't know whether Tsuda Muneki will be able to endure it or whether he regrets it.

Imai Munejiu was stunned for a moment, and shook his head bitterly. He was already too busy to take care of himself, so he had no time to care about Tsuda Muneki's pain.

Takada Yono has just repeatedly emphasized that he trusts Imai Munehisa and recognizes her loyalty, which means that all accounting matters related to the docking party will be left to Imai Munehisa.

Is this really trust?

Imai Munehisa knew in his heart that he was Takada Haruno's last firewall.

Although Takada Yono swore that Shiba Yoshigan believed in their sisters the most and nothing would happen to them.

But if Takada Haruno is really so confident, why does she carefully put Imai Munehisa in front and doesn't directly handle the accounts herself?

Because once the situation gets out of control, Imai Munehisa's white gloves will be thrown out. This is the last insurance for Takada Haruno to survive.

Imai Munehisa knew that Takada Yono would never abandon him unless absolutely necessary. He was a capable business assistant.

But when the day comes when push comes to shove, Takada Haruno will definitely let herself take the blame without hesitation, and she won't be able to resist at all.

Because the Imai family was already a samurai family and had finally become a member of the ruling class, Imai Munehisa was unwilling to go back to the old path of merchants even if he died.

Imai Munehisa was a person promoted by Takada Harano. A businessman with her background is actually not much better than Kondo Isamu and Mibu wolves.

Kondo Isamu and the others pledged their loyalty to Takada Yukino, so Imai Munehisa followed Takada Haruno closely.

The status of the Takada sisters in front of Yoshihiro Shiba is the basis for their group to survive in Shiba's family.

If Takada Haruno falls, the Imai family will be a party of criminals who can be manipulated by others.

Only if Sohisa Imai uses his own life to help Takada Haruno pass the test, can the Imai family's identity as a samurai continue to be protected by Takada Haruno and have the opportunity to continue the family name.

This is the tacit understanding and unspeakable deal between Takada Yono and Imai Munehisa.


A letter from Shiba Yoshigan shocked Takada Yono, who was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai during the chaos between the Oda family and the Miyoshi family.

During the siege of Mount Hiei, this noble Genji elder came back from Kanto to appeal for peace. He paid homage to the mountain and went to the temple in anticipation of the ladies, and attracted much attention.

Unknowingly, Shiba Yiyin has become a very important person.

The concubines under his command admired him, and the martial arts all over the world loved him. After a hundred years of war, they gradually became disgusted with the concubines who could not see the future, and longed for the new path of peace advocated by him.

That is a beautiful vision that can bring happiness to all martial arts families without bloodshed or sacrifice.

At this time in Kitaomi, Hashiba Hideyoshi had just become a high-ranking martial artist of the Oda family, and was silently burning his own light and heat under the radiant light of Oda Nobunaga.

Since taking over Oda Nobunaga's mission, Hashiba Hideyoshi and Takenaka Shigeharu began to plan a rebellion against Isono Watamasa.

Taking advantage of Asai Nagamasa's strategic contraction after the Battle of Anegawa, Hideyoshi Hideyoshi asked Niwa Nagahide, who was in charge of logistics affairs in Minamiomi, to help him build a blockade against Sawayama Castle.

She erected deer walls around Mount Sawa and built fortifications, cutting off all connections between Mount Sawa and the outside world.

The Oda army that attacked Yokoyama Castle and Minami Omi was far more numerous than the defenders of Sawayama Castle. Isono Tamashi could only watch himself being besieged and kept writing letters to Asai Nagamasa for help.

These letters were intercepted by Hashiba Hideyoshi, who continued to spread rumors to Otani Castle that Masaru Isono wanted to surrender to the enemy.

Asai Nagamasa wrote several times to inquire, but Hideyoshi Hideyoshi did not stop him. However, the reply letter sent by Isono Danmasa could not be delivered to his master.

After going back and forth, Asai Nagamasa couldn't help but doubt Isono Watamasa's intentions. Why did her messenger always leave and never return? Could she really have had her heart turned against her?

The Isono family was a powerful samurai family from Kitanomi who lived in Isonoyama Castle for generations. It was not far from Yamamotoyama Castle and was also an important town behind Kashou Otani Castle.

As a member of the Asami family who ruled Kita Omi, the important ministers of Kyogoku, the Isono family once caused a lot of trouble to the Asai family of Shimogami.

The Asai family has ruled Kitaomi for only three generations. Except for the Akao family who are in-laws, Asai Nagamasa is actually not at ease with the Kitaomi samurai family.

At that time, the Asai family was not strong enough to suppress Kitaomi, and they also expelled the guardian Kyogoku family, losing a lot of points politically.

In order to gain support, the Asai family could only rely on alliance autonomy, giving local samurai families great autonomy in exchange for their submission.

But this time, the Oda family's increasing pressure gave the already loose Kitaomi Alliance signs of collapse.

Asai Nagamasa was defeated at Anegawa, which inevitably made him nervous, and he became suspicious of Isono Umasa.

At this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi relaxed the blockade of Sawayama Castle, allowing Isono Umasa's letter of request for help to reach Otani Castle.

But the rift that had already occurred made Asai Nagamasa no longer trust Isono Umasa.

She was eager to unite with the Asakura family and march to the west bank of Lake Biwa together. She wanted to take advantage of Oda Nobunaga's long expedition to Settsu Province to break through Sakamoto Castle and resist the oppression of the Oda family.

And Masa Isono, who was abandoned by his master, had to fall into an even more embarrassing siege.

In the end, Hashiba Hideyoshi spread the news to Sawayama Castle that Asai Asakura's coalition forces were trapped on Mount Hiei, which became the last straw for Isono Watamasa.

Hengshan City, residence hall.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was sitting on the main seat, looking at Samurai Hime who bowed and said goodbye, and said.

"Fujido-hime, have a nice trip."

After Todo Takatora's figure disappeared outside the door, Hashiba Hideyoshi said excitedly to Takenaka Shigeharu beside him.

"Hime Takenaka, we succeeded."

Takenaka Shigeharu bowed and said.

"Congratulations, you have completed the first task of the hall."

After all, Isono no Masaru bowed his head. If she did not surrender, the boss of the Isono family would be surrounded and killed in Sawayama Castle. Compared with the continuation of the family business, whether Isono nomasa himself was loyal or not was irrelevant.

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded excitedly and couldn't help but stand up from his seat and pace back and forth.

"Don't touch Masa Isono for the time being, and transport some supplies to Sawayama Castle to appease her mood. We will deal with it after the situation on Mount Hiei has settled down and the main hall returns.

The most important thing is to spread the news of Isono Umasa's surrender to Otani Castle.

Her father is serving as a hostage in Odani Castle. When the siege of Mount Hiei is lifted, His Majesty Asai, who returns to Odani Castle in disgrace, will definitely be furious when he learns the news.

It would be best if His Majesty Asai could kill her father with one sword, severing the relationship between the two of them as monarch and minister, and completely eliminating the possibility of Isono Tamashiro turning around.

In this way, we can safely use her to persuade Aguan Zhengzheng of Yamamoto Mountain Castle to complete the second task assigned by the main hall."

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled and nodded.

How to complete Oda Nobunaga's two difficult betrayal missions, they repeatedly deduced many times, and this was the result of Isono Tamashi's helpless surrender.

Isono Umasa's status in the Asai family is extraordinary, he is the second most powerful figure in the samurai sect after Akao Kiyoshizuna.

Her surrender will be the first domino toppled and a signal for Kitanomi's non-Asai direct lineage to defect.

Asai Nagamasa, who had returned from the setback at Mount Hiei, would definitely be very impatient and eager to suppress this evil trend of surrender. As a hostage, the father of Masa Isono would probably be killed to scare the monkeys.

And this step is exactly what Hashiba Hideyoshi hopes to see.

The Isono family submitted to three generations of the Asai family. If no blood was shed when they broke up, Hideyoshi Hashiba would not dare to use her with confidence.

After all, Hideyoshi Hashiba was not Oda Nobunaga, he was not that confident and he was not that ambitious.

This chapter has been completed!
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