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Chapter 1485 Warring States Version of The Tale of Genji

 Ohkuma Asahide controls the practice, and Sanada Nobushige’s Nishijeno souvenirs want to do foreign trade, and it is indispensable to deal with the practice.

If the big bear Asohide is really annoyed, just mess with these mountain monkeys, and the Nishijono souvenirs will be ruined and cannot be transported out.

Sanada Nobushige was not afraid of the faint threat from the big bear Asahide, she grinned.

"Big Bear Girl, don't scare me. You know that people in our mountains have a straight-minded mind and cannot listen to roundabout words.

The benefits of dried matsutake and kapok cloth are what your Majesty personally promised me, and they will be used to subsidize the poor warriors in the mountains as a means of self-reliance.

If you cut off the livelihood of the mountain people, I can't guarantee that they will just wait to starve to death. When the time comes, I'm afraid that you, the head of the training center, may not be able to shoulder this responsibility."

Daxiong Chaoxiu was trembling with anger, but she really didn't dare to say harsh words anymore.

Sanada Nobushige is right, the mountain people are unruly, and the mountain warriors are so poor that they only have one life left. These guys are all desperadoes, and they are the most capable of fighting in the Kanto Palace.

It was hard for the mountain people to have enough to eat for a few days. If Daxiong Chaoxiu really secretly blocked their way of making money, these people would not know how to obey the rules.

If someone really comes to the monastery with a knife and kills him, Daxiong Chaoxiu will also be frightened.

Daxiong Chaoxiu's subordinates are loyal to everyone, eat well, drink well, and wear good shoes. I really don't want to fight these barefoot rogue savages.

She just threatened Sanada Nobunari, but she didn't expect that Sanada Nobunari's threat to retaliate had more weight, which immediately made her lose face.

Big Bear snorted at Chao Xiu and changed his reason.

"You said you were implementing the resolution of the Standing Council. Well, we will abolish this resolution today!"

Sanada Nobushige raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"Big Bear Ji, you personally cannot represent the Standing Council, I don't agree!"

Daxiong Chaoxiu was so angry that her heart was beating wildly. She took a few deep breaths and decided not to talk nonsense with this fool. She looked at the other people.

Ogasawara Nagatoki and Oda Ujiharu averted their eyes. Ohuma Asahiu also knew that these two idiots would not express their stance first, but would definitely follow the trend and finally follow the crowd's stance.

Their strength is low, and everyone knows that they are just background. If your Majesty really wants to pursue the case in the future, they will cry miserably and give in. Your Majesty will be benevolent and will not quarrel with them.

The two powerful men who can decide the direction of the Big Bear Sanada fight are Yukimori Yamanaka and Takeo Shimakatsu.

Da Xiong Chao Xiu looked at the two of them and said harshly.

"Yamanaka Princess, Island Princess, Your Majesty's letter is here, please express your stance."

Da Xiong Chao Xiu didn't want to talk nonsense with these two bastards who had tricked him. With Shiba Yiyin's letter in front of him, if they still persisted in their stubbornness, Da Xiong Chao Xiu would immediately write a letter and report them.

She finally figured out that these three people, Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsume and Sanada Nobushige, were in the same group!

As long as they continue to act foolishly, Ohkuma Asahide will be able to pull himself out of the whirlpool after today's performance and the testimony of Ogasawara Nagatoki and Oda Ujiharu.

I will write a letter to your Majesty later and tell the truth clearly about the three people's disobedience to discipline and disobedience to your Majesty.

I believe that your Majesty is wise and will not embarrass a loyal and loyal minister like me. If you are wronged and your debts are owed, you can go and settle the accounts with these three bastards if you are unhappy.

Daxiong Chaoxiu's calculations were rattling in her mind, but everyone was not a fool and could see her thoughts like a mirror.

Sanada Nobushige bowed slightly to Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo and said solemnly.

"You two, please don't forget what your Majesty suffered in Yantian City.

Some people just want to keep their power and position and do not understand what true loyalty is. But you are different. You are the most considerate and considerate people in the king.

There is a saying in the heaven that when you are a minister, the king will worry about his ministers' hard work, and the king will humiliate his ministers to death. I believe you two must understand this truth."

Daxiong Chaohide and Sanada Nobushige looked at each other, their eyes intersecting like lightning, and then they looked at Yamanaka Yukimori and Shimakatsu Takeru to see what they had to say.

Ogasawara Nagatomo and Oda Ujiharu huddled next to each other, wishing they could disappear on the spot. Takeda's conquest involved the bloodline of Shiba Yigin's descendants, and they did not want to get involved in this muddy water.

The scene was eerily silent. Just as the atmosphere became increasingly tense, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then a knock on the door.

Yamanaka Yukimori, as the deacon of the Kanto Palace and the host of the standing committee, frowned and shouted.

"The Standing Council is holding an emergency review, please do not interrupt!"

The person outside the door said calmly.

"Master Yamanaka, there is news coming from Kasugayama Castle."

Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo are both the same.

There had been no movement from Uesugi Terutora of Kasugayama Castle before, so they asked Kirigakure Saizo to help keep an eye on Kasugayama Castle and requested to report the situation as soon as possible without delay.

The Kanto part of the confidentiality team is in the hands of Kirigakure Saizou. Before Shiba Yoshigan left, he also asked Kirigakure Saizo to help the standing council as appropriate.

Therefore, Kirigakure Saizo agreed and helped them watch the movements of Kasugayama Castle.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment when the Standing Council decided, Kasugayama Castle responded.

Yamanaka Yukimori glanced at the five people present, remained silent for a while, and said.

"come in."

The sliding door opened a little, and the person who appeared was none other than Kirigakure Zaizou. She saluted to the six of them, and the six of them returned the salute slightly.

Although Kirigakure Saizo is only a jounin, she has the status of a samurai family with knowledge and skills, and she is also the head of the intelligence agency directly affiliated with Yoshigan.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. Although the six of them are distinguished directors, there is no harm in giving Kirigakure a little respect.

After bowing to each other, Yamanaka Yukimori asked.

"What's going on in Kasugayama Castle?"

Kirigakure Saizo said.

"Early this morning, Tsutaden's letter was delivered to Kasugayama Castle.

At three quarters of noon, news came out in the city. It was said that His Highness Uesugi had picked up an abandoned baby girl on the roadside today and decided to adopt her as an adopted daughter. She would name her Miyuki Uesugi and make her the heir to the Uesugi family.

Also, His Highness Uesugi has decided to become a monk. He will ask Koni of the Shingon sect to preside over the ceremony in the near future. The Buddhist title has already been taken, and he will be called Kenshin.

The directors' review is important, so Kirigakure Saizou didn't dare to disturb you, so he resigned first."

From the beginning to the end, Kirigakure Saikou didn't even enter the door. He just closed the door and ran away after finishing his words.

She is the head of the intelligence agency, and she only knows a lot more than the six directors there.

Takeda Shingen put the matter of Shiba's heirs on the table, and Uesugi Kenshin was not willing to be outdone. Kirigakure Saizo did not dare to interfere at all. He just ran away after doing his duty, and he was unscrupulous.

Takeda Rena's identity and Uesugi Miyuki's identity are all obvious.

In recent times, Momochi Santao and Fujibayashi Mukui have been sending letters one after another urging for assistance. They want all kinds of information and are very anxious.

Kirigakure knew that there must have been a lot of trouble at this moment, and she didn't care about the factional strife within the confidentiality team, and gave everything she deserved.

In addition to Shiba Yoshigan, there must be many important officials of the Shiba family who want to get information. Their intelligence authority varies, but it is not Kirigakure's turn to worry about distributing information.

The third wife of Momochi is here, so it must be very difficult now. As for Fujibayashi Mukuro, Kirigakure Saizo didn't dare to think too much about it, so she just gave it to her. Her authority was enough anyway.

Kirigakure hid and ran away, leaving the six directors in the room looking at each other.

From the moment Takeda Reina arrived at Tamonyama Castle, everyone knew that this child was the son of Shiba Yoshigan, and Takeda Shingen's trick of hiding the child naturally became ineffective.

But today, Uesugi Teruhora did the same thing again, and he played it extremely impetuously, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't notice.

In the morning, the whole process of adoption, succession, and ordination was completed, and the Dharma name of Qianxin was also given. This is to show that the chariot and horse are in line with Sibo Yiyin. Everyone in the world knows that Qianxin is the Dharma name of Sibo Yiyin!

The faces of Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsume and Sanada Nobushige were particularly ugly. The doubts hidden in their hearts were finally confirmed.

Kenshin Uesugi is a bastard. She really had a selfish motive for launching the Takeda Conquest. She wanted to kill Rena Takeda and pave the way for her own Uesugi Miyuki.

Now that Rena Takeda has come to Luo, her identity has been made public. Kenshin Uesugi no longer hides it, and directly reveals his identity as Miyuki Uesugi. This is to embarrass Yoshigan Shiba.

Don’t you value your flesh and bones? The palms and backs of your hands are all flesh, let’s see what you do!

Daxiong Chaoxiu's eyes were filled with stars. The situation was so chaotic that she didn't even know what to say. After a long while, she spoke weakly.

"How is it? Do you still want to fight?"

Daosheng sighed fiercely.

"Withdraw the resolution."

Sanada Nobushige narrowed his eyes.

"Shimahime you..."

Shima Sheng interrupted her fiercely.

"Sanada-hime! Your Majesty can write to us, so naturally you can also write to His Highness Uesugi and His Highness Hojo.

I know that you have sincere feelings for Jintadoden, but at this moment, things are out of our control, so please calm down first."

When Dao Shengmeng said that his emotions were sincere, Big Bear glanced at Chao Xiu with a hint of disdain. He was another toad who wanted to eat swan meat. She really dared to think about wild monkeys in the mountains.

Sanada Nobushige was speechless by Shima Katsuo's words.

The birth of a daughter by Takeda Uesugi has already changed the situation of Yoshihiro Shiba being childless, and the political situation within the Shiba family is about to undergo major changes.

And Yoshigan Shiba was dedicated to protecting the Takeda family. Whether it was the Kanto Palace or the Hojo family of the Uesugi family, it was difficult for all parties to disobey Yoshigan Shiba and continue to fight the war.

If it cannot be fatal with one blow, given Takeda Shingen's military talent and the easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack Koshinobu Mountains, this military operation will inevitably be protracted.

A protracted campaign is unrealistic in itself. Without the support of Yoshihiro Shiba, the Takeda expedition is doomed to fail halfway.

This is not something that Nobunaga Sanada can push forward with his own insistence. Shimakatsu Takeshi had good intentions and reminded Sanada Nobunaga to stop when he sees good.

If you stop now, everyone can still say that you have humiliated your ministers and died. Although your actions are reckless, your intentions are good, and your Majesty will not hold a grudge too much.

If Sanada Nobushige continues to be stubborn like this, he will probably hate Shiba Yoshigan, and by then no one will be able to protect her.

Sanada Nobunaga closed her eyes in pain. She climbed up through all the obstacles over the years, and finally got the chance to kill Takeda Shingen and wash away her shame.

But now, this opportunity has passed.


Just as Shima Katsuki expected, Yoshigan Shiba did write a letter to Hojo Ushimasa.

But because of the war on the Tokaido Road, this letter was sent along the Hokuriku Road trade route and went in a big circle before arriving at Odawara Castle.

By the time Hojo Ushimasa received the letter, the news from Echigo Kingdom had also arrived in front of her.

Hojo Ushimasa had already guessed the identity of Takeda Rena, and confirmed it through Oyamada Nobushige. However, Hojo Ushimasa knew nothing about the fact that Uesugi Terutora was also pregnant with Shiba Yoshigan's seed.

Odawara Castle, castle tower.

After reading Yoshigan Shiba's letter on the case and hearing the information about Fuuma's younger sister, Hojo Ushimasa's eyes showed a hint of confusion.

She originally thought that she and Uesugi Kenshin had the same thoughts and wanted to work together to seek justice for Yoshihiro Shiba.

Unexpectedly, Terutora Uesugi actually hid such a dirty conspiracy. He wanted to use the Takeda Conquest to kill Reina Takeda and pave the way for his daughter.

Understanding this, Hojo Umasa didn't feel too angry, but felt a little melancholy. She was wondering how sad Yoshigan Shiba would be after knowing the truth?

The life of this extraordinary man, who is praised by the world as the patron saint of the martial arts family, is a tragedy.

After experiencing the tragedy of the clan's annihilation, he managed to revive his family business, but he was targeted by beasts one after another, who used all kinds of means to steal his bloodline and covet his family business.

Hojo Ushimasa took a deep breath and wished he could protect him from the wind and rain. Although he was the governor of the Hojo family, he had no right to act arbitrarily. He could only watch him fall into a sea of ​​misery and be unable to extricate himself.

The younger Fuuma bowed and left, leaving only the Hojo Ujimasa and a few important ministers from the Hojo sect, including Hojo Genan, Hojo Yasuzune, and Hojo Yasunari.

The Sano leader joined forces in the battle, and the Hojo family was severely defeated. A large number of clan leaders and important officials were killed in the battle. The Hojo clan government, which was burdened with this original sin, was always constrained in exercising the power of the family governor, making it difficult to achieve anything.

Today, the situation in Kanto has tended to ease, and the three generations of the Hojo family have worked hard to govern, and their will to pioneer and enterprising has begun to dull.

Hojo Ujimasa can be a conservative king, but if she wants to follow the example of her predecessors in opening up new territories, some people will bring up the Sano Leader War and doubt her ability, leaving her unable to persuade her retainers to advance.

She was able to send troops to the Suruga Kingdom because of the unified actions of the Kanto Palace and the cooperation of Uesugi Kenshin. The Hojo retainers coveted the wealth of the Suruga Kingdom and were relieved.

Now Yoshihiro Shiba has written a letter warning that the Hojo clan cannot be arbitrary and arbitrary, and needs to be consulted by the public.

Hojo Genan is the second generation of Hojo, and Hojo Yasutune and Hojo Yasunari are the third generation heirs. The fourth generation family governor of Hojo Ujimasa must be feeling aggrieved, so he can only humbly ask the elders for advice.

She looked at Hojo Genan and asked.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Hojo Genan, a diplomatic nun, has been active in the Hojo family's diplomatic front for decades, and has never seen such a weird scene. It is simply the samurai version of The Tale of Genji.

If The Tale of Genji is a history of aristocrats causing chaos in the public family, is Yoshigami Shiba's peerless appearance considered the bane of the samurai family?

Yoshigan Shiba, Shingen Takeda, Terutora Uesugi, all the famous samurai names were now entangled in the love between their children, which made the samurai who focused on practicality incomprehensible and confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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