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Chapter 1491 It will no longer be popular

 Yiyin felt a little confident, so he ordered.

"Maeda's interests, you lead the army to secure the pass, guard Yamashiro Kingdom, and guard against sneak attacks by the Oda army."


"Akechi Mitsuhide, continue to maintain negotiations with Araki Murashige, Matsunagahide, Hatano Hideharu, and other large and small samurai families inside and outside the shogunate, and stabilize them for me."


"Kamoji Township, take a team with me to Ishiyama Sakai Port."

Pu Shengshixiang asked.

"Your Majesty, how will your Highness arrange it?"

There was something strange in the eyes of Maeda Yoshida and Akechi Mitsuhide, and they were obviously disturbed by the behavior of Kamao Clan calling Reina your Highness and expressing concern.

Yiyin said.

"Let's travel quickly and return quickly. It's inconvenient to take her with us, so let her live in the mansion."


After Yoshigami finished his instructions, Maeda and the Kamao clan left to go and do some work, but Akechi Mitsuhide sat still.

When Maeda Yoshida and Kamao Clan walked outside the door, they couldn't help but look back at Mitsuhide Akechi. Mitsuhide Akechi looked back at them, smiled and nodded goodbye, looking very embarrassed.

It wasn't until they disappeared that Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Yoshigan with a smile.

Yiyin asked.

"Is there something we can't talk about just now? Do we have to wait for them to leave?"

Yoshihiro was a little dissatisfied with Akechi Mitsuhide's move. Sincere unity was needed before the war, and everyone should make an open and honest gesture.

Even if Akechi Mitsuhide had some things that were not convenient for him to say in public, he should still find another opportunity to sneak over. She was so careless and didn't leave. Wasn't she deliberately stabbing those two people in their hearts?

Yoshigan's dissatisfaction did not make Mitsuhide Akechi feel uncomfortable. She had always been a troublemaker in Yoshigan's heart, and she was one of those people who had too many lice but was not itchy.

Akechi Mitsuhide changed the subject lightly and said.

"I guess that you are in a hurry to go to Ishiyama Sakai Port here. You are afraid that you will miss the opportunity to communicate with you later and delay more important things, so you must stay."

Yiyin scoffed.

"Right now, is there anything more important than going to Ishiyama Sakai Port?"

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed.

"The battle with the Oda family is imminent. Your Majesty leaves Kyoto at a critical moment. Your trip to Ishiyama Sakai Port must be very important.

I have the audacity to suggest that your Majesty should seek cooperation from the Ichigo clan and mobilize the money, food and supplies of Sakai Port for the use of our army."

Yoshihiro nodded, Akechi Mitsuhide said it right.

Yoshigan should be based in Kyoto at this time, stabilize the center of the shogunate, and contact all forces. He should not leave at will, but he must go to Ishiyama Sakai Port.

First, to seek support from Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki formed Nobunaga's siege network twice, but was defeated by Oda Nobunaga twice. Rokkaku Asai and Asakura were all destroyed, and now only the Ichikai clan is still struggling to support it.

Oda Nobunaga's violence was beyond the imagination of the Buddhist sect. Even the Enryaku Temple on Mount Hiei was unavoidable in Buddhist disasters. The Omi Ichiko sect temple was uprooted and suffered heavy losses.

By this time, the hatred between Honganji Kenjo and Oda Nobunaga was deep. The Ichikai clan was the most determined of all the anti-Oda forces and was more reliable than the samurai forces on both ends of the spectrum.

Nagashima, located on the border between Ise and Owari, has become the biggest trouble in Oda territory.

After Oda Nobunaga captured Echizen Province, which was bordering Kaga Ichikaku's territory, Ishiyama Honganji Temple would inevitably mobilize the Hokurikudo Ichikai Sect to attack Oda's new territory.

In the battle between Yoshigan and Oda Nobunaga, if we can get the support and cooperation of Honganji Kenjo, we will be more confident.

The Shiba family and the Ichigo clan had in-depth cooperation on the Hokurikudo trade route, especially in Sakai Port. Ishiyama Honganji Temple has always acted as the protector of Takada Haruno, and the two parties have a profound relationship of interest.

Honganji Kenjo would definitely be happy to see Yoshigan stand up to Oda Nobunaga, ease the pressure on Ichikai Mun, and it would not be difficult to promote wartime cooperation.

Secondly, war requires money, food and military equipment.

Yiyin has always adhered to the political strategy of the Sibo Ji Knights. The taxes collected by Sibo from the three places were not much, but the Sibo family continued to send money, food and welfare to the local samurai families.

People's hearts and minds have been gained, but when fighting a war, it is necessary to find additional money, food and military equipment to support the huge war consumption.

This consumption is not only caused by the Shiba family themselves, but also by Yoshino Bank to subsidize other samurai families participating in the anti-Oda coalition. In particular, mobilizing the peripheral dependent forces in the Kanto area is not easy.

This is the pain of the coalition. Sometimes when you are the boss, you can only say yes but not no. If you don't pretend to be confident and wealthy, who would want to hang out with you?

The Spur Territory of the three places will definitely not be able to bear this expenditure, and it is impossible for Yiyin to change its benevolent governance strategy in Spur Territory.

The new life movement of Shiba Lingfu is related to the influence of Shiba family as a beacon of paradise in samurai society, and is an important part of Yi Bank's soft power.

After going round and round, in the end, the source of the money, food and military equipment had to be raised by the Sakai Port controlled by Takada Haruno.

However, Yoshigan had already written a letter to Takada Harano, asking her to prepare for the cutoff of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

At this time, if he reaches out to ask for money from Takada Harano, wouldn't he look like a scoundrel who wants the horse to run but doesn't let the horse eat grass?

Instead of writing another letter to inform Takada Harano, it is better to go and have a good discussion with Takata Harano.

Yoshihiro himself was unsure. Logistics support was related to the success or failure of the war. He had to go to Sakai Port in person to deal with Takada Yono.

Even if he puts down his dignity as a king and pays with military funds, he must still take out the money from Takada Haruno's pocket.

Who told him to take advantage of Rena Takeda the moment he saw her, go crazy and break up with the Oda family, creating this mess that must be cleaned up.

Akechi Mitsuhide guessed these two points well, but she still overlooked one point, which was Yoshigan's fear of Oda's military innovation achievements.

Yoshigan, who came from modern society, was very aware of the power of the spear and iron cannon combination. In particular, Oda Nobunaga received military assistance from the Nanman people and may have trained the Spanish Grand Phalanx.

In this barren island country, it was unrealistic for Oda Nobunaga to train ashigaru into a powerful musketeer like the Spanish Grand Front.

But even the low-end version of the large phalanx of Ashigaru peasants and soldiers is not easy to deal with, because the traditional samurai troops on Yoshigan's side are even more backward and worse.

Therefore, Yoshiyin needed to go to Sakai Port. He thought of the three Nanman girls with golden, red, and white hair who he couldn't sleep with last time.

That golden-haired girl traveled across the ocean from the Netherlands to the Far East to make money. This shipping journey was not smooth. Her merchant ship must have artillery to defend against pirates, right?

The best way to deal with the large square formation is artillery bombardment. Even with the backward artillery of this era, the solid ballistics are enough to scare the Oda family's Ashigaru peasant soldiers to death and collapse their front.

However, there is also a tacit understanding among the Nanman people that they will never sell their artillery that spans the world to the islanders.

Yoshihiro must go to Sakai Port, talk to the greedy golden-haired Nanman girl in person, and find a way to get the artillery from her.

Now is spring and summer, the trade wind rises early, and Nanman ships will seize the monsoon season and follow the ocean currents to the island country, hoping that the Nanman girl has arrived.

Yoshigan disliked Akechi Mitsuhide, and another point was that Akechi Mitsuhide underestimated Oda Nobunaga's achievements in military innovation.

Oda Nobunaga's power was beyond everyone's imagination. Just with the separation of peasants and soldiers, spears and iron cannons, Yoshigan felt his scalp numb.

It is not easy to defeat such a powerful opponent. Moreover, the opponent is a Sengoku daimyo system with a huge territory and fast recovery.

Yiyin said coldly.

"I went to Ishiyama Sakai Port for my own reasons, but you stayed here just to talk nonsense?"

Akechi Mitsuhide obviously felt Yoshigan's impatience, but she actually didn't care much about Yoshigan's troubles.

It is true that Oda Nobunaga is very strong, but Oda Nobunaga is actually not difficult to deal with because she is just a single woman who has cut herself off from the samurai class.

It would be best if Yoshigan could defeat the Oda family, so Oda Nobunaga would naturally give in and compromise.

But so what if we lose? Will Oda Nobunaga kill Yoshigan? Of course not!

Even if Yoshigan becomes Oda Nobunaga's, he is still of noble blood. With Yoshigan's current influence, the Shiba family will not be completely destroyed.

The biggest use of Oda Nobunaga, a single woman, is that Mitsuhide Akechi earnestly hopes that she will overthrow the Ashikaga Shogunate, and then the government can be extinguished.

Having already killed Ashikaga Yoshiteru, a man of the world, Akechi Mitsuhide did not mind making another plan and asked Oda Nobunaga, a newly minted man of the world, to return to the west.

Akechi Mitsuhide was not as worried about the outcome of the war as Yoshigan. What she cared about most was whether Oda Nobunaga could overthrow the Ashikaga Shogunate, so that Yoshigan could go about building a new world with a clear conscience.

You must know that Oda Nobunaga's behavior was so surly that even Oda's retainers dared not speak out. She had no heirs.

Once Oda Nobunaga died in an accident, the so-called powerful Oda family fell apart in an instant.

Therefore, the Oda family is very powerful, but the Oda family is also very fragile. Oda Nobunaga has offended too many people, and countless people want her to die.

The old saying that a woman of all kinds will die without any disease is very reasonable. There are many, many ways for a person to die.

Shiba Yiyin is also clear, but his situation is different. Too many people's interests are tied to him, so everyone naturally hopes that he will live a long life and nothing will happen to him.

And now in Mitsuhide Akechi's mind, the huge changes brought about by Takeda Rena are ten times and a hundred times more threatening than the single woman Oda Nobunaga.

she said.

"Your Majesty, you are joking. I am staying here naturally because some things are more important than defeating His Highness Oda."

Yiyin couldn't help but laugh.


Akechi Mitsuhide changed his usual elegant smile, looked solemn, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, have you ever felt that Maeda's attitude toward you has become a little weird these days, and he seems to be overly excited?"

Yiyin glanced at Akechi Mitsuhide and said coldly.

"The war is approaching. Maeda is interested in taking charge of the Konkispo military command and serving as the general general of the Konkispo Allied Forces. It is the time when he has made great achievements. It is not surprising that he is happy to hear about the war.

Akechi Mitsuhide, I warn you, put away those little thoughts of yours. This is war time, and if you disturb the morale of the army with your nonsense, I want you to look good."

Akechi Guangxiu kowtowed and spoke word by word.

"My loyalty to Your Majesty can be seen from the sun and the moon. Now that the crisis is imminent, I have to speak out and be honest, and I beg Your Majesty to think twice."

Seeing that Mitsuhide Akechi was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic, his face was no longer calm as before, and he looked worried. Yoshigan was shocked by her appearance.

You must know that Akechi Mitsuhide, who planned to kill Ashikaga Yoshiteru back then, did not show such worries when faced with Yoshihiro, who had recently returned and launched an army to investigate. Even though he was whipped and imprisoned, he did not show such worries.

Yiyin narrowed his eyes and said cautiously.

"You say it and I listen."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"Your Majesty finally has a child, and the bloodline can be passed on to future generations. I should be happy.

However, Takeda Rena's appearance was too sudden, which not only broke the minister's policy of occupying the magpie's nest, but also broke the psychological balance of many people.

Originally, Your Majesty has no children, so I can use the name of my wife as my wife to support those important family ministers who love you, and slowly implement the plan of occupying the magpie's nest.

As long as there is enough time to operate, let the king's bloodline fill the heirs of each important minister, and enrich the foundation of the Shiba family, it will be a matter of course.

But now, it was the foreign vassal who gave birth to the King's bloodline first, and it was a powerful foreign vassal. The Takeda family even relied on this child to receive support from the Shiba family and safeguard their own interests.

This not only makes the important ministers unable to restrain themselves, but also arouses the ambitions of outsiders towards you.

Junshang was originally a fallen immortal who was admired by the world. But now, everyone knows that Junshang is also an ordinary man who can give everything for his children. This is troublesome.

Foreign vassals will covet your blood and intend to gain benefits from the Sibo family. Internal ministers no longer expect to marry into the family, but hope to obtain your seeds through other means.

All hell breaks loose!"

Akechi Mitsuhide's words were heartbreaking, but Yoshihiro didn't take it seriously.

Was it for the family fortune that he agreed to Akechi Mitsuhide's strategy of occupying the magpie's nest? Wasn't it just to reasonably open a harem for the female queen?

Now having a lovely daughter like Takeda Reina is of course a good thing.

It would be a good thing if more people took the initiative to come up and have sex with me, so that I would not have to think of excuses every time I find someone to have sex with.

Yiyin said casually.

"You made up the rumors about marrying into a child, and you let those fools fight over Shiba materials to make a mess in the house, and even Maeda Toshiie took the initiative to donate it, just to get the qualification to marry into the child.

Now that the rumor of marrying into a wife has been proven self-evident, they want seeds, so I will give them to them, turning the retainers into branches. Isn’t this the original intention of your plan to occupy the magpie’s nest?”

Akechi Mitsuhide saw that Yoshigage disapproved, and knew that he did not realize the seriousness of this matter, and it might even change the future political structure of the Shiba family.

she sighed.

"Your Majesty, the strategy of occupying a dove's nest is not as simple as you think.

Jiu Seize Magpie Nest is indeed about turning retainers into branches, but the retainers must use your blood as the core to rebuild the family business. The heirs' retainers will voluntarily integrate into the Sibo family and become branch kin of the Sibo family.

Therefore, blood can only be given as a gift and can never be taken away, especially if it is taken away by a foreign vassal, which will weaken the strength of the Shiba family and create the threat of being usurped by foreign vassals.

The root of all this lies in how the Ji warriors who have obtained the bloodline will view you. You must be a sacred and inviolable superior, not an ordinary man within their reach.

When they treat you as an ordinary man, how come the families behind the Ji warriors are willing to act as a foil to the Shiba family instead of having ambitions to replace them?"

Yiyin was stunned, it seemed to be the truth.

Mitsuhide Akechi is planning to occupy the magpie's nest, using the marriage dispute to attract the hearts of Shiba's ministers. He has also been PUA for Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Let those fools think that being able to sleep with Yiyin last time is a gift from God and a blessing accumulated over several lifetimes.

To put it bluntly, even if it is a pig, as long as a group of people are willing to rush to snatch it, they will be regarded as Diaochan Daji and be held in the sky.

But now, the pig has shown its original shape.

In this medieval world of female supremacy, Yiyin knew very well how low the status of men was.

If everyone treats him as an ordinary man, wouldn't he become a male cousin who can be fucked casually, how can he play the role of San Zhen Jiu Lie?

The final result was that Samurai Ji felt comfortable giving birth to a child to inherit his family business, instead of being willing to serve as a branch of the Shiba family.

If faced with a crisis like Takeda Rena's for a foreign domain, Yoshigan would feel sorry for his children and would use the power of the Shiba family to support the foreign domain. Isn't this a typical example of being taken advantage of?

Speaking of Yiyin's selfishness of sensual enjoyment, from now on, when Yiyin and Ji Jiji go to bed and have sex, no one will shed tears of gratitude and no one will kowtow to express gratitude. This seems to be a bit unpleasant.

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