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Chapter 1517: Trapped in Gentle Countryside, Fujitaka

 When major Buddhist sects such as the Shingon Sect, Tendai Sect, and Yixiang Sect, either proactively or reluctantly, worked together to build momentum for Yiyin, many politically sensitive people had already sensed the opportunity.

Counting from the time when the emperor's line was massacred by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, Shinto in the island nation has been in limbo for 150 years.

The passage of time for seven or eight generations has caused many people to forget the legend of the living god.

In the eyes of many samurai, Oda Nobunaga was audacious in wanting to replace the Ashikaga Shogunate.

And Shiba Yiyin's attempt to return to Shintoism and become the new spiritual totem of the island people is even more shocking.

In troubled times, heroes emerge in large numbers, and each one is indeed more heroic than the next.

From ancient times to the present, occupying the high ground of the mind is far more powerful than dominating the body. Because human society is a pyramid structure, most people will always be poor people oppressed at the bottom.

Most people who cannot obtain material satisfaction in reality can only place their hope in spiritual beliefs so as not to be swallowed up by despair and insist on living in the cruel reality.

Whether it is ancient times or modern times, the more desperate the place, the more steadfast the religious belief. Ignorance is not the best soil for faith, despair is. Therefore, there are many evil ways in Smecta.

In this barren island country in the Middle Ages, the cruel and ruthless Wu family's troubled times continued to be turbulent, and the despair of the middle and lower classes was bottomless.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the emperor and eradicated Shintoism. In the end, he could only reach an agreement with Buddhism and use Buddhism to continue numbing people's hearts.

The once-eternal line of emperors prospered and coexisted with Shintoism, but in the end both ended together.

Now, facing the external pressure from the Nanman Sect, Oda Nobunaga is pressing harder and harder. Buddhist sects have chosen to join forces with Shiba Yoshigan, putting Shiba Yoshigan on the altar and becoming the next emperor.

The patron saint of the samurai family and the protector god of Buddhism, Shiba Yoshigan and the Buddhist sects each took what they needed, and once again formed a relationship of co-prosperity and coexistence similar to that between the emperor and Shintoism.

The Izumi-Hosokawa family and Hosokawa Motonsune, who are the most sensitive to the political trends of the shogunate, have sensed that history is returning, so they do not hesitate to get on board this ever-lasting luxury car.

If Shiba Yiyin is just one person, even if he is the world-famous Jindoden, with overwhelming power and unparalleled power in the world, he is just a man.

In the medieval era, a world where women were respected, men's status was low, and the upper limit of Shiba Yiyin's talent was only so high.

Even if you can dominate the world during your lifetime, after death you will return to dust and dust to dust.

Therefore, if Yoshigami had not formally tied the knot with Hosokawa Fujitaka, there would have been no marriage between the Izumi-Hosokawa family and the Shiba family. Hosokawa Motonsune would never have tried to help the Shiba family.

Because the price/performance ratio is too low, it's not worth it for the Izumi-Hosokawa family to block everything for the Shiba family.

However, Shiba Yoshigan is no longer prepared to become a human being. He wants to follow the Shinto way and play with the blood of the gods of the Eternal Line. Hosokawa Motonsune cannot sit still.

Yoshigan Shiba and Fujitaka Hosokawa have a disgraceful affair? Good! It’s really great! You should hurry up and get pregnant! Give me a baby as soon as possible!

What Hosokawa Motonsune said to Mibuchi and his daughter were all from his own heart.

As soon as Hosokawa Fujitaka became pregnant with Shiba Yoshigan's child, Hosokawa Mototsune immediately retired, gave up the position of governor of the Izumi Hosokawa family to Hosokawa Fujitaka, and established Shiba Yoshigan's child as his heir.

Because once Shiba Yoshigan followed Shinto, there would be no question of who was the master and who was the servant, and who took advantage of whom between the two names of the Izumi-Hosokawa family and the Shiba family.

The divine bloodline is higher than that of the samurai family. This is the best opportunity for the Izumi-Hosokawa family to raise the lintel of their family. Who cares about the five ethics and five constants?

Sibo Yiyin is a living god, so he is not a man, so naturally he is not bound by secular etiquette. No matter how many women he sleeps with or how many children he has, he is still the blood of a gifted god, and he is definitely not a slut.

Hosokawa Motonsune's inner abacus was rattling, but at the same time, Hosokawa Fujitaka, who was staying at Shiba's residence, was blushing.

Hosokawa Fujitaka looked at Akechi Mitsuhide lying on the ground, watching her raised butt dangling in front of his eyes, and her head rising and falling.

Between Shiba Yoshigan and Hosokawa Fujitaka, there is Akechi Mitsuhide.

He was tilting his head up, leaning on the main seat with his eyes closed and meditating. His belt was loose, and the hem of his kimono was parted to the left and right, exposing his two thighs.

Hosokawa Fujitaka blushed with embarrassment and continued to report to Yoshigan.

"Takada Yono has already collected military supplies for next spring at Sakai Port, and the Hosokawa Army at Sakai Port Customs Station will cooperate with transportation and protection along the way.

I have been authorized by my mother to be responsible for supporting all affairs of the Shiba family. The mobilization power of all the territories of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is temporarily under my control.

I am 100% sure about Izumi Kingdom, but the situation in Hanoi Kingdom is more complicated.

After all, in name, the territory of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family in Hanoi belongs to the Mibuchi family and requires the cooperation of Mibuchi Fujihide.

In addition, there are Hatakeyama Takamasa and Miyoshi Yoshitsugi, who need to be communicated with.

Hatakeyama Takamasa claimed to be the leader of the shogunate, and his attitude towards me was very arrogant.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is very positive, but she has fought with us just now, and the change now is too fast, so I dare not trust her too much.

Also, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu asked me to convey something to you.

The general is sending people to win over her, should she refuse sternly, or should she reserve her attitude to find out the general's intelligence for Tsudodon, and beg Tsudodon to give her clear instructions?"

Hosokawa Fujitakayue spoke faster and faster, his eyes wandered and he was already absent-minded.

There were only three people in the room, Shiba Yoshigan, Akechi Mitsuhide, and her. This guy Akechi Mitsuhide...she actually...

Although the relationship between Hosokawa Fujitaka and Shiba Yoshigan crossed that line, Akechi Mitsuhide's unscrupulousness still made Hosokawa Fujitaka at a loss and found it difficult to accept it.

Yiyin is happy to see this.

Hosokawa Fujitaka only had a slight affection for Yoshigage back then, but she was tricked step by step by Akechi Mitsuhide, and she was gradually trapped into a situation that she couldn't extricate herself from, and she ended up in the situation she is in today.

The good and proud daughter of heaven has turned into a man who is willing to be a licking dog for Yi Yin An as long as he is willing to have sex with her.

Yoshigan didn't know whether to praise Akechi Mitsuhide for his great ability or lament that Hosokawa Fujitaka was actually a very innocent and good girl.

All in all, today, Akechi Mitsuhide has perfectly locked Hosokawa Fujitaka.

From the night when Mitsuhide Akechi got Yoshigin drunk and let Hosokawa Fujitaka into the room to have sex, they had become a community of destiny. No matter how hard they were to tell each other apart, they could only share weal and woe.

The family dinner held today at the Sibo Residence is a political win-over for the Bank of America to unite recent allies and prepare for the war next spring.

Akechi Mitsuhide hinted that Yoshigan kept Hosokawa Fujitaka, which was actually a statement to the allies, indicating that Hosokawa Fujitaka was already a die-hard loyalist to the Shiba family.

And the slightly pink idea of ​​staying overnight is even more exciting.

Already having an illegitimate daughter, Takeda Yoshinobu, it is very difficult for Yoshigan to continue to maintain his image of chastity.

The children have been born to outsiders, and Ashikaga Yoshiteru's hat has long been turned green. How can we talk about a widow who became a monk and kept chastity for the ancestors of the shoguns?

This is also an important reason why Yiyin had to take advantage of the opportunities advocated by the three major sects to firmly move towards Shinto.

As a man, Yiyin can no longer show his chaste side to the world. If he wants to maintain his sacred and noble image, he cannot be a human being and must become a male god.

Only by becoming a god can one be freed from the shackles of human relations and free from the restrictions of worldly etiquette.

And tonight is another test.

Akechi Mitsuhide's current behavior is not really a dissolute character, deliberately showing off in front of Hosokawa Fujitaka. Instead, he invites Hosokawa Fujitaka to let go of his worldly worries with the attitude of serving the male god.

This can be said to be Akechi Mitsuhide's further promotion of Hosokawa Fujitaka, or it can be said that Akechi Mitsuhide is inviting Hosokawa Fujitaka to further advance the relationship between the two of them as a community of destiny.

Only when Fujitaka Hosokawa agrees that Yoshigage is a male god and not a man, can he completely let go of his guard and join in the rippling atmosphere of serving the male god with Akechi Mitsuhide.

From the perspective of Yiyin, he is of course happy to accept it. On the one hand, he is really happy. On the other hand, it is also a political necessity.

Since Fujitaka Hosokawa firmed up his thoughts and completely turned to Yoshigan, he has become the Shiba family's most reliable ally in Western Konki.

The Hosokawa Mibuchi family occupies the land of Izumi Province and North Kawachi, with a stone height of more than 200,000, and their paper strength is even greater than that of recent Sibo leaders.

To the north of Izumi Province is the Sakai Port Stone Mountain.

Sakai Port is the core interest of the Shiba family in Western Konki, and is related to the Hokurikudo trade route. Ishiyama is the main mountain of Honganji Temple of the Ichigo sect, which is related to the religious stability of the entire Western Konki.

The land of Northern Hanoi and Settsu Province belong to the north and south sides of the Yodogawa River, affecting this most important water transport logistics hub in the Western Kongo. It is also adjacent to Yodo Castle, the gateway to the mountainous country, and affects Kyoto.

It can be said that the territory of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is the core area of ​​Xikonge.

As long as the Hosokawa-Mibuchi family firmly stands on the side of the Shiba family, the influence of the Shiba family can pass through the territory of the Hosokawa-Mibuchi family and radiate to the richest and most important areas in Western Japan.

At this critical moment when the Shiba family and the Oda family are about to go to war, Yoshigami has never needed Hosokawa Fujitaka to support him and stand firmly on his side like today.

If we can rely on physical relationships to tightly win over Hosokawa Fujitaka's body and mind, no matter how coquettish Akechi Mitsuhide plays, Yoshigan will cooperate without hesitation.

To a certain extent, the couple Yoshigan and Akechi Mitsuhide really played with Fujitaka Hosokawa and pulled her step by step into a tender trap from which she could not turn back.

At this time, Hosokawa Fujitaka was already distracted, his mind was buzzing, and he didn't know what else he was reporting.

Akechi Mitsuhide lost no time and had to move his buttocks, leaving room on one side for Hosokawa Fujitaka. Hosokawa Fujitaka glanced at Akechi Mitsuhide, whose head was heaving, and then looked hesitantly at Shiba Yoshigan.

Shiba Yoshigan's face was solemn, as if he was thinking about Hosokawa Fujitaka's report just now. Under the reflection of the candlelight, his face seemed to exude a sacred and inviolable brilliance.

In the face of this situation at this moment, Hosokawa Fujitaka was given an excessive amount of fresh stimulation.

Hosokawa Fujitaka's breathing became heavier, gritted his teeth, moved to the side of the room reserved for her by Akechi Mitsuhide, and knelt down.

Yiyin raised his head and spread his legs slightly to make himself semi-lying more comfortable.

He looked at the ceiling of the room and suddenly thought of Takada Yukino.

Ever since Takada Yukino sent Tachibana Kanou to her side, Yoshigan finally lived a good life with regular schedules.

That night every week, Tachibana Kan would order Kamematsu Tokusatsu to leave, and then concentrate on completing his mission.

Yiyin sometimes even feels tears in his eyes. Over the years, his power has become stronger and stronger, but there is always something missing in life.

There are countless high-ranking people in the world who have to rack their brains to find excuses every time they have a hey, and they have to work hard for nothing. It is really frustrating.

It's great now, someone comes to serve on time every week, and it's refreshing at the same time. Although Lihuazou is just a word of mouth, Yiyin is very satisfied and satisfied.

Yoshigami had to sigh that Yukino Takada was perhaps the person who understood him best in the world. That little girl who didn't like to use her brain and liked to rely on intuition to do things was quite scary sometimes.

Looking at the rafters, Yoshigami didn't know why he thought of Takada Yukino and Tachibana Kanade at this moment.

Perhaps it was because Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka were doing Tachibana's daily work, which gave Yoshigan some thoughts of comparison.

He said while breathing heavily.

"I don't want to get involved in the matter of Mibuchi Fujiei. After all, she is your sister Fujitaka and the eldest daughter of Mibuchi's aunt.

I believe that the governor of the Hosokawa-Mibuchi family will understand my good intentions. I am leaving you Fujitaka here today. They should have some understanding and make the choice that is most beneficial to the Hosokawa-Mibuchi family.

Hatakeyama Takamasa has experienced many setbacks and is no longer the prodigal daughter she once was. She is a sensible person who knows where her power in the shogunate comes from.

Fujitaka, you try your best to do things, I believe she will fully cooperate and don't dare to slack off.

As for Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Maeda told me that she fought against Miyoshi Yoshitsugu during the Battle of Hanoi. He was a rare and brave general.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu has already approached General Maeda Yoshitsugi, and Maeda Yoshitsugi is willing to give Miyoshi Yoshitsugu an opportunity to make contributions.

Miyoshi's family business has declined to this point. If Miyoshi Yoshitsugu knows the truth, I would be willing to help her. In the future, her help as the orthodox Miyoshi family governor may be indispensable for conquering the four countries in the future.

Don’t worry about Ashikaga Yoshiaki secretly wooing Miyoshi Yoshitsugu. I just want to use this incident to see if Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is sincere to me.”

As Yiyin spoke, he frowned and finally snorted. The two people serving him straightened up at the same time, swallowed their saliva, and bowed.

Akechi Mitsuhide wiped his mouth and said.

"I will keep an eye on Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's matter secretly.

As far as I know, this Sanhao family governor is quite upright, and she is very grateful to you for redressing her grievances with the imperial letter.

If she truly surrenders to the Lord, she will indeed be a useful hunting dog. After all, she is the heir of Sanhao Changqing and has great influence on the Sanhao family and all the forces in the four countries."

Hosokawa Fujitaka lowered his head and wiped his mouth, his cheeks glowing, and he said with difficulty.

"Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is the biological daughter of Tokawa Ichino. Tsudado killed her mother in the Yamato National Front. Can she be trusted?"

Yiyin smiled.

"It doesn't hurt to try. You have to give people a chance. You can't just beat them to death with a stick."

Hosokawa Fujitaka bowed.

"Tsudaden is kind."

After the three people discussed, they fell into a brief silence. Finally, Akechi Mitsuhide smiled and took Hosokawa Fujitaka's hand and said.

"The night is still young, as I walk down the corridor, the Spring Night Painting Hall becomes even longer. Tengxiao, never let down the moment of Spring Night, never let down your Majesty's affection for you."

Akechi Mitsuhide's words were so explicit that Yoshihiro could only pretend not to hear them.

Hosokawa Fujitaka glanced at Akechi Mitsuhide, then at Shiba Yoshigan, his heart was filled with confusion, and he nodded slightly.

Akechi Mitsuhide is like a fox who has stolen a chicken, casting his flirtatious eyes on Yoshigan, he is very soft and charming.

This chapter has been completed!
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