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Chapter 1562 Shiba Oda wants to join forces

 Oda Nobunaga had to hold it in even if he refused to accept it. If you want to blame it, blame yourself. Who made you lose the war and your exclusive right to your spouse.

If you can't get something on the battlefield, can you still expect to get it at the negotiation table?

Akechi Mitsuhide saw that Oda Nobunaga's eyes were red and he was about to explode, so he added another sentence.

"Actually, there is still a chance for the Genpei merger, but the time is not mature enough now."

Oda Nobunaga took a deep breath and looked at Akechi Mitsuhide.

"Can I still trust you?"

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed deeply.

"Please believe me."

Oda Nobunaga glanced at the back of her neck coldly and said.

"Tell me about it."

Akechi Mitsuhide stood up and said solemnly.

"The sixty-six kingdoms in the world include not only Kantō and Kinji, but also Kyushu, Shikoku, Saikoku, and Ou. The world is so big that there is enough land for the Shiba family and the Oda family to join forces to conquer.

This Shiba Oda battle has made both sides of the Hime Warriors understand that fighting between two tigers will only lead to losses for both sides. In this case, why can't the two sides join forces?

The conflict between Shiba and Oda can be resolved through cooperation in conquering foreign countries. Growing strength together can make the relationship between the two families even closer.

When two tigers fight, both sides will inevitably suffer losses, but you and Tsudo-den can live in peace.

Instead of being resentful at this moment, His Majesty Oda, it would be better to work hard to open up more territory.

The Oda family with three million koku cannot monopolize Tsuta-den, so what about four million koku, four million koku, or six million koku?

As long as you continue to conquer the world, one day you will be able to make all your opponents fear you and not dare to compete with you.

Your opponent should not be Tsuta-den, but those who covet Tsuta-den.

You are aggressive and fussy about Jinduo Hall, which is not only useless, but also shows your incompetence. A wise man will not take it.

If the Oda family and the Shiba family can work together and conquer the sixty-six countries in the world together, then the general trend will force Genpei to join forces and realize it, then it will be a matter of course."

Oda Nobunaga's eyes flashed. As a woman, she certainly didn't want to share the man she loved with others.

As a samurai daimyo, Oda Nobunaga had to admit that Akechi Mitsuhide's words moved her.

There is no irreconcilable conflict between the Shiba and Oda families. They are both mature samurai lords. What obstacles can they face that they cannot overcome?

Conflicts between the two sides can be diverted by cooperation in foreign campaigns.

There is still half of the island country beyond the control of the two, and there are enough interests there to resolve the conflicts between the two parties and strive for the common interests of both parties.

Once there are more common interests, the Hime Warriors of the two families will support the merger of Genpei. If Oda Nobunaga can use the world as a betrothal gift, why worry about Tsuta-dono not marrying?

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female. As long as the world is peaceful, the two will inevitably merge, and their descendants will be worthy heirs and future masters of the world.

A few words from Mitsuhide Akechi solved the knot in Oda Nobunaga's heart.

Oda Nobunaga couldn't defeat the man he admired in battle, which was already very embarrassing. If he still had to be dissatisfied with Yoshigoshi Shiba as a defeated general, it would be too uncouth and embarrassing.

Instead of being a little man and having an emotional argument here, it's better to catch up and start another round.

If you can't beat Yoshigan Shiba and Nobunaga Oda, and you can't fight for exclusive mating rights for the time being, then go conquer the world and subdue all other competitors so that they don't dare to go to Yoshigan's bed.

The Shiba family and the Oda family work together to pacify the world, and Oda Nobunaga's strength will be further enhanced, becoming the only super powerful feudal clan.

At that time, how should Yoshihiro Shiba deal with his relationship with Oda Nobunaga? Fight the Battle of Shiba Oda again and let the world that was just peaceful be restored again?

Or, satisfy Oda Nobunaga's request, complete the political alliance of Genpei Confluence, join hands for a lifetime, and share the world.

Face is given by others, face is lost by oneself.

Speaking of this, Oda Nobunaga, as an upright woman, if she is still entangled in the present, she is not worthy of talking about world ambitions and Nobunaga's ambitions.

Oda Nobunaga looked at the respectful Mitsuhide Akechi and slowly uttered a word.


Under the cover of his sleeves, Akechi Mitsuhide’s hands clenched tightly into fists, it’s done!

In this Battle of Shiba Oda, Yoshigan's victory on the battlefield was completely turned into an advantage with Oda Nobunaga's words of greeting.

Oda Nobunaga's resignation meant that Yoshihiro Saba finally took the initiative in the relationship between the Saba and Oda families. The alliance between the two parties was unfair from the beginning.

Yiyin can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, favor the famous names from all over the world, seek the most comfortable posture, and consolidate the Spo family's political advantage.

While Oda Nobunaga was trying his best to conquer the world militarily, he also acquiesced in the political liaison between Yoshihiro Saba and other samurai daimyo.

If it were in the past, Oda Nobunaga would never have accepted Akechi Mitsuhide's suggestion.

But now, with the Oda family losing on the battlefield, being forced to compromise became Oda Nobunaga's helpless choice.

She has gone from being a strong person who forced Shiba Yiyin to warm her bed from a high position, to a humble licking dog who pleases Shiba Yiyin and expects the sole right to mate.

Although she was unwilling to admit it, Oda Nobunaga knew very well that in the alliance between the two powers, she, the loser, was passive and weak.

Because of this failure, she had to put in more effort to facilitate the merger of Genpei again, while Yoshigami Shiba had more choices than her and was more calm.

But in the darkness unknown to Oda Nobunaga, a dangerous light was already shining in Akechi Mitsuhide's lowered eyes.

The sharing of Tsutado-den and the merging of Tugenpei are all illusions, and they are all deceptions used to confuse Oda Nobunaga.

In Akechi Mitsuhide's heart, the political framework she planned for the Bank of Japan has never wavered, and that is the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest.

Zhuge Guangxiu's gift to Yoshiyin was a physical favor, using his offspring to digest Samurai Hime's retainers and become the new cornerstone of the Shiba family, making up for the weakness of the Shiba family's lack of generational foundation.

And Shiba Yiyin's Shinto path is an upgraded version of the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest.

Yiyin, who walks the world as a living god, can abandon the restrictions placed on men by the secular ethics of female supremacy and minimize the negative impact of the dove's policy of occupying the magpie's nest.

In other words, Yiyin, the living god, and Ji Samurai Grass, are blessed with the divine grace and the blood of gods. They are definitely not what ordinary people call a slut.

Regardless of whether you believe it in your heart or not, you must believe it in politics. The appalling multi-female and one-male slut situation has turned into a god who is turning over the cards one by one. He is really a good man and a good example.

However, Oda Nobunaga's position in the Hatozai Magpie's Nest planned by Akechi Mitsuhide was never there for two reasons.

First, Oda Nobunaga is too strong.

He promoted innovative policies with absolute will, manipulated the Oda retainers with flexible means, and defeated powerful enemies one after another with superb military prowess.

At this time, Oda Nobunaga had grown into the most powerful and terrifying samurai daimyo in the island country.

If it is true that the Shiba and Oda families join forces to conquer the world, Oda Nobunaga's strength will definitely expand further. Will she still be as talkative as she is now, having conquered half of the world?

Akechi Mitsuhide's strategy of occupying the magpie's nest is to let the Siba family devour and digest others, not to let others devour the Siba family!

Shiba Yiyin can become a slut and have many women, but there must not be one woman who is so powerful that it threatens the dominance of the Shiba family.

Rather than saying that Akechi Mitsuhide was the driving force behind the Shiba and Oda family's joint conquest of the world, it is better to say that she was the mastermind behind the scenes, because she agreed and supported it on the surface, but she would definitely sabotage it secretly.

Secondly, seizing the world will inevitably overthrow the existing political power. Who will take the blame?

Although the Ashikaga Shogunate has become an empty frame, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is after all the pillar of the samurai family, the shogun, and the nominal lord of the world.

Yoshihiro Shiba must be clean and tidy and become the master of the new era. Then someone must come forward to do the dirty work, overthrow the Ashikaga Shogunate, and let Ashikaga Yoshiaki get out.

Mitsuhide Akechi had already assigned this role to Oda Nobunaga.

Since Oda Nobunaga is destined to become the end of the old era and be splashed with dirty water, how can Yoshigoshi Shiba really be with her?

It was Mitsuhide Akechi's conspiracy to use Oda Nobunaga to eliminate him, and then bury her with the old world to welcome the upright and glorious new world of Shiba.

To sum up, whether it is for the future stability of the Shiba family or for the clean transition of power, Oda Nobunaga must die!

Mitsuhide Akechi lowered his head and was planning a trick in his heart. Oda Nobunaga, who was staring at Mitsuhide Akechi, also had a cold gaze.

Oda Nobunaga never really trusted anyone.

Her parents like the second sister Oda Nobunaga. Oda Nobunaga has been a wild child since she was a child. She is determined to become a world leader. Initially she wants to prove that she is better than her second sister.

Oda Nobunaga, who lacks love in her native family, can be extremely utilitarian, without blood or tears. She is like a ruthless political machine with no weaknesses. She only has gains and losses in her heart, and only calculations.

In her opinion, Akechi Mitsuhide is a valuable chess piece that can help her achieve some political goals. She is using Akechi Mitsuhide, not Akechi Mitsuhide is using her.

At this time, Oda Nobunaga had not yet discovered that the crack in his heart called Shiba Yoshigum might become her Achilles' heel.

When a woman who has lacked love since she was a child and doesn't believe in love truly falls in love with a man and has that man's child, will Oda Nobunaga still be the Sixth Heaven Demon King without any weaknesses?

Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide calculated each other, but neither of them knew what the future would be like.

The future is actually in the hands of Yiyin.


Unknowingly, Sibo Yiyin already had a lofty status of being the only one in the world.

Countless Hime warriors relied on his breath to survive, and all samurai families in the world were concerned about his change in attitude. Even those as powerful as Oda Nobunaga began to change their thinking and weaken their own positioning.

Just when Oda Nobunaga met with Akechi Mitsuhide, setting the tone for the subsequent relationship between the Saba and Oda families and paving the way for negotiations, Yoshihiro Saba also started the post-war layout.

Yanjin City, residence hall, inner room.

The slips in front of Yiyin were filled with various documents, and he was reading them one by one.

From the start of the spring battle to the battle at Yuwu Lake, military importance was paramount, and many things had been delayed and piled up until now.

After Yiyin won the battle of Yuwu Lake, it returned to Yanjin City for repairs. By the way, it read the documents from various places and thought about how to clean up the mess after the war.

The arrival of Niwa Nagahide gave Yoshigan reassurance, and Akechi Mitsuhide's return visit gave Yoshigan full confidence in post-war negotiations.

He could finally calm down and take a look at the situation in various places, and make some new plans for the distribution of credits, rewards, and layout after the war.

In front of the case, under Yoshiyin's seat, Tozawa Mori'an, who had just come in, paid his respects and fell to the ground with a look of sadness on his face.

Yoshigan read another document and looked up at Tozawa Moriyasu.

"Get up, what could make you, a great hero, so afraid?

I have recently heard a lot of people praising your loyalty and bravery. Everyone is praising you and saying good things for you, but you are scared?"

"Your Majesty, please save me."

Tozawa Mori'an had a bitter look on her face. She was a smart person and she didn't know the dirty thoughts of the martial arts family in recent times.

Sanada Nobushige's achievements were so great that he broke through the base of Mt. Oiwa and stormed Oiwa Mountain, which turned the tide. More than half of Sanada's troops were killed or injured, and no one could say anything bad about it.

However, the Sanada people acted recklessly and massacred prisoners of war, and Yoshigan's punishment was to hold high and low, a benevolent armor, and the title of the No. 1 Divine General in the Tsudo Palace, attracting the jealousy of countless people.

Since there is no way to suppress Sanada Nobunshige's achievements, everyone has a tacit understanding to support another person to share Sanada Nobunaga's glory. Anyway, we can't make Sanada too proud.

In recent times, none of these sneaky martial arts families have any good people. They did not stand up for themselves, so they brought Tozawa Moriyasu, a Kanto native, to use as a sword head, and praised him as one of the two heroes of Kanto.

As a conscientious person, Tozawa Moriyasu never had the idea of ​​​​competing with Sanada Nobunaga. She just came to Koki to speculate and make some political capital.

This time, the Tozawa family had a total of nine soldiers, one governor, and even if they were all dead, it sounds very touching that they sacrificed their lives for the country and the whole army was destroyed, but in fact, they only numbered ten.

The Sanada people are different. They fought hard and killed more than 5,000 people in Oiwa Mountain. They proved their loyalty and strength with their blood and military exploits.

In recent times, the samurai family has elevated Tozawa Moriyasu to be on par with Sanada Nobunshige. This is a brilliant achievement in suppressing Sanada Nobunshige, and it is also a tribute to the death of Tozawa Moriyasu.

Tozawa Moriyasu came here to show off his face and improve the political reputation of the Tozawa family, not to enmity with Sanada Nobunshige.

Sanada Nobushige was a powerful uniter of the Kanto Palace. He served as a non-permanent director of the Standing Council, controlled 100,000 koku in Nishi Ueno, and held the best soldiers in the world.

This time, Sanada's military service was outstanding. After returning, Sanada Nobushige's status in the Kanto Palace will be even higher.

Tozawa Mori'an was out of his mind, so he was dazzled by the praise of recent samurai families, and started to have a grudge with such a hot upstart from the Kanto Palace.

Although the Tozawa family also had a territory of 44,000 koku, it was all frozen soil in northern Ou. The land was barren and the population was sparse. Tozawa Mori'an was a rural daimyo from a bitter cold frontier.

How could a smart person like her, who was struggling to revive her family business, be taken advantage of by the recent military families?

No, seeing that the evil wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, Tozawa Mori'an immediately knelt down in front of the Ginza and acted like a trembling poor thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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