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Chapter 1591 The need for male gods to dominate

Yiyin's heart was moved not only because of the physical roast chicken, but also because of the political breakthrough.

The Oda family has become the largest feudal clan in the world. If they successfully acquire Echizen Kingdom and Settsu Kingdom, the stone height will exceed 3.5 million koku.

There are sixty-six countries in the world, and the stone height is no more than 20 million. The Oda family occupies one-sixth of the world, how powerful it is.

Moreover, most of the Oda clan's territories are in the central part of Honshu Island, in the core area of ​​the island country.

Once Oda Nobunaga recognized Yoshigan's divine status and was willing to serve the divine king as a mortal, Yoshigan's Shinto status was completely stable.

Since ancient times, divine power and royal power have been in a complementary relationship. Only with the protection of royal power can divine power flourish. Only with the endorsement of legitimacy by divine right can royal power rule the earth at the minimum cost.

But the two are against each other, wary of each other, lest the other take away their power.

In the island country, the relationship between the emperor and the samurai family is like this.

The emperor's secular power was gradually taken away by the samurai family, and gradually became a symbol of theocratic power. Until Ashikaga Yoshimitsu eradicated the emperor and the Shinto religion, completely burying the island nation's theocratic power.

After the collapse of Shintoism, Buddhism became the dominant religion, supporting the faith of the islanders.

Yoshigan relied on the advocacy of various Buddhist sects and used Bishamonten, the Buddhist guardian deity, to once again embark on the Shinto path and revive the island country's theocracy.

Although the Shiba family also has secular power, its foundation is actually unstable, and most of its influence lies with Yi Yin personally.

Ever since Yoshiyin officially set out on the Shinto path, he has followed a path that allows only success and no failure. He can only become a god, otherwise he will not be able to become a human being again.

As the most powerful force in the secular world, the Oda family is the one that Yoshibank needs to unite with, and it is also the target that Yoshibank is wary of.

Beliefs are rooted in the hearts of the martial arts, and the islanders sincerely recognize the class tools of blood, family, family, and family status, establishing a strict society with hierarchical distinctions.

Yiyin's goal is to imprint his family lineage on the highest level in the hearts of the martial arts family, that is, the divine lineage.

What Oda Nobunaga pursued was secular power, becoming a member of the world and establishing the era of Oda Gongyi.

Excluding Oda Nobunaga's ambitious ambitions for the mainland and Yoshigan's deep care for the mainland, there is actually no deep and irreconcilable conflict between the two.

Is there any hurdle that the queen and the male god can't overcome? At most, it's just a word "Cao", but this word cannot be written blindly. It must be clearly stated up and down before it can be written.

Oda Nobunaga is willing to bow his head, kneel and lick, and respect gods and saints, which is tantamount to admitting that he is a daimyo under divine authority and establishing a relationship of superiority and inferiority.

Once this relationship is established, it is difficult to overturn it, because Yoshigan has also become the patron saint of the samurai recognized by the Oda Hime Samurai Order.

It was easy for Oda Nobunaga to open this door, but if she wanted to close it again, she had to carefully consider whether the retainers behind her would admit it.

Oda Nobunaga is a three-million-koku daimyo, not a street gangster. The issue of her faith is a very serious matter.

Daimyo and daimyo can be cunning and treacherous. But the contract between gods and daimyo is more troublesome.

This is not to say that Oda Nobunaga cannot overthrow her belief, but since she knelt down in front of the Gigin Shrine for the land of the two territories, it means that the price of overthrowing this belief must be higher.

It will definitely not be enough to spit out two territories, and the Oda family might be torn apart. Since Oda Nobunaga chose to bow his head to seek land, it will be difficult to stand up and sing in the future.

Yiyin's heartbeat lies in this.

As soon as he lets go, Oda Nobunaga will soon become a 3.5 million stone super daimyo. It is foreseeable that the snowball will snowball until he becomes invincible in the world. From then on, no one in the world can stop him.

But when he let go, he also put a tight spell on Oda Nobunaga's head. The sound of chanting from Tawenyama Castle was enough to make Oda Nobunaga's scalp numb.

There are pros and cons, it just depends on the choice.

This choice was too crucial, and Yoshihiro was a little hesitant. Mitsuhide Akechi looked anxious in his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Sage, Ashikaga Shogun has left Nijo Castle. Now people in Kyoto are in panic. Without the shogunate, it's like it has no backbone.

At this time, if His Majesty Oda can kneel down before you and acknowledge your divinity, it will be of great benefit to the Shiba family in stabilizing the center of Kyoto!"

Akechi Mitsuhide was not as worried about Oda Nobunaga being incurable as Yoshigan was, because although Oda Nobunaga was powerful, he had a big weakness, that is, she was too confident.

Oda Nobunaga was so confident that she was in sole control of power, and she did not even set up an heir for the Oda family. In other words, if something unexpected happened to Oda Nobunaga, the Oda family would be in danger of falling apart.

This aspect is actually very similar to Yiyin, but it is a little different.

Yiyin pays attention to profit distribution, and everyone around him benefits from it. I am afraid that if something happens to him one day, his own interests will not be sustainable.

Oda Nobunaga emphasized centralization and took all the benefits for herself. Others were afraid that she would take more. Even close confidants like Hashiba Hideyoshi were worried.

Therefore, others care more about Yoshigami's life safety than him. As for Oda Nobunaga? How many people want her to die?

Human life is very fragile. A hidden arrow, a dagger, and a fire are enough to bury a person. Even the best person cannot resist the malice lurking under the undercurrent.

If you want to live a long time, you have to be useful to others. Just because Yiyin is so useful, no one is willing to let him die. It is very difficult to formulate a reliable assassination plan.

As for Oda Nobunaga, she is very useful to Akechi Mitsuhide now, and Akechi Mitsuhide is naturally reluctant to let her die. But if one day, Akechi Mitsuhide feels that Oda Nobunaga deserves to die, it will not be difficult to kill her.

The world has been suffering for Oda Nobu for a long time. There are countless people who want her dead. Once someone dares to take action, there are countless people who are willing to stab her in the back.

Yoshigan didn't know that Mitsuhide Akechi had the dark intention of killing Oda Nobunaga after he was done with it, but when he heard her mention Ashikaga Yoshiaki, he couldn't help but snort.

"Do you already know about the general's departure from the capital? Or do you know about it a long time ago?"

The implication of Yoshigan's words was that Mitsuhide Akechi planned the general's escape. Of course Mitsuhide Akechi refused to admit it.

"Sage Mingjian, I have been fighting wits and courage with Niwa Nagahide in Fushimi Castle these days. I have been thinking so hard that I have no time to pay attention to Nijo Castle.

The general's departure from Beijing really had nothing to do with me, and I was very shocked.

But since the general has left, the saint should take over the affairs of the shogunate. We can't let the huge shogunate be leaderless and in chaos, right?

The various conflicts between His Highness Oda and the shogunate are actually differences with the general, but she has always respected you. As long as you give her a chance to worship, she will definitely know how to cherish it."

Yiyin cursed in his heart, respecting him is a piece of shit.

He knew very well that from eight years ago to now, Oda Nobunaga's only thought about him was to conquer and to have fun.

Oda Nobunaga's eyes never changed, they were always so naked, as if he wanted to take off Yoshigami's clothes with his eyes.

Now, Elder Nobu Oda is honestly willing to kneel down and lick her, just because she lost the battle at Yuwu Lake and has to accept the reality of sharing Yiyin with others.

But as long as she is given a chance to make a comeback, she will definitely isolate others from Yiyin's bed and become the person closest to God. In other words, only she can kill Yiyin.

As for Oda Nobunaga's flexible and flexible mind, Yoshigami had a clear understanding of it.

Yiyin is not worried about his own safety, he is worried about his children who have been born and are not yet born.

Oda Nobunaga has a surly temperament, and once she is given the upper hand, she will inevitably do many terrible things.

Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin may not be able to protect themselves or their children, let alone a weakling like Yuigahama Yui.

Therefore, for the sake of his own woman and children, Yoshihiro must always suppress Oda Nobunaga and not give her a chance to make a comeback.

Echizen Country and Settsu Country, whether to give or not to give, this choice was fiercely contested in Yoshigan's mind.

Akechi Mitsuhide saw that Yoshigan was still hesitating and said frankly.

"Sage, in fact, what we have paid for is an Echizen country that cannot be held. Most of the Kwantung Allied Forces have withdrawn, and Shibata Katsuie can counterattack at any time.

Settsu Province is still in the hands of Araki Murashige. If His Highness Oda wants it, he has to fight it himself.

Using something we can't hold and don't have in exchange for His Majesty Oda's sincere kneeling is already a very good deal.

You know very well the character of His Highness Oda.

You can either become her saint or her enemy. Do we have to fight the Battle of Shiba Oda again?

It is better to block than to open up. Instead of blocking His Highness Oda's ambition for the world, it is better to conquer the world with her and play games in the process."

Yiyin nodded slowly.

If the Shiba and Oda families start fighting again, both sides will suffer losses and gain the advantage of all the ambitious people in the world.

Oda Nobunaga, this hungry tiger, wants to eat people after all, so let her go out to eat others, and Yoshigan will reap benefits in the process and limit Oda Nobunaga's development.

The Oda family has bowed its head and recognized Yoshigan's status as the patron saint of the samurai family. Oda Nobunaga will worship the living gods as a mortal. Politically, Yoshigan is already in an invincible position.

No matter how bad the situation is in the future, it will be better than the current situation where the Shiba and Oda families continue to merge and waste their strength.

Yiyin thought about it and finally made up his mind.

"Okay, let Oda Nobunaga succeed once and let her come to Fushimi Castle to meet me."

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

"The saint is so kind, His Majesty Oda will definitely burst into tears of gratitude and respect God and the saint."

Yi Gin snorted coldly, he is the God of Grass, right? He cannot avoid the grass in Fushimi Castle.

The harmony between the Shiba and Oda families is based on the relationship between Yoshihiro and Oda Nobunaga. Only by being in harmony with each other can the reliability of the two families' cooperation be ensured.

Only when Oda Nobunaga betrayed Yoshigan, and her future heir had Yoshigan's blood flowing in his body, was the cornerstone of the alliance between the two families truly solid.

As for the hidden gloom in Akechi Mitsuhide's heart, neither Yoshigan nor Oda Nobunaga was aware of it for the time being.


In the end, Yoshigami nodded. After all, he could not resist the temptation of Oda Nobunaga to kneel down and satisfy the Oda family's land requirements.

After getting Yoshihiro's consent, Akechi Mitsuhide hurried back to Fushimi Castle the next day to prepare for the second round of negotiations with the Oda family.

She now has a large amount of bargaining chips in her hands, and the difficulty of negotiation has been greatly reduced.

After Akechi Mitsuhide left, Yoshihiro no longer wanted to stay in Tamonyama Castle.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki left the capital privately, leaving the shogunate without a leader. Yuigahama Yui's thoughts about Yoshigan's new life faded away. Seeing that his daughter was safe, he was relieved and embarked on the road back to Kyoto.

Kyoto, Shiba Residence,

Takeda Yoshinobu was playing in her yard. When she saw Yoshigan entering the yard, she jumped forward with joy.


Yiyin smiled and picked her up. The four-year-old child was already very heavy and felt heavy sitting on Yiyin's arms.

"You girl are so heavy again, I can hardly hold you anymore."

Takeda Yoshinobu hugged his neck and kept laughing.

"Father, hug, hug."

Yiyin rubbed his daughter with his beard, causing her to scream in disgust, jump down from Yiyin and run into the house.

"Chang Xin! Chang Xin! Father is bullying me!"

Kousaka Masanobu stood on the porch, supported Takeda Yoshinobu who rushed up, and lowered himself to wipe her sweat.

"Young Master, please be careful."

Yiyin was also full of playfulness, walked up a few steps, pretended to be evil, and said.

"Don't run, I'm coming, hahaha."

Takeda Yoshinobu screamed in fright and ran into the house. Yoshigan blinked at Kosaka Masanobu, chased his daughter and passed her.

Masanobu Kosaka watched the father and daughter chasing and fighting, feeling angry and amused, and shouted.

"Young master, be careful, don't fall!"

An hour later, Yoshigan held the sleeping Takeda Yoshinobu and carefully placed her on the bed made by Kousaka Masanobu.

Takeda Yoshinobu still refused to let go, grabbing Yoshigami's sleeves and talking in his sleep.

"I caught my father... I caught him..."

Kosaka Masanobu stepped forward, carefully opened Takeda Yoshinobu's little hands, and covered her with the quilt tightly. The chill in late autumn was getting worse, and he was afraid that the child would catch cold.

Yi Gin sat and watched the most beautiful woman of the Takeda family doing something in front of him. He smelled the fragrance of her body and couldn't help but reach out to hug her and rub her ears and temples together.

Kosaka Masanobu followed Takeda Yoshinobu and had the opportunity to enjoy a lot of rain and dew, but unfortunately her stomach never moved, and she gradually gave up, but she still shamelessly begged for sex, not wanting it for nothing.

At this time, being held in Yoshiyin's arms, Kosaka Masanobu blushed and said.

"Sage, the child is here."

Yiyin whispered in her ear.

"Don't worry, I'm tired from playing and fell into a deep sleep. I won't be able to wake up for a while."

Kosaka Masanobu looked at Yoshigan's handsome face, and then at the child's sleeping face. He was looking forward to it, but also worried. He put his hands on Yoshigan's shoulders, hesitating and not daring to indulge.

After all, Yoshigami was not a Samurai Hime. He could not match the strength of Masanobu Kosaka. He tried his best but failed, and suddenly lost his temper.

He let go of Kosaka Masanobu and stood up.

Kosaka Masanobu thought he was angry and wanted to leave, and he panicked just now when Yoshigami came around behind him, pushed him, and put his hands on the child's bed.

Yoshiyin's voice came from behind Kosaka Masanobu.

"Since you are so worried about her waking up, just keep an eye on her carefully."

Kosaka Masanobu's face turned red. Looking at the child's innocent sleeping face, he felt Yoshiyuki moving behind him, and his whole body stiffened.

How...can this...ah...


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