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Chapter 1630 Thank you for the saint who entertained me

 Takasaka Masaru is deeply loyal and loyal. Even if he is unable to give birth to a child for Yoshihiro, he still wants to adopt an heir and let the Takasaka family take care of the descendants of Yoshihiro for the rest of his life.

Regardless of whether this matter was successful in the end, regardless of whether the Kosaka family would still loyally follow the descendants of Takeda Yoshinobu five hundred years later, this attitude moved Yoshigan very much.

If all the martial arts families in the world have this mentality and humbly obey the descendants of gods for generations, then Yiyin will be able to close his eyes with peace of mind even if he succeeds in this life.

As soon as Yoshihiro was moved, he went to bed and rewarded Kosaka Masanobu well along the way.

The two traveled together like a couple, detoured around Mount Fuji, came to Kai territory, and met Takeda Shingen.

There are many hot springs at the foot of Mount Fuji, the most famous of which are in the Hojo family territory. Toi Hakone is famous all over the world. In fact, there are many in the Takeda family area.

The Fuji Five Lakes are located at the northern foot of Mount Fuji. They are barrier lakes formed by volcanic eruptions. That volcano is, of course, Mount Fuji.

There are many hot springs around the volcano, and the Fuji Five Lakes are no exception. Among the five lakes, Lake Shoji is the smallest, and it is located in Kai. It is safe and reliable and has been chosen by Takeda Shingen as a hot spring bathing spot in winter.

Yoshigan went north along the Fuji River with Kosaka Masanobu, passed through Mount Momu, Lake Motosu, and entered the Lake Shojin area.

There is a miniature lake wrapped in the mountains. When Yiyin arrived, the sun was setting in the west. It was cloudless in winter. The sunlight reflected on the lake was orange and warm, and the top of Mount Fuji in the distance was like a ring of white snow.

Looking at the natural scenery, Yiyin couldn't help but said to Masanobu Kosaka next to him.

“It’s a worthwhile trip to see such beautiful scenery.”

Kosaka Masanobu smiled.

"The road to Sunset Mountain is difficult. I beg the saint to move to the soup house, which is not far ahead."

Yiyin nodded, looked at it again reluctantly, and moved on.


At the beginning of the lanterns, there was a small soup in the mountain. When Yiyin walked up the steps, he saw steam lingering, and there was a hint of sulfur in his breath.

The dark shadow in the mist slowly walked out of the soup pool, and finally stood up from the ground, coming to Yiyin with the sound of dripping water.

Yoshigan squinted his eyes and looked at Takeda Shingen, who was like a hibiscus in water, and remained silent.

As soon as they left Yantian City, Yoshihiro never saw this gorgeous and beautiful Governor of the Takeda family again.

See you again today. She is still as radiant as before, and she also has a bit of the sad temperament of a married woman, which can't help but evoke a trace of dreams in Yi Yin's heart.

This is the mother of Yiyin's daughter, a woman from Yiyin. She was pregnant for ten months and gave birth to a blood-connected heir for Yiyin, so that Yiyin is no longer alone in this world.

No matter how outsiders criticize Takeda Shingen, saying that she committed an unforgivable sin by detaining Yoshigage, Yoshigage himself knows very well that he did it voluntarily, liked it, and was very happy.

But since Yantian City, Takeda Shingen disappeared from Yoshigan's sight and never appeared again. Now that I think about it, she avoided Yoshigan to hide the existence of her child.

It wasn't until Takeda Shangluo failed, the Takeda family's decline began to show, and Takeda Shingen resolutely sent his daughter to Kinki that Yoshigan realized that he already had an heir in this world.

Looking at Takeda Shingen with the pool of water dripping in front of him, Yoshigan's eyes swept across her whole body, and finally turned into a sigh.

"It's so hard for you to hide this from me."

Yoshigan was sizing up Takeda Shingen, and Takeda Shingen was also observing him.

After five years of separation, even if Takeda Shingen took good care of himself, he could not resist the passage of time. He became more and more mature and full of wifeliness.

But Yiyin is different. Time is like a knife, but it cannot leave a trace on his body. He seems to be stuck at the moment when he was sixteen, just like the boy back then.

Hearing Yoshigan's sigh, Takeda Shingen could no longer control her emotions. She stepped forward and kissed the boy, just like she did in her dreams every night.

Until Yoshigami was about to suffocate, he couldn't bear it anymore and pushed Takeda Shingen away and cursed.

"You're done, I'm almost out of breath."

Takeda Shingen touched his lips, recalled the touch and taste just now, and smiled.

"It's real, not a dream."

Takeda Shingen stepped forward and kissed him deeply again, but this time it was not as long. Then he knelt in front of Yoshigami, took off his clothes, used a bamboo water spoon to wet him, and then entered the hot spring pool.

Yiyin soaked in the pool, groaned in comfort, and then asked.

"Where are the Yixin people?"

Takeda Shingen pressed against Yoshigoshi from behind, held his head and neck, and blew into his ear.

"The child went to bed after dinner. I will take you to see her later."

Yoshigami was so close to her that he felt angry. Takeda Shingen noticed his physical abnormality and showed a smile of success at the corner of his mouth.


By the time the two of them got out of the bath to rest, it was already midnight.

Takeda Shingen personally served Yoshigoshi and changed his clothes, and enjoyed it by raising and lowering his hands.

Yiyin was a little annoyed and said.

"Don't make trouble. I was dragged to the bath the moment I arrived. I'm very hungry now. Please help me find something to eat quickly."

Takeda Shingen smiled.

"I always feel that the taste is a bit bland. Did Chang Xin eat it secretly on the road?

I have known for a long time that you have an unusual attitude towards her. I asked her how life is in Kyoto, and she hesitated and couldn't explain clearly. I knew that you liked her and gave her many opportunities.

It's a pity that she never got pregnant, otherwise it would be great to be a companion for Yixin."

Yiyin remained silent.

Back then, Takeda Shingen hated himself to death in front of the Takeda Shinban Rei in Yantian City.

But she couldn't kill herself, so she had to retaliate by forcibly humiliating herself.

Afterwards, she felt uneasy and let Kousaka Masanobu, Tenkai, and Sanada Nobushige take turns humiliating her. Especially Kousaka Masanobu, who was really accompanying Takeda Shingen, tossing and turning over and over again.

Times have changed, and five years later, everyone's situation is different.

Masanobu Kosaka admires him so much that he is willing to let his descendants serve him for the rest of his life. He is such a foolish person.

Sanada Nobushige is no longer the poor girl crying in front of her soul, but has become a powerful and powerful warrior known far and wide, claiming to be the best soldier in the world.

Master Tianhai is no longer a poor nun who is living in peril. He has settled in Enryaku Temple and succeeded to the throne of the Tiantai Sect. Tianhai Yifei has regained his life.

As for Takeda Shingen, she became the mother of Yoshigan's child. The relationship between the two was unclear and confusing, making it a confusing affair.

Yoshigan looked at Takeda Shingen recalling the past. Takeda Shingen smoothed his hair and said proactively.

"Do you think I'm shameless?

Back then, I stole your seeds and secretly gave birth to a child, keeping it a secret. When the Takeda family failed to expand, they used the child to provoke you to start a war with the Oda family to extend the life of the Takeda family.

I know that there are countless people cursing me behind my back and despising me as the most shameless person in the world.

What about you? You think so too, right?"

Yiyin smiled and said.

"You may not believe it, but actually I am very grateful to you. The moment Yi Xin appeared in front of me, I even wanted to cry.

At the first glance, I knew she was my daughter. At that moment, I felt that the whole world became real.

You are no longer NPCs, and I am no longer a passerby in this world. Everything I did seemed to have meaning at that moment.

Thank you, Takeda Shingen, for giving birth to my daughter and making me no longer lonely."

Takeda Shingen actually didn't understand what Yoshigan was talking about. She couldn't understand what an NPC was, but that didn't stop her from understanding Yoshigan in her own way.

The noble son of the Wu family whose family was wiped out conquered a huge empire by himself with one sword and one sword, but his heart was confused, full of loneliness and desolation.

But Takeda Shingen took advantage of this and used his children as bargaining chips to prevent disasters for the Takeda family for free and consume resources for the Takeda family.

Thinking of this, Takeda Shingen suddenly felt ashamed and slapped himself.

Yiyin looked at her in astonishment and asked.

"what you do?"

Takeda Shingen hugged Yoshigan's neck and refused to let go, speaking in his ear.

"I cheated, I lied, I stole, I took advantage of your feelings, I did all the bad things.

But I will ultimately give everything to Yoshinobu, let her be your glory, and make the Takeda family an indispensable part of the Shiba Goddess.

Sibo Yiyin, everything I owe you will one day be paid back to you in full, doubled.

So please don’t hate me, okay?”

Yoshigan felt Takeda Shingen's body trembling slightly, and his tone was choking and pleading.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud. It turns out that you, a vicious and vicious woman who is not afraid of heaven or earth, can also be flustered.

But what kind of good thing am I? I deceived the world, I got an advantage and behaved well, we are really a bad couple born for each other.

Yoshigan whispered in Takeda Shingen's ear.

"I have never hated you, even when I was in Yantian City."

Takeda Shingen let go of his hand, held Yoshiyin's cheek, and asked seriously.



"Why? At that time, I was like crazy, trying my best to ruin you."

"Because, you are so beautiful and have a great figure."

Yoshigan smiled and said what was in his heart, but Takeda Shingen looked at him in disbelief, unable to digest this honor.

Finally, Takeda Shingen chuckled.

"It turns out that the saint who is famous all over the world is also a vulgar man who only cares about his face and figure. No wonder you are so kind to Chang Xin, she is a great beauty."

Takeda Shingen actually didn't believe it at all, but if Yoshigami wanted to ease the relationship between the two, she would certainly not refuse.

As she spoke, her face came closer and closer, making Yiyin's heart skip a beat.

"I'm hungry, aren't we going to eat?"

Takeda Shingen chuckled.

"I'm hungry too, so I want to eat first. Thank you for the hospitality, my saint..."

After saying that, she didn't wait for Yiyin to speak, and directly blocked Yiyin's mouth with her lips.


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