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Chapter 1636 The rise and fall of Hojo depends on this one move

 Financial risks will not disappear, they will only shift. As long as there is financialization, leverage will inevitably increase, and bubbles will definitely occur. This is inevitable.

The profit-making side wants to create bubbles, and the higher the multiple, the more profit it will make. The regulators want to press leverage, eliminate bubbles, and reduce the risk coefficient.

The battle of wits and courage between the two sides has been throughout the history of finance.

Every time we experience a financial crisis, regulators will plug a loophole. But profit-seeking parties can always find new loopholes and dig holes for the next financial crisis.

The financial game is a group of the smartest people playing a stupid game that is bound to collapse. The huge benefits of transferring wealth are too tempting and are always challenging people's bottom line.

Greed makes people smart, greed makes people stupid, and this is how crises repeat themselves again and again.

The Shiba Tadashi Foundation and the Samurai Warriors Promotion Association, these two institutions were established by Shiba Yoshibank to subsidize the poor middle- and lower-class samurai warriors who lived in poverty.

His original intention is to protect the interests of the entire Wu family group, transfer some of the oil and water from the upper level, so that the middle and lower levels can get a share of the pie, and make the foundation of the Wu family world more solid.

It is a pity that Sibo Yiyin thinks about human nature too well. In the absence of supervision, the tool for equalizing wealth and poverty has quickly become a tool used by the group of people who got rich first to seek personal gain.

Spo Yiyin complained to Lilu in his heart that the greed of the Dutch caused the world's first financial crisis, which may not come true in this world.

Because in this female-dominated world, the first financial crisis may have been the crude food stamp financial system created by the Spall family.

A naive leader and a group of greedy managers established a financial system that lacked supervision and relied solely on self-consciousness.

If there is no problem with this, it can only be said that the entire Sibo family is a moral model and a saint has been reincarnated.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi saw the crisis, and with the determination to uphold justice for the Wu family and repay the saint with loyalty, he was ready to lift the fig leaf of the interest group before everything was irreversible.

No one knows what will happen after it is revealed, not even Hanzawa Naoyoshi himself.

But she knew that it would be irresponsible to cover one's ears and leave the problem until later.

Therefore, she must do this.

Bank of America does not know that its financial system, which is ahead of its times, is already undercurrent and may explode in a year or two.

Now, he is still thinking about how to persuade the Hojo clan to give in, hand over the Imagawa clan, and let the Shiba family take the lead in rebuilding the Tokaido trade route.

When I think about the two trade routes of Hokuriku and Tokaido being dominated by the Shiba family, from now on the Shiba family can close the door and kick out the benefits of the Oda family's exclusive enjoyment of the Kanto land.

Yoshigan felt happy and set off from Kai again, heading south to Mount Hakone.


Japan is a giant volcanic island, and the Hakone area just came out of a period of intensive volcanic eruptions about 400,000 years ago.

The natural scenery created by volcanoes is amazing, with volcanic lakes, craters, and geothermal hot springs everywhere.

Gotemba is sandwiched between Mount Fuji and Mount Ashigara. Yoshigan went south from here, passing through Lake Ashi, Mount Kamiyama, and Komagatake, and met the waiting Hojo Ushimasa in the hot spring area of ​​Hakone Town.

At this time, Hakone Mountain had not yet formed the seventeen hot springs of Hakone that would be developed in the future. There were only seven hot springs.

After Yoshigan passed through Hakone Pass, he entered Hakone Yumoto. The spring of Yumoto was a cold soup. Hojo Ushimasa led Yoshigan to Taranosawa Onsen, which is slightly north, and served him at a banquet.

Yoshigan did not reject the enthusiasm of the Hojo family. He also needed this kind of private and friendly atmosphere so that he could make demands on the Hojo family and let the Hojo family let go of Imagawa Uzuma.

The good card of the Imagawa family is an important political bargaining chip for the Hojo family to attack and retreat in Tokaido.

Yoshigan is also having a headache, how to convince the Hojo family to willingly hand over the Imagawa clan.

The Hojo family has been running Kanto for four generations. Although its upward momentum has been stopped by Yi Bank and it has begun to integrate into the Kanto shrine with peace of mind, its rich heritage cannot be underestimated.

Yoshigan does not want to have a fierce conflict with the Hojo family over the issue of dominance of the Tokaido, which is not conducive to the unity of the Kanto Palace.

Moreover, if the Hojo clan is unwilling to give up the Imagawa clan, with the influence of the Hojo family in Tokaido, it may not be successful, but it will be very easy to cause trouble and make others fail.

At the banquet, Yoshigine was secretly worried about how to speak, but he didn't know that Hojo Ushimasa, who was sitting below him, was also worried.

Thanks to the mediation of Hojo Genan and Daidaiji Norishima, the Hojo clan government received full support from the Hojo retainers group.

The Hojo family is willing to show their utmost sincerity, and even use the land that the Wu family values ​​most to buy a ticket from the Hojo clan to Yoshigan's bed.

The Hojo retainers were determined, but Hojo Ushimasa was flustered and didn't know how to speak.

She couldn't tell Yoshigan directly that the Hojo family was willing to offer the land of Higashimusashi Edogawa River, just asking the saint to lie down on mugwort.

During this meal, both of them wanted to get close, but they had their own hidden agendas, and the atmosphere was a bit tense.

Hojo Genan, who was accompanying the table, looked anxiously below. She finally saw that it was unreliable to rely solely on Hojo Umasa, and if she didn't give her a push, this matter would never succeed.

As the banquet came to an end, Hojo Genan smiled and bowed.

"Sage, Hakone Hot Spring is famous all over the world. This is the private hot spring established by the Hojo family. When the former governor was still alive, he liked to stay here every winter.

The warriors fought all over the world, and inevitably suffered sprains and contusions, leaving behind hidden dangers. The hot springs here have a miraculous effect on the pain of injured tendons. Why don't you go to the hot springs tonight to try it."

Yiyin smiled.

"I've heard about Hakone Hot Spring for a long time. Since I'm staying overnight today, I can't miss it. It's up to you. I'd like to ask Mr. Hojo Genan to make arrangements for me."

Hojo Genan bowed and saluted.

"The foreign minister is frightened, so he will arrange for the saint to enter the hot spring."

After saying that, Hojo Genan left first.

When the banquet came to an end, Hojo Umasa reluctantly said goodbye to Yoshigami. As soon as he walked out of the banquet hall, he was pulled to a corner by Hojo Genan.

Hojo Genan whispered.

"My veteran has made arrangements. The big soup is divided into two parts with a bamboo fence. Your Highness will wait for the saint to take a bath and then enter from the other side.

When the time comes, you can directly confess your love to the saint through the bamboo fence and express your love."

Hojo Ushimasa was stunned when he heard this.

When bathing in a Japanese-style bath, you don't wear any clothes, and even your shoes are left outside the bath room. Yoshigan and Hojo Ushimasa just separated themselves from each other by a bamboo fence, each naked, and took a bath together.

The concubine warriors came from afar, so they naturally didn't know the rules here. How did they know that the soup pool was split into two just today? They must have thought that this was how it was every day.

But even though he had a legitimate reason to hang out with Yoshigan and be honest with him, Hojo Ushimasa still felt panicked, his hands were sweating, and his face was red.

"Isn't this too hasty?

What if the saint is angry and thinks that I am taking this opportunity to be frivolous?"

Hojo Genan really couldn't stand this little girl's random thoughts, so he pulled her sleeves and said with a ferocious face.

"Not to be missed.

Even if the saint is angry, you have to accept the punishment and just ask for a little mercy and a little love from him.

Aren't we already planning to give all the land in the Edogawa Basin of Tomusashi to the saint? With such a large piece of land, even the anger of the saint can be enough to calm it down, right?

Your Highness, the prosperity of the family business depends on you alone. You don’t want the Hojo family to decline, right?

I know your heart for the saint. If you confess your love sincerely, the saint will definitely feel it. As long as the saint is willing to give you a chance, you can agree to any conditions!

Afterwards, it will be up to me to convince the retainers!"

Hojo Genan is already red-eyed. The Hojo clan dignitaries must go to the saint's bed!

Hojo Ushimasa's admiration is nothing, but the strength of the Hojo family is here, the saint can't turn a blind eye, right?

The governor of the Hojo family, the most powerful person in Kanto, knelt in front of you and confessed his love to you. He humbled himself and offered his land to you. You didn't even give him a chance. Isn't this forcing the Hojo family to have different aspirations?

Hojo Genan carefully studied all the saint's decisions and boasted that he knew the saint's thoughts accurately.

Although this saint was victorious in every battle, he actually disliked fighting and preferred to solve problems through negotiation.

The Hojo family is too big. If Hojo Ujimasa's desperate confession is rejected, the saint will start to worry about whether the Hojo family will continue to be sincerely obedient.

If Hojo Ujiyasu was still alive, Hojo Genan, an old fox, would never take such a dangerous risk. If the saint really didn't take this trick, the Hojo family would be the unlucky one.

But now Hojo Genan has to make dangerous moves for two reasons.

First, Hojo Genan is too old. As the second generation of the Hojo family, she doesn’t know how long she can live.

The Hojo clan was defeated in the Sano Alliance Battle. Not only did the retainers suffer heavy casualties, but the Hojo clan also lost a layer of middle-aged and elderly people.

The current members of the Hojo clan are too young and are all the nephews of the deceased. They do not trust the political abilities of the Hojo clan.

It was only with Hojo Genan, the leader of the clan, in charge, that the Hojo clan gained the support of the clan and would not be completely overwhelmed by the retainers.

When Hojo Genan passed away, the clan and retainers no longer trusted the governor. How should the Hojo clan manage its affairs? How should the proud four generations of the Hojo family be united and maintained?

Secondly, as outsiders, the Hojo family was excluded from the local elite families in Kanto, and their registered residence in Kinki has also been cancelled.

Both sides are not our own people. Apart from self-reliance and self-reliance, we cannot find a truly reliable small circle.

During the troubled times, this problem was not serious. But in times of peace, it would be difficult for someone to pull him out to sort out the past.

At the least, the territory will be reduced and the family business will decline. At the worst, it will be counterattack and calculation, and fight to the end.

Hojo Genan has been busy and worried about the Hojo family all his life. Seeing the bleak future of the family business, he was very anxious.

Although the Hojo family is living a happy life now, in fact, there are internal and external troubles nearby and external troubles far away. The best way to relieve internal and external troubles is to let Hojo Ujimasa climb into the bed of a saint.

As long as Hojo Umasa becomes a saint's woman and gives birth to a child for the saint, her status will be completely stable, because she is the key to the Hojo family becoming a divine family.

Whether it is a clan or a group of retainers, they will abandon their distrust and quickly move closer to the Hojo clan, because the benefits of being a god are too great.

Not to mention the poor ability of the family governor, even if the family governor is a fool, everyone will try their best to help this fool, so that the Hojo family can live a prosperous life with the Shiba Goddess.

A united Hojo family, a Hojo family with saintly heirs, cannot be defeated by any foreign enemy!

Hojo Genan's hand grasped Hojo Umasa's sleeve tighter and tighter, and the old woman's eyes seemed to be burning.

She must arrange the future of the Hojo family in her last life, and must not let the fruits of four generations of hard work go to waste.

Hojo Genan said sharply.

"As long as the saint is willing to accept you, no matter what request he makes, you can agree to it! Even if I sacrifice myself and commit seppuku, I will definitely convince the retainers to accept it!

Your Highness, for the sake of the inheritance that four generations of the Hojo family have worked hard for, please don’t hesitate any longer and face the saint mercilessly! Go to hell!"

Infected by Hojo Genan's ardent belief, Hojo Umasa, who was worried about gains and losses, finally calmed down. She looked at the banquet hall, her eyes seemed to penetrate the obstruction and saw Yoshigage's handsome face.

Today may be her only chance in this life, the only chance to be with the saint. Is she really willing to miss it?

After a long silence, Hojo Umasa turned to look at Hojo Genan, his eyes as firm as those of his opponent.

"The rise and fall of Hojo depends on this, I am willing to give it a try!"


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