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Chapter 1683 The initiative of the people in blue

 If the superior is unwilling to allocate benefits to subordinates, then the subordinates will only make one move, and do everything with half the effort. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the browser directly.\nCOM website to watch the fastest chapter updates)

Only when the top and bottom work together for the benefit can everyone's subjective initiative be truly brought into play, and everyone can work together to overcome difficulties.

If all the benefits belong to the leader and all the responsibilities belong to the subordinates, who would be willing to put in all the effort?

Yi Yin may not be an excellent leader, but he knows how to sympathize with others and his subordinates, and is willing to share a lot of benefits with others.

Therefore, when he is in trouble, all the people who have common interests with him will be anxious to help him avoid the disaster.

If the saint is unlucky, everyone will be unlucky. If the saint is gone, everyone will be doomed. This is called working together for the benefit of everyone.

It was for this reason that Daidaiji Morimasa took the initiative to offer the Hojo family's trump card, and the people in blue who were in charge of the rebel affairs in the Yotsugi Takasago area were even more eager to understand the saint's meaning.

In the middle of the night, Yoshigan's order was passed to Simu Village, and the blue-clad people headed by Mikami Momo and Kito Yua began to hold a meeting.

The young Ji warriors were gearing up and wanted to shed blood for the Wu family, but what they were waiting for was a basin of cold water asking them to bluff.

In the village house, the girls around the campfire were excited, and Yua Kito gave a high-five and shouted loudly.

"Are you questioning the sage's order?"

All the girls looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"Don't dare."

Ghost Head Yuya said in a deep voice.

"If you don't dare, then shut up!

Instead of complaining that the saint doesn’t give us a chance to express ourselves, it’s better to think about why the saint makes such a request to us!”

Mikami Momo looked thoughtful, and Kito Yua asked.

"Do you have an idea?"

Mikami Momo nodded, spread out the map, and pointed.

"I heard that Satake Yoshige attacked Sekijuku Castle in a sneak attack, and that the army has moved south and has reached Edogawadai. The defense of Kogane Castle is insufficient, and people are panicked. It may be breached at any time.

The riverbanks from Sekisu Castle to Xiaojin Castle have all been cleared by Satake Yoshige's cavalry, and it is temporarily impossible to cross the river.

Today, the Hojo family hurriedly crossed the river at Yagiri, not far from Takasago Village, and were attacked by Satomi Yoshihiro while crossing the river. They suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat to Koiwa to stabilize their position."

Ghost Head Yuya said anxiously.

"I know all what you said. The Yotsugi Takasago area is under our control, and we are very aware of the surrounding situation."

Mikami Momo glanced at her old comrade and said solemnly.

"Clearness is clear, but dealing with it is difficult.

The pressure from the north and the south came together, and the saint's action to gather the rebel army at Sagamidai was already in danger of being flanked by two sides.

Based on my understanding of the saint, he never falls into passivity and will definitely find a way to seize the initiative.

If you think about it carefully again, where did the envoys sent by the saint just come from?"

Ghost head Yuya narrowed his eyes.

"South... Xiaoyan?"

Mikami Momo nodded.

"The sage asked us to bluff at Takasago, put up a formation with the intention of crossing the river, and use a feint to attract the attention of a long line of enemy troops on the other side.

What about the saint himself? What is he going to do now?”

Yuya Kito looked at the map and thought.

"On the other side of Takasago is Changzuo.

To the north of Nagasaku is Sagamidai, where the saint gathered his rebel army. To the south of Nagasaku, Kokufudai Castle has been surrounded by Bosou's coalition forces.

The Hojo Army was defeated when crossing the Yagiri River. Satomi Yoshihiro left a small force to guard the river bank line, and most of the troops had retreated to Kokufudai south of Kokufudai Castle.

The saint crossed the river from Sagamidai and has already gone to the Hojo army in Koiwa... Could it be that... the saint wants to lead the Hojo family to fight again?"

Mikami Momo nodded fiercely.

"That's right, take the initiative and attack again!

Satomi Yoshihiro had just won a battle, and now was the time to relax after the war, which was convenient for the Hojo family to cross the river for a sneak attack.

The saint's goal is probably Satomi Yoshihiro, who is resting at the Kokufudai.

And our feint attack in Takasago was not to show off to the Nagasaku defenders on the other side, but to attract the attention of Yoshihiro Mito in the Imperial Palace so that he would not notice the Hojo Army crossing the river from the south to make a surprise attack."

Ghost head Yuya had a flash of inspiration and nodded.

"Yes, that's it.

The Hojo Army had just been defeated, its morale was low, and its morale was in turmoil. Only the arrival of a saint could revive the Hojo Army in the shortest possible time and attack again.

The saint still wanted to stick to the strategy of attacking Yoshihiro first and then turning back to deal with Satake Yoshige.

Therefore, most of the Sagamidai rebels have gone north to support Kogane Castle and will hold out until the saint breaks Satomi Yoshihiro."

Mikami Momo said with a smile.

"Now that the Saint's intention has been clarified, we also know how to cooperate with the Saint's strategy."

Kito Yua looked at Mikami Momo, pointed at her and smiled.

"You are the one with the most clever ideas, please tell me quickly so that everyone can hear it."

Mikami Momo said solemnly.

"The saint wants us to feint attack in Takasago to attract Satomi Yoshihiro's attention, but this may not work.

The victory of Yagiri has given Satomi Yoshihiro enough confidence. She may not care about our feeble feint attacks.

Therefore, in order to implement the saint's strategic intention, we need to change the feint attack into a strong attack, directly fight across the river, put more pressure on Satomi Yoshihiro, and force her to pay attention to us."

Yuya Kito couldn't help laughing, Mikami Momo was really a clever little kid.

The Blue Clothes claim themselves to be loyal followers of the Saint, and implement the slogan of one leader and one voice internally to implement their loyalty to the Saint.

Now that there is a clear order from the sage, if Mikami Momo and Kito Yua disobey and go their own way, they will surely be questioned as disloyal by everyone in blue.

But if the people in blue want to make great achievements, they must break out of the circle drawn by Yiyin. Then they must have sufficient reasons to persuade everyone to act.

Just as Mikami Momo said, the saint asked the men in blue to feign an attack in order to attract Satomi Yoshihiro's attention and cooperate with the Hojo Army's second offensive.

However, the people in blue were worried that they would not be able to attract Satomi Yoshihiro's attention and would not be able to complete the real goal entrusted by the saint, so they chose to take the initiative.

From this point of view, although the men in blue disobeyed Yiyin's orders, they implemented Yiyin's strategic intentions.

This is not disobedience, but a deep understanding of the saint's requirements, which is great loyalty.

With this layer of support, for the sake of Da Zhong, so regardless of Xiao Zhong's fig leaf, the people in blue who were gearing up could finally do what they wanted to do.

Ghost Head Yuya smiled and clapped his hands.

"Well said, in order to perfectly achieve the Saint's strategic intention, we must take the initiative.

We must inflict pain on the enemy's remaining defenders on the front line to ensure that Satomi Yoshihiro's attention is completely attracted."

Mikami Momo nodded.

"On the Takasago front line, we have gathered 2,000 troops and asked them to pretend to cross the river at Yagiri to attract the enemy forces on the other side.

More than a hundred of our colleagues in blue, who were in the army, all gathered together to find another ferry upstream, secretly infiltrated the warehouse, and attacked the enemy.

I would like to remind you that crossing the river in the middle of the night is very dangerous. After crossing the river, we will be outnumbered and the outcome is unpredictable.

This cross-river battle is entirely based on everyone's volition. Anyone who wants to withdraw can say so now, I will not force it."

All the girls glared at Mikami Momo, feeling that she was insulting them.

The ambition of the Blue Clothes is to cleanse the decaying spirit of the Wu family and rebuild the world of the Wu family with Yiyin. When they took the oath to join the Blue Clothes, these girls had already put their lives and deaths aside.

Ghost Head Yuya said.

"The ladies sitting here have no objections, but that does not mean that the more than 100 men in blue in the army do not have any objections. Everyone should go back and contact their colleagues. We will meet in Takasago in half an hour to discuss it again. Let's all go."

A group of girls filed out of the village with anger, quickly left the village house and returned to the army to summon their colleagues.

After they left, Yuya Kito said slowly.

"Your method of motivating generals is a bit old-fashioned."

It doesn’t matter how delicious the three peach dishes are.

“It just works.

The Takasago rebels used a bluff to cover up more than a hundred of our comrades and we were able to cross the river before dawn and disrupt the enemy.

After dawn, the two thousand rebels from Takasago would cross the river twice from Yagiri, and they would cooperate with each other from the inside. The long line of enemy forces would inevitably collapse.

We must quickly defeat Nagasaku's defenders, then go to Kokufudai, catch up with the saint's offensive against Satomi Yoshihiro, and get a share of the pie.

By that time, we have completed the saint's mission and made new achievements, and the saint will favor and appreciate the people in blue even more, and rely more on us."

If Mikami Momo wants to climb up the ranks, she must make more achievements in the Blue Clothes. Only then can she, a humble Ji warrior, get more attention from the saint.

Yua Kito's idea is relatively simple. The people in blue are the staunchest supporters of the saint. They must overcome obstacles for the cause of the saint. At this critical juncture, they must use their swords to assist the saint.

Although the two have different minds, their ardent passion to serve the Saint is exactly the same, and they work together to create the glory that belongs to the people in blue.


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