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Chapter 1690 One last attack

 With Yoshigan holding the white flag at his back, he was so angry before the battle that he frightened Bozou Takeda and his family into chaos. They stampeded and fled. The people in Hojo were fascinated and their morale was greatly boosted.

Although Yoshigan punched Masaki Toki and stepped on Maratani Takeda, he looked majestic and repeatedly boosted the morale of the Hojo soldiers under his command.

But the reality is still embarrassing. After all, he is trapped here, in a dilemma, and his military strength is extremely exhausted.

Fortunately, the enemy forces at Mount Shinma to the south and Sawada to the east have been frightened and will not cause trouble again for the time being.

Yoshigami returned to Satomi Yoshihiro's camp with more than 20 riders, and Hojo Yasunari led others to greet him.

The Princesses of Hojo looked at Yoshigan's great power, and the enemies who were beaten ten times or twenty times ran away with their heads in their arms, and they admired him even more. It was painful to be the enemy of the saint, but it was really great to be the saint's comrade-in-arms!

Hojo Yasunari personally held the reins for the saint's horse, Ii Naomasa and Tachibana Kanade carefully helped Yoshigoshi off the horse, and Sanada Rin and Nagano Yasumori followed suit and put away the two military flags.

A group of Ji warriors surrounded Yoshigan to protect him. Naomasa Ii took a closer look at Yoshigan's arrow wound and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a light bow and arrow used by Ashigaru. It has no barbs and fortunately, no bones were injured.

Please be patient, saint, and I will pull out the arrow for you."

Yoshigan nodded, pulled up the hem and bit it in his mouth. Naomasa Ii took out the wound medicine from his arms, pulled out the ribs, and was about to take out the arrow.

But when Ii Naomasa, who has always been upright and resolute, saw Yoshigami closing his eyes and enduring the pain, his heart trembled, and his hand holding the knife also started to shake.

At that time, her adoptive father Ii Naotora took her north to Echigo Kingdom and asked for help from the saint for protection.

Over the years, the sage treated her with kindness and sincerity, offering her food and clothing. Because she was highly valued by the Sibo family, the Jingyi family was revived and rebuilt with kindness.

Naomasa Ii only has saints in his heart.

As a child raised by Yi Yin, she was grateful for the saint's upbringing and worshiped the saint's talent. She had deep admiration for the saint in her heart, and sometimes even felt a hint of presumptuous pity for him.

It is a woman's nature to cherish the man she loves, regardless of status or status.

At this moment, seeing Yiyin's tired and weak look, her heart was trembling. She wanted to hug the man in front of her, tell him that she loved him, and beg him to never take risks again.

Tachibana Kanade on the side didn't know how complicated thoughts were in Ii Naomasa's heart. He just thought that this guy was so scared that his hands were shaking and he couldn't move the knife.

The war is urgent and there is no room for delay.

Tachibana Kano took the rib blade from Ii Naomasa's hand, burned it on a torch, cut Yoshigage's muscles decisively with his knife, and pulled out the arrowhead.

Yoshigan groaned, sweating on his head, and Ii Naomasa glared at Tachibana Kanade.

Tachibana Kanou pointed at the blood gushing from the wound and said calmly.

"Hurry up and apply the medicine."

There was no time to chat with Tachibana, so Ii Naomasa quickly sprinkled the hemostatic powder on Yoshigami's arm and carefully bandaged him with clean white gauze.

After it was done, Yoshiyin stood up and moved his arms, which even prompted an angry reminder from Naomasa Ii.

"The wound has not stopped bleeding, please be careful not to move it, saint."

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. We were fighting, how could we be careful not to move?

He ignored Naomasa Ii who had become a mother-in-law, looked at Yasunari Hojo and asked.

"How's it going?"

Hojo Yasunari was shocked when he saw that Yoshigan was so unparalleled that he drove away the enemy troops in the south and did not dare to turn back. He was completely convinced at this moment.

Everyone praises the saint as being invincible, but that is just a straightforward statement. How can it be as exciting as seeing is believing?

Mu Qiang from the samurai family is as strong as Yoshigan, who among the Hojo young men present would not be convinced?

Hojo Yasunari said respectfully.

"Reporting to the sage, Hojo Yasuzhong is leading people to attack the camp. Samurai Satomi Kahime is not allowed to organize the chaotic soldiers, but we still have too few people. The longer the time goes on, the harder it will be.

In addition, I have found some bow and arrow ladders, take a look."

Yoshigan looked towards where Hojo Yasunari was pointing, and saw only a few simple ladders, and couldn't help but frown.

Satomi Yoshihiro's main camp is just a small stronghold. If you give Yoshihiro some time, it can be taken down without siege weapons. But now, what Yoshihiro lacks most is time.

Not only were the Hojo troops outnumbered, but they were also exhausted. The enemy army was slowly coming back to their senses, and the possibility of breaking through Satomi Yoshihiro's main formation was getting lower and lower.

Yiyin was not sure whether Daodaoji Shengchang's letter was of any use.

He was not familiar with Toki Mori, and he didn't know to what extent Toki Mori had colluded with the Hojo family. If Toki Mori saw that there was no progress on Yoshigan's side, would he back down?

His subordinates are tired, and the internal response is unsure. Even if Yoshigan is disappointed again, he must start to consider a retreat, and cannot abandon the Hojo Young Faction here.

He looked at Hojo Yasunari and said.

"We will attack Satomi Yoshihiro's main formation for the last time. If we cannot defeat it, we will retreat directly.

The enemies at Mount Shinma and Sawada have just been defeated, their morale is low, and their morale is low. We retreated between them, but they did not dare to stop us."

Hojo Yasunari gritted his teeth and said.

"But we..."

Yiyin interrupted.

"The dawn raid has destroyed the arrogance of Boso's coalition forces and defeated Satomi Yoshihiro. You have both merit and demerit.

No matter what the outcome of this new attack is, the courage and martial arts of the Hojo Young Faction have won my admiration. You have already made a sacrifice, and there is no need to waste your lives here.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Even if we can't break Yoshihiro Satomi's main formation, we can still fight again when Master Daidaiji Morimasa comes with a large force to help.

Fang Zong's coalition forces are confused. With me here, it will be easy to defeat the enemy. There is no need to rush."

Yoshigan does not want the Hojo Young Boys to fail, especially now, after fighting side by side, Hojo Yasunari has put aside the hatred of killing his mother and admires him very much.

Such young people from the Hojo faction are likely to become helpers of the Hojo clan and become pro-Shiba forces within the Hojo retainers.

Yoshihiro not only hopes that they can preserve their strength, but also hopes that they can make new achievements, wash away their shame, and compete with the high-level Hojo court.

Therefore, Yiyin will try its best to excuse them and label this unfinished raid as a victory in advance.

If Yoshihiro Satomi's main formation cannot be broken this time, Yoshigan will retreat with the Hojo Young Faction and wait for the arrival of Daidaiji Temple to fight again.

Of course, the main vanguard force in the next battle is still the Hojo Young Faction.

As long as Yoshigan is still in the Hojo Army, he will continue to give new opportunities to the Hojo Young Faction. Even if Daidaiji Morimasa sees through Yoshigan's intentions, she will still have to bow her head and cooperate.

Since the Hojo family is ready to integrate into the Shiba system and become a member of the Kami family, they must tolerate Yoshigami's dictation of the Hojo family.

This is conspiracy.

Yoshigan looked to the north, looking past Satomi Yoshihiro's main formation.

Although he had made two preparations in his mind, he still hoped to defeat Satomi Yoshihiro in one fell swoop and undisputedly clear away the shame of the Hojo Young Faction.

He didn't know whether he could succeed, let alone whether Toki Norii in the north would cooperate.


While fierce fighting continued in the area around Kokufu Tai, Toki Norii, who had returned to camp as early as dawn to mobilize, was now standing still at the Shimoso Kobuni Temple in the northeast of Kokufu Tai.

In the seventh century AD, Emperor Shomu ordered all the territorial states to build Kokubun-ji Temple and Kokubun-nyin Temple in order to protect the world.

Kokubun Nyin Temple is also known as the Temple of the Lotus Suppressing Crimes. Among them, the Kokubun Nying Temple in the Lower Mainland is located northeast of Taipei, the national capital.

Eight hundred years of baptism, during which the emperor lost power and Sekihaku became regent, followed by the rise of two generations of samurai shogunates, the emperor's court fell from power and was completely slaughtered by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

The game of power in the world is unpredictable, and the Shimoso Kobuniji Temple has become a historic site that few people pay attention to, which is proof of the glory of the emperor's court.

At this moment, Toki was in trouble. She led her troops southward to the Shimoso Kobuni Temple and was still hesitating.

Daidaiji Morimasa clearly stated in the letter that the saint was coming in person and that she must cooperate, and the Hojo family would be richly rewarded afterwards.

However, the defeat of the Hojo Army in Yakiri's battle made Toki Yuri hesitate a little as to whether it was appropriate for him to jump back at this time.

After all, she is Satomi Yoshiyao's mother-in-law. As long as she does not defect to Hojo, she will be a distinguished guest in the Satomi camp.

However, the tough attitude of the Kanto Secretariat in attacking the Eastern people made Toki nori lose confidence in Satomi Yoshihiro, so he secretly made a secret arrangement with the Hojo family in order to preserve his family business.

But the defeat of the Hojo family made the saints have no choice but to rush to the front line, and it also made Toki Yuri a little unsure whether his choice was correct.

You know, once you switch sides in front of the battle and stab Yoshihiro Satomi in the back, you will be completely torn apart.

Just when Toki Weyori was having trouble making a decision, an envoy suddenly ran up from the north. He dismounted in embarrassment and rushed in front of Toki Weyori.

"My Lord, something is wrong! A cavalry army suddenly came from the north. They shouted for a breakthrough while fighting southward, causing chaos in the coalition camp!

Mr. Shinqiao, who is staying behind in our formation, asked me to come and report the news and ask Mr. Family Governor what we should do."

Toki Weilai's eyes widened and he looked to the north. Sure enough, there was a faint sound of charging and killing, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"The front line of Nagasaku was breached? Why didn't Yoshihiro Satomi say anything?"

Yesterday, the Hojo family was defeated at Yagiri. Yoshihiro Satomi defied everyone's opinions and left his cronies to defend the front line, and the army returned to the Kokufudai.

Toki Norayi stayed in Satomi Yoshihiro's camp until dawn before leaving, but Satomi Yoshihiro never mentioned the fact that Nagasaku Line was breached.

What does Satomi Yoshihiro mean?

Toki Norayi didn't know that Satomi Yoshihiro only received the news that Nagasaku Line had been breached after she left.

Before Satomi Yoshihiro had time to react, Yoshihiro's dawn raid came and killed Satomi Yoshihiro's formation. Naturally, there was no time to inform everyone.

But Toki was unaware of these coincidences, and she immediately misunderstood them.

Satomi Yoshihiro abused his close confidants, missed the first line of long-term success, and deliberately concealed it. This is what it means to not trust Toki Yui.

Now, the long line of enemy troops had already arrived, while Satomi Yoshihiro's own formation was still being tormented by the raiding party led by the saint.

The Hojo Army, which is prosperous at Daidaiji Temple, may surround the saint from the south at any time to reinforce him.

Seeing that Boso's coalition forces were being attacked on both sides, and the central government was blooming, a disaster was imminent. Toki Norii finally made up his mind, everyone should take care of themselves first!

She narrowed her eyes and ordered.

"The whole army is heading south. When we see our formation at the target, set off!"


This chapter has been completed!
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