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Chapter 1709 Satake Yoshige’s Awakening

 The rising sun was rising in the east, and the night frost and morning dew soaked Satake Yishige's hair. After all, she was so determined that she knelt down at the foot of Taicheng, the national capital, and never hesitated to look back.

The hunting clothes on her body were already soaked through. Hatamoto, who was following from a distance, tried to add some clothes to her several times, but she was sternly rebuffed.

Satake Yoshizhong knelt down all night and thought about it all night, recalling the turbulent years and feeling at a loss.

She was young and promising, and was known for her bravery and wisdom. She was known as Oni Yizhong, Bando Tai Niang. After she became the governor of the family, she joined forces to conquer east and west, and never slackened off.

In the north, he united with the samurai families in the Nan'o Basin to fight against Ashina, and in the south, he cooperated with the Yuki family and invaded Oda. They both achieved great military exploits and expanded their territory, making the Satake family powerful in Kanto.

However, there are many talented people in the country, and the pretentious Satake Yishige has gradually felt unable to do what he wants over the years.

She is an excellent family governor and an excellent warrior Ji, but she is not yet outstanding enough to be a genius and unparalleled in the world.

Satake Yoshishige finally defeated the Ashina Mori family and used his second daughter to take over the Ashina family. He thought he could take over the four Aizu counties. However, Date Masamune came out from the north and ruined her good deeds.

The Oda clan in the south lost his territory several times and returned to Oda Castle several times. He was a mangy dog ​​that could not be killed.

Within Hitachi, the Edo family in the central part of the country was not convinced, the great clan in the prefecture was not convinced, and the people of the 33rd Hall in the southern counties were all dissatisfied.

The Satake family claimed to protect the Hitachi Kingdom, but they only had seven counties in the north and the plain counties in the south with abundant water systems. The wealthy local samurai families were more wary of the Satake family than obeyed them.

The next summary is that the Shiro family, a former ally, turned to the newly rising Hojo family and lured the wolf into the house.

Satake Yoshige represents the Kanba Shu Eastern Samurai Group. She can only fight resolutely against the Hojo family and support the situation with great effort.

To briefly summarize the first half of Satake Yoshige's life, he couldn't get through to the north, and he couldn't do anything to the south. He was fighting in the Hitachi Kingdom. Behind the seemingly beautiful scenery, he actually accomplished nothing.

Speaking of the Oriental Crowd, a group formed spontaneously by the samurai families in the eastern part of Guanzhu, Satake Yishige even burst into tears.

Satake Yoshige was known as the leader of the Eastern People, but he didn't get much benefit. When trouble came, he was shot out of the lead.

The first thing Takeda Shingen did when he joined the big family of the Kanto Shrine was to sow discord, detail the injustices of the people in the East, and instigate the Western Kanbaju clan, the mainstream of the Kanto Shrine, to annex the east.

In the conscience of heaven and earth, the Wu family waits and hesitates when something happens. Isn't this a matter of course? Who hasn't done this before?

The people in the East did not resist the saint, they just ignored the saint's call and became the unjust people who were criticized by Zhu Ji.

The martial arts family in the west just wants to grab money, food, territory, and men from across the border. What kind of logic is this?

The Imperial Court in Guandong could ignore the Imperial Order of Peace in Guandong and divide the territory of the Eastern People like meat in the Grand Council. Why couldn't the Eastern People appeal and resist?

The Satake family has been running Hitachi for five hundred years. This family business cannot be destroyed in the hands of Satake Yishige!

Before Satake Yoshigege planned the rebellion, he had gone through all channels and methods to resolve the problem peacefully. Even if the family business was somewhat damaged, the Satake family accepted it.

But the people at the Kanto Palace have never thought of giving the people of the East a way to survive! Takeda Shingen is even more blatant and wants to replace the Hitachi guardian of the Satake family!

The martial arts all over the world praise the saint's benevolence, justice, and justice, but Satake Yishige just wants to shout that the saint is unfair!

The saint turned a blind eye to the greed of the Guandong service, and punished the people of the East too harshly. This is unfair!

Since the saint cannot give justice to the Satake family, why can't the Satake family resist?

With the 500-year history of the Satake family and the prestige of Satake Yoshitoshi for more than 20 years, she organized the people of the East and wanted to demand justice with swords and guns in her hands. What mistakes and crimes did she have?

But the facts proved that she was wrong, because in the world, those with strong soldiers and horses win.

Satake Yoshige once again deeply felt that she might be an outstanding household governor and an outstanding military commander, but her limit was only outstanding.

There are truly unparalleled heroes in this world!

The truth in the world may not all be in the barrel of a gun, but the hardest truth must come from the barrel of a gun. How can you say whether you can win or not?

Yesterday afternoon, Satake Yoshige received the news that Sekishuku Castle had changed hands and that the Furukawa and Yuki leaders had sent troops to cut off the logistics supply line.

She understood that she had lost.

Satake Yoshige didn't even have the chance to face the saint face to face, fight with real swords and guns, and cry out that it was unfair, before he was completely defeated.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Satake Yoshitaka can complain about the villain who tipped off the news, Utsunomiya, who is on both sides of the snake and mouse, and Satomi who is watching from the sidelines.

But in the final analysis, it is because everyone has no confidence in her. If she is really capable of winning every battle, then she does not need to kneel here today and pretend to be pitiful like a bereaved dog.

Come and beg the unjust saint to give the Satake family a way to survive, and be grateful and praise the saint for his kindness, fairness, and justice.

In a daze, Satake Yoshige seemed to smell the aroma of rice. It was the defenders at the top of the city having breakfast.

The whine in her stomach reminded Satake Yishige that she had not eaten a morsel of food or drank a sip of water since yesterday afternoon.

The acid reflux was burning the walls of her stomach, more like pouring cold water on her forehead, extinguishing the anger in her heart at being forced to accept the injustice.

Is fairness important? Not important, eating is the most important! How many people in the Satake family are counting on her to eat, she has to know them!

The war has been lost. The moment he received the news yesterday afternoon, Satake Yoshige knew what he should do.

She simply abandoned the army and ran to the foot of Taicheng, the capital of the country, and knelt down alone to beg the saint to punish her.

Satake Yoshitaka could commit seppuku or behead her in public, but she had to leave as much as possible for the defeated Satake family.

If you had knelt down earlier and begged the saint for mercy, you might have been able to save an extra piece of land and vitality for the Satake family.

As for the various allies of the Eastern Army, I can't care about them now. I'll take the blame for all the bad names.

What makes Satake Yoshigeage most gratified is that she is still waiting to see Satoshi, who is sitting on the fence.

The Satake, Utsunomiya, and Satomi families are the most powerful leaders among the Easterners. The Satake family can surrender before the other two families, and the punishment will not be too severe.

Satomi Yoshihide, an old fool, didn't kneel down immediately. Satake Yoshishige had to grab the jackpot and kneel quickly, otherwise he would be sorry for the Satomi family's stubborn resistance.

Satake Yoshige also knew that by doing this, he had completely lost face and ruined his reputation. From now on, the Kwan Hachishu family would never trust her, a perfidious rebel leader.

But for the survival of the Satake family, what does her personal honor and disgrace mean?

The smell of rice at the top of the city was getting stronger and stronger, which made Satake feel uncomfortable, but she still knelt down obediently because she was not sure if anyone was watching her at the top of the city.

The Satake family has lost everything, and the only thing they can show now is their attitude.

At this moment, a hanging basket was lowered from the top of the city, and someone shouted.

"The saint invites His Highness Satake Yoshitaka to enter the city for a brief talk!"

After kneeling all night, Satake Yishuo stood up tremblingly. His feet almost gave out and he fell back. He couldn't help but lament that he was old and could no longer kneel down.

Pulling the samurai Satakehime who came forward to help her, Satake Yoshitaka gave instructions in a low voice.

"Go back and tell the great officers in the army that the saint has allowed me to enter the city and beg for surrender.

Let them strictly guard the camp, ignore any requests from the families of the East, wait for the sage's orders, and obey them unconditionally."

Warrior Naji asked.

"Then what do you do?"

Satake Yoshige smiled bitterly.

"Just leave it to fate.

You all go back, don't leave any one behind. My life or death is not important, the continuation of Satake's family name and family business is above all else.

Let me tell you all, I, Satake Yoshitaka, have asked them to ask for help. If I don’t go back, please bear the humiliation and make sure to keep the Satake family, or at least keep the family name. Please!”

After saying that, Satake Yoshizhong pushed Samurai Ji away, stepped into the hanging basket resolutely, and asked the city head to be pulled up.

The Hime warrior of the Satake family looked at the hanging basket disappearing at the top of the city, gritted his teeth, and quickly left on horseback with Hime Hatamoto accompanying him, heading north.

This chapter has been completed!
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