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Chapter 1776 Determined to obtain divine grace

 Maeda Toshiie said solemnly.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Maeda smiled.

“Mother, you shouldn’t ask me what I want to do, but what do Nizi’s family want?

The Oda family will capture Settsu Ishiyama this year, and the door to the Western Kingdom will soon be opened. Can Nizi's retainers resist the temptation to return to their hometown?

The family business is not decided by the family governor alone, but the common will of the entire Hime Warrior Order under the family name.

Akechi Mitsuhide's strategy of flirting was not clever, but why was it that Nizi Shengjiu couldn't suppress the ups and downs of Nizi's old tribe despite his hard talk for many days?

Because it is the consensus of everyone in the Nizi family to fight back to the Western Kingdom, Nizi Shengjiu can only follow the general trend and never go against the trend."

Maeda Toshihisa looked at Maeda Yi, who looked like he was guiding the country and holding the pearls of wisdom, and said with a strange air.

"Yes, the family property is not the private property of the governor alone.

Some house governors only have tea parties and singing parties in their minds every day. They never consider that the family business is in urgent need of a qualified heir, and they have the nerve to meddle in other people's family affairs."

Maeda was defeated by his mother, like a little hen whose neck was strangled. He uh-huh and uh-huh, but was speechless for a moment to refute.

After a long while, Maeda said in disbelief.

"If there is no battle to fight, how can I have the face to court the sage? The tea ceremony and singing are just ways for me to relieve the depression in my heart.

I know my mother is dissatisfied with me, but now that Kinki is peaceful, I, the general, have been doing nothing.

The saint’s mind was focused on Kanto affairs and Oda’s diplomacy, so how could he still have the energy to care for my feelings? If things go on like this, wouldn’t the saint and I become even more alienated?

Even if in the end, the saint considers the overall situation and is willing to sleep with me and give me a descendant of God, then I will not feel happy.

I hope that I can be a useful woman to him, and I hope that he will give me a child because he really likes me, not because he is willing to have sex with me for political balance or pity for me."

Seeing Maeda Benefit's demoralization, Maeda Riku's mother felt unhappy and sighed.

"Fool, my family is also a fool. That's all. You know it in your heart, and I don't want to nag you over and over again.

Tell me, what are your intentions towards Nizi Shengjiu?"

Maeda shook his head, calmed down his mind, and said with a smile.

"My mother was joking, what plans could I have for Nizi Katsuhisa? She is loyal and upright, a militant and friendly colleague, and I have a good relationship with her.

Since the relationship is good, I will naturally fully support the Nizi family if they want to return to the West and revive their family business.

The cooperative relationship between the Shiba and Oda families is complicated. It is very important for the two families to jointly conquer the Western Kingdom. The Shiba family will definitely send powerful ministers to the Western Kingdom to cooperate with the Oda family.

Once this matter takes shape, the Nizi family will definitely fight for it with all their strength. Nizi Shengjiu will be the person in charge of the Shiba family in the West, and he will do his part.

Akechi Mitsuhide has been stoking the emotions of Nizi's retainers. Of course, I also agree with Nizi Katsuhisa returning to the Western Kingdom to do a great cause.

But once Nizi Katsuhisa leaves, the acting governor of Kinki Shiba Territory will also need someone to replace him."

Maeda Riku thought for a moment and asked.

"Will you arouse Nizi Shengjiu's resentment if you are unwilling to be alone?"

Maeda smiled and spread his hands.

“The person who instigated Nizi’s old party was Akechi Mitsuhide, and the person who instigated Nizi Shengjiu to return to the Western Kingdom was a die-hard loyalist to the old party who would never abandon Nizi’s family.

I'm just beating the drums from the outside, going along with the flow, and supporting Nizi's family's reasonable demands. It's too late for Nizi to thank me for a long time, so how can he resent me?"

Maeda Riku was silenced by her indifference.

Even though Maeda's interests are usually careless and irrelevant, this intellectual man really uses his crooked mind, which is really bad.

Neither Maeda Toshihisa nor Maeda Yoshihiro mentioned the possible candidates for Kinki Shiba to succeed Nizi Katsuhisa after she steps down, because there are actually not many choices for saints.

Kinki Shiba Territory is located between Hodaiwa and Iga Province, and is located south of the center of Kyoto. It is the most powerful and politically valuable territory among the three major Shiba Territories.

The core ministers of the Kinki Shiba Territory were all the meritorious ministers who followed Yoshigan Shiba in the fierce battle and participated in the battle between Ashikaga Yoshiteru and Miyoshi Nagakei.

Only senior and meritorious veterans can securely hold the position of Acting Official of the Kinki Shiba Territory.

There are actually very few such candidates.

Niko Katsuhisa is going to the Western Kingdom, Yamazaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumon are far away in Kanto, and Akechi Mitsuhide is wary of the sage.

Takada Haruno focused on business, Takada Yukino was seriously injured and weak, Yagyu Munenuki, Momochi Santaifu, and Fujibayashi Muku were in low-level positions and were not qualified.

Takatora Toudo has left the Shiba family, and Yoshitsugi Otani is Maeda's best friend in terms of interests, so naturally he will not compete with her for this position.

After much calculation, as long as Nizi Katsuhisa leaves Kinki, the best option left for Yoshihiro Shiba is Maeda Benefit.

Maeda has great achievements in her interests, but she is impatient with the complicated government affairs. But she has a good mother. Over the years, Maeda Toshihisa has kept the Iga Maeda house in order, both inside and outside, which is also a plus.

Maeda Riku looked at his daughter and thought about it for a long time before sighing.

Don't tell me, Maeda's interest is probably right this time. This little bastard usually seems heartless, but if he really wants to calculate people, he still has some brains.

She suddenly became so proactive, which may be related to the letter from Dazang Changan a while ago.

Although Ozo Changan is far away in Kanto and holds a high position as the head of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, she is still very respectful to the Iga Maeda family.

Because she was a companion sent by Maeda to serve the saint, her roots were in the Iga Maeda family.

The Wu family society was originally a large circle within a small circle, consisting of various Wu family groups from small to large.

And because the rise of Shiba Yiyin is too magical, the situation of the Shiba family is particularly complicated.

The weirdo of the Kanto Palace was affiliated with the Kyoto shogunate, but never took a direct look at the Kyoto center. Instead, it became a large platform for the autonomy of the Kanto samurai nobles.

Let’s not talk about the disputes between the Shiba family and the Kanto Palace for the time being, nor the political alliance between the Echigo duopolies and the Fushimi Castle system.

Just look at the inside of Sibo's house, and you can see the hills lined with trees.

Even if you join the Shiba establishment, theoretically everyone is a retainer of Shiba, but in actual interactions with each other, they are actually very particular about their origins and factions.

Just take the Shiba Tadashi Foundation as an example. Ishida Mitsunari was recommended by the Todo family. After the death of Todo Takataka, Todo Takatora left the Shiba family, leaving her in trepidation and having to find relatives from her hometown for help.

The person in charge is the business archives, and the person in charge, Honda Masanobu, was recommended by Akechi Mitsuhide. Yuigahama Yui of the Integrity Club was born in the old Iga clan, and is the first generation of Doshin clan, and can be regarded as the primogenitor of Conglong.

Naoyoshi Hanzawa, who helps both the inquiry side and the anti-corruption public, is from Owari Shiba, a person promoted by Maeda Toshiie, and is favored by Naomasa Ii, the second-in-command of the Doshin Secretariat.

The small circle of the Spozhong Fund alone is filled with people from various backgrounds. They talk about official matters in person, but in private they fight for connections.

If you don’t have a strong enough background, how can you do nothing but official duties? Who will blame you?

Although Ozo Changan has prospered in Kanto, her roots are still here in the Iga Maeda family. In the samurai society that pays attention to blood ties and relationships, one will be prosperous and one will suffer.

Only if the Iga Maeda family gets along well can Ozo Changan be able to work with peace of mind, otherwise she would not even dare to speak loudly.

Just like Ishida Mitsunari's connections with the Toudo family were taken away, it was like having their backbone taken away. Behind the seemingly beautiful scenery, it was actually very uncomfortable.

She gave Yuigahama Yui a lesson, but was so frightened by Yoshigan's dissatisfied attitude that she quickly pulled her hair out and went back to please Yuigahama Yui. This was a sign of lack of confidence.

Over the years, Ozo Changan was in Kanto, but he always sent back some key messages to the Iga Maeda family, and a while ago she sent another important message: Hojo Ushimasa and Shimakatsu Takeo were pregnant.

It was this news that made Toshihisa Maeda feel anxious, and he became more and more dissatisfied with Maeda's daughter.

Maeda Toshihisa thought that Maeda didn't pay much attention to him, but judging from today's events, Maeda was smiling on his face, but he was embarrassed in his heart.

Seeing that his daughter was so worried that she started to play tricks, Maeda Riku felt relieved now. His daughter knew that it was okay to be afraid, but if she was really heartless, then there would be no hope.

Maeda Rihisa said.

"Now that you have an idea, I will naturally try my best to help you. After all, you are the governor of the Maeda family, and you will have to bear the responsibility of the family business in the future."

Maeda Yoshiko bowed slightly.

"Thank you, mother.

I am bound to win the post of acting governor of Kinki Shiba. I want to be more useful to the saint and communicate more, so that I can get closer to him and raise those unspeakable requests with him."

Seeing that Maeda was shy like a little girl, Maeda Riku could only nod slightly, not wanting to pour cold water on her at this time.

However, Nizi Katsuhisa has been the acting governor of Kinki Shiba for so many years, and he has never seen her climb into the saint's bed. Seeing Maeda's interests so self-convincing and self-justifying, Maeda Toshihisa couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Is there any direct relationship between being a contemporary official and climbing the holy couch? As a mother-in-law, Maeda Toshihisa hopes that Maeda can find more reasons for his interests in himself.

There are so few incidents with saints. Isn’t it because you are not proactive enough or coquettish enough? I blame the toilet for constipation. Is it really useful?

This chapter has been completed!
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