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Chapter 1792 The Master Xianru wants to negotiate peace

 In troubled times, when people reach the stage of peace of mind, they are basically on the bright side. But if there is something that both Yoshigan Hanshiba and Nobunaga Oda agree on, it is a sure thing.

Akechi Mitsuhide was responsible for ensuring the name and morality, and Hosokawa Fujitaka was responsible for sending troops to kill people. The two of them cooperated seamlessly to kill the small Tango Kingdom, so there was no big problem.

Hosokawa Fujitaka thought for a moment and felt that there was no problem, so he readily accepted Akechi Mitsuhide's invitation and decided to send troops to Tango Kingdom to take back the two counties promised by Akechi Mitsuhide.

By acquiring the land of these two counties, Hosokawa Fujitaka finally had the leverage to benevolent to the retainers and further consolidate his position as the new governor of the clan.

But before actually sending troops, she still had one problem to solve.

Hosokawa Fujitaka said.

"I came to Fushimi Castle to see you this time because I was entrusted by someone.

The master of the Ishiyama Honganji Temple, Kenryo, can no longer bear it, and she wants to talk to His Highness Oda."

Akechi Mitsuhide raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Why did Master Xianru lose his composure so early? Sakuma Nobumori's offensive had just begun, and not a single outer wall of the city's defenses had been removed. Master Xianru was already thinking about surrendering?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head and said.

"It's not that we have to surrender, but we do have the intention to talk about peace.

There was an internal chaos among the Zaga clan in Kii Province. After Suzuki Shigehide eradicated the dissidents, he resolutely refused to send troops to help Ishiyama Honganji Temple, thus cutting off the strong support of the mercenaries of the Ichizong followers.

Among the samurai families in the Western Kinki region, Araki Murura of Settsu Province fled again, and the high government of Hatakeyama in Kawachi Province followed the Shiba family's lead. It was even more impossible for me to help Ishiyama Honganji Temple fight against the Oda army.

The Maori family's maritime foreign aid has been blocked by you coordinating various naval forces and cannot be transported.

Everyone really disliked the Oda family. Without the coordination of the Shiba family and the obstruction of all parties, it might have taken five or ten years for the Oda army to capture Ishiyama.

But now, His Highness Oda is backed by the Fushimi Castle system, and with you, the Shiba family diplomat, mediating all parties, who dares to act randomly?

Offending an Oda-sama may not lead to death, but offending the Shiba Oda family would definitely be courting death.

No one dares to support, and Ishiyama Honganji Temple is already surrounded by enemies. No matter how strong the defenses are, how long can they last?

Master Xianru knows this very well, and she wants to take advantage of the fact that Ishiyama still has some capital to discuss terms with His Highness Oda to see if she can escape this disaster."

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head and made a decisive decision.

"Absolutely impossible.

It is obvious that the Master has been inciting Nagashima, Kaga, Omi and other places to make things difficult for His Highness Oda many times. His Highness Oda hates it deeply and will never leave the hidden danger of Ishiyama Honganji Temple again.

There is absolutely no possibility of peace between the two sides until Master Xianru surrenders completely, Yixiang Zongzhen lays down his arms, and vows not to stir up Yixiang Yikui again.

Do you think Master Xianru will agree to this harsh condition?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka said with a wry smile.

“The previous generation of the Dharma Master of Ishiyama Honganji Temple saw that the above-mentioned person valued harmony, stopped his constant efforts to expand externally, and carefully sorted out the internal affairs.

As a result, Ishiyama Honganji Temple became powerful, but the actions of Master Zhengyu also caused intense dissatisfaction within the Ichigo sect.

It is always a combination of fanaticism and interests. The fanatics want a Buddhist kingdom on earth, while the realists want to expel the Wu family lords and achieve autonomy.

The above-mentioned Zheng Ru established a solid foundation and sorted out the internal governance philosophy, but many people in the sect did not understand it and were very repulsive.

The reason why Master Xian Ru was able to successfully succeed to the throne was to cater to the desire of the fanatics within Honganji Temple to expand their territory.

Therefore, since Master Xianru came to the throne, he took the initiative to issue decrees many times, setting off a new round of criticism and arousing the malicious resentment of countless martial arts families.

Many of His Highness Oda's actions dissatisfied the samurai family, but when it comes to the fact that he has always been successful in conquering, the Oda family is very popular with the samurai family.

It is impossible for Master Xianru to promise not to activate the Ichijou. To do so would be to seclude herself from the Honganji Temple, and she, the Dharma Master, would have come to an end."

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"Yes, unless the Oda army defeats the fanatics of Ishiyama Honganji Temple and completely despairs, there will be no way to negotiate terms between the two parties.

Moreover, even if Master Xian Ru can suppress the fanatics and agree not to launch the Ichikui from now on, His Highness Oda will not agree to peace talks now.

Firstly, Xiang Zong still has strength, and it is not yet known how binding a verbal oath can be. It would be easier to simply kill all these thieves.

Secondly, His Highness Oda disliked Sakuma Nobumori and had made it clear that he wanted to unseat her. The defeat in the Battle of Ishiyama was the reason.

If Master Xianru surrenders now, he will be forced to surrender by Sakuma Nobumori's troops. Sakuma Nobumori is not without fault, but has made meritorious deeds.

Now everyone knows that His Highness Oda wants to bring bad luck to Sakuma Nobumori. If Sakuma Nobumori strengthens his position due to his merits, wouldn't His Highness Oda become a big joke?

Therefore, if Master Xianru wants to negotiate this matter...at least it will have to be postponed until winter, after Sakuma Nobumori is unlucky."

Hosokawa Fujitaka sighed.

"I just have a message, it's up to you whether you can succeed or not.

You also know that I don’t have a good impression of the nuns from the Yixiang Sect, but as we are close to Quanshishan, there are always some contacts, and there are some favors that I can’t let go of, so I can only go through this."

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

"Given the relationship between you and me, there are so many explanations. I naturally understand that you are not here to embarrass me."

Hosokawa Fujitaka smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“But if this happens, the attack on Tango Kingdom will have to be postponed.

As long as the Ishiyama War is over, I will not dare to mobilize the troops of Izumi and Kitakogenchi to conquer Tango Kingdom.

I can't afford the risk of a fire in my backyard, so I can only be cautious."

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"I understand that the Izumi-Hosokawa family has to guard Sakai Port, Izumi, and Kitakawachi. You are the anchor of the Shiba family in Western Kinki. How dare I let you take risks?

But don't worry, the Ishiyama War won't be postponed until next year. His Highness Oda has made up his mind to completely eliminate Ishiyama Honganji this winter.

In addition, Hideyoshi Hashiba asked me to intercede with His Highness Oda, and wanted to go to the Western Kingdom to conquer and atone for my sins.

Only then did I know that His Highness Oda had long coveted Harima Country, and that Hideyoshi Hashiba had been in a relationship with Yukinagakudo Konishi of the Bizen Uki family for a long time.

His Highness Oda wants to capture Ishiyama this year and march into Harima Country in the spring of next year.

Hideyoshi Hideyoshi's sister Hideyoshi Hashiba has secretly gone to Sakai Port to purchase military supplies and contacted the Uki family to gather information."

Hosokawa Fujitaka was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Isn't His Highness Oda too eager for quick success?

The Oda family has acquired four million koku of land in just a few years. Isn't this satisfied? Are you going to conquer the Western Kingdom?"

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

"Not only the Western Kingdom, but also the Shikoku Island. Ikeda Hengxing is also secretly preparing. He has already sent people to explore the Shikoku Island and contact the local samurai."


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