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Chapter 1805 The incomprehensible Spo

While talking to Ina Chuji, Yoshigami used his fingers to tease the daughter in Shima Shengmu's arms. The sleeping child suddenly started crying, which startled him.

Daosheng rolled his eyes at him fiercely, turned around, undressed behind the screen, and went to feed the child.

Yiyin retracted his fingers and looked at the graceful figure on the translucent screen, imagining what Dao Shengmeng was doing, and his heart skipped a beat.

He shook his head, suppressed the ripples in his heart, and asked Ina Chuji.

"Has the matter of Ashio Copper Mountain been reported to the Grand Council?"

Ina Chuji shook his head and said.

"not yet.

This matter is led by me, and the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association cooperates with the execution office. Apart from the skilled craftsmen involved, only a few execution officials such as myself, Lord Daxiong Chaoxiu, and Lord Dazo Changan know about it.

But such a big project cannot be hidden from anyone, and many people are already asking about it."

Although Yoshihiro has relented and the money-making affairs of Ashio Copper Mountain will be managed by the Kanto Secretariat and will not be counted as private property of the Shiba family, no one dares to reveal the truth in advance before he officially gives the order.

After all, this is a cornucopia. Just criticize the ugly appearance of those United Front members. God knows what faces they will show if they learn that such a money printing machine exists.

Yiyin nodded and said.

"It's up to you to do what you do and let them guess.

Anyway, the issue of mining money is not on the right track yet. This project does not need to be explained to the big review for the time being. Everything will be discussed after the dust settles.

Before that, please keep the copper coins made and do not touch them."

Ina Chuji fell to the ground and accepted the order.

When will the dust settle and not be decided by the sage? The sage feels that this matter is not yet mature, so there is no need to hand it over to the jurisdiction of the Guandong Minister.

Regarding this point, Ina Chuji, Ohkuma Asahide, Ozo Changan and others have no objections, which is why they keep silent.

The aristocratic discussion at the Kanto Palace was nothing more than a three-foot red stage for singing operas, and its symbolic significance was greater than its practical effect.

The United Front members at the front desk are only responsible for applauding, following political procedures, and maintaining procedural justice.

The real masters are the powerful feudal lords who control a large number of united frontmen, and they privately coordinate the content of each issue and the outcome of the vote.

The saint sitting behind the stage holds the handbrake and can stop the wheels of this drama at any time.

The sage has given the Great Council the scope of power that only the Great Council has. If the sage does not give it to him, who dares to ask for it? Do you really think that you are the master of your own affairs?

Yiyin will not hand over the Ashio Copper Mountain to the Kanto Secretariat for the time being. Even if those people in the Great Council know something privately, they dare not say it on the table. This is called being sensible.

The stability of the regime comes from finance. Yiyin cannot see through many things happening in Guanbazhou, especially the issue of loan counterparty assistance. The attitude of the three powerful vassals is too submissive and weak.

The calmer the situation becomes, the more nervous Yiyin becomes, so he needs a trump card that he can use to save himself at critical moments.

Therefore, Yiyin decided to keep the small treasury of Ashio Copper Mountain in its hands for the time being and not give it to anyone.

But Yiyin decided not to give it, and others really couldn't figure out his confidence, because the Wu family didn't know how much money the Sibo family had in their pockets.

The Sibo family's economic system is very unique and completely different from the traditional martial arts family.

Oda Nobunaga overturned the samurai family's traditional monarch-subordinate relationship and enfeoffment system, weakened the constraints of the retainer group on the family governor from all aspects of politics, military and economics, and tried his best to squeeze the potential of the territory for war.

However, Sibo Yiyin took a different path. The economic system of the Sibo family jumped out of the scope that the Wu family could understand, making it impossible for others to calculate the strength of the Sibo family.

The traditional Guan Gao system of the Wu family, as well as the Shi Gao system that gradually developed during the Warring States Period, both aimed at calculating the economic strength of the territory and required retainers to bear corresponding military and food services to serve the main family.

Taking the relatively advanced Shigao system as an example, the daimyo can calculate the Shigao of the retainer's territory and require the retainer to bear the corresponding military food, military supplies, soldiers, and labor services.

Other martial arts families can also roughly figure out the mobilization ability of this daimyo and understand her strength by calculating the number of Shi Gao under this daimyo.

What makes Shigao System more advanced than Guan Gao System is that Shigao System calculates the mobilization power in more detail and is less likely to be exploited by people below.

Not only the land output can be calculated, but also the approximate industrial and commercial output can be calculated by calculating workshops, commercial towns, residences and other housing land, and incorporated into Shigao.

After all, as long as you are still producing and consuming, you cannot do without your house. You can naturally calculate the consumption tax other than land through your house.

The only difficulty is the mine. It is impossible for Shigao Zhi to price this type of income by calculating the miners' housing and understanding the amount of minerals in the mountains.

In agricultural societies, land output is the bulk of tax revenue, accounting for two-thirds of total revenue. Industry and commerce can account for one-third through head tax, house tax and other consumption calculations.

This is where the Shigao system is superior to the Guangao system. Through various conversions, almost all the output of the territory is included. The lord can naturally mobilize greater power accordingly.

But the strength of the Sibo family is a mystery.

According to the general calculation method of the Wu family, the Sibo family's land income comes from three Sibo territories. The total stone height is about 500,000 dan, and the four public and six people are 200,000 dan.

The Shiba family accounts for 30% of the revenue on the Houriku Road Trading Route. According to the annual return rate of 10% in the 5 million guan market, that is 30% of the 500,000 guan, or 150,000 guan.

In other words, the Sibo family's theoretical annual income should be 200,000 shi of grain and 150,000 guan of copper coins.

But the truth is, that's not the case at all.

Yoshigan Shiba went to war with Oda Nobunaga, mobilizing 200,000 allied troops, spending 2 million dan on the military, and 2 million dan as a reward. This is 4 million dan!

Oda Nobunaga had a territory of three to four million koku. Through innovative policies, he vigorously squeezed the potential of the territory and prepared for a year and a half before he mobilized 200,000 soldiers.

But what about Sibo Yiyin?

The welfare benefits of the Sibo family made the martial arts jealous all over the world. Sibo territory was known as the lighthouse of the Wu family, a land flowing with milk and honey.

When Oda's retainers were tightening their belts, squeezing rations from their teeth, raising military supplies for Oda Nobunaga, and preparing for war.

The New Life Movement and Sanbai food culture are being carried out in Sporing. What is Sanbai? White rice, white radish, and white tofu.

Delicious delicacies that even the samurai lords cannot eat are part of the daily diet pursued by the Hime Warriors within the Shiba establishment.

The Shiba family and the Oda family are known as the strongest in the world, but in the eyes of the outside samurai family, the Shiba family is the enviable and admirable white snow, while the Oda family is just a group of rural fools who are aggressive in their military affairs.

In the face of the Sibo family's economic strength, the Wu family's traditional method of calculating mobilization power completely failed. The Sibo family's appearance of being rich and powerful left all the Wu families confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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