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Chapter 1825 In the final analysis, it is finance

What is traditional feudalism? It is a ruling model that decentralizes power layer by layer and exploits laborers by controlling land ownership.

Feudal lords in Western Europe often sent their heirs without inheritance rights to superior lords to receive education and become a new generation of knights.

These hostages who are attached to the superior lord will be loyal to the lord and exchange their merits for land, or after the death of their parents, they will be sent back by the lord to fight for the family property.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate, also played the same trick.

Income the protons of each family to the Ashikaga Kaizu, and then support these cronies to go back and compete for the family business, and build the protons into the foundation of the Ashikaga world.

This is how traditional feudal society works. The ruler will not directly interfere with the land of his subordinate lords, but will act more as an arbiter to allocate land ownership and enhance his status as the supreme ruler.

The Chinese dynasty broke away from this method early on and moved to a higher level, which was to use the imperial examination system to create a large number of intellectuals, and then select officials from among them to directly manage the land on behalf of the central government.

In later generations, the imperial examination system was spread to the West and became the origin of the modern civil service system. This was the contribution of the Chinese dynasty to the progress of global social governance.

The greatest advantage of the imperial examination system is that the best talents among the population can be incorporated into the system through relatively fair examinations and become part of social managers.

This selection mechanism could not be played by the ancient feudal society, and only the precocious Chinese culture could play it successfully.

Because feudal lords were inherited through blood, the fairness of the imperial examination system would weaken the feudal foundation. Also because the selected out-of-work bureaucracy was too large, and the fiscal revenue could not support so many people.

Lin Xinsheng's proposal made it very clear that martial arts families from all over the country were allowed to build their own private schools, and Ji warriors were allowed to study in private schools.

In other words, Sibo's selection of this island country's imperial examination system only promoted talents among the military, isolated the civilian class, narrowed the scope, and alleviated feudal pressure and financial pressure.

Although it expanded from the Shiba family to the world's martial arts family, in essence, it still selected talents within the ruling class. It was still an improvement of the feudal system, and it still depended on family background.

Lin Xinsheng's idea is also in line with Sibo Yiyin's consistent political stance as the ruling class of the island country and the stubborn conservative leader of the Wu family group.

Innovation is impossible, not in this lifetime. But it is possible to improve the Wu family group internally and make the entire ruling class more powerful and stable in ruling the untouchables.

Pu Shengshixiang thought for a while and asked.

"Mr. Lin's intention is to allow martial arts families from all over the country to establish their own private schools and allow their heirs to participate in the Sibo selection after completing their studies?

In this case, the cost of learning will be borne by the martial arts families in various places themselves, without the Sibo family having to worry about it.

But why do martial arts families from all over the country do this? Why do they waste food and energy to establish private schools that meet the requirements of the Sibo family, learn martial arts, and then sell them to the Sibo family?"

Lin Xinsheng said solemnly.

"What do you think, Lord Pu Sheng, is the way out for the Wu family?"

Kamojigo replied.

"Study since childhood, become an official when you grow up, receive rewards from the public, and strengthen your family business."

Lin Xinsheng nodded.

"Yes, this is the best result for Warrior Ji. Only a very small number of elites can achieve it. Most ordinary warriors in the middle and lower classes can only sink into troubled times and struggle to survive.

In all the vassals of the Wu family, large and small, how many positions are there for Ji Ji to serve as officials? And how many positions are there to make the best use of everything and make the best use of people's talents?

There are only a few powerful feudal lords, and the family fortunes of the middle and lower class samurai families are actually very poor due to years of war.

As the old saying goes, if you have a solid warehouse, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know integrity.

The current family supervision system of the Wu family is that the eldest daughter inherits everything, and the second and third daughters must find their own way out.

Many times, because they could not find a way out, the second daughter and the third daughter could only become savages and villains, and even attacked the family, subjugating the superiors, causing ethical tragedies.

The Sibo family's Sibo selection, all those who pass can enjoy establishment benefits, and a year's drought and flood guarantees a harvest of six tons of brown rice, enough to support a small family of four or five people. Who in the world would not envy the martial arts family?

As long as the Si Bo family is willing to open a crack to the outside world, the martial arts families in the world are willing to work hard to test the secrets.

Originally, heirs of the Wu family were required to receive education from the Wu family at the age of three and seek a way out after ten years of hard study.

Now, it's just a matter of spending a little more time and adding some cultural lessons to the children. As long as the Wu family is willing to give it a try, it will be done.

After the children reach adulthood, they must first participate in the Sibo selection. If they pass, they can successfully go ashore and eat the hard-core crops of the Sibo family.

If you fail, go home and find another way out, or study hard and wait until next time to take the exam again.

In this way, it gives the martial arts family all over the world the best way out. No matter whether it succeeds or not, they must give it a try.

Any martial artist who can afford to study would naturally not want to miss it.

The Sibo family does not need to pay any education costs. As long as they establish the rules for Sibo's selection and give people a way out, they can spread books and ideas loyal to the saint to the sixty-six countries in the world.

Moreover, as long as the question is asked cleverly, the learners will study it wholeheartedly and engrav the principles of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism in their hearts.

Even if he loses the election in the future, there will be countless Ji warriors outside Shiba's establishment who will cherish the saint and understand the saint's good intentions for the samurai world."

Yiyin couldn't help but nodded as he listened.

The Wu family in troubled times was originally a very involuntarily elite class. It would not be difficult to add some Confucian classics to the book. The key point is to have enough rewards to make it worth reading.

Lin Xinsheng's words have some truth, but there are also some quibbles. The Spo family does not have to bear the cost of education, but it has increased the cost of employment.

The welfare compiled by Si Bo is not money and food falling from the sky, but money earned by the Si Bo Zhong Fund with great effort.

There is huge financial pressure behind ensuring that each Ji warrior can sustain a six-ton ​​brown rice crop a year.

Once Lin Xin Sheng's suggestion was used, Confucianism rose to the forefront through Sibo Selection, and from then on it was able to differentiate itself from Buddhism in the cultural circles of the island country.

But in the final analysis, the cost of this thought remolding lies with the sheep, and the Spo family has to pay for it themselves.

Think about it, how many Confucian classics need to be printed to establish thousands of private schools? How many Confucian students are needed to serve as teachers?

Martial arts families from all over the world have spent so much money. If the opening for Sibo's selection is too narrow and too few people are admitted, no one will be willing to participate.

Therefore, if Spoelstra Selection wants to achieve the bright future that Lin Xinsheng talks about, Spoelstra's establishment must expand, and it will expand a lot.

Yiyin glanced at Pu Shengshixiang, who nodded, obviously she had already thought of this.

Lin Xinsheng seems to be righteous, but in the final analysis he is still speaking for the development of Confucianism.

The selection and expansion of Sibo is indeed beneficial to the world of Sibo, but this matter cannot be led by Confucian scholars, and it also depends on the financial resources of the Sibo family.

All in all, today's troubled times in the Wu family are characterized by a high degree of involution, jobs are scarce, and competition is fierce.

Lin Xinsheng hoped that by widening the selection process in Sibo, expanding Sibo's establishment, adding a large number of high-quality jobs, attracting martial artists to learn Confucian classics, changing their thinking and nurturing new martial arts principles.

This solution is feasible, but the key lies in financial support.

The Sibo Zhong Fund has been running for more than two years, and the Sibo establishment has been greatly expanded due to several wars.

From the initial quota of 1,500, to the current quota of about 3,000, there are also thousands of subsidies for Sibo martyrs.

In just two or three years, welfare expenditures have more than doubled and nearly tripled.

If his finances were stable, Yiyin would of course be willing to use the exam to attract martial artists from all over the world and bribe the elite warriors, but even if he had this intention, he would still have to have the money.

The island country has a population of tens of millions, of which the Wu family accounts for one-tenth, that is, a population of one million.

In order to achieve the achievement that Lin Xinsheng said that Shiba's selection would unite the world, the Shiba family's finances must at least be able to afford the establishment of 80,000 princess warriors.

A small family consists of parents, husband and wife, and two children each, which is six people. The wife can support six people at least with Sibo's establishment.

Eighty thousand small families amount to a population of 480,000, accounting for nearly half of the total population of the Wu family.

If the Shiba Selection can help the Shiba family achieve this basic plan, with the loyalty of the eighty thousand princesses, the Shiba world will basically be stable.

With 80,000 flags, the world can be determined!

But each of these 80,000 Banners needs at least six shi of brown rice welfare subsidy per year, which is a welfare expenditure of 480,000 shi!

This is not the revenue and expenditure budget of the Wu family regime. It is a hard-core crop that must be provided every year. It is a financial burden that cannot be reduced!

There are sixty-six countries in the world, and the total stone is no more than 20 million.

Regardless of natural or man-made disasters, floods or droughts, the Sibo regime must unconditionally allocate 5% of the total grain output value to Sibo's establishment to maintain the loyalty of the 80,000 bannermen to the Sibo family.

The martial arts principles that Lin Xinsheng improved for the Sibo family are heart-warming and extremely expensive.

But the prospect of respecting the saints and rejecting the barbarians, and having the world surrender to Sibo's divine power, still made Yiyin unable to help but swallow his saliva and look forward to it very much.

After Lin Xinsheng made his remarks, the tea room was silent for a long time.

Finally, Yiyin took a sip of the cold tea soup and served the tea to the guests, ending this unexpectedly wonderful tea party.


Walking on the porch, Lin Xinsheng's expression had lost its previous high spirits and was replaced by lingering fatigue.

He could feel that the saint had been moved by his suggestion just now, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

Lin Xinsheng couldn't help but lament that a sage is no better than a sage. He obviously realized that the biggest key to reforming the principles of the Wu family was financial support.

Although Lin Xinsheng's slogan private school does not cost the Sibo family a penny of food, this slogan is the same as Zhu Yuanzhang's military household system of raising millions of soldiers without costing the common people a grain of rice. It is purely p.

Raising troops doesn't cost money. It's just that the financial burden is shifted from the central government to the local governments.

In the same way, how can education be free of money? Private schools cost nothing, and the money spent will naturally be reflected in other places.

Lin Xinsheng couldn't help but excuse himself. He was still too impatient. This deceit was seen through by the saint, and he didn't know if there would be any further consequences.

She was minding her own thoughts, and her steps subconsciously became faster and faster, until she was blocked by a figure.

"Well, Lin Xinsheng, Mr. Lin, you pretend you didn't hear me when I called you several times. You are really good at burning down bridges when crossing rivers!"

Lin Xinsheng took a closer look and saw that it was Maeda who had caught up with him and was standing in front of him with a smile on his face, looking very angry and arrogant.

With a blush on his face, Lin Xinsheng saluted.

"I was just thinking about something, and I didn't hear your call for a while. Please forgive me!"

Maeda waved his hand, grabbed Lin Xinsheng's bowing right wrist, and said with a groan.

"Forgiveness? How to forgive sins?

You Lin Xinsheng, I kindly introduced you to you, but you made a big fuss at my tea party.

Okay, okay, what a big cultural project to transform the moral principles. Now the selection of Shiba has made me a mess, and you still want to help the Hamo clan.

Let me ask you, is this worthy of my friend?"

Otani Yoshitsugi stood behind the two of them, watching Maeda's interests stop Lin Xinsheng from asking for an explanation, but remained silent.

In recent years, the Tongxin Secretariat headed by Pu Sheng clan has suddenly emerged. With the favor of the saint and the advantages of close ministers in the central government, it has made the three major Spo leaders in the local area very uncomfortable.

Life was already bad enough, but now Lin Xinsheng was still advising the Pu Sheng clan to select and further strengthen Sibo, the most powerful political tool in the hands of the Tongxin Secretariat.

Even though Maeda Yoshihiro was smiling playfully at the moment, it looked like she was joking, but it was hard to tell how much she was joking in her heart.

Otani Yoshitsugi was watching with cold eyes anyway, Lin Xinsheng had to have something to say today.

Lin Xinsheng was smiling when he saw Maeda's interests, but the strength of her hands was not small, and her wrists hurt when she pinched them. He knew that the boss of the Spo family was really angry, so he smiled bitterly.

"Maeda-sama, do you think that expanding Shiba's selection is a bad thing for you?"

Maeda Yiyi snorted.

"Isn't it still a good thing?"

Lin Xinsheng said seriously.

"Maybe it's a good thing after all."

Maeda looked at Lin Xinsheng's serious face and slowly let go of his hand.

"Please give me some advice from Mr. Lin."

Lin Xinsheng rubbed his wrist and found that there was a big circle of blue on it, which was already visibly turning red, and his bitter smile became even thicker.

"Sir, do you think that if the current Sibo selection process continues, will the three major Sibo leaders be able to find a way to counter the infiltration of the Tongxin Secretariat?"

Maeda shook his head.

"I've thought about it a long time ago, but there's nothing I can do about it, it's a conspiracy.

The Tongxin Secretariat is just standing in front of the stage and singing a show. The people who really want to take over power are the saints. I can't resist, and I don't want to, but I just can't stand the domineering behavior of the juniors in the Tongxin Secretariat.

In Kamao clan township, Ii Naomasa is nothing. Back then, my mother followed the saint and traveled thousands of miles, while these little girls were still playing in the mud at home.

Everything I have is given by the saint. If the saint wants to take it back, I am willing to give it to him with both hands. But if others want to use the saint to show their power and belittle me and other important ministers, how can I be convinced?"

Because Sibo Yiyin lacked generational retainers, the loose political structure formed in his early years had restricted his governance.

The central government of Sibo needs to take back power to a certain extent and improve administrative efficiency. The important ministers of the three major Sibo leaders understand this and are willing to cooperate.


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