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Chapter 1840 There is no good thing in Guandong

Yiyin has always been willing to take advantage of the weak and not take the hard. If Oda Nobunaga fights him, he is really not afraid even though he is wearing a plug-in. At worst, he will go back to Mount Jinggang and fight again.

But Oda Nobunaga used a soft tone and secretly wiped his tears, and Yoshihiro couldn't do it anymore.

I don't know whether Oda Nobunaga opened up his heart or found the right way. In short, her tender offensive was far more effective than the harsh words she used to threaten to kill those women and their families.

The murderous Demon King of the Sixth Heaven is actually wooing, and the White Bone Lady of Baihuling has also moved her mortal heart. How can Yiyin bear such a bone scraper?

He didn't dare to say that he was dying, and his body rallied and cooperated. He had to accompany Oda Nobunaga crazy day and night for several days, and then he escaped from Azuchi Castle in embarrassment.

When he left, his two buttocks were trembling, and his face turned three points white. It was as if someone had knocked his bones and sucked out his marrow, draining away his yang energy.

Remembering that Takeda Yoshinobu had returned to Kyoto, Yoshihiro simply went around to Fushimi Castle to pick up his children and return them to Tongxinzhong, while also meeting Akechi Mitsuhide, a busy man.

Unexpectedly, Mitsuhide Akechi was still finishing up his work at Ishiyama, and before he returned to Fushimi Castle, there was bad news from Kanto, which he sent to the Yoshibank desk first.

With a bang, Yiyin slammed the three letters on the document, pointed at Naomasa Ii, and was so angry that he could not speak.

"What the hell is going on! What are those little girls in blue doing!"

Ii Naomasa fell to the ground and kowtowed.

"My servant is guilty!"

The villagers of Pusheng clan knelt down and worshiped.

"Sage, calm down!"

Yiyin took a deep breath and clicked on the letter on the table.

"Calm down my anger? How can I calm down my anger?

In the middle of the year, I personally told the people in the East that although they were guilty, their crimes were not worthy of death, and everything could be discussed at the Grand Council of the Kanto Palace.

The conflict between the east and west of Guanbazhou finally eased, but now the world is falling apart again!

The samurai family of the Kamiso Kingdom did not dare to resist after being tortured to death. The three leaders of the Oriental People, one died, one surrendered, and one begged for death! The three Uesugi, Takeda, and Hojo families are really good, what a good person!

Naomasa Ii, how did you introduce them to the self-Qing movement, and how did you vouch for them?

What a heart-breaking knife! The order of the Supreme Empire collapsed, the Utsunomiya family opened the door and surrendered, Satomi Yoshiyao died tragically in the stable, Satake Yishige wrote three letters in a row to seek death, begging me to let her whole family go!

The future of the Satake family was promised to me, are you asking me to break my promise and get rich? Three powerful clans, three powerful clans, how brave!"

Yoshiyin is really going crazy. He left Kanto on the front foot and caused such a big trouble on the back foot.

Those little girls in blue were engaged in a small-scale self-clearance movement in Osato County, the land of Higashi Musashi, and it seemed that they were quite decent. Who knew that they would actually interfere with the disputes between the east and west of the eight states in Kankan.

In order to bridge the contradiction between the eastern and western samurai families of Kanba Province, Yoshigan held his nose and endured the rebellion, forcing the eastern samurai families headed by the three powerful vassals to provide relief and help the four eastern countries tide over the difficulties.

I thought that even if the two sides had a hard-core feud for a while, it wouldn't lead to a life-and-death fight. As time went by, the conflict would slowly let go.

As a result, he still underestimated the three powerful vassals.

Yoshibank had long felt that something was wrong. The agreement of the three Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo families to provide loan assistance was too smooth and easy.

I thought that at most they would cause some trouble for the people of the East in the future, but I didn't expect that they actually secretly planned and launched a desperate plan.

Yoshigan did not know that the destructive power of the self-Qing movement shocked even the three powerful feudal lords.

It can only be said that the ruling structure of the Wu family's territory is too fragile and cannot withstand the shock of any movement. A little spark can set off a prairie fire and burn up the Wu family rulers who rely on violent suppression.

The three powerful vassals were also afraid, but Yiyin thought this was their deliberate act.

Because all three of the Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo families already have divine descendants, their status is unshakable, and they are not afraid of the soft-hearted man Yoshigoshi turning his back when they do too much, so they act unscrupulously!

From the derivation process, without the support of the Hojo family, it is impossible for the blue-clad people to gather a large number of Ji warriors in the winter and launch a large-scale self-purification movement.

People need to eat, dress, and sleep. There is no one to help provide supplies. With the cold winter in Kanto, how could there be such a big movement in this weather?

When Kamisou Kingdom was in chaos, the Utsunomiya family immediately kowtowed to Kenshin Uesugi, and then Satomi Yoshiyao, the biggest thorn in the side of the Hojo family on the Boso Peninsula, died tragically at the hands of a pariah. How coincidence is this?

The three powerful clans of Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo must have a tacit understanding, otherwise the timing would not be so perfect.

Yoshihiro was not in Kanto and did not know that Satomi Yoshihiro's death was suggested by Satake Yoshige and was Satomi Yoshihiro's desperate counterattack against the Hojo clan.

Yoshigan, who was far away in Kinki, all he knew was that his face was almost swollen.

The Utsunomiya family surrendered, Satomi Yoshiyao was tortured to death, Satake Yoshige was so frightened that he had no dignity at all, he just wanted to die quickly and save his family.

Yiyin's safety guarantee to the people of the East and its efforts to bridge the conflict between the Wu family in the east and west of Guanbazhou were all ruined.

Looking at the three letters in front of him in which Satake Yoshizhong wept and begged for death, Yoshihiro's eyes turned red.

The self-purification movement of the people in blue was recommended by Naomasa Ii, and he personally commended it. He is now spanking the left cheek and the right, and his face is swollen very symmetrically!

Facing the angry saint, Ii Naomasa gritted his teeth and bowed.

"Sage, I think there must be something wrong with this!

Putting aside others, I know Yuya Kito, she will never be a tool of the three powerful vassals, she only has loyalty to the saint in her heart!"

Yiyin sneered.

"What a loyal person. Is this how she is loyal to me? The facts are in front of us, and you are still defending them! Ii Naomasa, you really disappoint me!"

Naomasa Ii also had a tough temper and said with a frown.

"If the saint cannot trust me, I am willing to commit seppuku and apologize!"

Yiyin pointed his finger at Ii Naomasa and trembled. This little girl was really spoiled by him. Her mind was full of black and white, and she couldn't bear any grievance.

The question now is whether the people in blue are innocent? How to stabilize the hearts of the martial arts families of the four eastern countries! There can be no more chaos in Guan Bazhou!

Seeing that Yoshigin was shaking with anger, Kamao clan pressed the back of Naomasa Ii's neck and forced her to kowtow and admit her mistake.

"Sage, you know Ii Naomasa has no bad intentions. Don't get angry with her. She has such a short temper.

The three powerful vassals are inseparable from the Qing Dynasty movement, but Satake Yoshitaka knew that you promised her a future and deliberately shouted injustice, causing the Eastern Samurai family to mourn the death of rabbits and foxes. It was also with ulterior motives.

There is no one in Guandong who is easy to get along with. The little girl in blue can't play with those old foxes, and it is possible for her to be framed and exploited.

The most important thing now is to stabilize the situation and not allow the struggle between the two sides to worsen. Once the civil struggle turns into a violent struggle, the good development situation in Kanto under the Imperial Order of Peace will be destroyed."

Yiyin glared.

"Let's see who dares!"

Yiyin knew very well that there was no fuel-efficient lamp in Guanbazhou.

The Oriental People never thought about repaying the loans for counterpart assistance, and they also wanted to escape the responsibility of rebellion through delaying and shunning tactics in the review process.

The three powerful vassals knew that the people in the East wanted to cheat, so they secretly used the self-purification movement to defeat the people in the East. That was a superior technique.

The people in the East were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. It was not impossible to simply stoke the fire and deliberately create turmoil for the sake of death.

Just like Kamaojigo said, there is no good thing on both sides, and it is meaningless to find out who is right and who is wrong. The most important thing now is to calm the situation and not ruin the saint's political plan for Kanto.

There is no war in Kanto and the political line of peace and development is the political platform of Yoshinobu in governing Kanto. The banner of righteousness will never be allowed to fall.

From Hokuriku to Tokai, from Koshinobu to Ou, the entire Kanto land is accepting the political line of peaceful development and accepting the rule and jurisdiction of the Kanto Palace.

This general political trend cannot be reversed. Once the war begins in the eight states of Guanzhou and the Kanto warrior family returns to wait and see, Yiyin's hard work in recent years will be in vain.

Yiyin sighed dejectedly.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Suran Road, Pu Shengshi Township.

"First pick out the people in blue, order Mikasa Tao Cai, and Yuya the Ghost to restrain the little girls from the Wu Family Revival Association and restore order to the local government.

The starting point of the Self-Qing Movement was correct. Young people advocated justice and hated injustice. This was a simple idea of ​​righteousness of the Wu family and should not be criticized harshly.

The saint's original intention was good, but the girl was impetuous and did bad things with good intentions.

We must be tolerant of the mistakes of young people. They are the future of Kanto. If we knock them all to the ground, who will implement the principles of the saints? Do we need to rely on those wallflowers in Kanto who have ulterior motives?

I think it’s better to give priority to warnings and not to punish them too harshly, which may dampen the girl’s sense of justice.”

Yiyin nodded. Kamao Shigo's words are reasonable. She mainly has two opinions.

First, the people in blue must be pulled out of the political whirlpool in the east and west of Guanbazhou.

The Self-Qing Movement was a grassroots righteous movement endorsed by the saint himself. If we deny the justice of the Self-Qing Movement, wouldn’t we be calling the saint fatuous?

This incident can only be characterized as the leader's original intention was good, but young people were impetuous and failed to implement it well, which brought some negative political effects.

We have all been young and have made mistakes. Since we are all crossing the river by feeling the stones since we were young, we have to tolerate Meng Lang in our children.

As for the price, it will be borne by the military family of the Supreme Commander anyway, so they are unlucky.

Shangzongguo has never been included in the sphere of influence of the saints. What the local martial arts family lost was only their lives, but what the saints lost was their prestige.

Comparing the two, which one is more important?

Naturally, Pusheng's village will protect the saint's prestige to the death, and even if the Wu family of the Shangzong Kingdom dies, it will not tarnish the saint's glory.

Secondly, the Blue Clothes, that is, the main body of the Samurai Renaissance Society are the young girls studying in Spurring. Their enthusiasm and spirit cannot be broken.

Hundreds of years of troubled times, the collapse of rituals and the collapse of music, the loyal Kanto samurai family had long been dead in all the wars, and those who survived were just the wallflowers.

It is better to expect these Kanto warriors, who have lived in betrayal and betrayal all their lives, to be human beings than to expect a sow to climb a tree.

The Sage relied on the deterrence of force and the binding of interests to temporarily place the Kanto warrior family on the political consultation platform of the Kanto Palace Council, turning the military fight into a civil fight and maintaining a fragile balance.

If we want long-term peace and stability, we have to count on the next generation of girl warriors to grow up and take up the positions of governors of various families, reshaping the customs of Kanto.

Therefore, the saint provided funds to arrange for the descendants of the Kanto samurai family to study in Shiba, and to cultivate a new generation of Kanto leaders and masters who agree with Shiba's new ideas.

As the saying goes, if a girl is strong, Kanto will be strong, and if a girl is righteous, Kanto will be righteous.

The saint has high hopes for them, and they have repaid the saint with their loyalty. This is a good start.

If due to some negative effects of the Self-Qing Movement, the Blue Clothes are completely denied and the innovative enthusiasm and sacrificial spirit of the new generation of Kanto warrior girls are denied, who can Kanto look to in the future?

Is Yiyin going to spend its whole life fighting among the wallflowers in Kanto? As a result, Kanto will be in chaos again within a hundred years.

Rulers do not follow their words, and laws and regulations are not written down and everyone is willing to abide by them.

The Celestial Dynasty also stipulated that rebellion should be punished by the nine tribes. Didn’t the common people in the late dynasty continue to rebel one after another?

The closer legal regulations are to social consensus, the lower the cost of law enforcement and the higher the justice.

Therefore, governing the country according to law is not just about complicated and careful legal provisions, but also requires a moral outlook that is in line with public order and good customs.

The world does not wipe out the savings of three generations and then use official language and muddy truths, and laws and regulations are not omnipotent.

The current problem in Kanto is that the long-term war has led to moral decay. The samurai families are competing to imitate shameless and obscene people. Whoever is shameless and has a lower limit will have a better life.

In this case, it is useless to standardize legal order.

Only when the majority of the Kanto samurai agree with Shiba's new ideas and the righteousness of the saints can the establishment of the laws of the Kanto Shishuo Grand Council truly become the standard of order and be abided by the majority of people.

Therefore, for the sake of a century-old plan, the saint must not upset the hearts of the people in blue.

These little girls are the future of Kanto. Although this self-purification movement is not clear, they are still much more reliable than their mothers.

Yiyin nodded and sighed.

"Those little girls in blue are not familiar with the world and don't know how evil people's hearts are. I will give them a warning and hope they won't let me down again."

Pu Sheng clan bowed.

"Those little girls have great intentions and will not let you down."

Pu Shengshixiang sneered.

"It's obvious that they are fighting for power, but when they suffer a loss, they only seek out you, the saint, because they are convinced that the saint is benevolent. What kind of bad habit is this?

You are the shining sun above their heads, not a handkerchief in their hands to wipe away tears that they can pull at will."

Yoshigami nodded, looking at the three letters from Satake Yishige on the document, he began to have a headache again.

"What happens after we pick out the people in blue? The matter has become so big that it will be difficult to end it."

Pu Shengshixiang smiled slightly.

“Both of them are shouting loyalty and injustice, but in fact, in my opinion, neither one is loyal and neither is unfair.

This time, the people in the East suffered a big loss, so they cried out for injustice.

You see, if the people of the East take advantage, it will be the Kanto Secretariat headed by the three powerful feudal lords who come to complain."


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