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Chapter 1861 Oda Nobunaga is pregnant

When Nizi Shengjiuxiangxiaoyu died, Yiyin, who was far away in Kyoto, was not yet known.

At this moment, Yoshigami was hosting a banquet for Oda Nobunaga at Fushimi Castle, and was paying the price for Nizi Katsuhisa's safe return.

The Shiba family made peace with the Mori family alone, which was equivalent to giving up the strategy of the Western Kingdom and leaving the Oda family on the front line.

Although Oda Nobunaga has always loved to eat alone, this does not mean that she likes to be betrayed by her allies. The Asai family also betrayed Oda Nobunaga, and as a result, the heads of two generations of family governors became wine glasses.

Had it not been for Yoshigan's insistence that Oda Nobunaga bury his head with a gold cup and lay it to rest, Asai Nagamasa would never be able to rest in peace to this day.

The Western Kingdom Strategy was jointly promoted by the Shiba Oda family. Yoshigan refused to do it if he wanted to, and even left Oda Nobunaga behind and negotiated with the Mori family alone. Oda Nobunaga's temperament was bound to make him furious.

In order to bridge the differences between the two parties and prevent Oda Nobunaga from getting angry, Yoshihiro directly ordered Mitsuhide Akechi, who had returned from Shikoku Island, to stand by at Fushimi Castle.

Yoshigan himself went north from Tamonyama Castle, invited Oda Nobunaga to Fushimi Castle for a talk, and was mentally prepared to use his own body to calm Oda Nobunaga's anger.

No matter how Oda Nobunaga tried to torment him this time, he admitted that it was indeed his fault.

Yoshigan knew in his heart that Oda Nobunaga had been worried that the Oda family would not be able to enter the Kanto region, but Kansai had to be divided equally with the Shiba family.

After the world is pacified in this way, the power gap between the Shiba and Oda families is likely to widen, which is not conducive to Oda Nobunaga's political plan for unifying the world.

This time, the Shiba family failed in the attack on the Western Kingdom, and Yoshigan even voluntarily abandoned the Western Kingdom for the sake of Nizi Katsuhisa's safe return.

For Oda Nobunaga, this matter has both advantages and disadvantages.

The benefit is that the Oda family can swallow up the Western Kingdom on its own without having to share the territory with the Shiba family, which greatly enhances the Oda family's territory and strength.

Although there are many mountainous areas in the West, the land is barren and the rocks are low, the Maori family controls Iwami Ginzan, Shimonoseki trade, many minerals in the mountains of China, and the coast of the Seto Inland Sea.

The Oda family obtained these resources, which was enough to close the power gap between the Shiba and Oda families, and to achieve a new balance of power with the Shiba family, which had already swallowed up the Kanto territory alone.

But there are advantages and disadvantages.

The withdrawal of the Shiba family also means that the Oda family cannot continue to use the great principles of the Kyoto shogunate.

Facing Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was controlled by the Maori family, the Oda family's Western conquest could not hold the political high ground, and the Western samurai family might not be willing to buy it.

The Oda family could only use force to conquer, which would inevitably lead to half the effort and a high cost.

Since this brief description has good and bad points, let’s talk about it.

Yoshihiro took the initiative to host a banquet for Oda Nobunaga. Judging from the status of both parties, this was a sign of bowing his head, which gave Oda Nobunaga enough face.

Mitsuhide Akechi, the person in charge of the Fushimi Castle system, will be the person in charge of this banquet and the middleman to bridge the differences between the two families.

The two masters were sitting in separate rooms. Oda Nobunaga looked at Yoshigan, who was half a seat taller than him, and said with a smile.

"In the past few days, you have been avoiding me, but today you took the initiative to invite me here.

I never thought that a little girl, Shengjiu, could make you pay so much. It really makes me a little jealous.

For her sake, the Shiba family alone sent envoys to the Mori family to communicate and negotiate peace. Where would this put the Oda family?

The Fushimi Castle system seems to be dead in name only."

Faced with Oda Nobunaga's aggressiveness, Yoshigan sneered and counterattacked.

"Do you really care about the Fushimi Castle system? Don't you understand why I refused to see you a few days ago?

Hatano Hideharu is a samurai daimyo recognized by the shogunate as the guardian of Tamba and guarding hundreds of thousands of koku.

Your Majesty Oda is so domineering. You catch and kill whenever you ask. Did you ever think about the Fushimi Castle system at that time?

Akechi Mitsuhide's old father was still a hostage in the Hatano family, and he died innocently because of this. Even if you haven't considered Akechi Mitsuhide's feelings, you should consider the credibility of the Fushimi Castle system, right?"

The corners of Oda Nobunaga's lips curled up.

"well said!

You didn't want to come forward, but you asked Mitsuhide Akechi to come to me and insist on inserting Miyoshi Yoshitsugi into the Four Kingdoms Strategy, so I tolerated it.

I'll find something for Mitsuhide Akechi to do, help me take care of the Hatano family and the Chosogabe family.

What's the result? Hatano Hideharu intended to rebel, and the Chosogabe family didn't even want to talk. Is this also my responsibility?"

Yiyin said angrily.

"Don't mess around with me!

It is not yet known whether Hatano Hideharu intends to rebel, but if you kill her like this, the Hatano family will rebel!

Akechi Mitsuhide took his old father as a hostage for negotiation, and finally asked Hatano Hideji to come down. It would be better for you to kill someone with a knife without any real evidence!

You are happy, but at what cost?

The Chosogabe family was there watching the fate of Hatano Hideharu. What could Akechi Mitsuhide do to win people's trust? How could we talk about the Shikoku Island thing?

Now that you have completely ignored your responsibility, you have become Mitsuhide Akechi and feel sorry for you, right?"

Oda Nobunaga looked at Yoshigan and smiled.

"Sage, you don't need to make any more detours with me. Isn't it just a bargaining chip to counteract the Sibo family's withdrawal from the Western Kingdom?

Okay, I'm in a good mood recently, so I don't want to worry about it too much.

If the Shiba family withdraws from the Western Kingdom conquest, we, the Oda family, will come on our own. If the Shiba family refuses to use the shogunate's justice, we, the Oda family, will conquer by force.

You just want to protect Nizi Shengjiu's life, I'll satisfy you, why bother talking?"

Yoshigan stared at Oda Nobunaga, always feeling that something was wrong with her today and she seemed to be extremely excited.

While Yoshigan was observing Oda Nobunaga, Oda Nobunaga had already focused on the dining table in front of her. The smell of grilled fish in front of her penetrated into her nose, making her want to vomit.

These days, Oda Nobunaga cannot eat well or sleep well. He is very sensitive and the most intolerable thing is the fishy smell of aquatic products.

"Akechi Mitsuhide!"


Akechi Mitsuhide was sitting at the banquet serving the two masters. When he heard Oda Nobunaga's greeting, he quickly stepped forward and bowed to obey the order.

Oda Nobunaga overturned the grilled fish on the table and almost hit Mitsuhide Akechi on the head.

"This fish stinks, can't you smell the fishy smell? How dare you serve me this kind of crap, you bastard!"

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"I'm very sorry. This was my dereliction of duty."

Seeing Mitsuhide Akechi humiliating himself and being insulted by Oda Nobunaga, Yoshigan couldn't stand it.

Akechi Mitsuhide's father, who was a hostage, died because of Oda Nobunaga's reckless behavior. Oda Nobunaga still scolded her for a grilled fish, which was too much.

After all, Akechi Mitsuhide is also an important minister with status. How can he be insulted casually like a servant?

Yiyin, who couldn't stand it, said coldly.

"I think this grilled fish is very good and fresh. Oda Nobunaga, if you have any dissatisfaction, just come to me. How can you bully Akechi Mitsuhide?

Her father just passed away, please pay attention to your decency!"

Oda Nobunaga turned his head to look at Yoshigan, with a half-smile on his face, and slowly stood up.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today and don't want to worry about it. This table of things makes me sick. There isn't even a sour plum. I'll go back first."

Yoshigan felt something was wrong more and more, stared at Oda Nobunaga, and asked.

"Are you leaving now?"

When Yoshigan came this time, he was already mentally prepared to be dented into various postures by Oda Nobunaga, but Oda Nobunaga suddenly turned into Yanage Megumi, which made Yoshigan very uncomfortable.

Oda Nobunaga walked up to Giginza, knelt down, and kissed his lips on his own initiative, not caring at all about Akechi Mitsuhide, who was still kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

After a long time, there was a trace of broken silk between the lips. Oda Nobunaga looked at Yoshigami, touched his belly, and a trace of rosy brilliance appeared on his face.

"I have it."

Yoshigan's eyes widened and he looked at Oda Nobunaga in disbelief.

"Yes... yes?"

It was rare for Oda Nobunaga to see him look so silly, and he felt warm in his heart. He couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth, feeling the first experience of being a parent, feeling the tranquility and tenderness he had never experienced before at this moment.

Yoshigan looked at Oda Nobunaga's face. This surly and cold woman actually showed maternal love on her face.

On the sixth day, the Demon King seemed to be reincarnated into a human being at this moment. She was no longer a bloodless and tearless demon. She also had treasures worth cherishing and understood what love was.

Oda Nobunaga stretched out his hand to touch Yoshigage's slightly dull cheek and said with a smile.

"I'm in a very good mood now. For the sake of my children, I won't argue with you. You can do whatever you want.

Ni Zi Sheng Jiu, fortune is good to her.

If the Shiba family wants to withdraw, they can withdraw. The Oda family can conquer the land of the West by ourselves.

I'm tired, so I'm going back first.

I came here this time just to tell you the good news. You have been avoiding me these days, and you don’t know how uncomfortable I am.

I have to go back and have a good rest. The doctor said that the first three months are the most important and asked me to be careful.

Your seed, oh, is really powerful, I am worthy of you."

Oda Nobunaga stooped down and kissed Yoshigan again, and said.

"I acted too impatiently regarding Hatano Hideharu, but when the incident happened suddenly, I had to act decisively and could not just go back to the mountain."

Akechi Mitsuhide... I will make it up to her, and you should stop worrying about these little things.

Our child is being conceived in my belly, you should also be happy, and don't always cause trouble between you and me over trivial matters."

After Oda Nobunaga finished speaking, he stood up and left with a smile. Yoshigan looked at her back and was speechless for a moment.

Neither of them noticed that Akechi Mitsuhide was kneeling on the ground. Her expression lowered on the tatami suddenly twitched and became particularly ferocious.

Oda Nobunaga finally became pregnant with the saint's divine seed. This beast that took away the saint for the first time and ruined the saint's life has already achieved what he wanted after humiliating the saint countless times.

Akechi Mitsuhide's heart was in turmoil, and the murderous intent in his eyes couldn't be restrained and spread out.

She endured humiliation, made many arrangements, and wanted to kill Oda Nobunaga. It was that night that she learned that the saint had been defiled by Oda Nobunaga for the first time.

From then on, Akechi Mitsuhide knew that between him and Oda Nobunaga, there could only be one person living in this world, breathing the same world as her, which made Akechi Mitsuhide feel sick.

The grand plans for hegemony and the ownership of the world were all embellishments added later. From the beginning, Akechi Mitsuhide had only one simple idea, to kill Oda Nobunaga.

For this goal, Akechi Mitsuhide can do anything and endure anything!

At this moment, hearing the news of Oda Nobunaga's pregnancy, Mitsuhide Akechi couldn't help but tremble slightly and clenched his fists.

Watching Oda Nobunaga leave, Yoshigan withdrew his gaze and turned to Akechi Mitsuhide, just in time to see her trembling slightly.

Yiyin, who didn't know the truth, sighed and said softly.

"Everyone has left, please get up."

Akechi Mitsuhide thanked the saint, raised his head and revealed a cute and adorable face, with tears streaming down his face. His acting skills were excellent.

As expected, Yiyin couldn't bear it and stepped forward to help her up and sit next to him.

"Oda Nobunaga...well, let's not talk about this troublesome guy. I know you feel aggrieved. I owe you this.

If I hadn't asked you to speak for Miyoshi Yoshitsugi, why would you have caused so much trouble and even lost your old father."

Akechi Mitsuhide bit his lower lip, shook his head and choked with sobs.

"It's my duty to share the saint's worries. It's all my fault that I didn't have the ability to handle things well.

It's just...it's just...I have been separated from my father for many years, and I finally gained some status. I thought I could bring him back to enjoy his old age, but this happened to me. I'm really sorry for him."

Akechi Mitsuhide's tears couldn't stop flowing out, which made Yoshiyin feel distressed.

Although he knew that the elegant and beautiful woman in front of him was actually a ruthless strategist who was feared by many warriors, this situation still made Yiyin unable to think too badly of her.

After all, father and daughter are connected and their true feelings are revealed.

Humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? Even if she is cold-blooded and calculating like Mitsuhide Akechi, she is still a person and a daughter, and she also has her own feelings.

Yiyin sighed and comforted in a low voice.

"This is not your fault. I am responsible. Oda Nobunaga also has problems.

In short, people cannot be resurrected, so you still have to express your condolences. I will compensate you afterwards. As for Oda Nobunaga, I will not let her treat you badly.

She killed Hatano Hideharu and thought she could swallow up the Tanba Kingdom? Stop dreaming!

I will make it clear to her that it is up to you to conquer Tamba Country and it is up to you to make the decision."

Akechi Mitsuhide said in astonishment.

"I just took the country of Tango. If I take the country of Tanba again, it will be criticized. Please think twice, sage."

Yiyin shook his head.

"Tamba Kingdom is Kinki's bridgehead against the Western Kingdom. I have given up on the Western Kingdom for the sake of Nizi Katsuhisa, so arranging defense in Kinki is a necessary strategic plan.

How to divide the land of Danba Kingdom will be discussed in the future, but you must cheer up and conquer Danba Kingdom with all your heart. Afterwards, you should get the lion's share of the military merits and rewards, so who has anything to say?

Oda Nobunaga, she's sorry for you and must compensate you. Don't worry, she knows this well and won't stand in your way."

Yiyin comforted softly, Akechi Mitsuhide huddled in his arms, but his eyes flickered.

I don’t know what’s going on with Nizi Katsuhisa. Has the assassination been successful?

It was an unexpected surprise that the saint allowed him to conquer the Tanba Kingdom.

In this way, Akechi Mitsuhide can naturally mobilize a large number of troops in Kinki. As long as he can deceive Oda Nobunaga out of Azuchi Castle and find a suitable location, he can... get rid of him quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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