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Chapter 1875: Loyal and willing to die to remonstrate

Hanzawa Naoyoshi smiled.

“A sage is not as good as a sage, but a sage takes care of everything every day. It is always difficult to cover everything, and there are always omissions, so I need to wait for my subordinates to fill in the gaps.

The corruption case of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association is by no means simple human greed. They colluded with Mr. Takada Haruno of Sakai Port and sent a large amount of money and food to Sakai Port.

If you just move the money back home, you can still get the money back. But if you go to Sakai Port, you may never come back.

This is the real reason why I am determined to risk my life to uncover the dark curtain. For the eternal peace of the world in Sibo, I am willing to sacrifice my life for righteousness without hesitation."

Sarutobi Sasuke touched his nose.

"I don't understand what's so difficult about the money and food that goes to Sakai Port and can be transferred back with a royal order from the saint, and why should you be so upset about it?

Sacrificing one's life for righteousness without hesitation? Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

Hanzawa Naoyi shook his head and said.

"You don't know something. Before I came to Kanto, I checked Lord Takada Haruno's business accounts at Sakai Port..."

Sarutobi Sasuke interrupted with his teeth sore.

“Why are you looking for death everywhere?

The Takada family is the only descendant of the Shiba family, and the Takada sisters are deeply favored and trusted by the saint. How come you have the courage to investigate Takada Haruno-sama?"

Hanzawa Naoyoshi sighed.

"If you don't check, you won't know. If you check, you will be shocked. You don't understand business and finance. I don't know how to explain it clearly to you. Let me just tell you a story.

In the far west, there is a nation that claims to be the smartest people in the world. Their people are particularly good at making money.

There was once a farmer who had no choice but to borrow money from his tribe due to a bad harvest. He wanted to borrow a gold coin to tide over the difficulties. The tribe required the farmer to return two gold coins in the coming year.

The farmer was desperate, so he could only nod in agreement, but when the farmer got a gold coin and was about to leave, the tribesman said again.

How can you guarantee that you will return my two gold coins next year? If you default on your debt, won't I lose everything?

The farmer scratched his head and didn't know how to ensure his integrity, so the tribesman made another suggestion.

Why don't you pledge a gold coin to me as a deposit first, and then pay me back a gold coin next year, so that even if you default on the loan, I won't lose money.

The farmer thought about this and returned the gold coin in his hand to the tribe."

When Sarutobi Sasuke heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"This farmer is really stupid. She came here to borrow money, but she didn't get a dime. When she left, she owed a gold coin."

Sarutobi Sasuke was laughing, but Hanzawa Naoyoshi's face turned serious, causing Sarutobi Sasuke's laughter to gradually become quieter until it became silent.

Hanzawa Naoyi said bitterly.

"Are you funny? But that's what's happening right now."

Sarutobi Sasuke squinted his eyes and thought for a while, suddenly feeling scared.

"The smart people in this story are really smart, but they are just too greedy. I'm afraid they will die badly."

Hanzawa Naoyoshi let out a long sigh.

"The story was told by a Nanman businessman in Sakai Port. This nation has a history of two thousand years, but it does not have its own country. It can only wander among other countries, and is often squeezed out and massacred."

Sarutobi Sasuke curled his lips.

"You spend all your time doing stupid things like giving birth to a daughter without showing your eyes. How can there be any good consequences?"

Hanzawa Naoyi nodded.

"Yes, you are a white wolf with empty tricks. You just want to use sweet words to line other people's pockets. It seems that you have made huge profits, but in fact, it is a way of cutting off the world.

Maybe it will be difficult for others to notice it at first, but as long as you keep doing it, one day others will realize it. No one likes to be a fool, especially when it comes to making real money and money.

What Mr. Takada Haruno is doing is the business that that smart race is best at.

Therefore, someone has to stand up and tell the saint about the huge danger of this hidden danger. We cannot wait until the situation is irreversible, as the price will be too high.

The Sibo family is no longer the weak Sibo family it once was. A saint is rich in half the world. He should follow the right path and not blindly use deceit. Otherwise, even if he achieves the success of the Sibo family, it will not last long.

Although I am a humble person and talk lightly, I will do things that are loyal to the emperor despite my salary. I should speak impartially and forthrightly, and give advice with sincerity, so as to fulfill the righteousness of the emperor and his ministers."

Sarutobi Sasuke shook his head, suddenly feeling a little ashamed.

Sanada Zhong has been hesitating repeatedly while considering his own gains and losses, while Hanzawa Naoyoshi has always insisted on doing what he thinks is right, regardless of his own life.

Sarutobi Sasuke hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a sigh.

"You... what a pity..."

Hanzawa Naoyi smiled handsomely.

"It's no pity. Even if I can't change the world, I hope I won't be changed by the world.

This is my choice, I will die without regrets.

Thank you very much for coming to visit me, but don’t come again next time. I am now entangled in a cause and effect, and anyone who comes close to me will be in great trouble. You are a good friend, and I don’t want to cause any trouble to you.”

Sarutobi Sasuke opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Friend? It's obvious that I'm using you, but you don't want to involve me...

At the last glance at Hanzawa Naoyoshi, Sarutobi Sasuke suddenly became angry, threw his wine bag to Hanzawa Naoyoshi, turned around and left.

People, you can't owe too much to others, otherwise you will easily be made uncomfortable by guilt. The so-called kindness and hatred for others means that if you owe too much, you will feel resentment because of guilt.

Naoyoshi Hanzawa watched her leave with a smile, took a sip of wine, and thought about how to write his final letter when he was ordered to commit suicide.

This time, no one can stop themselves from writing to the saint, and the saint will also read his letter carefully, which is really great.

This is true loyalty when a person is humble but never forgets his responsibilities, and when he speaks lightly but never loses responsibility.


Hanzawa Naoyi was already determined to die. She knew that she had made such a big fuss this time and that there was probably no way to survive.

But she was unwilling to die in vain. She must write a letter to the saint about the economic problems in Sakai Port and Kanto and the hidden dangers of the food stamp financial system that she had investigated in the past two years to get to the bottom of the shady story.

There is a saying in the sky that even when a person is about to die, his words are good. Banze Naoyi no longer cares about her own life. She just wants the saint to take a serious look at her petition.

Holding mud in the mouth and writing in tears is the highest level of death remonstrance. Hanzawa Naoyi felt that his way of death was quite romantic, and he even looked forward to it.

At this moment, Yoshihiro was still traveling along the Tokaido Road, until heavy snow covered Kanbashi and late winter descended on the Kanto land, and he finally arrived at Edo Castle.

Edo Castle, residence hall.

There were fire pots lit in the four corners of the room, which was as warm as spring. Yoshigami put his arms around Iori, making her daughter laugh.

One-year-old children are the most playful when they are not frail and troublesome when they are half a year old, nor are they curious and fearless when they are two or three years old. They are in a lovely period when their parents can fully control them.

Takeshi Shimakatsu watched happily from the side as their father and daughter interacted. Last year, just after Iori was born, Yoshigami returned to Kinki, so the two parties were not familiar with each other.

However, father and daughter are naturally connected by blood, and Iori showed considerable dependence on this strange father, which made Yoshigami feel guilty, and they were inseparable from him as soon as they met.

After playing with her daughter for a long time, Iori was so tired that she started snoring. Then Shima Katsu fiercely hugged her, gently patted and rocked her, and coaxed her daughter to sleep deeper.

Yiyin looked at Dao Shengmeng's skillful gestures and couldn't help but reach out and gently touch her face and kiss her lips.

"Thank you for your hard work. I see you have lost weight this year."

Daosheng shook his head violently.

"Iori is a treasure gifted by a saint. I only have endless gratitude in my heart. How can I feel that it is hard?"

Yiyin rubbed his temples and smiled bitterly.

"It would be great if everyone could be as content as you, causing less trouble and sharing more of my worries."

Dao Shengmeng smiled slightly.

"That Hanzawa Naoyoshi, the saint doesn't want to ask him face to face?"

Yiyin waved his hand.

"If I don't mention her, I feel bad and angry whenever I mention her. She is really a troublemaker."

Shima Sheng sighed fiercely.

"But he is indeed a loyal man."

Yiyin glanced at Dao Sheng fiercely.

"What? You want to plead for her?"

Dao Sheng smiled fiercely.

"Not really, it's just that the saint knows that I always appreciate loyal people."

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"I know you are a loyal general and a warrior Girihime, but this guy...don't get involved, it's too troublesome.

Leave the person to the Tongxin Secretariat, so you don't have to take on this responsibility, let Kamao Clan and Ii Naomasa handle it."

Shima Sheng nodded fiercely and breathed a sigh of relief.

She admired Hanzawa Naoyi somewhat, but she really didn't want to mess with this relationship, which was a big scapegoat for the stability of the eight states.

Now, unlike before, even if she didn't think about herself, she still had to make plans for Iori in her arms.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi uncovered a major corruption case in the Samurai Giri Promotion Association. Many Kanto Princess warriors wanted to eat his flesh, sleep on his skin, drink his blood, twitch his tendons, crush his bones and raise ashes.

Although Shima Shengmu is not ashamed of the corruption of the Wu Family Giri Promotion Association, there is no need to block the outpouring of public opinion and get himself into this quagmire.

Since the saint requires him to make friends with others, he can just throw away this responsibility.

Regarding the chaos in Kanto, Shima Katsuki actually had similar views to Ii Naotora.

Today, while the saint is alive, the Kanto martial arts family cannot make waves or change the world. No matter how big the corruption case is, it will be decided by the thoughts of the saint.

If the saint wants to minimize the big issue, the problem will not be big. If the saint wants to get to the bottom of it, no one will dare to resist.

After sending away the hot potato of Naoyi Hanzawa, Shima Katsuki didn't want to dwell on this topic and changed the subject.

"Is the saint's journey not smooth? It seems that he arrived much later than expected."

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed, and said calmly.

"When passing Odawara Castle, I stayed with Miyoko for a few more days."

Miyoko was the daughter of a divine descendant born to Hojo Ujimasa, so Shimakatsu Takeshi naturally knew that the saint would have to accompany his daughter for a few days when he passed through Odawara Castle.

When she said this at this time, she was just changing the subject, not jealous, but Yiyin felt somewhat embarrassed.

As an ordinary person with a healthy outlook on life in modern society, Yi Yin still feels a little shy and guilty about being merciful and spreading things around.

Especially in this world of female supremacy, having a reverse harem is really too debauched. You are really a slut, and you can’t even wash yourself clean.

On the contrary, the Ji warriors are more tolerant than him. On the one hand, the island country's culture itself does not care much about the matters between men and women at the top, and is not as strict as the Chinese philosophy.

Furthermore, politics is a dirty quagmire. There have been countless disgusting things since ancient times. What does Yiyin mean?

The stinky Han and Tang dynasties did not affect the prestige of the Han and Tang dynasties, ushering in the prosperous age of the Celestial Dynasty.

Yiyin, who has the aura of never committing special effects in his career, has special effects that distort the perceptions of people around him, and he will always be regarded as a sacred and inviolable person.

In order to continue the family business and conquer the world, Yiyin did not hesitate to become a prodigal for the rest of his life, engraved on the pillars of history for people to point at.

This feeling of sacrificing everything for the family business is a very pure and admirable spirit of sacrifice for the Wu family.

No one would look down on Yi Yin, only he himself always found it strange. After all, he had never been a mature politician, and his emotions were too rich and delicate.

Because he was not perverted enough, Mr. Yiyin was incompatible with the Wu family society, and was ridiculed behind his back for being a madam, leaving him dumbfounded.

Sometimes Yiyin feels quite speechless, with distorted views and a chaotic world. I really don’t know if the world is crazy or if I am crazy.

Now that Hojo Miyoko was mentioned, Yoshigan asked about the situation of Uesugi and her daughter.

"How's it going over there Miyuki? Uesugi Kenshin seems to have been quiet this year?"

Dao Sheng smiled fiercely.

"The Hojo family attacked the Boso Peninsula, and the Takeda family seized Mito Castle. There were ups and downs.

The Shimono samurai family has seen through it all. Among the three powerful clans, His Highness Uesugi is the most talkative. He doesn't control things strictly and only wants to look good.

From the Utsunomiya family to the Oda family and then to the Sano family, everyone has their tail between their legs, practicing their ability to sing praises and flatter others every day.

Your Highness Uesugi is beautiful now. No one is making her unhappy, so she is naturally in peace."

Yiyin couldn't help but laugh.

"She is easy to fool and serve."

Shima Sheng nodded fiercely.

"For some reason, His Highness Uesugi and His Highness Mogami have gotten closer this year. It is said that His Highness Miyuki likes Mogami's young master, Koma-kun. I don't know if it is true or not."

Yiyin's face looked a little unnatural.

Little Miyuki has fallen in love with the young master of the Mogami family? How old is the second daughter to know this?

When he thought of the private affairs between Mogami Yoshimitsu and himself, and then when he thought of her son and his own daughter...Yoshigami felt something was wrong all over.

Speaking of which, Mogami Yoshimitsu is also a person who knows the rules. She knows in her heart that she, a widow, cannot covet the inheritance of divine descendants, so she always actively avoids the possibility of giving birth to divine descendants.

Anyway, Warrior Ji has more than one channel available to him, so just let Yiyin find another way.

Whether it's a quarrel or a dark ancient road, a living person will never suffocate to death, there is always a way.

Yoshigan also liked the novelty, so he and Mogami Yoshimitsu shared some little secrets.

After thinking again and again, Yiyin shook his head.

Miyuki is young, and Mogami Yoshimitsu's young master is not much older than Miyuki. What do two children know? The so-called childhood sweethearts are mostly just an excuse for adults to have more intimate interactions.

Of course Yoshigami didn't know that his second daughter Miyuki was the second time traveler brought in by the system after exhausting all its power. He was targeting Koma-kun because he knew that Mogami Yoshiguro was the beloved son of the Gu family and had started to attract allies early on.

This chapter has been completed!
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