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Chapter 1890 A good way to deal with the Spo family

Hideyoshi Hashiba narrowed his eyes.

"Then you must choose to believe. Only believing is the safest thing."

Hashiba Hideyoshi did not have a good impression of the Nanman religion, and he had no favorable impression of this sophistry and logic that deceived people into believing in the religion.

But this philosophical question fits Hashiba Hideyoshi's current predicament exactly.

Kuroda Takagao nodded.

"indeed so.

To believe in the existence of the Lord is to choose between heaven and nothing will happen. To not believe in the existence of the Lord is to choose between hell and nothing to happen. Normal people will choose to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

You are in the same predicament now.

Spies of the Shiba family are operating in the Western Kingdom. Whether you like it or not, the truth about Nizi Katsuhisa's death will be exposed sooner or later.

If you take the initiative to attack the Sibo family, you still have a chance of survival. But if you wait passively, the saint's thunderous wrath will fall on you sooner or later.

If you choose to plan ahead and attack proactively, you have two possibilities: victory or failure. If you choose to wait for death with luck, the only result is failure.

So, how do you choose?"

Hideyoshi Hashiba smiled bitterly.

"Then I will definitely choose to actively fight against the saint. Before he knows the truth, I will make sufficient preparations and strive for the greatest initiative, so that I can survive and win.

But if I take the initiative to attack...do I really have a chance to defeat the Saint?"

Kuroda Takagao shook his head and said.

"An attack does not necessarily have to involve military swords and weapons, there can also be other methods.

An interesting news came from the Nanman merchants in Sakai Port. The stocks of the Hokurikudo Trading Route were plummeting, and the panic had spread to Saba's real estate, Saba's earth warehouse, and even the credit of Saba's food stamps.

The saint once used Shiba's food stamps as a backing to raise two million koku in a short period of time as military expenses and pensions, and went to war with the Oda family.

A total of four million stones, many martial arts families were dumbfounded, in awe of the Sibo family's strength, and did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance.

But this strong economic power is now in turmoil.

If we can intervene and cause the Sibo family's economy to collapse even further, making it impossible for the Saint to take action, we can buy more time to do our own things well.

The Shiba family is in internal chaos and has no time to take care of the Oda territory after His Highness Oda's death. Only then can you calmly join forces and swallow up His Highness Oda's legacy, becoming an opponent that the Saint has to face up to."

Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes narrowed.

"Your idea is very interesting, but it's a pity that I don't have enough strength.

I have been active in Sakai Port for a long time, and recommended the great businessman Tsuda Muneiki to His Majesty Oda, and also dealt with Takada Harano.

Shiba's food stamps have a profound background, and Takada Yono has superb methods.

I don't have the ability to shake her food stamp system yet, even if I persuade Tsuda Muneji to help me by selling everything, I still can't do it."

Kuroda Takaka said calmly.

"Tsuda Soji is not good, but the Nanman Sect in Sakai Port is very strong.

The Nanman merchants had a large amount of Siwa food stamps in their hands, and the Sakai Port merchants who participated in the Nanman trade also had a large amount of Siwa food stamps in their hands.

The Nanman Cult can raise enough food stamps through Nanman merchants, island believers, and traders to create greater panic.

As long as these food stamps collide with the Shiba family's food stamp system, Takada Harano will never be able to easily deal with it. The Shiba family's economy will be more turbulent, out of Takada Harano's control, and even avalanche.

The essence of food stamps is confidence. When everyone loses confidence in food stamps, the saint needs to spend a lot of time to rebuild confidence, and you will have enough time to annex the old ministers of Oda."

Hashiba Hideyoshi looked at Kuroda Takaka with a cold look and asked lightly.

"Why should the Nanman Cult help me?"

Kuroda Takaka bowed slightly.

"The priest said that she cannot trust His Highness Oda.

The Nanman Sect has done a lot for His Highness Oda, but His Highness Oda has always been perfunctory with the Nanman Sect and has no sincerity."

Hashiba Hideyoshi said coldly.

"His Royal Highness Oda has agreed to give the Nanman Sect a piece of land to build a church in Azuchi Castle and allow the Nanman Sect to preach in Oda territory.

Is there anything that Nanman Cult is not satisfied with?"

Kuroda Takagao shook his head and said.

“It is difficult to establish trust, but easy to destroy it, so if there is a cloud in the sky, it is difficult to repair a broken mirror.

The Nanman Sect has been deceived by His Highness Oda for too long and can no longer trust His Highness Oda's credibility.

Furthermore, Her Highness Oda is about to die, so what’s the point of the promise the Nanman Sect received from her?”

Hashiba Hideyoshi's gaze became more and more profound, and his vigilance towards the Nanman Cult and Kuroda Takaka suddenly rose to a new level.

She secretly sighed in her heart, as expected, not everyone is Takenaka Shigeharu, not everyone will work hard for me, do their best, and be loyal. There is only one Takenaka Hime, and Kuroda Takataka is not trustworthy.

Hashiba Hideyoshi could not trust Kuroda Takataka as much as he believed Takenaka Shigeharu. Kuroda Takataka had a deep connection with the Nanman Sect, but he had not even informed him in advance.

Maybe Hashiba Hideyoshi can still use Kuroda Takataka and the Nanman Cult now, and he is willing to make compromises with them.

But in the future, Hideyoshi Hashiba will definitely remove the influence of the Nanman Sect from his territory.

These alien races are too dangerous, and the islanders who believe in alien religions must also be vigilant. They are the source of unrest and are far more troublesome than the localized Buddhist sects in the island.

Thinking about his thoughts, Hashiba Hideyoshi looked at Kuroda Takataka calmly, and finally nodded slowly.

"As long as the Nanman Cult helps me succeed, I will give them generous rewards. If I can conquer the world, the Nanman Cult's missionary work in the island country will be unimpeded without any restrictions."

Kuroda Takaka bowed slightly and said.

"I will convey your intention to the priest, and I believe she will be very happy to serve you and contribute to the great cause of the Yushiba family."

Kuroda Takataka may not be able to see Hideyoshi's fear of the Nanban religion, but she doesn't care about it.

The strength gap between Hashiba Hideyoshi and Shiba Yoshigan is huge. Even Oda Nobunaga couldn't defeat Shiba Yoshigan, so he could only choose to make peace. Can Hashiba Hideyoshi be stronger than Oda Nobunaga?

The goal of Kuroda Takataka's plan to help Hashiba Hideyoshi was not to defeat the Shiba family, but to temporarily plunge the Shiba family into chaos so that Hashiba Hideyoshi could have the opportunity to inherit Oda Nobunaga's legacy.

Only by inheriting Oda Nobunaga's legacy could Hashiba Hideyoshi have the opportunity to sit on the stage and become an opponent competing with Yoshihiro Saba.

Therefore, using force is the worst policy, and subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is the best policy.

At this moment, the only one who can help Hashiba Hideyoshi attack the Shiba family's economy is the Nanman Cult with strong financial resources in Sakai Port. Kuroda Takataka must find a way to connect the two parties.

In Takaka Kuroda's heart, her faith was not pious enough, and Hideyoshi Hashiba and the Nanman Sect were both ladders for her to climb up.

As for any future crisis between these two ladders, it will be another opportunity for Kuroda Takataka to climb up further.

Crisis is a crisis, and there is an opportunity in a crisis. Stability is the grave of speculators, and crisis is a good opportunity for conspirators. Takataka Kuroda likes crises.

Happy New Year!

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