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Chapter 1919 Sects with their own agendas

Although the Rinzai Sect does not have a representative figure such as the sect master, Nanzen Temple is the highest-level temple in the Rinzai Sect, and the status of the presiding master Chongchuan is similar to that of the leader of the sect.

Nanzenji Soden itself was devoted to the Shiba family and had long been wagging its tail at the saint, while the Daitokuji sect moved closer to Oda Nobunaga. This was Nanzenji's rival for the leadership of the Rinzai sect.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Mitsuhide Akechi led his troops to Luo and besieged Oda Nobunaga, Nanzenji Shoden also took the opportunity to weaken and suppress the Daitokuji sect within the Rinzai sect.

In the face of the fundamental interests of the sect, the Daitokuji sect did not dare to stand up for Oda Nobunaga and could only watch helplessly.

And the so-called fallacies and heresies of the Nichiren Sect on the part of the Tendai Sect are even more ridiculous.

The Tiantai Sect was passed down from the Celestial Dynasty. The Tiantai Sect is also known as the Fahua Sect and is proficient in the Lotus Sutra.

During the process of localization of the island nation, the Nichiren sect, which split from the Tendai sect, suddenly emerged, threatening the leadership of the Tendai sect.

First, the Nichiren sect was supported by the shogunate, attacked the Ichiko sect, and burned the Yamashina Honganji Temple, causing the Nichiren sect and the Ichiko sect to form a bloody feud.

Subsequently, the Tendai Sect was so embarrassed in the religious debate with the Nichiren Sect that even the Lotus Sutra handed down from their ancestors could not be compared with others.

The Tendai sect became angry and demanded that all the 21 mountains in Luozhongluowai of the Nichiren sect in Kyoto should be turned into the final temple of the Tendai sect and they should pay a fee.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Nichiren Sect to agree to such unreasonable demands.

The Tendai Sect took this as an excuse to take advantage of the internal fighting in the shogunate and the chaos in Kyoto. Master Yama went down to slay the demons and physically destroyed all the Nichiren sects in Kyoto. This was known in history as the Lotus Rebellion.

Since then, the Nichiren sect has declined, and the Tendai sect has no shame in continuing to call itself the Lotus sect.

It was not until ten years later that the Nichiren sect was released from the ban on religion and allowed to return to Kyoto to rebuild the sect. However, its vitality was severely damaged and it had long lost its former courage.

Over the years, the Honnōji sect of the Nichiren sect endured the humiliation and paid the Tendai sect a gold protection fee, and finally slowly restored the power of the Nichiren sect in Kyoto.

Master Nichigen, the head of Honnoji Temple, was very worried about this, so he was easily instigated by Oda Nobunaga, and cooperated deeply with the Oda family to take revenge on the Tendai Sect and Ichiko Sect.

It wasn't until Oda Nobunaga went to Luo, and the Nichiren sect flew the Nichiren Buddha flag among the Oda troops, causing the Tendai religious group to change their color after hearing about it, that Kamesonzi took the blame and became proud again.

After that, the Nichigen conspiracy of Honnoji Temple succeeded, Oda Nobunaga burned Mount Hiei, the Oda family and the Tendai Sect were at odds with each other, and the momentum for the Nichiren Sect to rise again became more and more obvious.

Master Tianhai succeeded to the throne of the Tiantai Sect. In addition to reviving the status of the Tiantai Sect as the leader of Buddhism, he also wanted to suppress the Nichiren Sect's mortal enemy again.

But if Oda Nobunaga, the supporter behind the Nichiren Sect, was not killed, how could the Tendai Sect dare to kill the Nichiren Sect casually?

The current Hiei Sanni Corps is no longer the mountain masters that made the emperor's court fearful in the past. Facing the samurai who are skilled in battle formations, the nuns have long learned to accept the soft and fear the tough.

And Akechi Mitsuhide went to Luo and besieged Oda Nobunaga who lived in Honnoji Temple, which just gave Master Tenkai a perfect reason.

Just like the original Lotus Rebellion, the Tendai Sect took advantage of the internal fighting in the shogunate and the emptiness of Kyoto, and attacked the Nichiren Sect at Mount 21 in Kyoto in one fell swoop, almost wiping out the Nichiren religious group.

And this time, Master Tenkai will also use Akechi Mitsuhide's enemy in Honnoji Temple to kill the Honnoji sect, the leader of the Nichiren sect in Kyoto.

As the saying goes, you kill your Oda Nobunaga, and I'll kill my Honnoji Nichigen. The worldly world returns to the mortal world, and the world returns to the world. It's the best of both worlds.

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Master Tianhai who was both a bitch and a memorial arch, and couldn't help but want to laugh. These shameless nuns are really nothing.

Seeing Akechi Mitsuhide suddenly laugh out loud, the nervous Amami asked subconsciously.

"Why are you laughing, Akechi-sama?"

Akechi Mitsuhide rubbed his chin, which was rounded due to pregnancy, with his slender index finger and said slowly.

"Mount Hiei is known as the father of Buddhism in the island country and is the place where various sects originated.

There is a saying in heaven that if a daughter does not teach, it is the mother's fault. Although the Buddha's father is not the Buddha's mother, it is quite interesting how a filial daughter emerges from the stick."

Master Tenkai knew in his heart that Akechi Mitsuhide was mocking the Tiantai Sect who only knew how to physically destroy the sect's opponents, but was unwilling to find out the reasons behind it.

You must know that both the Nichiren sect and the Ichiko sect are new sects founded by outstanding talents who have studied at Mount Hiei.

Mount Hiei has been standing for thousands of years. Many ideas have long been decayed and cannot keep up with the times. They need to be improved and updated to keep up with the new trend, but the sect seems to be too smart.

He gave birth to Buddhism in the island country and was known as the father of Buddha. However, because he was afraid that his children would be better than his father, he could only kill the religious elites he cultivated time and time again. This is simply ridiculous.

The localization of Buddhism in the island country has evolved for thousands of years, from the prosperity of the Six Nandu sects to the rise of the Second Heian sect, and then to the emergence of rising stars such as the Nichiren sect and the Ichigo sect.

From the upper class to the lower class, from the obscure elite theory to the universal line that popularizes the ignorant people, it can be said that the Nichiren sect and the Ichiko sect nurtured by Mount Hiei are the emerging sects closest to localization.

The Tiantai Sect could have been their leader, but for their own selfish desires, they suppressed the talents they cultivated and called them a group of short-sighted fools, which is just a compliment to them.

Tianhai didn't want to refute at this moment, but just put his hands together and bowed.

"Tao says that the way of heaven is unkind, and Buddha says that cause and effect reincarnate. Everything has a cause and effect. The sufferings in this life may not be the cause of the previous life, and it may not be impossible to sow the fruits of the future life."

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled elegantly, but his eyes were always cold.

"Then you bald people... I'm sorry, I made a mistake. What kind of causes are you, enlightened monks, planning to sow today?

And for me, what consequences will my actions in this life have in future generations? Oh my god, am I going to go to the eighteenth level of hell?

That’s all, hell will be hell, I just don’t know if I would be honored to be with you on the same level of hell.”

After saying that, Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly, turned around and walked out. He felt like he wanted to vomit if he stayed here for a moment longer, and he kept complaining.

"Since Master Tianhai and Master Chongchuan are both prepared, I won't bother you. Let's go about our own business."

Tianhai looked at Akechi Mitsuhide's back as he staggered away holding his belly, and said slowly.

"I have something I want to remind Mr. Akechi."

Akechi Mitsuhide stopped and looked back at Tianhai.

"All ears."

Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Oda Nobunaga, you can. But her child, you can't. They are descendants of saints, and no one can bear this responsibility."

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

"Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, in the chaos of the army, swords have no eyes. What you say doesn't count, and what I say doesn't count."

This chapter has been completed!
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