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Chapter 1937 Changing the Economic Background of the Island Country

The political turmoil and disputes can be said to be the imperial court and the Wu family fighting for control of the manor.

Under the self-sufficient economic system of the manorial system, whoever controls the land controls the food and the population. If there is food and people, there will be a stable violent institution.

But this is also the fundamental reason for the instability of the Wu family's regime over the past five hundred years.

The manor system was too self-sufficient. The samurai family only needed a real estate certificate issued by the shogunate, and then they could live behind closed doors. The localities were relatively independent and did not rely on the central government.

When the shogunate was strong, local samurai families still knew how to pay taxes. When the shogunate declined, local samurai families began to invade the shogunate's fields and do what their ancestors had done to the emperor's court.

This is a political death spiral.

The volcanic island environment of the island country has split the plain into countless small pieces. As long as the manorial farming economy is still operating effectively, the central government will never be able to rule effectively, and there will always be hidden dangers in the local areas.

With the development of history and the rise of maritime foreign trade in Kyushu Kinki, the manorial economy of the island country has been loosened.

A clue can be seen from the characteristics of the martial arts in Kanto and Kansai.

The Kanto samurai felt that the Kansai samurai were cunning and not traditional enough because the land of Kanto was far away from the foreign trade area and did not participate in the maritime trade network of the Celestial Dynasty, Nanman, Korea, and Ryukyu.

Whether it is Uesugi Kenshin who wants to restore the prestige of the Kanto administration, or the Hojo fourth-generation family governor who uses the name Hojo Miao and desires to integrate into the Kanto samurai family, they are all traditional samurai thinking that focuses on the land.

The Kansai samurai family has already tasted the benefits of maritime trade. The status of merchants in Hakata, Sakai Port and other places has been continuously improved, and commercial income has become a major source of finance for the samurai family territory.

The rise of Oda Nobunaga relied on the commercial network of Atsuta Shrine, and he obtained a large amount of income from the trade of Ise Bay.

Rakuchi Rakuza was not invented by Oda Nobunaga, but she integrated the business policies of the Kansai samurai family to further enhance the strength of the Oda family.

To put it simply, Kansai has gradually broken away from the characteristics of the traditional manor economy and embraced the emerging maritime trade commodity economy, while Kanto still adheres to the self-sufficiency of traditional manors.

On the surface, Kanto is poor and Kansai is rich, so the two sides look down on each other. But on a deeper level, there is actually a huge difference in the economic background of the two sides.

The economic base determines the superstructure, which is also the fundamental reason why Kanto and Kansai are drifting away.

Although Yoshigan adheres to the tradition of the samurai family politically and safeguards the collective interests of the traditional samurai family, the economic system of the Shiba family is more radical than the current Kansai samurai family.

Takada Yono adapted the crude classical financial system of the Netherlands, and the Spo family has already tasted the benefits.

If Yiyin wants to change the political defect of the strong independence of local forces in the Wu regime, it must change the underlying economic logic of the Wu regime.

In other words, he must find a way to get rid of the economic autonomy given to local military families by the manorial economy, so that the central government can gain greater power and obtain more fiscal revenue in the new economic system.

If there is money, food, and soldiers, there will be enough violent institutions to maintain the strength of the central government.

The geographical characteristics of the island country are destined to follow the traditional farming manor economic route. The political power cannot be centralized, and the central authority has always been unstable.

Therefore, the fundamentals of this economy must change. The future of the world will definitely not rely on the agricultural economy, but on the commodity economy.

This is why Yiyin wants to kneel down and lick the Celestial Empire and reopen tomorrow's trade.

The island country's demand for goods, as long as China is willing to let go of its fingers and leak a little benefit, will be enough for the new regime of Yiyin to support 80,000 banners and the 500,000 family members behind these 80,000 banners.

The island country has a stone height of 20 million and a population of 10 million, of which the ruling class samurai family accounts for 1 million.

As long as the Shiba family can have enough fiscal revenue to support half of the martial arts families, it will be enough to suppress the untouchables in the island country and be as stable as Mount Tai.

But Akechi Mitsuhide doesn't understand this truth. She comes from a traditional martial arts family, even if she is full of tricks and exhaustive strategies, she is still an economic idiot!

What is the most important thing for the Spo family now?

It is to further deepen the reform of Guandong's political economy, to rescue and maintain the food stamp financial system, and to allow the new economic system to replace the old economic system and become the most powerful cornerstone of the world.

But what is Mitsuhide Akechi doing?

She thought that as long as she killed Oda Nobunaga, disintegrated the Oda clan, made the Shiba family the strongest, and made the samurai families in the world bow their heads and submit, that would be fine!

This stupid move made Yiyin couldn't help but the veins on her forehead popped out. This overly smart bastard, she had no idea what she had done!

Akechi Mitsuhide underestimated the terrible consequences of the Sakai Port food stamp financial crisis. She wanted Yoshigan to lead the Kanto Allied Forces to attack the Oda family for a second time and completely capture the leaderless Oda family.

But if the food stamps collapse, the Shiba family will have no choice but to follow the traditional path of the samurai shogunate, and the turbulent cycle of chaos in the world will begin again three generations later.

Of course Yiyin doesn't want to follow the path of the world that Akechi Mitsuhide has prepared for himself, but the mess that Akechi Mitsuhide has made must be cleaned up.

Because of the food stamp crisis, Yi Bank originally planned to use Dazo Changan's strategy to raise funds for the powerful Kanto feudal lord and intervene at the right time to rescue Shiba Hijikaku in Sakai Port and save the credit of the food stamps.

But now that Akechi Mitsuhide has revealed the truth, Kinki is probably in chaos. As the actual controller of the Tokugawa Kyoto Prefecture, Yoshigan cannot just ignore it, right?

If money and food are arrows, then Yiyin only has one arrow left in his hand. Should he shoot it towards Sakai Port or Kyoto?

This dilemma made Yiyin want to vomit blood. While gritting his teeth, his mind was completely confused.

The sky outside was getting darker and darker, but Yiyin, who was sitting indoors, could not make up his mind. Just when he was impatient, there were annoying footsteps on the porch again.

Yiyin was furious and cursed loudly.

"What's wrong! Why can't I have a peaceful day!"

As soon as Pu Shengshi came to the door, he saw Yoshiyin losing his temper and shouting curses. He was stunned on the spot for a moment, with a look of grievance on his face.

Seeing her like this, Yiyin blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

There were only a few confidants of Warrior Ji who could enter the courtyard on their own. He was upset, so why should he anger others and wrong his own woman.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Gin forced a smile, waved Kamao Clan to come in, and asked softly.

"Has Fujibayashi settled down?"

Kamouso clan bowed in and said in a low voice.

"She has already settled in. She was very tired from traveling day and night. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, she fell asleep in the guest room."

After saying that, Pu Shengshixiang looked at Yiyin, but stopped talking.

Yiyin smiled bitterly.

"What happened again? Just tell me. I can handle it."

Kamojigo said in a low voice.

"News came from Ou that Tozawa Moriyasu died of illness."

This chapter has been completed!
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