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Chapter 1964 The Rise of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism

How much benefit Maeda can offer to win over Lin Xinsheng is still a question.

Yiyin also knew Lin Xinsheng, who was focused on prospering Confucianism in the island country.

The princes from all over the world are recruiting Confucian masters, which is a great opportunity that Lin Xinsheng cannot get even if he asks for it. How can he give up the golden opportunity of promoting Confucianism in the island country for some personal friendship and personal interests?

Lin Xinsheng stepped on the shoulders of Maeda's interests and opened the door to Confucianism at the top of the island country.

Yiyin is 100% sure that Terakoya will be spread throughout the island country and become a private school that can be seen everywhere in the island country.

Maeda Toshiie is just too cautious in his life. This is a frightened problem caused by playing games with Oda Nobunaga for too long.

Maeda Toshiie didn't know that the saint was secretly teasing her, so she said seriously.

"Lin Xinsheng was naturally so proud that even Takada Yono came to visit him personally and asked for advice on the principles of Confucianism."

Yiyin couldn't help but rub his temples and sighed.

"What is that guy Yangno doing again?"

Maeda Toshiie smiled strangely.

"There has been a lot of rumors in Kinki, and Takada Yono knew he was guilty, so he took the initiative to ask the sage to resign from his official position, and chose another capable sage to control the food stamps.

The Takada sisters have learned from this painful experience, and the Takada family will gradually clean up their business and withdraw from the business world. From then on, they will focus on worshiping new gods and reviving Shintoism.

As for Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, they hope to incorporate the ideas of the new Shintoism so that believers will be loyal to you, the Lord of Gods."

Yoshigan's face turned red after being teased by Maeda Toshiie, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

He had also given a secret edict to Dazang Chang'an before, telling Dazang Chang'an to act with certainty, and then use it to replace Takada Yono.

It was just for fear that Takada Yono would be angry and cause trouble, causing problems in the food stamp system during the transitional stage.

It's better now. Takada Haruno pierced the window paper by herself, openly admitted her mistake, and prepared to tidy up the yard and invite new people into the house.

This shows that Yiyin is particularly cautious. He who is a master does not have the dignity of a minister, so he must be on guard against anything.

Yoshigan was a little annoyed at being stared at by Maeda Toshiie and said.

"It's true, Haruno, why is she doing this? If people think that there is some dispute within the Shiba family, it will disturb people's hearts, Sakai Port will be even more chaotic, and food stamps will be more troublesome."

Maeda Toshiie shook his head and said.

“When I heard that the saint was determined to replace Yang Nai and let new people enter the market with funds to save the market, the market felt reassured.

Things have already gone bad and cannot get any worse, so everyone can relax and wait for the saint's rescue."

A few words such as lying down, taking advantage of all the profits, or getting the best of the situation flashed through Yiyin's mind, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Yangno, you understand the market's people so well, I really don't know what to say about her."

Maeda Toshiie said seriously.

"In any case, since Takada Haruno has made his position clear, he will definitely gradually withdraw from business afterwards.

I would like to ask the sage, do you support her in establishing this new Shinto religion?"

Yiyin sighed and nodded.

Regarding the new Shinto religion, Yokino Yukino submitted a letter together and has already sent the plan.

Whether it is to consolidate the foundation of theocratic power or to give the Takada family a future, Yoshihiro cannot stop the sisters. Let's see how far they can go.

Yiyin said.

"The Shinto has emerged and the descendants of the gods have been born. Naturally, the orthodoxy of Shibo theocracy cannot be explained by the Buddhist sect. This is a huge hidden danger.

Sister Takada is determined to establish a new Shinto religion and put the power of interpretation of Shinto in the hands of the Shinto people. I will definitely support it."

Maeda Toshiie nodded.

"Shinto, divine descent, divine power, the Trinity, mutual prosperity and mutual loss, Takada Yono is determined.

It’s just that the gods still need to live in harmony within themselves. I wonder how the saint is going to deal with the conflict between the Nizi family and the Akechi family?”

Maeda Toshiie's words touched upon the most difficult part of Yoshigan's life, causing Yoshigan to sigh and speak weakly.

"The fact that Nizi Katsuhisa was murdered by Akechi Mitsuhide is a baseless rumor.

This was when Hashiba Hideyoshi led troops to attack Akechi Mitsuhide. In order to prevent Kinki Shiba from leading the rescue, he deliberately spread rumors and alienated the relationship between Akechi and Niko's families.

Nizi Katsuhisa was harmed by the Maori family. This is a definite fact. I will seek justice for Nizi's family in the future and it has nothing to do with Akechi Mitsuhide."

Maeda Toshiie sighed.

"I believe what the saint says, and others believe it, but Nizi is lucky, does she believe it?

She and Nizi Shengjiu are not biological sisters, but their relationship is stronger than that of siblings. Is she willing to accept this statement?"

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"That's what I'm worried about. That guy Yukimori is extremely stubborn. If she insists on insisting on Mitsuhide, how can we talk about the internal unity of the Shiba Goddess?

I know Guangxiu is a jerk, but I also know that everything she does is for me, without any selfish motives.

The Akechi family has not saved much money so far. Mitsuhide poured all the sewage on himself just to make me clean and become a member of the world.

I don't agree with many of her actions, but I can't ignore her life or death.

Besides, she just had a miscarriage..."

Maeda Toshiie nodded.

"I fully understand the embarrassment in the saint's heart, but Mitsuhide Akechi has gone too far this time.

If there is no proper way to deal with it, Nizi Yukimori will not let her go, and neither will the officials of the Oda family.

The Oda retainers were afraid of your majesty, the saint, and did not dare to attack Katsuryuji Castle, so Hosokawa Fujitaka temporarily protected Akechi Mitsuhide.

But after you return to Kinki, if you cannot give a satisfactory answer to the Oda retainers, they will definitely kill Akechi Mitsuhide.

The great tree of the Oda family collapsed. Whoever in the Oda family can avenge His Highness Oda will gain great justice and lead the distribution of power in the Oda family after His Highness Oda's death.

With such a huge benefit in front of them, how could they resist not attacking Akechi Mitsuhide? It was inevitable to send someone to assassinate him.

There was a cloud in the sky, and the woman was so angry that blood spattered her five steps.

Tenchu ​​is not exclusive to Takada Yukino. The Oda family also has righteous men who are not afraid of death. At worst, they commit suicide after the incident. What can a saint do?

After all, what happened at Honnoji Temple was that Akechi Mitsuhide broke the treaty and made a sneak attack, breaking a big taboo. It was a righteous act for the Oda retainers to kill Akechi Mitsuhide, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Yiyin closed his eyes in pain.

"Can I just watch Mitsuhide Akechi die? Maybe she didn't want to live, but I really don't want to let her die."

Yoshigan's mind skipped over the images of him getting to know Mitsuhide Akechi. This Samurai Hime who always wore an elegant fake smile was actually a martyr who burned herself.

Poisoner? The mastermind behind the scenes?

Outsiders hated and feared her, but Yiyin could never forget her lying in his arms, with tenderness and sweetness in her eyes that she was willing to die for herself in the next second.

Seeing the painful expression on Yoshigan's face, Maeda Toshiie sighed deeply and said.

"There is no way to save Mitsuhide Akechi's life. Maybe the saint can give it a try."

Yiyin perked up and asked.

"The plan is coming?"

This chapter has been completed!
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