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Chapter 1966 The absurd best of both worlds

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"When His Majesty Oda was alive, he was surly, violent, and centralized power with an iron fist. He drove Oda's retainers like eagles and dogs, neither letting them starve to death nor feeding them enough. He would assign tasks when there was a slight improvement.

The important ministers of the Oda family may seem to be in a good position, but in fact they have been under the command of His Highness Oda to make them breathless. I don't know how many people hold grudges, but they just dare not express their feelings.

Now, His Highness Oda passed away suddenly, and the huge power concentrated in her hands has lost its original owner. The Oda retainers group is like breaking off the dog's leash.

Regardless of whether they are those who hate His Highness Oda or those who are grateful to His Highness Oda, they are not willing to return to the precarious shadow of before.

Therefore, Kikimaru will not be able to inherit His Highness Oda's supreme power. Instead, he will be implicated by his mother and become a target that many people are afraid of and want to get rid of immediately.

Don't look at Hideyoshi Shibata, Katsuie Shibata and others who are filled with indignation and seem to be loyal to His Highness Oda and determined to avenge her. These are all bargaining chips for them to dominate the future of the Oda family.

But if Keikimaru, the orthodox heir of the Oda family, returns to the Oda family, they will definitely not be willing to surrender to a baby who has just reached full term.

Even if the father of this little baby is you, a saint, they will not keep their peace.

The sage also said just now that the Shiba family should support people and not kill people. Resources are tilted towards saving the food stamp system and are temporarily unable to suppress the Oda family.

If we send Miracle Pill back at this time, it will be like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Although there are also Niwa Nagahide, Ikeda Tsuneki and others who have deep feelings for His Highness Oda and are willing to assist and support Kishimaru.

However, it is easy to hide from open guns, but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. Without the intimidation of saints and soldiers, there will always be people who can't help but take risks.

Saint, are you willing to let Qi Qiwan, who has just lost his mother and is only a full-term-sized child, face such a terrible situation?"

Yiyin shook his head and said firmly.

"I will not send Miracle Pill back."

Maeda Toshiie nodded.

"A saint cherishes his child and is naturally reluctant to let her take risks.

But if Kijimaru doesn't go back, the Oda family's four million koku fortune will become a spoil of carnival for careerists.

Based on my understanding of those people, the Oda retainers group will soon divide His Highness Oda's inheritance and will not leave any trace of Kijomaru.

It’s okay that His Highness Oda’s life’s hard work has been wasted, but it’s just that poor Miracle Maru has no capital to settle down, and even with the protection of a saint, the future will be bleak.”

Yiyin was speechless.

Maeda Toshiie is right, the Samurai family is extremely realistic. Once the Oda family dies, Kimaru will be like a down-and-out phoenix worse than a chicken, and Yoshigan will also have a headache how to arrange her.

When Takeda Shingen saw that the situation was not good, he immediately sent his daughter Takeda Yoshinobu to Kyoto to join Oda Nobunaga.

Takeda Shingen just saw that Yoshigage was soft-hearted and would not let his daughter become a hostage to be played wantonly by Oda Nobunaga.

Sure enough, Yoshihiro had to intervene in order to protect his daughter's future, and the Takeda family's family business was also saved.

Because without the support of the Takeda family behind him, even if he has the favor of a saint, it will be difficult for Takeda Yoshinobu to be stable in the society of the Takeda family.

The islanders of the island country are narrow-minded, and the tradition of holding groups in small groups on small hills has lasted for thousands of years. If you want to gain a foothold in the world, you must have a group to accept you.

A person must have a foothold, otherwise he will be ostracized, isolated, and bullied. This was the case for Takeda Yoshinobu back then, and the same is true for Oda Kimaru today.

Yiyin felt irritated and sighed.

"Just tell me straight, don't make me uneasy by going around in circles."

Maeda Toshiie said in a deep voice.

"Kijimaru cannot inherit the four million koku Oda leader, those jackals, tigers and leopards will eat her alive.

And now, the person who wants to keep the safety of Miraculous Maru the most is Mitsuhide Akechi."

Yiyin smiled bitterly.

"Are you kidding me? That night at Honnoji Temple, Akechi Mitsuhide wanted to burn both Oda Nobunaga and Kikimaru to death.

If the people of Tianhai hadn't fought tooth and nail to protect her, Qi Qiwan would have gone with her mother.

Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't get rid of the root cause in time, so how could he protect Kikimaru?"

Maeda Toshiie shook his head and said.

"Sage, this moment and that moment.

Akechi Mitsuhide wanted to kill Kishimaru because she was afraid that Kishimaru's existence would shake you, and she was unwilling to annex the Oda family's four million koku.

But things are different now. You have to use resources in the food stamp system. You will not put pressure on the Oda family to send troops and annex the Oda territory for the time being.

Then, Akechi Mitsuhide should be worried about the internal struggle of the Oda family raising a Gu King, inheriting His Highness Oda's legacy, and becoming the Shiba family's biggest enemy in their fight for the world.

Therefore, in order to check and balance the Gu King who may inherit everything from His Highness Oda, Akechi Mitsuhide will definitely protect Kikimaru, the orthodox heir of the Oda family, with all his strength.

Akechi Mitsuhide will devote all his efforts to training Kimaru so that Kimaru can become an excellent Hime warrior.

And because you, the saint, gave Kimaru to Mitsuhide Akechi to raise and inherit Mitsuhide Akechi’s family business as atonement, the Oda retainers could not openly attack Mitsuhide Akechi.

The samurai family values ​​family property above all else. Akechi Mitsuhide lost his child and had to raise a child for His Highness Oda and inherit his family business. This is the cruelest punishment in the eyes of the samurai family."

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"No, you just said that you want Kijimaru to inherit everything from Akechi Mitsuhide.

You want Kijimaru to inherit the Akechi Miao name, so what chance does Kijimaru have of inheriting the Oda family business after losing the Oda Miao name?"

Maeda Toshiie shook his head.

"In troubled times, when a young master succeeds to the throne, his fate is troubled and he rarely ends well.

I believe that before His Majesty Oda died, he just wanted the child born to him and the saint to be safe. He didn't care whether she could inherit the Oda family or not.

Besides, if you are a saint watching over you, will you treat Qi Qi Wan badly? Qi Qi Wan's wise family will naturally prosper.

His Highness Oda is an innovator that has never been seen in history. He has mixed reputations and reputations, and has many enemies. Oda Naezi has become a burden. Please don't let Kijimaru bear this burden again, sage.

In the future, Kijimaru will inherit the God Akechi and become a member of the Shiba Goddess.

Let the Oda family be annihilated in history and let Kijimaru live happily. I believe this is also the expectation of His Highness Oda.

And you not only saved Akechi Mitsuhide, but also gave Kikimaru an adoptive mother who loves and protects her, the best of both worlds."

Yoshigage looked at Maeda Toshiie blankly, watching her explain a ridiculous thing with rationale. In the end, Yoshigage felt helpless that he could only do this.

Let Akechi Mitsuhide raise Oda Nobunaga's child, and then let this child inherit everything from Akechi Mitsuhide. Is there anything more ridiculous in the world than this?

Yes, that is, only such a ridiculous method can preserve the daughter of Mitsuhide Akechi and Nobunaga Oda to the greatest extent possible.

Yiyin thought it was funny, but he couldn't laugh at all.

This bastard's world, this bastard's island country, these bastard martial artists...


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