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Chapter 1968 The confidence of the Iga Maeda family

After Yoshihiro Shiba had an in-depth discussion with Maeda Toshiie, he not only found a way to keep both sides wise, but also became more determined about the political line he should take in the future.

Afterwards, Yoshigan Shiba stayed at his ancestral home for another two days. Toshiie Maeda understood the situation and sent a letter to Iga Maeda's house in advance to help the saint do the front station first.

Iga country, Ueno Castle.

Maeda Toshiie's delivery date was only a few days later than Maeda Toshiie's, and she had already regained some of her strength.

But she has never cared about housework and likes to interact with intellectuals. Now she is even more obsessed with the construction of Terako House. She has left all household affairs to her mother, Maeda Toshihisa, and only asks for money.

Living in the backyard of the hotel, Maeda Toshihisa is currently reading a letter from Maeda Toshiie with a serious look on his face.

However, Maeda Toshiyoshi was teasing his beloved daughter, laughing and joking as if he didn't care at all, which made his mother, Maeda Toshihisa, look ugly.

After finishing reading the letter, Maeda Toshihisa smashed the letter on the tatami, which frightened the child in Maeda's arms and started crying.

The mother and daughter hurriedly coaxed the child together, and finally managed to get the child to sleep.

Maeda shook his child and complained.

"Mother scared Tora Chiyo."

Maeda Riku looked unhappy and said.

"Chiyo, the Toshiba's nicknamed dog, she just gave her baby her own nickname. Why are you joining in the fun?

Tora Chiyo, Inu Chiyo, do you want everyone in the world to know that you want to crush her?

The two Maeda families are on the same page, but you always engage in these disputes of temper and make the Lee family misunderstood. What should we do? Are the two families still not getting along? "

Maeda benefit sneered.

"Maeda Toshiie is such a smart person, how would she ruin the friendly relationship between the two families by getting angry over such a trivial matter?

Even for a trouble as big as the Honnoji Incident, she can think of a good solution for the saint, why do you worry about her?"

Maeda Toshihisa expressed heartbreak.

"I'm worried about the Li family? I'm worried about you!

The Li family sent a letter to inform me, overtly and covertly indicating the saint's true thoughts, which is to treat my family well, so don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

Maeda Yiyi snorted.

"She is all-rounded and good at everything. Even though Mitsuhide Akechi caused such a huge disaster, she was able to get away with it. It's really amazing!"

How can there be such a severe punishment in the world for adopting Oda Kimaru to be raised by Akechi Mitsuhide? It is simply unheard of!

Mitsuhide Akechi had a miscarriage and lost a divine descendant, so Toshiie Maeda gave her another one. Is this considered punishment? It’s ridiculous!”

Maeda Riku said coldly.

"Are you smart? Are you the only one with a loud voice?

The sage said this is punishment, this is punishment! Who dares to refute? Do those Oda retainers dare not to agree? Do people in the world dare to criticize again?

What does the saint care about? It is Akechi Hikaru who must be preserved! It is Oda Kimaru who must be safe!

You have known the saint for more than ten years, but you still don’t understand his temperament? This is because Li Jia sympathizes with the saint’s difficulties and says some inconvenient words for the saint.

As long as the saint is happy, that's fine. If everyone in the world is not convinced, they can use swords and guns to refute.

This is called wisdom, you should learn more!"

Maeda Yoshiro hummed.

"There are things women should do and things they shouldn't do. If they know they can do something, they will do it. If they know they can't do it, they won't do it. This is what women should do and what they shouldn't do."

Maeda Riku frowned.

"It's okay to hang out with those Confucian scholars all day long, drop your book bag, and deceive others. Don't be fooled and deceive yourself!"

Maeda Yoshiki curled his lips and said.

"There is still some truth in the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, and the sages also admired Confucianism quite a lot, so they included Confucianism in the Sibo selection test.

Mother, please don’t underestimate those Confucian scholars. The future prosperity of my family may depend on these guys who lose their book bags.”

Maeda Riku chuckled.

"Rely on them? Profit, please tell me clearly. Knowledge is not power, power is!

Learned martial arts and sold them to the emperor's family.

If it could not rely on imperial power, how could Confucianism be as prosperous as it is today in China?

Without power, these so-called civilized people are no better than dogs. Can they farm? Can they hunt? Can they weave?

You can use them now and support them, but you should never forget their true colors. They are here for your power."

Over the years, the power of Maeda's interests has increased, and it has been a long time since Maeda Riku has so mercilessly scolded his adopted daughter who is easily distracted.

But today, something must be said clearly.

Maeda was also silent for a while, and finally bowed and sighed.

"Mother is right. I am too much."

Maeda Riku nodded and said happily.

"As long as you understand, you can use Confucian scholars for your own benefit, but don't let them take advantage of you, otherwise you will really become a joke.

You have also heard what Li Jia said in his letter, we should take some action to relieve the saint's worries."

Maeda Satoshi said with a cold face.

"She, Maeda Toshiie, is the acting commander of Owari Shiba, and now she wants to teach me how to do things and ask me to send troops to rescue Akechi Mitsuhide?

Not to mention whether she has the authority to instruct me, the General-in-Chief of Kinki, and the Acting-General of Kinki Shiba, even if I am willing to listen, it would be an offending thing, right?

Nizi Yukimori hated Akechi Mitsuhide so much that he had already announced that he would not allow any family to rescue Akechi Mitsuhide.

Now that she is giving birth and unable to pay attention to Kinki affairs, if I jump out to speak against her at this time, wouldn't I be seeking to create a deadly feud?"

Maeda Toshihisa said calmly.

"You are the general of Kinki. You obey the orders of the sage and stabilize Kinki. Why do you need to worry about Nizi Yukimori's chaotic life? This is official business, not a personal grudge, and it cannot be regarded as a mortal enemy.

I know that you also hate Akechi Mitsuhide in your heart, so you acquiesced in Nizi Yukimori's intervention, and you hid behind it and enjoyed watching the joke.

But things have priorities. Now the attitude of the saint has become clear. If you don't take action, you will not be justified. After all, you are the general of Kinki!

Akechi Mitsuhide is not the only one trapped in Katsuryuji Castle. Hosokawa Fujitaka and her child are also there, and they are divine descendants!

We are both descendants of gods and should support each other. If you don't care about it, you are violating the taboo of a saint!"

Maeda's rogue interests were exposed on the spot by his mother, who cut her throat and spoke reluctantly.

"Akechi Mitsuhide killed Oda Nobunaga. The taboo she committed was no more serious than mine. Didn't the saint deliberately protect her at all costs?

Besides, how could I be as bad as my mother said? It’s just that the change at Honnoji Temple was too sudden, and Mitsuhide Akechi took advantage of me while I was giving birth, so I couldn’t react at all.”

Maeda Riku rolled his eyes.

"Are you in good health now? Can you assume the responsibility of General-in-Chief of Kinki?

Don't worry about Mitsuhide Akechi, be your own loyal minister and good general, and don't make any mistakes!"

Maeda raised his eyebrows.

"I know, I just give the order.

Let Otani Yoshitsugi send troops to the north on my behalf. She has seniority and a strict temper. With her in charge, those in Kyoto will naturally not dare to make small calculations."

Maeda Riku nodded, finally feeling a little satisfied. She looked at the absent-minded Maeda, her words of persuasion came to her lips, and she finally swallowed them.

When my daughter has grown up and matured, she has her own ideas. I always push her away like a child, but it damages the relationship between mother and daughter and makes them alienated, which is not beneficial.

Maeda Riku sighed.

In fact, she is not optimistic about the Terakoya project that Maeda is obsessed with. Those Confucian scholars are not good people, and her daughter may not be able to get the bright future she wants.

But no matter what, the Iga-Maeda family cannot suffer losses. It is nothing more than the difference between small profits and big profits.

Maeda Rihisa's eyes looked at the sleeping Torachiyo in Maeda's arms, his eyes soft.

After all, the Iga Maeda family is a descendant of Shiba Kami, and those Confucian scholars do not dare to go too far. This is Maeda Toshihisa's greatest confidence.

This chapter has been completed!
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