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Chapter 2007 Spo’s internal fighting continues to escalate

Kamao clan was so angry that her nose was crooked. She never expected that the interests of Maeda and the Toshi family of Maeda would be so indifferent between public and private matters.

Because of the little friction between the Sibo local center, they dared to turn a blind eye to the overall interests of the entire Sibo family. Their intentions are to be punished!

Yiyin sighed, unable to say anything.

The Kamo clan was chasing after the Shiba real estate treasury of the local samurai family in Shiba, but Maeda's interests misunderstood that the Kamo clan wanted his mother's life, and they cried and cried for injustice.

Regardless of whether this misinterpretation is for Maeda's benefit, Maeda Toshiie really thinks so, or they are intentionally confused and deliberately interpret it this way.

As a result, the previous conflicts in the Saba Chuo area overcame the conflicts between the Saba and Oda families for hegemony and became the most intense point of struggle.

In the face of the main contradiction, the secondary contradictions can only be put aside for a while, and the mistakes will naturally appear.

The rivalry between the central and local governments in Spo made Yoshibank completely unable to intervene in the face of changes in the Oda Civil War. It had to work hard to bridge differences and prevent greater internal chaos.

Yiyin said.

"Maeda's interests and the Maeda family have written letters to explain.

Maeda Yoshida had already resigned from his position as Kinki Shiba's acting governor and Kinki general. He was awaiting punishment at home and indeed had no authority to mobilize the army.

On the Maeda Toshiie side, Hideyoshi Hashiba said he was passing through the border, but in fact he sent troops to surround Tsuruga Castle.

The Tsuruga people and the Owari Shiba people were not strong enough. Before the full mobilization of the Kinki Shiba leaders, they were unable to stop Hashiba Hideyoshi's actions.

Maeda Toshiie made it very clear that once a war breaks out with Hideyoshi Hashiba, he is afraid that Tsuruga Port will fall and the food stamp crisis that has been stabilized just now will come back again.

Considering the overall situation, she can only make peace with Hideyoshi Hashiba to temporarily stabilize the other party."

The face of Pu Shengshi Township was ashen.

"They are trying to support themselves and threaten the central government.

Maeda Yoshida pretended to resign, but did not make any handover. He was basically threatening the central government with his resignation, and had no real intention to step down.

Hideyoshi boldly led troops to enter Tsuruga because he saw the chaos within the Shiba family. The compromise of the Maeda Toshi family confirmed the matter, making Hideyoshi even more unscrupulous.

They are just cooperating, and they are just for their own selfish interests, hindering the Sibo family's plan to unify the world!"

Yiyin sighed, not knowing how to speak to reconcile the conflict between the two parties.

At this moment, Dazang Chang'an, who was sitting at the bottom of the queue, suddenly came out of the queue and kowtowed to the ground.

Yoshihiro looked in surprise, originally thinking that Ozo Changan was here to report on the work of Sakai Port, but she seemed to have something to say.

Pu Shengshixiang's eyes narrowed and he asked.

"Ouzang Ji also has some advice?"

Dazang Changan bowed deeply towards Pusheng clan and said.

"I don't dare to give you advice. Pu Sheng's village is the central minister, and he is both civil and military, so there is no need for me to talk too much.

It’s just a saying in heaven that governing a big country is like cooking a small dish, everything is too much and too little is too much. It is always right to give more consideration to important national affairs.

Maeda Yoshie-sama and Maeda Toshiie-sama are both close ministers of the Shiba family. They also have descendants of gods, and their positions are very important.

I believe that they will not abandon their official duties for personal reasons, and I also ask Lord Kamao to believe that the important ministers of the Shiba family will definitely put the overall situation first, and do not misunderstand the two adults."

Yiyin looked at Dazang Chang'an, feeling more and more surprised. This guy has always been naughty and never offended anyone. How dare he speak like this to the Kamao clan today?

Pu Shengshi is the chief of the Tongxin Secretariat. If she offends her, I am afraid that Dazang Changan will not be able to wear out her shoes in the future.

Dazang Changan also complained in his heart.

She was born in Kinki's Shiba Territory, and was sent to the center as a retainer by the Iga Maeda family.

There was a fight between the central government and the local government. The Iga Maeda family was at the forefront of the storm, and Ozo Changan wanted to get into the cracks in the ground so that no one would notice him.

But when a fire breaks out at the city gate, how can the fish in the pond be spared if the fire really breaks out?

Ozo Changan's origin means that she is destined to speak for the Iga Maeda family.

The relationship between ruler and minister was most important to the feudal clan of the Wu family. The roots of Dazo Changan were in the Iga Maeda family. She herself was a minister of Maeda's interests, so there was nothing she could do about it.

If she helps the center instead of helping the Iga Maeda family, others will not only think that she is a loyal saint, but will think that she has betrayed her old master, has a despicable character, and is not a woman.

Furthermore, Dazang Changan itself had its own reasons to support the local government and oppose the Pu Sheng clan.

Sakai Port rescued the market, and the funds raised by Dazo Changan came from the Uesugi Takeda Hojo Sanadajima Gojia in Kanto.

The territories of these five companies are all within the school district selected by Sibo, and they are also engaged in Sibo real estate.

It seems that the Kamao clan has struck a blow at the head of Maeda's interests, but everyone is not stupid. Naturally, they know that if Maeda's interests cannot bear it, it will be their own turn later.

Just as Maeda Toshiie said, if you don't help Maeda's interests today, when everyone is dealt with one by one and it's your turn, no one will help you.

Those vixens in Guandong are all old Jianghus who were killed in a hundred years of chaos. Can they just wait until the knife cuts on their heads before they regret it?

Dazang Changan's money comes from Kanto Capital, and her current position of power is backed by the support of the five Kanto families, so naturally she can only act as a spokesperson for Kanto's interests.

Moreover, the Kamo clan desperately wants to control the financial resources of Sibo real estate in order to make money to compete for the controlling stake in the Sibo food stamp system.

On the one hand, Guandong Capital will be poached by the central government and drain away its small treasury; on the other hand, it may also export Spo's food stamps, which it spent a large sum of money to purchase equity.

If this matter is done in the Kamao clan, the big guys in Kanto will just hang themselves on a tree with a crooked neck. How can they still live?

Dazang Changan is on the front line. Even if she doesn't complain about her old master, she still wants to complain about the new backstage.

Therefore, even though she knew that her words would offend the Kamo clan to the extreme, she had to bite the bullet and express her position.

We have no choice but to come out and hang out. In fact, no one has a choice.

At this time, Pushengshixiang had thought clearly about the cause and effect, and looked at Dazang Changan with an increasingly unkind look, and sneered again and again.

Yiyin sighed in his heart.

The case of Oda Siniang ignited the fire, and the confrontation between the central and local governments finally spread from the military field to the economic zone.

Dazang Changan was the first to stand up and express his position, but there will be many people involved later.

Yiyin asked.

"Over at Sakai Port, what did Takada Haruno say?"

Originally, Yoshihiro just wanted to hear the opinions of Takada Harano, the founder of Shiba Real Estate, but Ozo Changan's expression suddenly became weird and he replied sarcastically.

"Returning to the saint, Master Takada Haruno is resting for a while to have a baby. He said that he is more than two months pregnant and has not seen any outsiders."

Yiyin was stunned.

"More than two months...calculating the time, she was here at that time, so why didn't she tell me..."

In the middle of speaking, Yoshigami suddenly closed his mouth and realized that this guy Takada Haruno is still so cunning.

The pregnancy of more than two months is stuck at a strange point in time. You said you didn't report it when you knew it. It can be explained that medieval doctors were not qualified enough and were not sure whether it was true or false. They were worried about misdiagnosis and had to wait for confirmation before reporting.

But this reason is enough for Takada Yono to stay out of the matter and not express any opinions.

The saint would not embarrass her, and other people did not dare to disturb the god. Takada Yono jumped out of the circle comfortably and stood by quietly.

She didn't even want to tell the saint the good news in advance, keeping it low-key as if it didn't exist.

Thinking that Takada Yono was the instigator of the Sakai Port Rebellion, the food stamp crisis, and the real estate disputes, but he was able to run away in style and start his own new Shinto religion, Yoshihiro suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

This means killing them but not burying them.

This chapter has been completed!
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