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Chapter 2055 A young man with an old heart

The Samurai family was originally a servant who guarded the estate for the emperor's ministers. Later, they continued to intervene in the political struggles of the emperor's court and gradually formed their own power.

The first shogun, Minamoto Yoritomo, established the Kamakura shogunate, and the samurai regime entered the stage of history.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogunate of the Ashikaga shogunate, massacred the emperor's court. From then on, the samurai regime got rid of its dependence on tyrant politics and truly embarked on an independent governance system.

In this process, the manorial economy also collapsed over time.

Although the island country is on the sea, it is an agricultural nation through and through, completely different from the maritime nation of England.

The rise of the manorial economy is consistent with the farming nature of the island country, because the islanders' fishing and shipbuilding skills are too poor.

If the fishing net is not made well, it will not be able to catch larger sea fish, and it will just tear out a hole.

When building a boat, you can build a flat-bottomed boat that can sail in the calm waters of the Seto Inland Sea. When you reach the open sea, strong winds and waves will overturn it.

There is no way to look to the sea, so we can only dig into the ground for food.

External exchanges were slow due to backward navigation technology, and the closed internal circulation of the internal manorial economy became the mainstream economic development direction.

It wasn't until Ashikaga Yoshimitsu opened the door to Kankai trade, and then the Nanman people came to the island country to further open up trade routes, that the island's manorial economy, which was dominated by circulation, began to collapse.

First of all, in Kansai, which has a lot of foreign trade, the manorial economy can be said to have collapsed.

As the Shiba family continued to develop the Hourikudo trade route system, Kanto's manorial economy was also moving towards disintegration.

Upper decision decided by the economic background.

At this point in time, the people of the new world who want to end the troubled times in the island country have two paths to choose from.

First, embrace the emerging maritime trade, earn money from the sea, use strong economic strength to win over people's hearts, and suppress dissidents.

Second, close the country, cut off foreign trade, and return to the old path of internal circulation.

If the future person in the world is a wealthy native from the Guandong Plain, then she will definitely choose the second path.

Because it was Kansai that reaped the biggest benefits of maritime trade. Whether it was Kyushu, Shimonoseki, or Sakai Port, they all took a large share of the emerging trade network.

The wealthy locals in the Kanto Plain were not only exploited by the Kansai people through the commodity economy, but also faced military threats from the rich finances and troops in Kansai.

But Yiyin is not a rich man from Kanto, so he chose the first path and strengthened the profits of the first path.

If it only used maritime trade to obtain a large amount of fiscal revenue, Yiyin would just paste gold foil on the castle tower and build a gold teahouse to show off its wealth to the world and intimidate careerists.

This method works, but it doesn't last long.

What Yiyin wants is long-term peace and stability, which means it not only wants money from ocean trade, but also uses currency to monopolize all resources within the island country.

As mentioned before, the island country is a closed economy with only a few external trade channels. Coupled with the lack of productivity in ancient times, there are actually not many materials that need to be exchanged between places.

The island country is also known as Treasure Island. Most of it is precious metals. On the contrary, there is a shortage of food, cloth, salt, books, copper coins and other commodities, and it needs to be imported in large quantities.

Since the sources of exchanged materials are concentrated and the quantity is not large, it is not cost-effective to use the abundant gold and silver of the island country to trade, and it can easily cause the devaluation of precious metals.

As long as Sibo Tucang builds up a large enough precious metal reserve and provides enough commodities to maintain the island's trade needs, food stamps may completely replace other currencies and become the only currency.

Because of the high price of cheap gold and silver commodities in the market, the cost-effectiveness of food stamps will be highlighted. In addition, the monopoly of commodity channels only allows the use of food stamps to purchase, further driving out other currencies.

Until the end, only food stamps were used for transactions within the island country, while most of the gold, silver, and copper were stored in the Spo earth warehouse for foreign exchange settlement and settlement of foreign trade.

This is exactly the enhanced first path that the Bank of Italy has in mind, and the SPO Fed is the monetary tool to control this path.


The families of the Sibo Goddess were powerful vassals in the local area. They already had local people. In addition, the Sibo Fed controlled the currency and could mobilize the resources of the entire island country. From then on, the theocratic power was indestructible.

The power of General Spo's second generation was destined not to be very great.

Because the Grand Council is responsible for legislation and the public is responsible for governance, the most important financial power is actually in the hands of the Spurs Fed.

Once the Spurs Fed in Yoshinobu's mind takes shape, the position of Shogun Spurs will be nothing worth fighting for. At most, some personnel power will be left.

Without the experience of being confident and having great power, who is willing to sacrifice everything and fight for that position without any bottom line?

As long as there are no desperate thoughts, then the bottom line of the political environment will be raised. Everyone is a Spokane, and they will not bite like dogs to grab food.

Therefore, Yoshigan doesn't care too much about the little thoughts of Uesugi Kenshin and the three powerful Kanto clans behind her.

The establishment of the Spurs Fed itself was a dimensionality-reducing blow to the traditional martial arts ruling thinking.

The Shiba Goddess Group controls the entire island country by controlling the currency, and even General Shiba can only look forward to it and sigh.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Mutual need and common prosperity, rather than creating a dictatorial system with unlimited power, can prevent everyone from kneeling down and licking the dictator's bottom line to achieve long-term peace and stability.

In the Bank of America's conception, the SPO Fed will have a chairman, but it will not be an indefinite manager who will be a permanent manager for five years, ten years, or fifteen years, but a chairman of the joint meeting who will hold regular elections.

Uesugi Kenshin is actually a very traditional woman. Without the appearance of Yoshigan, all she pursues is to command the females as the Kanto leader of the old Kanto system.

Not only Uesugi Kenshin, but also Takeda Shingen and Hojo Ushimasa, the three of them are actually unable to understand Yoshibank's political thinking and financial system.

At this moment, Uesugi Kenshin, who was both physically and psychologically satisfied, thought that his strategic intention had been achieved, and his whole state became relaxed.

She looked at Yiyin's ageless face, felt the ambition and strategy in his heart, and sighed.

"Sage, you are still so young, but I am old."

Yoshigan also looked at Uesugi Kenshin. There were faint wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, and her face was not as delicate as before. She didn't know how to comfort her for a moment.

He carries the eternal sixteen-year-old system cheat, but he can only watch the women who accompany him grow old one by one.

To the Wu family, this was evidence of the coming of gods, but to Yiyin, it was a different kind of torture.

Although he was still young on the outside after two lifetimes, he was already old and decayed on the inside. Like Uesugi Kenshin, he no longer had the high-spiritedness of the past.

He smiled bitterly.

"Everyone will grow old and die, and I will be no exception, but have you ever heard of three deaths?

The first death is when you lose your breath and stop your heartbeat, the second death is when you say goodbye at a funeral, and the third death is when you are forgotten by the world.

As long as there are people in this world who remember you and me, and as long as the descendants of Shiba are endless, we are not truly dead.

Therefore, stop worrying about the minutiae and give me a helping hand, so that our descendants can rule this island forever, let our descendants last for generations, and the power of Sibo will last forever.


Uesugi Kenshin was unusually quiet, silently listening to Yoshigan's words, and he was in a trance back to the time when the two first met at a wine shop in the castle town of Kyoto.

It was the same at that time, he was talking and she was listening, and they walked together until today.

Ken Uesugi was filled with emotion, smiled slightly, and spoke firmly.

"This is natural. I have always been on your side. I have been, am, and will be in the future. I will never change my mind."

This chapter has been completed!
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