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Chapter 229 outbreak

 With the knife held to his neck, Ise Sada was afraid on the surface, but secretly happy in his heart.

The people of the Sibo family were confused and used knives and guns in front of the general's seat, which was a disgrace to the general.

As expected, Ashikaga Yoshiki's face turned livid and he shouted.

"Akechi Mitsuhide! Put the knife down!"

With the decline of the shogunate, the Ashikaga shogun's greatest advantage was his status, so he paid special attention to his majesty and appearance.

Akechi Mitsuhide's move is suspected of challenging the bottom line. Even if she doesn't like Ise Sadakyo, she still has to speak.

Both Akechi and Mitsuhide understand the truth, and in fact, Ise Sakyo also understands it.

One needs to be fast, the other needs to delay. Spo Yiyin's time is running out.

Akechi Mitsuhide is willing to risk everything, so he is naturally not afraid of anything.

She answered respectfully to the general.

"Master Gongfang, please calm down, I just want to remind Master Ise."

After saying that, he returned the knife to its sheath.

Ise Sakyo said immediately.

"Your Majesty, Mitsuhide Akechi used the knife in front of the emperor. His crime is unforgivable. Please, Sir, please arrest this arrogant person immediately."

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed, attracting everyone to look at her.

She drew the knife just for the next words, so that everyone would not turn a deaf ear to her words.

There is nothing more memorable than drawing a sword from its sheath, and making people think carefully about the appeal of the person who drew the sword.

"Well said, Ise-sama!

Today I was captured by Lord Gongkata, and tomorrow your entire Ise family will be wiped out, leaving no chickens or dogs behind!

I have behaved inappropriately in front of Akechi Mitsuhide, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

After speaking, he took off his weapon and threw it on the ground, then bowed respectfully to the ground.

Ashikaga Yoshiki said with a frown.

"Speak clearly first."

Akechi Mitsuhide raised his head with a determined expression.

"I am a person who has lost my family. The Mingzhi family has been wiped out by Isshiki Yilong, and I am the only one alive.

The Iga people were sealed off by the shogunate and struggled to survive. Life was worse than death.

Peking University and the Wu family were trampled and humiliated by Master Nara and suffered for hundreds of years.

We are all wanderers with no future, fellow countrymen, lost dogs, as humble as dust.

Only the Lord! The Lord treats us as human beings and gives us the opportunity to serve the shogunate and become human beings again!

Ise Sakyo! You need to know!

If the Lord dies because of your delay, what will happen to your family!"

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at her with murderous intent and spoke word by word.

"Beida and the Wu family are now in Kyoto. Their leader, Dao Shengmeng, has the favor of saving the family.

Your family will die cleanly.

Even if there are people who are lucky enough to escape, the Iga people will chase them to the ends of the earth and kill them all, leaving no one behind.

Not a single member of your Ise family will survive in this world!"

Akechi Mitsuhide's vicious words not only frightened Ise Sadakyō into trembling, but also made the Hime warriors present and the general look ugly.

Unknowingly, the Shiba family has been developed to such an extent by Shiba Yiyin, and everyone hopes to be placed on him.

If he died in Mihaoshi's ambush, everyone present would not have a good time.

Iga and Beitai are just south of Yamashiro and Omi. If the samurai families in these two places get angry and riot, something serious will happen, which will be no better than Miyoshi's invasion.

What's even more frightening is that, with the permission of the general, Peking University and the Wu family are currently assisting in the defense of Kyoto, and they are right behind the shogunate army!

Only then did Ashikaga Yoshiteru realize that by rescuing Yoshigashi Shiba, he was rescuing the shogunate himself, so he couldn't waste any more time!

She understands.

After being intimidated by Akechi Mitsuhide, the ministers and the people from north and south Omi, whose logistics were all under the control of Peking University and the samurai family, also understood.

Shiba Yiyin cannot die! At least nothing will happen to him now!

The Sibo people are all local servants of the country, and they all place their hope in the revival of the Sibo family in order to improve their family status and no longer have to struggle to survive at the bottom.

Once he dies, the desperate Spo people will riot. Who can stand it?

Now, everyone understands that Sibo Yiyin must be rescued.

Otherwise, even if the Shiba people don't want to rebel, Akechi Mitsuhide will force them to rebel. This guy is already crazy.

Sanbuchi Haru was the first to speak.

"Three good things last forever, shameless!"

The Shiba family is one of the Ashikaga sect and one of the three leaders. How can a noble family be assassinated!"

She was the person present who cared most about Yoshihiro Shiba, other than Mitsuhide Akechi.

Not only because the two families have a close personal relationship, but also because the Izumi-Hosokawa family is still waiting for Yoshigan Shiba to save their lives!

Not to mention the Kitakawachi territory where her daughter is still missing, just the fact that the Izumi-Hosokawa family and her daughter are trapped in an isolated city is enough for her to stand up and speak for the Shiba family.

The general was obviously convinced by Akechi Mitsuhide, but he couldn't stand it because of his face.

So, Officer Mibuchi Haru immediately stood up and handed the ladder to Lord Gongfang.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru glanced at Ninagawa Makoyo.

In the shogunate, the government office second only to the Ise Sakyo accepted the idea and spoke out.

"Master Gongfang, what Master Sanyuan said is true.

The majesty of the shogunate cannot be violated, and I am willing to lead a group of people from Shancheng to the south to rescue Imperial Palace Shiba."

She had no choice but to act like a loyal minister in front of the general and severely reprimanded Ise Sadao.

If she slips up at this time, she will be on the general's hatred list, tied with Ise Sadakyo.

What's more, Shiba Yoshigan's promise to keep her territory intact has not yet been fulfilled. She cannot let him die at this time, otherwise where will the Ninagawa family go?

Ise Sakyo stared hard at Ninagawa Makoto, this guy is so shameless.

Had it not been for the understanding of most of the ministers, Ise Sakyo would not have dared to force the general to submit, including the acquiescence of the Ninagawa family.

Now that things have happened, Ninagawa himself has betrayed him!

This guy didn't know when he had reached a tacit understanding with Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

If it hadn't been for the sudden incident of Shiba Yiyin, Ise Sadao, who was still in the dark, would have suffered a big loss.

By this time, she was in trouble both internally and externally, and she knew that one more word could bring disaster to the whole family.

Just keep silent and do whatever you want!

Asai Nagamasa was silent for a moment and then stood up.

"I would like to go south with Ninagawa-sama to rescue Shiba Gozen."

Ashikaga Yoshiki looked at her. It was unexpected but reasonable.

The Asai family has a good relationship with Shiba Yiyin, and both parties can be regarded as mutually successful.

Asai Nagamasa does not need to take action this time.

Her home is in Kita-Omi, separated from Yoshihiro Shiba's territory by Yamashiro and Minami-Omi, so no amount of chaos can disrupt her home.

But she took a fancy to the huge power of the Shiba family and was willing to take the initiative to stand up.

Spo Yiyin has been here for less than a year and has already established a huge reputation and territory.

These characters have a close relationship with their own families, and more importantly, they have a bad relationship with the Rokkaku family.

The territory is still south of the Rokkaku family, and it is in a pinch with the Asai family from the north and the south.

This review was tit for tat, which fully demonstrated the destructive power of the Spo family.

Now that she saw clearly the power of Sibo Yiyin, she made up her mind and decided to use her own capital to sell him a good deal.

As long as Sibo Yiyin is rescued, it will be worth it even if the family's military strength is compromised.

Take a long-term view.

Ashikaga Yoshiki clearly understood the attitude of each family and gave the order.

"Ninagawa-hime, you lead the Yamashiro troops. Asai-hime, you lead the Kitaomi army.

Go south immediately to rescue Lord Yiyin.

Princess Ise and Princess Rokkaku, please organize your troops and horses, and go out with me to defend the Yodogawa River, and watch out for Miyoshi Chokei when he crosses the river."


All the concubines had their own secrets and looked different, so they all divided up to prepare.

"Akechi Mitsuhide!"

Ashikaga Yoshiki looked at her coldly.

"In detention camp, we will discuss it after the war."

Akechi Mitsuhide thanked the general and was escorted off in a free and easy manner.

Lord, I have done everything I can, and you must come back alive.


This chapter has been completed!
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