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Chapter 234 Night Attack

 Inside the Jiaoxing Temple, Shanzhong Xingsheng carries a white flag on his back.

She protected the flag and fought to be the first, leading her fellow soldiers to defeat the three good soldiers who entered the temple.

Yoshigan's Ashikaga white flag is still in the shogunate's army, and the cavalry did not bring it with them when they went into battle this time.

This white flag was made by Yamazaka Yukimori, who took a piece of white cloth from the main hall before the temple burned down and used burnt black grass ashes to write Bishamonten's initials, Bishamon.

Then it was wrapped on a spear to make a simple Bizi flag.

The painted ground of righteous silver serves as a prison, and the white ground does not burn, which confirms the saying of the incarnation of Bishamonten.

With high morale, his subordinates charged into battle under the banner of Bizi and forced the three good troops who entered the temple out.

"Your Highness, all the enemy troops have been driven out."

Facing the excited Yukimori Yamanaka, Yoshigami praised him a few words, but he knew in his heart that it would be a difficult night.

Jiaoxing Temple has been burned to a white ground, with no cover except for the stone gate and walls.

This time, the Sanhao Army thought that everyone in the temple had been burned to death, so they sent people to take them over, but they were caught off guard.

When they reacted, they mobilized their bows, arrows and iron cannons and concentrated their fire on the inside.

Inside the uncovered temple that had been burned, Yi Bank and his party were the targets.

Fortunately, it was already dark, so it was difficult for the Ashigaru Night Blind to participate in the attack. There was still some time for the Miyoshi Army to gather the Hime Samurai for another battle.

I wonder what’s going on with Akechi Mitsuhide?

If there are no more reinforcements, we will really be defeated and die.


In the village, Miyoshi Changyi and Matsunagahide looked at each other speechlessly.

This Sibo Yiyin is so evil. The temple was burned like this and he is still alive?

According to the Adachi warrior Hime from the Adachi Preparatory Team who escaped back, the people in Siwa shouted that Your Highness was the incarnation of Bishamonten, protected by gods and Buddhas, and that he was unstoppable.

Is it really the incarnation of Buddhist Dharma Protector?

The two of them are from the Wu family and don't really believe in these ghosts and religions.

But seeing that Shiba Yiyin was still alive despite struggling all afternoon, what other explanation could there be for him other than his own incompetence?

Of course, Shibayi Silver Army God is alive and Bishamonten is the incarnation of this world.

Being an enemy of him is something I cannot do!

The two of them had fear in their minds, but they couldn't say it with their mouths.

One is the elder of the Sanhao family, and the other is the direct minister of the Sanhao family. They are not from the same sect and cannot be given authority to others.

Miyoshi Changyi sighed.

"It's sunset now, so we can only concentrate on the bows, arrows and iron cannons.

With Ji Warrior opening the way, they forced their way into the temple and sniped them."

Matsunaga nodded.

"Master Sanhao is wise."

This battle was a complete mess, and the two of them would be laughed to death by other forces in the Sanhao family when they returned home.

A full ten reserve troops were dispatched, but the dogs were beaten by Shiba Yiyin's thirty cavalry all afternoon.

The two reserve troops were defeated, half of the main formation's horses, Hui Zhong and pen heads were broken off, and they struggled until dark.

But even if you are laughed at, you must grit your teeth and get the job done. Otherwise, you will not be mediocre, but extremely incompetent, and you will no longer need to be around.

Just as Mihao Changyi was about to give the order, there was a noise outside. She felt a thump in her heart, what happened?

"Report! There are Sibo cavalry! They are surrounding them on all sides and are setting fires and killing people everywhere in the village!"

Both of their faces were ashen.

Yoshigan Shiba's reinforcements have arrived? What is Shinohara Chofusa in the north doing! How could he send a cavalry army over!

The Settsu people have been tortured by Yiyin today. Now their morale is low and they are attacked at night again. What should they do?

What's even more frightening is that this Spo reinforcements found Mihao Changyi's main formation and directly attacked the village.

The Ma Hui people in this formation were dispersed by Yiyin just once, and the Ma Hui people were also killed. They were also in a low mood.

Something big will happen if this continues!

Sanhao Changyi gave the order decisively.

"All the envoys were dispatched and ordered the reserve teams to move closer to the village!

Let everyone not worry, it’s just the cavalry, not many people!

As long as you get closer and shrink, you can strangle them!"

It's a pity that even Matsunaga Hide didn't believe what she said, let alone the troops under his command.

They have been tormented by thirty cavalry all afternoon, and now a new wave of cavalry has arrived, how can they not panic?

It's just that Matsunagahide couldn't speak, and Miyoshi Changyi was obviously confused.

If you say something unpleasant, you will be offended.

It's dark and windy at night, so shrinking everything is not a good idea. It's better to be still than to move.

In fact, as long as Miyoshi Changyi and the horsemen retreat, the village will be burned if it is burned, and it is not the territory of the Miyoshi family.

It was not convenient for her to point it out, and she probably wouldn't listen if she told her about the good things and long life, so she could only worry secretly.


Maeda's interest is like a lurking hungry wolf. She naturally has a purpose in letting Shiba's cavalry set fire and kill people everywhere.

Although the village was not big, she was not sure where the shogunate was. It was dark at night.

But one thing is certain, if there is a sudden attack, the shogunate will definitely react.

As long as there is a response, there will be marshals coming in and out, and if there are marshals moving around, she will be able to discover the location of the shogunate!

She took her Hatamoto Hime Samurai, and a group of seventeen people lurked silently in the darkness, and finally determined the target.

"Got you!"

Maeda lowered his head and raised his eyes. His eyes were turned up, with more white eyes than black eyes, showing a fierce look.

If the commander comes in and out frequently, it must be the shogunate of the main formation.

"Follow me and attack!"



Suddenly there was a sound of charging and killing outside the shogunate, and Matsu Nagasaki's face turned pale.

"not good!"

She finally understood why the enemy burned the village. They were looking for the location of the shogunate.

The Sanhao family has a large army, and even a little chaos cannot change the overall situation.

But this shogunate is different. As long as the general is killed, the ten reserve teams will collapse without a fight!

She could no longer care about Sanhao Changyi's feelings and said anxiously.

"Master Miyoshi, we must retreat quickly!"

Mihao Changyi also reacted, his face turned red.

She issued a series of orders and used the command to spin like a top. It turned out to be pointing the direction for the enemy!

He said in anger.

"I won't leave! I want to meet the leader of the Spo Cavalry, how dare you insult me ​​like this!"

Matsunaga's words were fierce and he said sternly.

"Lord Miyoshi Changit! If you die here, the Settsu people will collapse!

The Settsu people have been hit too many times today and their morale is low.

Once something happens to the general, they will be defeated or even disbanded!

The civil war in Hanoi is related to the good fortune of the family. You cannot put your personal honor and disgrace above your family fortune!

Go quickly! Be quick!"

Matsuhisa Nagahide knew of this move, so she and Miyoshi Choitsu could only gather their forces and return to the north bank of Yodogawa in despair.

Miyoshi Choitsu had just asked the reserve teams to move closer to the village, and she was forced to leave the shogunate and go out to join a reserve team.

Without this formation, the other reserve teams had to wait until dawn to contact her.

After a chaotic night, the army became more and more exhausted, so they had no choice but to go back to the Sanhao Army to repair.

If you don't leave, the risk will be even greater and may even endanger the overall situation.

Who knows what the martial arts skills of General Shiba who led the team are like? Once Miyoshi Choi is lost here, what will happen to Settsu's ten reserve teams?

This is a hundred thousand stone military strength, and the overall strategic situation of Sanhao Changqing will collapse.

By that time, she will definitely die after Matsushita Nagahide, and there will be no room for mercy.

Therefore, Miyoshi Changyi must be taken away. The plan to ambush Shiba Yiyin must be admitted to failure, and we can make further calculations when we go back.

Sanhao Changyi was moved by her words. As the elder of the Sanhao family, she and the Sanhao family both suffer.

There is nothing that can be done now, the only option is to take action.

Unwilling to do so, she gritted her teeth and ordered.

"Order the horsemen in front to stop the enemy troops. The rest of the Ji warriors will follow me and retreat to assemble with the reserve troops outside the village.



Yiyin was also confused when he saw the village on fire on the mountain.

Is the Sanhao Army in trouble?

This chapter has been completed!
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