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Chapter 18 Win-win

 It only took Yiyin and Li Yi seven days to return to Si Bo's house.

Yiyin is very satisfied with this winter hunting. He has eliminated three groups of evil party groups. He has learned a lot from it and has probably mastered the method of using the killing mode.

Especially in the head-on battle with the third group of villains, he was pleasantly surprised to find that in the killing mode, if the opponent's attack on him would cause more than a flesh wound, there would always be an indescribable special power that would slightly change the situation.

His posture.

Either push him away, or step into the air. In short, the fatal and disabling injuries that should have been struck on his body will turn into flesh wounds by a hair's breadth.

Although he was cut twice on his arm because of this, he felt it was worth it to come to this conclusion. But he still had no clue in the insight mode. Was the situation wrong?

However, after returning, Yangno became tearful because of these two stab wounds, which was really difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, Maeda, the scapegoat, was there to share the firepower. If she couldn't defeat her, Haruno would probably eat her alive.

Yukino silently changed his medicine, and he could finally sleep in his room at night instead of sleeping in the mountains and forests.

He slept very soundly, and when he woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning and his stomach was growling.

"Lord Yiyin, you're awake."

I don't know when Yukino, who had knelt down and was waiting at the side, watched Yoshiyin wake up and bowed her head in salute.

"Yukino, I'm a little hungry, bring me something to eat."

The bones all over his body were a little sore, and Yoshigage stretched himself and let out an unexplained groan. Yukino, who was walking out, turned her back to him, her face red.

After dinner at home, Maeda Yoshikatsu walked in from outside. He looked unhappy.

"What's the matter? Ji Yiji, are you arguing with Yangno again? Can't you just talk to each other if you have something to say?"

"No, my fourth aunt is here."


Liang raised his head unexpectedly, his expression was unexpectedly serious.

"Then, please invite Li Jiaji to come in."

Maeda Toshiie's expression was very bitter, and his usually straight spine seemed to be bent by something. This was all an illusion.

She still looked so heroic, but the way this woman felt today made Yiyin feel a little discouraged.

"Li Jiaji, why do you come to Sibo's house when you have time? Have you had dinner?"

Yiyin had an elegant smile and just asked if he had eaten. It sounded like he was talking to an acquaintance. In fact, they had known each other for a short time, but some people's emotions just come on so quickly.

For example, the current Toshi family will find it difficult to talk about certain things because of Yiyin. They clearly want to protect this young man, but now, they are burdened with the task of hurting him.

The Lee family didn't even know how they came to the Shiba family, they only felt numb like walking zombies.

"Yi Gin-kun... His Highness Oda... summons you to see him..."

Lijia sat down on his knees and bowed deeply to Yiyin without getting up. He lay there and spoke intermittently, gritting his teeth and managing to utter a few words.

"Fourth Aunt, why did His Highness Oda summon Yoshigami?"

Outside, I felt something was wrong with the Li family today, so Li Yi interrupted and asked.

Lijia glanced at her and moved his head guiltily. Lijia understood something, and a fire rushed up in his heart.

"What does Oda Nobunaga think of my family? The Shiba family belongs to the Ashikaga clan! They are not male prostitutes on the roadside!"

She stood up and pointed at the Li family with her index finger and cursed. In the past, if she dared to do this, she would have been severely beaten by the Li family. But today, the Li family was speechless.

"I'm sorry, Yiyin-kun."

After a while, the lying Lijia made up his mind, said something to Yiyin, got up and left.

"Wait a minute, Li Jiaji, aren't you here to summon me?"

"Yi Yinjun has gone out for winter hunting and has not returned yet. I will report to His Highness when I get back."

"But I'm back."

"I will commit seppuku and remonstrate to His Highness to the death. The Sibo family is a well-known family and cannot be insulted lightly. Your Highness listened to the traitor and acted like a traitor."

Li Jia had made up his mind, and felt much relieved. He turned around and smiled.

"I never thought that being as frivolous as benefiting you would also teach me a lesson with a straight face. In the future, I must assist the master's family well, make contributions, and don't lose the face of the Maeda family."

"Of course, my current salary is twenty dollars more than yours!"

Li Li said harshly, but she felt sad for the Li family in her heart. She understood the helplessness of the Li family, but she couldn't change anything.

Toshiya wanted to turn around and leave, but his left sleeve was pulled. He turned around hard and opened half of the kimono, revealing his underwear and collarbone.

"Yi Yinjun?"

"Hey, you obviously came to summon me, but you didn't listen to a word from me, Li Jiaji, you."

Yoshigami stretched out his hand to help Toshiya tidy up the missing kimono, patted her sleeves, saw that there were no wrinkles, and nodded with satisfaction.

The Lee family had never been treated like this by a man before. They stood there helplessly and let Yiyin do whatever he wanted.

"Since His Highness has called you, I will naturally go. You are a good and loyal warrior. Don't give up your life so easily."


"His Majesty Oda is not a tolerant lord. You have used her nickname before, so you understand better than me.

But she is also a powerful daimyo. You are skilled in martial arts and have lofty ambitions. Naturally, you must serve well and build a family fortune for your family and descendants. How can you give up on yourself for such trivial matters?"

Yiyin said to her gently, Lijia raised his head, afraid that his tears would flow down.

She was sent to the Oda family since she was a child. She practiced martial arts day and night and performed her duties faithfully, not just to be rewarded by the public and achieve her career.

Yiyin's words spoke to her heart and made her a confidant.

"But, this is too cruel to you, Mr. Yiyin..."

Lijia put aside his head and said.

"Loyalty, justice, filial piety and trust are often used in the martial arts family, but how many of them take it seriously? The Ashikaga family cannot control the world, and troubled times have arrived.

Although Her Majesty Oda is a stern person, under her command, our Shiba family has a chance to revive again, and I will give everything for the Shiba family."

Yiyin disagreed in his heart, but he still wanted to maintain his character.

Everything is for the Spo family. This is his political correctness. As long as he holds this flag high, no matter what shocking things he does, he will have room for maneuver.

Just like Zhuge Liang in his previous life, he dedicated his life to the Shu Han Dynasty and died. At that time, the country was picturesque and there were many heroes. But whether it was at that time or thousands of years later, Zhuge Wuhou's brilliance overwhelmed most of the heroes of his generation.


Even enemies give a thumbs up when talking about Prime Minister Zhuge. This is the political correctness of re-establishing the Han Dynasty.

Of course, the revival of Sibo was not as noble and incomparable as the re-establishment of the Han Dynasty. But in the hearts of the Wu family, they were afraid of the decline of the family. This was the result of rule by force. The change of prosperity and decline was too fast, and no one had a sense of security.

Therefore, the banner of reviving Shiba can easily win the favor of the martial artists, offset the disadvantages of being a man, and expand the space of choice for one's own survival. This banner must be used well.

In fact, Yoshigan did not reject Oda's call in his heart, and was even a little happy.

He spread the story of seven hardships and eight hardships so widely that it was impossible not to feel uneasy. What kind of character is Oda Nobunaga? Sooner or later, he will take revenge if he suffers a loss.

It would be an unexpected surprise for him if this kind of revenge could be limited to the humiliation of men and women.

His outlook on life is different from that of people in this world. This kind of thing that is regarded as extremely humiliating by the Wu family is a happy thing for him.

Oda Nobunaga was fierce and wild-tempered, and he acted boldly and boldly, but his technical level was too low.

But with him here, he has been married for many years in his previous life, and with the addition of the Internet era, his level is not comparable to that of weak men in this feudal world.

Oda Nobunaga needed to vent his anger, and he also needed Oda Nobunaga to vent his anger.

After all, you have to make a living under her from now on, and it’s too unsafe if the master doesn’t like you. Oda Nobunaga’s summons this time is simply a win-win situation, and Yoshigan is happy to accept it.

Of course, the superficial skills still need to be in place, and it will be difficult to fool around in the future after the character collapses.

This chapter has been completed!
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