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Chapter 258 Dove Magpie

 Akechi Mitsuhide's far-sighted strategy moved Yoshigan's heart.

I thought that as my status rose and my status changed, I would never have the chance to have sex again.

After all, if you are in a high position and have countless pairs of eyes staring at you openly or secretly, how can you be as "forced" as before.

How many people can threaten the Ashikaga Clan's military god, the incarnation of Bishamonten, and the nearly two hundred thousand stone daimyo into submission?

When Yoshihiro was desperate and prepared to spend the rest of his life with his right hand, Mitsuhide Akechi gave him a gift that he couldn't refuse.

As long as you can have sex legitimately, the historical evaluation is nonsense. Even if you can't have sex with a woman, you can still be considered a man.

The most important thing is that this strategy is indeed possible and is not a meaningless lie.

Regardless of others, Maeda's interests are absolutely willing to renew their relationship with him and leave an heir.

For the Wu family, this is not something that is difficult to accept, as long as the family status is high enough, as is the case with Isshiki Yoshiryu of Meino.

If a portion of the direct income is given to Maeda's interests, then she and her will leave an heir to inherit the Shiba surname.

Then we can capture the Maeda family and the Rikyu line of samurai warriors and transform them into retainers of the Shiba family.

Not only did it solve the embarrassment of having no direct leader to manage, but in the long run, it also left a branch family, relatives, and retainers for the Sibo family.

One-stop service.

By analogy, Mitsuhide Akechi, Yukimori Yamanaka, and even Maeda Toshiie of Owari can do this.

As long as they are willing to give up marriage and stay in the Shiba family system, Yiyin can definitely use sex to turn their family line into that of the Shiba family.

This is what Akechi Mitsuhide said, the strategy of dove occupying the magpie's nest.

This strategy completely solved the problem of vacancies in Sibo's family divisions, relatives, and generations of retainers. It was quick and effective and had almost no shortcomings.

Even the betrothed family will support what the Sibo family does.

Because for most samurai families, they do not lack samurai warriors, but they are unable to accommodate the growing number of samurai warriors in their families.

At the beginning of the Owari Maeda family, Maeda Toshiie left home early to serve Oda Nobunaga.

Just because Maeda Toshimasa was too fertile and had too many children at home, he had to find his own way out.

If Yiyin is associated with profit, the Maeda family can not only rely on its relationship with the Shiba family to improve their family status in the guardianship system.

You can also use this connection to import the excess Ji warriors in your family into the Shiba family's territory to solve the problem of placement of your own children.

The biggest trouble for the Wu family is the lack of land to support the family's warriors.

As long as they can get the territory, they really don't care how they get it.

In the Wu family society where wars are frequent, survival is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary.

Yiyin can definitely choose a few trustworthy Ji warriors and win them over with love and sex.

Then they use their territory and children to contact the families behind them, extract a family line, and merge it into the Sibo family to form a new Sibo family system.

The Hime warriors and their children formed a branch of the Shiba family. The families behind them became relatives of the Shiba family, and the retainers they brought became the retainers of the Shiba family.

Everyone will be satisfied.

This is the Shiba family! The Ashikaga family has a noble bloodline and noble character. For most samurai families, it is a good thing that they can never ask for.

The trouble now mainly lies in two points.

First, historical evaluation is definitely finished.

But when people are alive, they must have a reason to hide their faces, otherwise how will the Shiba family gain a foothold in the Wu family society in the future.

You can't say that I, Shiba Yiyin, am just shameless and like to choose concubines, right?

It can only be said that Yiyin decided to sacrifice himself for the continuation of the Shiba family.

This is for the family business! It is a holy and innocent act!

If you want to act, you have to act well!

The second one lies in the shogunate and the general.

The problem with the shogunate is rules.

If the Shiba family behaves like this, will the shogunate system be willing to recognize his descendants? Can the lineage of the family be continued?

Even more troublesome is the general.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru coveted Yoshihiro and would inevitably pursue him after the war.

Yiyin would never marry her, excluding all considerations of interests. Just the gender perspective and self-esteem of the man in his previous life made Yiyin unable to accept this matter.

Then there is a new problem. A large part of the reason why the general is treating the Shiba family so favorably is to get acquainted with Yiyin.

What would Ashikaga Yoshiteru think if Yoshigami not only refused to accept it, but instead used the method of spreading seeds everywhere to propagate the Shiba family?

The strong-willed father-in-law always cares about face, and will things go wrong when the time comes, putting the Sibo family in trouble.

Yoshihiro couldn't figure it out, so he had to rely on Mitsuhide's wise plan to plead guilty.

Fortunately, this is a long-term strategy and there is no rush for a while.

All you need to do is select a few of the most trustworthy Ji warriors and distribute them among the direct members of the Shiba family. You should choose your concubine first.

As for the sex, don't worry.

However, even if he was absolutely convinced in his heart, on the surface, Yiyin still had to act a cold and furious image.

It is really not easy to be a man in a world dominated by women.

"Get out of here!"

Yoshigan covered his face with his sleeves and did not want to talk to Akechi Mitsuhide anymore.

I covered my face because I was afraid that I might not look angry, because I was so happy inside.

Akechi Mitsuhide kowtowed to the ground again and resigned. After going out, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The Lord did not refuse.

Akechi Mitsuhide knew that this matter would be extremely difficult for Yoshihiro to accept.

He had already sacrificed too much for the Sibo family, and finally he was able to survive the rise of the Sibo family and finally be worthy of those sacrifices.

He could have been a good man, but his actions pushed him into the abyss. From now on, there will never be a good word in the history books.

Even if the warriors are respectful on the face, they will point fingers behind their backs and make dirty words.

He is too difficult.

However, the Sibo family has been in decline for too long, and the foundation of the family is unstable.

If he wants to survive in this troubled world, the current situation is not enough. He will not be willing to resurrect the second generation of the Shiba family to die.

Therefore, even if he is criticized by thousands of wives and despised by thousands of women, he will definitely grit his teeth and persevere.

Akechi Mitsuhide knew that Yoshihiro had actually made up his mind to use his long-range strategy.

Otherwise, instead of asking him to go away, he would be beheading him in public.

She could clearly feel the angry gaze on the back of her head before, as she kowtowed to the ground.

What kind of intense anger could lead to such scorching eyes? It was lingering between her neck, as if it was about to draw a knife and chop off her head at any moment.

In the end, she still won the bet, and the Lord was indeed willing to sacrifice everything for the Sibo family.

He abandoned the chastity that a man values ​​most, and was willing to bear all the vicious accusations, scorn, and abuse in the world, but he also wanted to continue the Sibo family.

Such a Lord is so beautiful.

Akechi Mitsuhide's eyes were filled with wildfire, and he clenched his fists.

Long-term strategy requires long-term planning.

She will work hard to implement this strategy, and she is willing to carry out no matter how despicable and shameless the plot is.

As long as it is for the Lord, for the Lord whom I have always dreamed of, Akechi Mitsuhide dares to do anything.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru must die.

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