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Chapter 272 Instigation

Shima Shengmeng was surprised and happy. She thought about it and felt that Akechi Mitsuhide did not lie to her.

If the Shiba information was not Mitsuhide Akechi's plan, then it was not aimed at the Shima family, but His Highness had other plans.

The Shiba family doesn't have an heir yet, so they are trying to find someone to marry into the family.

Apart from this reason, there is indeed no reasonable logic to explain why His Highness has delegated such great power.

After the restoration of the Shiba family, inheritance is the most important thing on the Lord's desk.

For this purpose, whatever shocking measures His Highness takes are all excusable.

What made her extremely excited was that she was also under consideration by her master.

There is nothing more satisfying than secretly admiring a male god, and having the male god favor you. Unfortunately, you are only one of the alternatives.

Shima Katsu looked at Mitsuhide Akechi fiercely, with alertness in his eyes.

She was also one of the candidates, so why did she take the initiative to clarify herself?

In this regard, Akechi Mitsuhide said frankly.

"I came here to seek cooperation with Shimahime.

The Lord is only fifteen years old and in the prime of his youth. He is not yet in a hurry to pass it on to future generations. The current measures are just preliminary arrangements.

The Spo Institute led by four people is the ranking of candidates in the Lord's mind.

As for you and me, we don’t have much chance for the time being.”

Akechi Mitsuhide talks nonsense, none of which is credible.

She was the only one who knew that the master wanted to implement the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest, but she blatantly misled Dao Shengmeng into thinking about getting married.

With ulterior motives.

How did Shima Shengmu know Mitsuhide Akechi's malice? From her standpoint, what the other party said was true.

Your Highness divided the materials into four, with Maeda's interests and Yamanaka Yukimori taking the majority, Akechi Mitsuhide's chances were the smallest.

Now she comes to join forces with herself, who is ranked third, with the intention of making long-term changes, which makes sense.

However, it has been difficult for Shima Shengmu to survive for many years. He was deceived by the Tsutsui family and stabbed in the back by the Yagyu family.

Having finally settled down now, he does not trust Akechi Mitsuhide who approaches him proactively.

"What Ji Mingzhi said is true, but thunder, rain and dew are all your kindness. I and other subordinates only need to do our duty, and the rest should be left to the master to consider."

Since the Lord did not want to attack the Dao family, Dao Shengmeng still chose to stand still.

Nothing is more important than family inheritance. The Dao family has small arms and cannot withstand the torment of arm-wrestling with those big bosses.

Akechi Mitsuhide also knew that she had gone through too many ups and downs and was cautious, so he just smiled.

"That's such a shame.

Judging from the choice of the Lord, I still prefer the Giri-type Samurai Hime. Shimahime has a lot of hope, but I am probably just a make-up.

Maeda Hime comes from a high position and is close to Hatamoto. She has a close relationship with Toudou Hime and Ohtani Hime, so she will most likely choose to form an alliance.

The two families in Nizi Mountain share weal and woe and must work together.

I have pity on you and I have always been low in the Lord's heart. Now that you have no intention, I will naturally give up that intention."

Akechi Mitsuhide seemed to be saying give up, but his words touched Shima Katsuruo's heart.

It has long been no secret that His Highness prefers Giri. Shima Shengmeng thought to himself that he and his lord felt like old friends at first sight and that they had the same compatibility.

Asking her to keep things secret and watching His Highness being embraced by her, how could she not feel uneasy in her heart.

Stormy seas and mental turmoil are real.

She endured it again and again, but couldn't help but ask.

"They are so powerful. Even if we want to do it, what can we do?"

Akechi Mitsuhide looked calm on the face, but sneered in his heart. In the end, he still took the bait.

"The future is long, don't rush to fight for the short time.

However, Shimahime really has something she can do."

Daosheng asked fiercely.

"Please say."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"The Tongxinzhong will expand and become the Shiba family's most elite warrior group, the sword in the hands of His Highness.

Xing Sheng in the mountains, as a writer with the same heart, will always be with the Lord."

Daosheng frowned fiercely.

"You want me to seize the position of Tongxinzhongbi?"

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"That's impossible.

The Lord has already designated Yamanaka Yukimori as the head of the pen, and no one can change it.

However, the current Tongxin Clan is all from the Iga Clan, and the expansion after the war will inevitably be dominated by the Peking University Clan.

The Lord intends to use the Tongxin Clan to win over the elite warriors of each family. Now that the Iga Clan occupies the majority, after that, a large number of them will definitely join the Peking University and the Clan."

Dao Shengmeng nodded silently.

The current military strength of the Shiba family is dominated by the 58 Iga families and the 62 Beida families.

The foreign warriors have not yet taken their place, so Tongxinzhong will be Yiyin's tool to appease the original local warriors for a long time.

Mitsuhide Akechi continued.

"The existing Tongxin people are the Iga people. Facing the influx of a large number of Peking University people, they must unite and be vigilant.

And Yamanaka Yukimori has always been by the Lord's side. In fact, she already has the command authority of the Tongxin Clan. The Iga Clan among the Tongxin Clan will definitely be headed by her.

When Peking University members join the Tongxin group for the first time, they will be squeezed out by the Iga group.

With Dao Ji's prestige and status, if you take the initiative to join the Tongxin Group, Peking University and the group will definitely follow your lead.

In this way, we can compete with the Xingsheng branch in the mountain among the people of the same mind and win the attention of the lord."

Shima Shengmeng was thoughtful, and Akechi Mitsuhide was right.

If you want to get extra points, the best way is to get along day and night, but she also has her own difficulties.

The island's family is very small, except for her, there are only two children.

If she joins Tongxinzhong, her influence on Peking University and the local area will be weakened.

This is a dilemma, choose to be close to His Highness and flatter him, or choose to be a down-to-earth local power.

She thought about it again and again, and finally gritted her teeth and said.

"I will ask to join the One Heart Congregation."

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"I will also help you secretly."

She smiled sincerely.

Dao Shengmeng still couldn't resist the temptation of getting married to his master, and was fooled into a trap by her.

In fact, no matter how Maeda's interests, Yamanaka Yukimori, and Shima Katsuru try, the result will be the same.

The Lord will not let anyone go, but it's a pity that they don't know it.

Akechi Mitsuhide also had his own intentions in misleading Shima Shengmeng.

The Lord is kind and trusts others too much when doing things.

But in troubled times, there is no trust at all. Only checks and balances can keep the martial arts from restraining themselves and not daring to act recklessly.

If Dao Shengmeng is in Peking University, Peking University and the martial arts will have a backbone, and they will continue to stick together for warmth.

This is not good for the Spo family to control the local area, so they must find a way to break it up.

However, if the Tongxin people are controlled by one person, Yukimori Yamazaka, the power is too concentrated, which is not the right approach.

Since the Lord is kind, she has no choice but to be the villain, Akechi Mitsuhide.

She instigated Dao Shengmeng to participate in the non-existent dispute over the marriage for two reasons.

First, take her out of Peking University and the territory, and let her devote her energy to the struggle for power and favor among the same people.

In this way, the core of the original Peking University and Wu families can be broken up, allowing them to continue to be scattered, which is conducive to the rule of the Sibo family.

Secondly, it is for Yamanaka Yukimori to find an opponent among the concentric people, so as to prevent one family from becoming dominant and controlling the strongest armed group of the Shiba family.

Daosheng is fierce and righteous, he is brave and good at fighting, and his generals are not inferior to those in the mountains. The two heroes check and balance each other among the concentric people, vying to please the Lord.

It has great benefits for the Lord to control the people of the same mind.

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed fiercely to Shimakatsu and said matter-of-factly.

"You and I join forces, and we will decide the outcome when we catch up with their position in the Lord's heart."

Shima Sheng returned the salute fiercely and answered seriously.

"When the time comes, I won't be merciful. It's best that Akechi Ji doesn't regret it."

Akechi Mitsuhide could barely hold back his smile and lowered his head to hide it.

Stupid Ji warriors, I really don’t know what the Lord sees in you.

I am the only one who is truly useful to the Lord.

just me.

This chapter has been completed!
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