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Chapter 342 Digging a Pit

 The matter was so serious that Yagyu Muneyan was frightened and embarrassed.

Should this matter be handled according to the wishes of the Odaisuo? If something happens that the Odaisuo cannot handle, will he be kicked out and take the blame?

Although Omatsuke was the loyal lackey of the Ashikaga family and it was common for him to take the blame, he could not take the blame for everything.

Under her command, there are also members of the Yagyu family who come out with her to make a living.

If the quarrel between Odaisho and the Shogun is blamed, this whole Yagyu family will be wiped out.

She was sweating profusely and lowered her head in silence.

Da Yutaisuo frowned and shouted coldly.

"What's wrong, I can't even control you anymore?"

Yagyu Zongyan gritted his teeth and fell to the ground and replied.

"The sinner will die, but I am afraid that I will be unable to deal with it later.

The Shiba family also has retainers in the sword room, and the master will humiliate his ministers to death. If there is a bloody disaster and I don't know how it will end, I would like to ask the Grand Imperial Palace to give me a clear warning."

Da Ootaisuo looked at her with a stern face, knowing that this lackey would not dare to do anything unless the matter was explained clearly today.

He wasn't afraid to point out his intentions, but his methods were a bit despicable and he didn't want to go into details.

As for Yagyu Souyan's worry that if things get too big, she will be kicked out and take the blame, but that's not the case.

Both the Ashikaga family and the Shiba family actually want to maintain the shogunate's protective system, which is a fundamental benefit to both parties.

But the problem does not lie with the two families, but with two people, Ashikaga Yoshiteru and Shiba Yoshigan.

They are mentally ill!

One of them wanted to get married, and the other refused to get married, and the result was like this.

How big a deal does it sound like? It's just a political marriage.

If you don't like it, the worst case scenario is that they are just a couple, and each family is just getting what they need.

The Ashikaga family hopes that the merger can stabilize their foothold, increase their control over the shogunate, and suppress the confidence of the shogunate.

Prolonging the life of the Ashikaga family is to maintain the high family status of the family members headed by the Ashikaga family, and it is also beneficial to the Shiba family.

For the Shiba family, marrying the Ashikaga family can improve Yoshigan Shiba's family status.

Let the Shiba family, an embarrassing samurai family with only a male family governor, be able to thrive smoothly, and even reach a higher level with the help of Ashikaga bloodline.

Even if the stability of the Ashikaga family is temporarily compromised, the benefits of rising family status and solving the hidden dangers of continuing the family business are still worth it.

It even solved the problem of opening up new territories, eliminating the suspicion from the Ashikaga family.

As for other disputes over the distribution of interests, the worst case scenario is that we can only fight after marriage.

Politics is nothing more than fighting over each other and compromising with each other. You can talk without turning the table over.

Oitaisho admitted that his methods were indeed a bit stronger.

But that was also to compete for the initiative after the marriage was successful, and it was not really to suppress the Sibo family and humiliate Sibo Yiyin.

But Shiba Yiyin's decisive attitude and fierce reaction left him helpless.

What's more, I didn't expect that my silly daughter would become so angry that she wouldn't marry anyone other than the king.

This was good news, as the shogunate was driven to pieces by these two stubborn young men.

Would you say it's irritating or not?

Otaisho himself was almost going crazy with anxiety, what kind of mess was this?

The military and state affairs have become a love drama between two young people. Do they still have the consciousness of a general and the sense of responsibility of a family governor?

Now the marriage matter has reached a deadlock. The general is determined to marry Shiba Yiyin, but Shiba Yiyin refuses to marry him alive or dead. Both of them have strong tempers and refuse to give in.

Otaisho no longer expects to overwhelm one party and force it to make concessions. She only hopes to have an opportunity to loosen the deadlock.

As long as one party's attitude softens a little, he can put aside his old face and make peace for the two of them, and each side can take a half step back.

We can't really watch the shogunate collapse. Let's finish the game together, right?

And this opportunity was what he ordered Yagyu Muneyan to do, to set a trap for Takada Yukino.

Da Yutai said coldly.

"You just have to obey orders, and I will have my own ideas in the future."

Yagyu Sect crouched down and did not dare to accept the order, so he begged.

"My lord, have mercy. Swordsmen are all vulgar people. What should I do if the blood spills on the palace and loses its dignity?"

Besides, no matter how favored Takada Yukino is, it is nothing compared to the great cause of the Ashirisbo family. How can Lord Kenshin be willing to compromise and bow his head for her?"

Da Ootaisu couldn't help but get angry and cursed.

"You idiot, you are usually very smart, why are you so stupid today?

You are afraid of something happening, aren't I afraid? I don't care about the Ashikaga family any more than you do?

Damn it!"

Yagyu Zongyan kowtowed repeatedly, not daring to raise his head.

Da Ootaishu cursed a few words to vent his emotions, then sighed and said.

"You don't understand men, and the same goes for that silly boy Yihui.

You women know how to fight and fight for power, so how can you understand the thoughts of boys' families?

Yoshiki thinks he can scare Shiba Yoshigan by being unruly?

This kid is so stupid that he can make a man feel bad by hurting himself?

She is just a fool, thinking that men will be moved, understand, and feel the same way.

What does she know!

Men are emotional and only care about the people they care about. Those who don't care can go to hell.

Shiba Yiyin seems to be perverse and strong, more like a woman, but at heart he is still a man.

The information you showed me should be seen clearly by oneself. Takada Yukino has been clinging to him, is he ever tired of it? He even sent him to the Imperial Palace in person to join him.

In the eyes of you Ji warriors, this is unbecoming. In the eyes of a man like me, it is excusable.

Shiba Yoshigage has been in decline since Owari, with only the Takada sisters by his side.

Especially this Takada Yukino, who has a pure mind, dares to love and hate, and has long been his concern.

He lost all the aspects of himself as a man, leaving only his strong appearance to fight and struggle.

But he still left a trace of warmth for Takada Yukino, and then he tolerated her clinging to his side regardless of his superiority or inferiority.

Is this the relationship between king and minister?

This is a child I raised. I can’t be tough and I like to be clingy!"

Yagyu Zongyan listened with rapt attention and vaguely felt that it made sense.

Both she and the general are women, and they mostly look at affairs based on interests and rationality.

Even if the general was furious at this time, he made a rational choice to neglect his government, intending to show it to Shiba Yiyin by hurting himself.

How much I care about him.

This is a woman's way of imagining a man's reaction using her own thinking. It is too naive, and she is like a chick who has never been in love.

Although the method of the Grand Imperial Office is a bit clumsy, it is actually effective.

Who cares about Si Bo Yiyin, I will dig a hole and bury the people he cares about.

Are you in a hurry? Can you save me?

After thinking about this, Yagyu Soyan was still in disbelief and asked.

"Will Qianxin Gong really compromise for a retainer?

No matter how much you love your courtiers, they are just courtiers after all. It’s incredible.”

Da Ootaisuo sneered.


How could it be more incredible than the Ashikaga Shogun and the Shiba family governor fighting against each other for the sake of marriage, and almost bringing down the shogunate?

It really pisses me off!

Don't think too much about it. Shiba Yiyin is an extraordinary man from the Wu family. How could he compromise for a retainer?

Then whoever wants to take advantage of him in the future can just grab Takada Yukino. What's the use of swords and guns?

I did this just to leverage his tough attitude and give him room for negotiation.

Marry or not, you should save some face for the general.

Otherwise, how would the Ashikaga family be able to control the situation? Do the Shiba family really want to see the Ashikaga family fall?"

Yagyu Soyan understood.

Oitai set up a trap to trap Takada Yukino, just to disrupt Yoshigina Shiba's heart and create a crack in his tough attitude.

To facilitate the actions of Odai, set up a line between Ashikaga Yoshiteru and Shiba Yoshigan and persuade them to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

So, this can be done.

As long as the Zulisbo family doesn't break up, her little tricks won't kill the whole family.

At most, he will take the blame later and be even more hated by Mr. Qianxin.

Yagyu Soyan sighed, it was too difficult for her to do this.

This chapter has been completed!
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