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Chapter three hundred and sixty nine peers

 The cultural quality of the Wu family is generally not high.

After Ashikaga Yoshimitsu massacred the Emperor's court, most of the foundations of Japanese culture were lost.

Gongqing was cut off from the cultural context controlled by Shintoism, leaving only the Buddhist lineage with some cultivation.

In the society of the samurai family, where force is the dominant force, the education rate is not low, and literacy and arithmetic are the basis for managing the territory.

But in the eyes of Ji Samurai, learning arts like Sarugaku Waka and others is not as good as practicing martial arts.

When you go into battle, will your opponent just stand and let you chop him because you are good at singing and dancing?

Not doing your job properly!

But it was these two Ji warriors who were not doing their job properly, which made the first two lords lose their face.

Fortunately, we are all the closest people around us, so we don't care, otherwise we would have to wear small shoes when we go back.

The banquet was disturbed for a while by this little incident. At this time, reports came from outside that Nobutsuna Kamiizumi was visiting.

Yiyin was stunned.

Since Kamizumi Nobutsuna resigned as a swordsman, he has long ignored the affairs of the shogunate and has rarely interacted with the samurai family.

The new Yin-ryu was created because she and Yagyu Munegen were swordsmen for two generations, serving Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and it was also a tree with deep roots.

The more this happened, the more she avoided suspicion, fearing that she would fall into a dispute with the Wu family and lose her current good situation.

Why would such a cautious old woman come to find me?

It was Uesugi Teruhora who said something.

"It is said that the Sword Master Kamiizumi is from Ueno in Kanto. I have admired him for a long time and I don't want to meet him here."

Yiyin's heart moved, he had some ideas, and said with a smile.

"Then please come in and meet Master Shangshan."

Soon after, Kamizumi Nobutsuna arrived at the banquet. His steps were steady and rhythmic, and when he saw him, he fell to the ground and kowtowed.

Although the old swordsman is old, his swordsmanship has not declined. If we don't mention his old age and frailty, his swordsmanship should be the best in the world.

"Kamiizumi Nobutsuna has met your two highnesses."

The Wanshi family of the Wu family has a great name, and can be called His Highness. Both the Shiba Shangshan family are powerful men with hundreds of thousands of stones.

Although the old sword master has superb swordsmanship, in the eyes of the martial arts masters, the status of swordsmen is far inferior to that of the orthodox martial arts masters.

Yiyin smiled and said.

"Sword Master Shangquan is here well."

Kamizumi Nobutsuna sighed.

"When I first saw Duke Qianxin, I knew he was extraordinary. But I never thought you would be so brave and amazing."

The sword master can indeed speak, and he is worthy of serving the general. Yiyin smiled and nodded at her.

Uesugi Teruhu asked with great interest.

"I heard that Kamiizumi Sword Master has created his own swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is superb. He is a first-class master. Are you interested in coming to my house in Echigo to teach his skills?"

Kamizumi Nobutsuna shook his head and apologized.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty Shangshang, I'm already old and I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with my art.

If Your Highness does not give up, I would like to recommend a few disciples to go to Echigo and open a swordsmanship dojo."

Shangshan Huihu clapped his hands and said.

"Goodness, that's it."

She is keen on martial arts, whether it is battle formation or swordsmanship.

Kamiizumi Nobutsuna said a few words of humility, then bowed to Yoshigan Shiba.

"I heard that Duke Kenshin is going to Echigo as an envoy. Can you please give me a lift?"

"The sword master is going to Echigo?"


As I get older, these days I always think of my childhood and want to return to my roots.

When I travel with His Highness, I take the Echigo road to Ueno and return to my hometown."

Yiyin nodded, understanding the purpose of the sword master's visit.

The world has become increasingly chaotic in recent years, and accidents often occur when going out.

Kamiizumi Nobutsuna was very skilled in swordsmanship, but he was an old man after all, so he still felt scared walking alone in Kanto.

At this time, Yoshihiro was on a mission to Kanto. He had a distinguished status, and it was indispensable for him to accompany him, so he could go with him.

When Yoshigan and Maeda were interested in going to Luo, they mostly stayed in castle towns. They would rather camp in abandoned shrines in the wild than stay in villages along the way.

It's just that the grassroots of the Wu family's society is extremely chaotic, and they are most afraid of encountering fallen warriors.

The Wu family regarded the common people as pigs and dogs, and exploited and humiliated them wantonly. They stole food, humiliated their male relatives, and killed those who disobeyed.

The common people did not dare to resist the local martial arts families. Although each family continued to conquer, when they encountered villagers who wanted to rebel, they all worked together to kill them all without giving them a chance to stand out.

But it would be different if the Wu family was defeated and fled, or if a foreign warrior passed by.

No one would care about the disappearance of these samurai families, and a dark ambush behavior gradually developed, called samurai hunting.

Facing the lonely Ji warriors, these usually submissive villagers will turn into evil spirits and capture them with various tools such as fishing nets, animal traps, and traps.

All belongings on the captured Ji warrior will be taken away, leaving no trace of dignity left, and they will be tortured naked until death.

If the warrior family is defeated and fleeing, they can even use their heads to ask for rewards from the victors to get more benefits.

Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay.

When the Ji warriors bullied the villagers wantonly and played with them as pigs and dogs, did they ever think about the consequences of being eaten by livestock?

Therefore, the samurai family feared that if they were hunted by samurai, they would lose their lives and even their dignity. This is the cruel consequence of over-squeezing the common people.

Kamizumi Nobutsuna was getting older, and he longed for his hometown, so he naturally wanted to go back safely.

If I hadn't met Yi Yin, I might have forced myself to go on the road, just be careful.

But since Duke Kenshin was going to take the Hokuriku Road, he came to shamelessly ask to go with him.

Shiba Yoshigan and Uesugi Teruhora came out of seclusion, and there were no less than sixty elite warriors.

Then the shogunate's tiger skin was used as a deterrent. When passing through various places, the daimyo would also restrain the places to prevent trouble.

Since Uesugi Teruhora can come, he will naturally be prepared on the road and have his foothold prepared. It is the safest way to go out with this group of high-level warriors.

Yoshigan probably understood the purpose of Kamizumi Nobutsuna's visit, nodded and smiled.

"Sword Master Shangquan intends to accompany you. It is a good thing that you cannot ask for, and I will not shirk it.

Can I leave tomorrow morning?"

Kamiizumi Nobutsuna bowed and thanked him.

"Thank you Qian Xin Gong, I will obey His Highness's instructions."

He turned around and said to Uesugi Teruhu again.

"Your Highness Uesugi, I will go back and recruit a few outstanding disciples, and we will hit the road together tomorrow to build a sword hall in Echigo."

Terutora Uesugi laughed and nodded.

"Shan, the old sword master is quick to talk to people. If you like me, that's what I'll do."

Yiyin couldn't help but smile.

Kamiizumi Nobutsuna is always looking for opportunities and opening up ways for the new Yinliu.

Uesugi Teruhora had just expressed interest, so she took advantage of the situation to finalize the sword academy. She deserved that the new Yin-ryu was as prosperous as the rising sun.

Thinking back to the incident involving Yagyu Sogan, did the Master Swordsman know that Yagyu was the shogunate's chief minister, and that was why he entrusted the Shinin-ryu cause?

People become better with age and should not be underestimated. Taking advantage of the opportunity of traveling together to make friends with such heroes will not be a loss for charity.

After talking about business, I invite Nobutsuna Kamizumi to sit down and have a few drinks together.

The old sword master was also a fun person, and his witty remarks made the scene warm again. After that, the ladies drank for a while and then broke up the banquet.

We are leaving tomorrow, so we shouldn't wait too late.

The two masters, Yiyin and Shangshang Huihu, don't have to worry about trivial matters, but their subordinates have to be busy with various things.

That night, Yiyin couldn't sleep.

In the past few years since I came here, I have revived the Sibo family and acquired a territory of two hundred thousand stones. It has also been a dream-like spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Yoshihiro felt hesitant about temporarily leaving the foundation he had built and heading to the unfamiliar Kanto.

But he is no longer the social beast who had nothing and lived an ignoble existence. The chaos in Kanto has brought dangers as well as opportunities.

I had so many thoughts in my heart that it was difficult to calm down, and I fell asleep in a daze for a long time.

When I return to the near future, I don’t know what the new situation will be like. The golden scales are not just things in the pond, but they turn into dragons as soon as they enter Kanto.

This chapter has been completed!
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