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Chapter 399 Differences

 The Chief Divine Protector made a decision on the position of chief, but the two important ministers did not know the governor's thoughts and were still arguing.

The lord of Fire Palace is Kojima, and the lord of Ikeda is Terashima. Both of them are veterans of the lineage.

Since the time when the chief minister of the gods raised his flag to revive the family business, he has followed him around and is known as the double wall of the family.

At this time, Xiaodao Zhizhen was questioning.


Spring plowing is just around the corner, but the family is going to war over an uncertain news, mobilizing various places to block and search. Is this going too far?

Every family is preparing for spring plowing. At this time, forcing military service and mobilizing manpower are all dissatisfied.

Moreover, it would be an extreme move to wipe out the Nagao family merchants in various castle towns.

Echigo green hemp is a sought-after commodity, there are also gold and silver mines, and merchants spend a lot of money. Expelling them will reduce the territory's commercial tax this year by at least 30%."

Kojima Ozhen was talking about Terashima's position, but his eyes were always on the family governor above him. Seeing that the chief minister was unmoved, he felt sad.

Fire Palace Castle is an important town located on the west side of the Jimbo family's territory, close to the Etsuchu Ichikai clan.

The town of Kojima is located in the west, and the chief minister of the gods has great trust in her, and the king and his ministers get along well with each other.

However, the town of Kojima was opposed to the Jinbo Choji crossing the Jintsu River and invading Shinkawa County.

The two counties of Fufu and Sheshui are the traditional sphere of influence of the Jinbao family. Although the Yuezhong Yixiang sect in the West has not launched the Yixiang sect for a long time, it is not without small actions.

The spread of faith and the establishment of temples have never stopped, and they have continuously penetrated into the Jimbo family's territory, arousing the vigilance of the traditional samurai family led by Kojima Ozhen.

The most annoying thing is that the Ichijoshu Temple upholds the privilege of not being allowed to enter, which seriously infringes on the interests of the Jinbo Retainers Group.

Not being admitted is a privilege granted by the Emperor's court to nobles and religions.

Not losing means not paying taxes and contributions, not entering means not abiding by national laws and regulations.

During the imperial period, local manor owners had their names attached to the privileged class one after another in order to seek the right to input less, input less, or even input nothing at all.

Among them, the manor owners of the emperor's bloodline, who were married to the two surnames Yuanping, formed the prototype of the samurai family.

The manor owners who sought protection from shrines and temples became part of the religious forces.

After Ashikaga Yoshimitsu exterminated the imperial court, Shintoism collapsed and disappeared. The Buddhist sect and the samurai family reached a tacit agreement not to interfere with each other, and the privilege of neither input nor input became a mess.

The Wu family was so powerful that they used knives to shout and threaten the temples to pay military and food services.

There are also situations where the clan has always been powerful, expanded its temples, and strictly guarded its privileges.

Faced with the expansion of the non-violent belief of the Echigo Ichiki sect, the Jinbo family really did not dare to take harsh measures to deal with it. The Kaga Ichiki sect in the west of Echigo had a mobilization power of 350,000 koku.

Although the Honganji Temple has always suppressed the Ichikui, what if the samurai made the first move? Can they still suppress the ambitious leaders of the Ichikui clan?

Faced with the subtle encroachment on their faith by the Viet-Chinese Xiangzong, the conservatives of the Shenbo Family headed by Kojima Kozhen were sitting on pins and needles.

They opposed the chief minister's expedition to the east to attack the Shiina family, and hoped that the family governor would turn his attention to the west and pay attention to the threat from the Ichikō sect.

However, Terashima's territory is in Ikeda Castle in Shinkawa County. She represents the new leader who crossed the Kamtsu River and received the gift of knowledge and practice.

The territories of these retainers were all in Shinkawa County, and they gained a lot of benefits from the war of Jinbo Nagaji against the Shiina family.

To them, Shiina refused to kneel down and beg for mercy and give up her territory to die, but she dared to ask for help from the Echigo Nagao family to repel the Jimbo family.

What a bastard! Why don't you just die? Why are you resisting?

The eastward invasion of Shinkawa County was interrupted by Nagao Kagetora (Uesugi Terutora), and the Jimbo family was defeated and retreated to Toyama Castle. These people suffered great losses.

After receiving the message from the Takeda family, Terashima Jobada immediately asked to see the family governor, demanding that the border be sealed and Nagao Kagetora killed.

As long as Nagao Kagetora dies in Echichu, big things will definitely happen in Echigo.

The Nagao family has an unfair advantage in the country and relies entirely on force to suppress domestic opposition forces.

Even if Nagao Kagetora just cannot return to Echigo, the samurai who oppose her in the country will mobilize their troops and launch a riot after the spring plowing.

Echigo had no time to take care of the Echichu Shiina family. Taking this opportunity, the Jimbo family could make a comeback and conquer the Shiina family again.

As long as Shinkawa County is swallowed up, the retainers headed by Terashima Shisei will receive more rewards, territory, and population.

When Terashima Job was questioned by Kojima Town, he smiled coldly and replied.

"It is an indisputable fact that Nagao Kagetora is no longer in Echigo.

She went to Kyoto to see the general in order to obtain the post of Kanto Governor and completely resolve the hidden dangers in Echigo's country.

We must prevent her from returning!

Just imagine last year, when Echigo was experiencing instability in the country, she was able to push my family back. Only with the strength of Toyama Castle could we withstand the attack and get some respite.

Once Echigo is stabilized and we head westward into Echichu, will my family still have a way to survive?

The land of the two counties of the Jimbo family is probably going to belong to the Nagao family!

Your Highness! The family fortune is about to be overthrown, so don’t hesitate!"

Xiaodao Zhizhen was in a hurry and said.

"Even without the threat of Echigo, the Shiina family in Shinkawa County has been a famous family for many years. How can they be defeated casually?

The two families are entangled in the east, and the west is always aggressive. How can we restrain them?"

Terashima Jobsada smiled.

"Lord Kojima, what you said is wrong.

The Shiina family asked for help from the Nagao family, but as a result, all the territory they regained was taken by Nagao Kagetora as a reward, resulting in heavy losses.

Besides, the Ixiang sect temples are rampant in the territory of the Shiina family. If my family attacks Shiina Kangyin, it is also attacking the Ixiang sect, killing two birds with one stone!"

"Strong words!"

Kojima Kozhen can't beat her, but is the Ichigo clan on the east and west sides the same thing?

The east side is the Shiina family's trouble, the west side is encroaching on the Jimbo family's traditional territory, and the small island town is also suffering losses.

Still wanting to speak, the chief divine protector opened his mouth and spoke.

"That's enough! Stop talking! I've made up my mind!

The mobilization of various companies was terminated and they focused on spring plowing affairs.

I personally led the troops to garrison Ueno Castle and monitor the Maseguchi. I have guarded the Omori River, and I don’t believe Nagao Kagetora can fly there!"

The Omori River is located to the east of the Jintsu River and belongs to Shinkawa County. Although the Jimbo family was repelled, they still control the land of Shinkawa County to the west of Shiroiwa River.

The Maseguchi of the Omori River is a river crossing that Nagao Kagetora cannot avoid, and Ueno Castle is located in the south, forming a corner, making it easy to monitor the flow of people.

The chief minister of the gods compromised the town of Kojima and stopped the search in Fufu County.

With his own standing army, he concentrated on blocking Nagao Kagetora's inevitable return path in the new territory of Sinchuan County.

Although she made concessions out of respect for the will of the conservatives, Kojima Town was not happy.

She glanced at Terajima Shisei who couldn't help but smile beside her, and sighed secretly.

The governor's concession was just to appease the retainers, but her thoughts and strategic intentions remained unchanged.

The chief minister of the gods wants to swallow up Xinchuan County, kill Shiina Yasuyin, and then accumulate power to deal with the Yixiang clan and realize her ambition to unify Yuezhong.

But the whole process was too long. The conservatives led by Xiaodao Zhenzhen could only silently endure the erosion of the Yuezhong Yixiang clan in Fufu County. No wonder she was disheartened.

Kojima Sashimi glanced at the proud Terajima Sashimi, and concluded in his mind that she must be colluding with the Takeda family and the Ichikai clan.

Ignoring Yi Xiangzong's actions and encroaching on the traditional territory is a betrayal!

The town of Kojima hopes to be friendly with the Nagao family, but it is the family that is always worried about them.

She lowered her head and said nothing, a strange thought already arose in her heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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