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Chapter 431 Transformation

 Shima Shengmeng led 170 cavalrymen and two horses. They set out from the border of Echizen Kaga and galloped 200 miles in two days to arrive at Fuhui County in central Vietnam.

Fortunately, Oyama Gobo's order to allow transit had been issued before she arrived, saving a lot of time and effort.

Such a high-intensity running made everyone in the group complain incessantly, but Daosheng took the lead and made it difficult for anyone to make a mistake.

And because of the Echizen-Kaga border, she painted an oversized pancake and gave the warriors a lot of blood, and finally managed to hold on.

Among the high-ranking warriors under Yiyin, Yamazaka Yukimori and Dao Shengmeng value morality the most.

Yamanaka Yukimori is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and has a charming appearance. She is the only beautiful girl warrior girl Yoshigami has ever seen in his life.

Nizi Shengjiu and her are like sisters, Yiyin has a special regard for her (face?), and has not suffered any hardship since her debut.

Her moral principles have not been crushed by the cruel reality, and she still carries a sense of innocence and ideals.

However, Dao Shengmeng has experienced ups and downs.

She was born in Peking University and a family of traditional martial arts leaders. She was brave and tall, and was feared by the Tsutsui family.

For the sake of family continuation, he chose to become an official, Tsutsui Shunkei, hoping to exchange his service to the public for his master's tolerance.

Unexpectedly, Tsutsui Junkei and the Yagyu family had already joined forces, tossing the Shima family to the point of collapse, and were almost wiped out in the Battle of Yamato.

Dao Shengmeng has a perseverant character. Even though she encountered so many setbacks, she never wavered in her principles of life and work.

Uphold the principles and remain true to your original intention.

She admires her master but is reserved, has the courage to do things and treats him fairly, and is a thoroughly honest person.

But it is this kind of honest person who is the most terrifying.

No matter what happens, she will stick to her beliefs unwaveringly, carry out her principles and not be influenced by others.

If you make such a person really angry, the only result will be death.

Now that the master was in danger, she was ordered to go to the rescue. In less than six days, she led the troops to Fufu County, which can be described as loyal, courageous and resolute.

Entering Fufu County, it was still unclear whether they were friends or foes. A group of warriors on horseback shouted across the river in front of them.

"Who is here! Why are you invading the territory of our Echu Jinbo family!"

On the other side was Xiaodao Zhizhen. When she heard that a large group of cavalry had rushed into Fufu County, she was horrified.

At that time, I couldn't gather many people, so I had to bite the bullet and bring my own banner to shout the message. I didn't dare to get too close, and only sent the message from a distance on the other side.

Dao Shengmeng is also looking for someone to understand the situation. No matter whether it is friend or foe, there must be an explanation so that he can find his master.

"I am a subordinate of Kenshin Shiba, the envoy of the shogunate, and the island is powerful.

The general ordered me to lead a team to protect the safety of the mission, please report the mission’s whereabouts as soon as possible!”

Ashikaga Shogun is the pillar of the samurai family, and all samurai families in the world are their vassals. Shima Shengteng borrows the tiger skin, so there is no need to be polite.

Kojima's commander looked shocked, it turned out to be reinforcements from the Shiba family.

In just a few days, there were so many knights on horseback rushing thousands of miles to help, and fear suddenly arose in my heart.

she shouted.

"I am the retainer of the gods, Kojima.

The mission has passed through the Shenbo Territory, so please do not disturb us along the way. I am willing to guide you and clear the way for you to cross the border safely."

Dao Sheng fiercely cursed across the bank.

"How dare you bully me!"

As a subordinate of the Jinbo family, he actually planned to harm the mission.

The family governor sent someone to report the news quickly, and the shogunate was shocked. The general was furious and sent me to respond.

Tell me the whereabouts of my master immediately, if you dare to talk nonsense again, your life will be at risk!"

Kojima knew this was true, but she couldn't admit it.

The shogunate declined and could no longer control Etsuchu. However, the Etsuchu Jinbo family still maintained its relationship with the chief ministers of the local samurai family based on the hierarchy of hierarchy within the guardianship system.

This contract is related to the stability of the family business and cannot be broken.

The Jimbo family also relied on the high mountain and the emperor's distance to dare to stop the mission and ambush Uesugi Teruhora.

Xiaodao Zhizhen argued.

"There must be a misunderstanding. The mission has already passed through the border. My family has done nothing rude. Sir Shima can go to the Shiina family's territory to ask."

Dao Sheng sneered fiercely, "China is not a small country. If you are deceived by a few words from Xiao Dao Zhizhen and run around like a headless fly, you will be a fool."

she snapped.

"How dare you talk nonsense! The general has given me the sword and ordered me to deliver it to my lord.

Anyone who dares to be disobedient along the way will be regarded as a traitor and removed from their service, and all concubines will punish them!

Xiaodao Town, let me ask you one last time! Where is my master?"

Kojima Job Town couldn't believe what Dao Shengmeng said.

She is not an unreasonable wild samurai. As an important minister of the Jinbo family tree, she naturally knows what it means to wield a sword.

This treasure is not something that can be given to subordinates casually. If the Ashikaga White Flag can fool people, this Shima Katsurugi really can't lie.

Suddenly his face turned pale and sweat broke out on his forehead.

She remembered something. The envoy Shiba family governor Yiyin was a young man.

Immediately, the hair on his head stood up coldly, and his lips trembled.

It is true that the imperial sword is a royal weapon of the general that is not known to outsiders, but the royal sword is an insider!


She couldn't help asking anxiously.

"His Royal Highness Shiba is the current Imperial Palace?"

Although Dao Shengmeng was unwilling to admit the matter, since it was related to the safety of his lord, he naturally had to keep his identity high so that the other party would not take any chances.

she shouted back.

"The Shiba family has accepted Ashikaga Shogun's gift of acceptance!"

The town of Kojima was panic-stricken and accepted the gift, which was an engagement. No wonder the general gave a sword to Shiba Yiyin for protection.

Damn it, this is a big deal! The Jinbo family actually attacked the imperial office, which is a crime of great treason.

She looked uncertain and wanted to continue to evade sophistry, but did not dare to accept this hot pot.

Dao Sheng suddenly saw that she was silent and knew that she was conflicted in her heart, so he gave her a final blow.

"The Jimbo family is really stupid.

The Hokurikudo Ichiko clan is preparing to announce that you will become enemies of the shogunate and commit rebellion.

Do you think you didn’t die quickly enough?”

All parties in Vietnam and China still don't know that the leader of the Yiyi clan has changed his position, and Honganji Temple is apparently going to start a new round of expansion. They are just uneasy about the feudal clan.

When the town of Xiaodao heard about this, they were shocked and said.

"Master Dao, don't try to trick me!"

"I am not a treacherous person like you, so why should I trick you!

The Ishiyama Honganji Temple witnessed the enthronement of the great master, and the great master succeeded to the throne. He sent his subordinate Yorijun to the Kagaoyama Gobo as the master, and took charge of the development of the Hokurikudo Ichikai sect.

If you don’t believe it, you can check it yourself!”

Shima Katsuo was not a follower of the Ichijo sect, so he could not keep the Honganji Temple secret and turned the Ichijo sect's affairs upside down.

After hearing the exact news brought by Dao Shengmeng, Xiaodao Town finally collapsed.

She originally opposed the expansion of the Jinbo Nagasaki to the east and had a grudge against the Echigo Nagao family. She hoped that the Lord would do his best to deal with the potential threat of the Echichu Ichikai clan to the west.

Now that she was no longer a potential threat, but with a sword and gun on her forehead, how could she have the thought to cover up for the Lord and offend the shogunate?

Yikui has always been the biggest enemy of the Wu family in Fuhui County. This is an irreconcilable conflict of interest, and other minor conflicts must give way to it.

Her mind changed, she gritted her teeth and forded the river, crossing the river and moving closer to Daosheng.

Previously, she was afraid of a cavalry raid, so she shouted on the other side. Now, to show her sincerity, she chose to cross the river before speaking.

Daosheng treated her fiercely for a moment.

Xiao Dao Zhizhen rode up to her, bowed and said.

"There was indeed some conflict between the lord and the envoy before, but it was instigated by Terajima, the leader of Ikeda Castle.

Odaisho was extremely brave and had successfully crossed the border and reached the territory of the Shiina family.

Everything I said is true, and I ask Mr. Dao to make it clear."

The attack on the mission cannot be concealed. Odaisu is the husband of a general and is considered a direct descendant of the Genji family in Kawachi. It is a serious crime to ambush him.

For the current plan, we can only blame the whole thing on Terashima Zhising. The master is not at fault, and I, Kojima Zizhen, are not at fault either. It is all the villain Terashima who instigated it!

She crossed the river to talk, and Dao Shengmeng believed that she intended to soften her words.

As for what happened to the person named Terashima Jobsada, Shima Shengteng didn't care. What she wanted was the safety of her lord. All other explanations and methods were just means.

She would take care of all the bad things in the Jinbo family. She only cared about her master's whereabouts.

"My lord is indeed out of danger?"

Xiaodao Zhizhen is just about to swear to the sky.

"I dare to guarantee it with my life! The Jinbo family has no ill intentions towards Godaisho. He has left the Jinbao family's territory safely."

Shima Katsuo felt relieved. The Shiina family is said to be an ally of Uesugi Terutora. When they get there, everything should be fine, right?

Kojima Job Town suggested.

"Lord Dao, as you travel all the way, you will inevitably be short of food and grass, making it difficult to continue.

Why don't you follow me to Fushan City to meet my master and replenish military supplies before we can go on the road again and catch up with the mission?"

Dao Sheng turned around and looked at the tired-looking Tongxinzhong.

After two days of hurried march, the iron warriors could no longer bear the food. If they could not relax for a while, the cavalry would not be able to fight when they encountered the enemy.

She brought five days' worth of food and grass from Asakura Sodi. Since the forced march had consumed more than half of it, she needed to replenish it.

So, she nodded.

"Okay, I'll go with you to Toyama Castle."

Kojima Koshin was overjoyed and gritted his teeth secretly. This time, Terashima Koshin must look good!

The attack on the Imperial Palace was no small matter, and someone had to be found to take the blame. She wanted to take the opportunity to defeat the new leader headed by Terajima Kosada.

The Yixiang Sect in Yuezhong will soon begin to expand, and Fufu County's life will become increasingly difficult in the future, so the Lord's attention must be drawn back to his true nature.

Kojima vowed that she would never compromise this time.

If the official position of the Divine Protector cannot protect the safety of the territory of the Divine Protector retainers, then he is no longer worthy of being their lord!

This chapter has been completed!
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