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Chapter 446 In-depth

Kinoshita Hideyoshi gritted his teeth and said.

"Build a city here for the Oda family."

Hachisuka Xiaoliu glanced at her and then looked around.

I realized that I was not mistaken, this was indeed the territory of Mino, the territory of Isshiki Yoshiryu.

She stretched her waist lazily, pointed at Kinoshita Hideyoshi, who was confused, and said to the left and right wild samurai.

"Tie her to a stone and throw her into the river to feed the fish. How dare you entertain me? You should die."

Several wild warriors shouted loudly and stepped forward to hold Kinoshita Hideyoshi down and tie him up.

Kinoshita Hideyoshi was a servant, so he was no match for these sturdy wild samurai. He shouted in horror.

"Everything I tell is the truth! Hachisuka Xiaoliu! I am here to talk to you sincerely! You have to believe me!"

Haizuka Xiaoliu was drinking water by himself, waving his hands to indicate to his men that they had tied up the people and stones and got out of here quickly.

Kinoshita Hideyoshi shouted repeatedly, but no one paid attention to her.

A group of wild samurai watched happily as she cried until her face was covered with tears and snot, and she kept yelling. It was very interesting.

At the moment when he was finally being carried away, Kinoshita Hideyoshi shouted at Hachisuka Koroku.

"Haizuka Masakatsu! You were sent by your family to seek a living on this river! Are you willing to be exposed to wind, rain, and hunger?

You don’t want to achieve great things in a glorious way and open the eyes of those tribesmen who are throwing you around like a pawn!

I'm not willing to give in! I don't want to die! I, Kinoshita Hideyoshi, haven't become famous yet!

I don’t want to be a little servile man who spends every penny forever! I want to stand out! I want all the people who look down on me to kneel at my feet!

I can’t die yet! I can’t die!”

Haizuka Xiaoliu's face was as heavy as water and he shouted.

"Wait a minute, put her down first."

She walked up to Kinoshita Hideyoshi, who had his hands and feet tied, and his face was covered in tears and couldn't open his eyes, and sneered.

"You understand, this is already the boundary of Mino, the territory of the Isshiki family. You want to build a city for the Oda family here, don't you have a bad mind!"

Kinoshita Hideyoshi escaped from death, took a few deep breaths, and asked.

"If it weren't for such a great achievement, how could there be such a generous reward for you and me to stand out!"

Haizuka Xiaoliu was stunned, it made sense.

"Who asked you to come to me?"

"Master Toshiie Maeda of Shiba!"

Haizuka Xiaoliu squinted his eyes. The Maeda family of Aroko Castle was a wealthy family in Kaidong County.

Maeda Toshiie is very famous in the Owari samurai family, and is now acting official of the Shiba family, holding a high position of authority.

The Hachisuka family is also a samurai family in Kaitong County, and the two parties do have some contacts. If this girl was recommended by Maeda Toshiie, this matter must be done.

Her real name is Masakatsu Hizuka, and the nickname Xiaoliu was used by the wild samurai group.

Although she is the legitimate daughter of the Hachisuka family, she was left on the Kiso River to become the leader of a dangerous wild samurai. Only she knows the ups and downs in her heart.

Now, Maeda Toshiie has recommended him to help the Oda family build a city. Once successful, the reward will be enough to return to Hazusuka Township to show off his power.

Her eyes flickered and she asked.

"how do you want to do it?"

"You are responsible for confusing the vision of the Meinong defenders, and I will dig ditches, build horse fences, and build earthen forts.

You can ignore the zashiki and longhouses in the city and only focus on external defense.

In addition, you have to transport wood and stone along the Kiso River. The supplies will be provided by Niwa Nagahide, and the Oda family will send farmers and soldiers to help build the city.

The most important thing is that you must ensure that no one can hinder the construction of the city within ten days to ensure that I complete the task!"

Haizuka Xiaoliu was furious.

"Put it! How is that possible!

A group of people were busy building the city. Even the fools in Meinong knew how to destroy and drive them away. How could they remain indifferent?

Ten days? You’ll be exposed in less than five days.”

Kinoshita Hideyoshi retorted.

"There are many trees on the hills here. You can build a city in the woods, and then cut down the surrounding obstructing trees after completion.

Even if it is discovered in the end, it will take time for the opponent to mobilize their troops. You wild samurai are best at harassing people in the mountains, and you can successfully block them for a few days."

Haizuka Xiaoliu was so angry that he laughed instead.

"How many days? How many of my sisters will die in just half a day? Do you think fighting is just a game of house? You're going to die, little kid!"

Kinoshita Hideyoshi replied coldly.

"In this troubled world, people are bound to die. How hard have you endured this winter? How many people have died?

Even if the Hachisuka family cares about your life and death, will they care about the life and death of your sisters?

Rather than starve to death and freeze to death, aren't you willing to fight for these sisters and your future?

You are still not a woman, you are not a man who takes charge of others, and you can live by crying."

Haesuka Xiaoliu was so angry that he raised his hand and wanted to slap her, but when he saw her stubbornly raising her head, her eyes were filled with scorching wildfire, and he couldn't slap her for a moment.

After a long while, he slowly put his hand on her shoulder and said.

"Explain the plan carefully, and I will work with you to fix the loopholes and make a big bet!"



In Owari Province, outside the Inuyama Castle residence, Shibata Katsuie smiled as brightly as a flower.

Many years of military service have left no traces of years of hard work on her. On the contrary, she has a strong figure and a heroic temperament, which is exactly what Yu Jie was in her moving years.

She pulled Maeda Toshiie who had just arrived, chuckled and rolled up her two dimples, and said.

"Li Jiaji, I've been waiting for you to come.

His Highness said that you wanted to represent the Shiba family and form an army with me to fight. I couldn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true.

How can you and I, sisters, be separated from each other, and what kind of coalition can we form?

If you hadn't argued hard for it, I would have been beheaded by His Highness in public after the war, and I wouldn't be where I am today."

Maeda Toshiie smiled slightly and said humbly.

"Shibata-sama is joking.

It was His Highness Oda who valued your talent in the first place. This is your own ability. It doesn't matter whether I say a few words or not.

This visit is also an opportunity given by His Highness Oda, so that I can make some contributions with you and receive rewards.

Any alliance forces are just a joke. The Shiba family in Owari is no more than Manseki territory, and the military strength is only one-stop, so there is no room for me to interrupt randomly.

This battle will be fought with your leadership and your military orders are like a mountain, and none of my subordinates dare to slack off."

Shibata Katsuie smiled even more when she heard this, and enthusiastically pulled her towards the meeting hall inside.

No wonder everyone likes to make friends with Maeda Toshiie. Judging from his speaking skills, he makes people feel happy.

Is Shibata Katsuie really grateful for her life-saving grace? That's an excuse.

Both of them knew in their hearts what kind of temper Oda Nobunaga was. Those who deserved to die could not be saved, and those who deserved to live could not die.

Shibata Katsuie was just doubtful that Oda Nobunaga sent Maeda Toshiie to form an alliance with the Oda Shiba family, and he couldn't figure out the master's thoughts, so he tried to test him.

In addition to complimenting her, Maeda Toshiie also pointed out that he only wanted to achieve meritorious service and had no intention of competing with her for dominance, thus dispelling her concerns.

You should know that although the Oda family sent more troops and the Shiba family had fewer troops, politically, the status of the two sides was opposite.

The Oda family was born as a retainer of Shiba. Although the Shiba clan was destroyed and the current Shiba family is just a branch family, there is no doubt that Yoshigan Shiba, the family governor, is the direct son of the clan.

Politically, Oda Nobunaga ruled the Owari Kingdom as the guardian of Owari, but he lacked confidence when facing the guardian's legitimate son, Shiba Yoshigan.

This principle is also the same in the formation of coalition forces, so Maeda Toshiie's initiative to give in won the favor of Shibata Katsuie.

Oda Nobunaga assigned her to conquer Higashi Mino in order to keep her away from afar and try not to let the Owari Shiba leader come into contact with the nearby Shiba leader.

This is the way to be a king, to take precautions before they happen.

Maeda Toshiie was disapproving of Oda Nobunaga's little thoughts, and even found them funny.

While Oda Nobunaga was wary of the Owari Shiba leader, a strange existence that he had to recognize out of political necessity, Maeda Toshiie was also silently paying attention to the changes within the Oda family.

She was born into the Owari wealthy family. She has a good temperament and has good relations with all the Owari families. She is also a close confidant of Oda Nobunaga. She is from the wild child group and has a lot of love.

Although she was already a Shiba retainer at this time, each family still had a relatively close attitude towards her, allowing her to have a deep understanding of the inside story of the Oda family.

Before she left, Oda Nobunaga had already begun to expand his mother's clothing group, which was divided into red mother's clothing group and black mother's clothing group.

This elite group is led by Nobunaga's most trusted milk sister, Ikeda Tsuneaki.

The reserve team directly led by Nobunaga was handed over to Mori Katsunari and Kajiri Hidetaka, who fought for her in the Battle of Inao.

Niwa Nagahide was responsible for directing general affairs for him.

These people are all close confidants of Oda Nobunaga. As her position gradually stabilizes, the Owari families headed by Shibata Katsuie no longer pose a threat to her.

Especially Shibata Katsuie himself, although he still leads the family's old reserve team.

However, as the Oda family expanded to the entire Owari Kingdom, their status and knowledge seemed to increase, but the proportion of their military strength actually declined.

This made her wary, and she actively catered to her master's Mino strategy and moved closer to Oda Nobunaga, intending to ensure her own importance and avoid the fate of Yuzou.

She followed Oda Nobuyuki in the rebellion and almost killed Oda Nobunaga. This lord has a perverse personality, who knows whether she will settle the score later.

On the contrary, Niwa Nagahide, a close confidant of Oda Nobunaga, was very critical of the Mino strategy. He felt that the new territory had not gained a stable footing and it was not safe to expand again.

Maeda Toshiie was well aware of the thoughts of all parties in the Oda family, and Oda Nobunaga's arrangement for her to come to Higashi-Mino was exactly what he wanted.

When Shibata Katsuie brought her into the meeting hall with a smile, Maeda Toshiie couldn't help but smile when he saw that all the samurai sitting there were familiar faces.

This is where she thrives. To win over the Owari families and conquer Higashi Mino, she must penetrate deeper and deeper into the Oda family.

One day, Mr. Yiyin will need me, and that will be my chance to show my value and be sold at a high price.

This chapter has been completed!
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