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Chapter 487 Countermeasures

Yiyin looked at the military situation carefully and asked.

"What is the origin of Yukitaka Sanada? How could she easily betray several generals of Toshi Castle and make them surrender?"

This time Takeda Harunobu succeeded in his northern invasion. The most important thing was that Toshin invaded the gateway of Hokushin and Toishi Castle surrendered without a fight.

The Hime samurai who rebelled against the city's defenders for the Takeda family was Yukitaka Sanada, which is really unbelievable.

After the Takeda family occupied Toshin, the Murakami family and Takanashi family of Hokushin stopped their internal fighting and became united in dealing with the outside world.

The governor of the Murakami family, Yoshikiyo, fortified Toishi Castle, a branch of Kuzuo Castle, and turned it into a strong fortress to withstand the Takeda clan troops from Toshin.

Later, Takeda Harunobu pretended to stabilize the internal affairs and seemed to put down the pace of conquering Hokushin.

Due to the retreat of foreign enemies, Murakami Yoshikiyo and the Takanashi family started fighting among themselves again and fought again.

When Toishi Castle was rebelled, Murakami Yoshikiyo was attacking the Takanashi family and was surprised by the Takeda family's surprise attack.

It was too late for the two families to join forces again. The Takanashi family was destroyed, Murakami Yoshikiyo fled to Zenkoji, and almost all of Hokushin fell.

In just a few dozen days, the situation collapsed to this point. Yiyin could not believe that the Beixin family was so stupid that they dared to provoke internal fighting with foreign enemies on their side.

Terutora Uesugi was in a very bad mood and patiently explained to him.

"The Sanada family is a branch of the Umino family.

The Umino family, the Nezatsu family, and the Mochizuki family are collectively known as the Shino clan. Their bloodline has been traced for hundreds of years. They have deep roots in the Toshin and Nishi Ueno areas.

Yukitaka Sanada is the governor of the Sanada family of this generation. He is extremely talented and has a good reputation within the three clans.

Back then, Takeda Harunobu's mother, Takeda Nobutora, and Murakami Yoshikiyo joined forces to attack Toshin, and defeated and expelled the Umino family. The Sanada family followed her family to Nishi Ueno, and defected to Nagano Yamasa, the lord of Minawa Castle.

After Takeda Harunobu succeeded the Takeda family governor, he adopted a gentle policy towards the Shino clan. Sanada Yukitaka was nostalgic for his homeland, returned to Toshin and joined Takeda Harunobu.

Even if she took her clan members to run away, Nagano Yamasa left the country as gifts, which shows the power of the Shino clan in Nishi Ueno."

Yoshigan squinted his eyes and listened carefully, Uesugi Teruhora sighed and said.

"Several of the defenders of Toishi Castle were all members of the Shino clan. Somehow they were persuaded by Yukitaka Sanada to open the castle and surrender to the Takeda family.

Takeda Harunobu took advantage of the situation and attacked quickly, which caught Murakami Yoshikiyo off guard, and the situation in Beishin quickly collapsed."

Yiyin frowned.

"The Sanada family's prestige among the Shino clan is so high?"

Teru Uesugi was also confused.

"It's not like that. I can't figure out how she did it, but the matter is already in front of us. It's useless to mention it again."

Yoshigan nodded, Toishi Castle was lost, Hokushin was also captured, it didn't matter how Sanada Yukitaka operated.

he asked.

"Where's Nishi Ueno? Toshin made such a big move, but Nagano Yamasa didn't react at all?"

Teru Uesugi shook his head and said.

"She has too much time to take care of herself.

The Hojo family suddenly sent troops to Nishi Ueno, and Minawa Castle had no time to think about the direction of Toshin, and was busy preparing to respond to the enemy."

Yiyin feels wrong.

"Nishi Ueno is mostly mountainous. Why did the Hojo family march into Nishi Ueno when they had nothing to do? To chew rocks?

If we want to fight, we have to fight the fertile land of the Kanto Plain. Which round will we get the marginal Nishi Ueno?"

Teru Uesugi sneered.

"It must be Takeda Harunobu's plan.

This concubine is cunning and will cut off my return and create chaos in our country. Naturally, she will also have a way to mobilize the Hojo family to contain Nagano Yamasa in Nishi Ueno.

She took the opportunity to capture Hokushin in one go, completely annexing Shinano Country, which is really a powerful method."

Yiyin nodded, now he was in trouble.

The Hokushin Nagano Basin is a plain where the Chikuma River and the Saikawa River meet. Because the terrain is divided by the two rivers, it looks like an island in the middle of the river, hence the name Kawanakajima.

Beixin is also known as the four counties of Kawanaka Island, and the Kawanaka Island area is the essence of Beixin.

If the Takeda family successfully controls Kawanaka Island, they will have enough plains to produce military supplies and use it as a base to cross the Myoko Plateau and attack Echigo.

Kasugayama Castle, the residence of Terutora Uesugi, is only a hundred miles away from Kawanaka Island. The army can move quickly and can reach the castle in two or three days.

This was a sharp knife thrust into Echigo's vitals. Uesugi Teruhu would never allow Takeda Harunobu to succeed.

Yoshigan was still thinking, but Uesugi Teruhora had already said decisively.

"Murakami Yoshikiyo sent people to ask for help. I intend to send troops to Kawanaka Island to help her regain the Hokushin territory and expel the Takeda family forces."

Yiyin objected.


China and Vietnam have just been peaceful, but the relevant policies have not yet brought blessings to the place, and the people have not yet surrendered.

If we mobilize the local martial arts at this time, they will be suspicious and think that we have broken our promise.

At least it will have to wait until after the autumn harvest, green hemp cultivation is spread, public taxes are returned to the local area, and the first batch of Sakai Port cargo arrives in Echigo.

Only when the warriors see the benefits will they sincerely support us. Only later will we be able to stabilize our situation, and only then can we go abroad to fight."

Teru Uesugi refused.

"It's impossible. If Takeda Harunobu is given half a year, she will quickly swallow up the four counties of Kawanaka Island. It will be very difficult for us to attack again.

Moreover, Murakami Yoshikiyo is still waiting for news from me at Zenkoji Temple on the edge of Kawanaka Island. What if it chills her heart and simply surrenders to Takeda Harunobu?

The country of Shinano is complicated, and without the support and guidance of the Murakami family, it will be difficult for us to break in. We must win over Yoshikiyo Murakami."

Yiyin was silent.

From a strategic point of view, Takeda Harunobu is pressing forward step by step. If Echigo adopts passive defense, the situation will only get worse.

Although Terutora Uesugi lost the opportunity, her sense of smell was extremely keen and she would never fall into passivity and would send troops to gain the military initiative.

Yiyin asked.

"how do you want to do it?"

Terutora Uesugi said.

"I leave Jiang Jinggang's mother-in-law and you, Daxiong Chaoxiu, to preside over the government affairs of Central and Lower Vietnam, sort out the profit-sharing strategy as soon as possible, and distribute benefits to win people's hearts.

You sit in the city of Changwei and guard me more and more to prevent recurrence.

I will take the Vietnamese troops to Kawanaka Island, join forces with Murakami Yoshikiyo, and meet with Takeda Harunobu."

Yiyin advised.

"Don't be impulsive.

The stone in Kai Kingdom is 230,000 koku, and in Shinano Province is 370,000 koku. Now they are all in the hands of Takeda Harunobu.

Her Kingdom of Kai is also blessed with gold mines, and the total mobilization power can reach 700,000 koku, just a lot more.

How can you fight her with only the Vietnamese army? This is going to kill you! I won't let you go!"

Yoshigan looked excited, and Uesugi Teruhora felt warm in his heart. He still cares about me.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible.

The purpose of sending troops this time was to rescue Murakami Yoshikiyo's defeated troops and not let her fall into the hands of Takeda Harunobu.

I fought hard, and Takeda Harunobu didn't know how many troops I had, so I could bluff her and scare her for a while.

Doesn't she admire her grandson? You should know the truth of knowing yourself and your enemy, right? She will definitely find out my details first before making any plans.

Some days have passed since the spring plowing. As long as we persist for a while, it will be the summer harvest season.

Whether it's her own territory or Beixin's summer grain, will she harvest it?

Takeda Harunobu will retreat if he wants to harvest summer grain. I only need to guard the border and protect Echigo's access to Kawanaka Island.

Wait until after the autumn harvest and Echigo's country is stable, then send out troops to compete with her!"

Yoshigine was stunned. Although Terutora Uesugi had many shortcomings, he was indeed good at military strategy.

Protecting Murakami Yoshikiyo and the edge pass of Kawanaka Island was to gain the upper hand for the Echigo army to invade Hokushin in the future.

He pondered for a long time, no longer objected, looked at Uesugi Terutora and said seriously.

"Promise me not to be impulsive. Just scare off Takeda Harunobu and keep the border crossing."

Teruhora Uesugi said with a gentle face and a gentle nod.

"Don't worry, Guandong Raiders concerns your and my future. I will never be as impulsive as before, harming others and myself."

Her eyes were watery, and Yi Yin's face felt feverish. What's wrong with this guy? Every time they meet, he has to flirt with her, making a double entendre to imply something! Is he cheap or not?

He nodded angrily. At this time, someone came from outside and asked for an audience with Nobutsuna Izumi.

After waiting for a moment, the old sword master walked in with a smile and saluted the two family governors.

Yiyin smiled.

"Is there something wrong with the old sword master?"

Kamizumi Nobutsuna said.

"After the Echigo rebellion subsided, I should return to Nishi Ueno.

I didn't find the royal palace in the city just now. I heard that I was here and I just wanted to say goodbye to the two highnesses."

She was in a good mood. Although she had experienced ups and downs this time and lost three excellent disciples, she had formed an iron-blooded friendship with the governor of the Shiba Shangshan family and gained a lot.

Terutora Uesugi said with a smile.

"I will remember everything the Sword Master Kamiizumi has done for me. I will definitely support the Shinin-ryu if he can send his disciples to Echigo to open a school and teach.

I am going to Nishi Ueno to give you ten small gold judgment instruments. I wish you a safe journey and enjoy the rest of your life."

Yiyin also nodded and said.

"The Sword Master is loyal and courageous. I have deep respect for him. If something happens in the future, please send me a letter and I will do my best to help you."

The old sword master bowed to express his thanks, and the two sides said a few more polite words before saying farewell.

Watching Kamizumi Nobutsuna leaving gracefully, the two of them were speechless for a moment.

This journey was difficult and dangerous, but it finally ended perfectly, but the relationship between the two parties was far more entangled than it was in Kyoto.

Teruhora Uesugi is both in love and guilty, Yoshigashi Shiba is guilty and angry, but it is not without true feelings.

He glanced at Terutora Uesugi, looked at her resolute and heroic pretty face, and sighed in his heart.

It would be great if she was willing to join my harem, but it's a pity that with her temper, the two of them are destined to have no connection.

This chapter has been completed!
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