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Chapter 500 Sanada only appeared

 In Yantian City, Takeda Harunobu held a banquet for the ministers who had made great contributions.

"Come on, come on, Sanada-sama, your hard work has paid off, please have another drink."

The person toasting was Kansuke Yamamoto, who was one-eyed and lame, but Yukitaka Sanada did not dare to neglect, bowed and drank.

She is already middle-aged, and she attended the banquet with her daughter Masayuki Sanada and granddaughter Yukiyuki Sanada. She was obedient and did not dare to be disrespectful.

It is sad to say that the Sanada family was descended from the Umino family. They were defeated when they resisted the joint invasion of Nobutora, the former governor of the Takeda family, and Yoshikiyo Murakami, and fled to Nishi Ueno.

Being able to return to Shinano this time was also because Takeda Harunobu valued the reputation of the Umino family in the Toshin area. Unfortunately, the head of the Umino family refused to give in, so he had to win over the Umino branch of the Sanada family.

Yukitaka Sanada cherished his hometown, and finally decided to join Takeda Harunobu and return to Toshin.

The person who pulled the strings was Kansuke Yamamoto, a close confidant of Takeda Harunobu.

Sanada Yukitaka betrayed the important town of Toishi Castle and made great contributions to the Hokushin Raiders. Of course Yamamoto Kansuke was happy, and she would be indispensable for the rewards he received later.

Yukitaka Sanada returned to Toshin. At this time, he was still a member of the Shinano Province and was incorporated into the Takeda family's front line.

The Forefathers were composed of the local people who had surrendered during the Takeda family's expansion abroad. They could also be said to be the leading party, and their status was not high.

She had to bring her whole family to attend to show her obedience to the new master. In addition, there was a young girl in Sanada's family who was not yet in Yuanfu and was not qualified to bring her.

The whole family is waiting neatly for the master's arrangement, which is really humble to the extreme.

Takeda Harunobu looked at it carefully, his thoughts turned around, and he smiled.

"Sanada-hime, you have made great achievements this time. I will give you the security of Sanada Township, a small county, so that you can return to your hometown with honor."

Sanada Yukitaka was overjoyed and kowtowed to the ground, his voice choked with sobs.

"Thank you, Lord. The Sanada family is filled with gratitude. I can only devote myself to repaying your kindness."

The Sanada family originated from Sanada Township, which is also the origin of the word Miao. The master's gesture is indeed generous, and he is scratching the opponent's itch by buying people's hearts.

The matter was not over yet, Takeda Harunobu continued.

"You captured Toishi Castle, so I will give it to you to take care of it. Do your best, and the Sanada family will have a bright future."

As soon as these words came out, Sanada Yukitaka was stunned.

On the other side, Takeda Chief Minister Baba Nobharu, who was having a banquet, frowned and was about to stand up to speak, but his hand on the dining table was held down.

She glanced sideways and saw Takasaka Masanobu sitting next door, talking and laughing, as if the hand holding Baba Nobuharu was not hers.

Both of them came from famous samurai families. They usually served as the leaders of the bannermen under Takeda Harunobu, and they were close to each other.

Baba Nobuharu endured his temper and asked in a low voice.

"The Sanada girl has just arrived, and the Lord has given her too many favors. Why don't you let me give you some advice to dissuade her?"

Kosaka Masanobu looked back at her and whispered.

"If you don't benefit the Sanada girl, why don't you go and appease the Shino families in the East Shin area?

Toshin defends Nishi Ueno to the east and connects to Hokushin Echigo to the north.

Will Echigo and Nishi-Ueno watch helplessly as the Takeda family annexes Shinano and threatens their rear?

Is His Highness's benefits so easy to obtain? Sanada girl must put the Shino clan in order and help us."

Baba Nobuharu suddenly understood and continued to eat and drink, no longer arguing with the Sanada family's lucky disciples.

Kosaka Masanobu shook his head and exhaled.

As the Takeda clan successfully expanded into Shinano, the Kai clan, dominated by Takeda retainers, became increasingly contemptuous of the newly conquered Shinano clan, and hidden dangers began to emerge.

Not to mention the new leaders of Toshin and Hokushin, the Kiso family of Minamishin and the Suwa family of Chungshin, who had been subdued for many years, were all regarded as inferior, which was not good for the stability of the family.

The wise governor of the family naturally saw the problems and constantly improved the status of the Kiso family, the Suwa family, and today's Sanada family, and won the hearts and minds of everyone in Shinano.

The Sanada family is not big, but the Shino clan is very powerful.

Not to mention the Toshin samurai clan under Takeda Harunobu, Nishishueno Nagano Yamasa's command, and Hokushin Murakami Yoshikiyo's command, there are many samurai clans from the Shino clan.

This time Toishi Castle's rebellion has sounded the alarm for them, but they can't help but turn the Shino clan's support to the Takeda family, right?

It is difficult to grasp the balance, and the hostile forces have a headache.

Takeda Harunobu took the opportunity to further enhance the status of the Sanada family and asked her family to help the Takeda family win over the hearts of the Shino clan, which was also the right thing to do.

Sanada Township, where the Sanada family originated, is located in the mountains. The Toshin Kami River rushes south. The climate in the mountains is cold and not suitable for rice farming, but it is a good horse breeding land.

The Sanada family was originally a horse breeder. The clan members are tough and resolute, and they are very popular among the Shino clan.

The belief in mountain gods nurtured in the mountains gave the Shiye tribe a spiritual resonance that was different from that of outsiders, making them much more united than other samurai families.

To put it simply, this group of mountain people are very clumsy and will make you sick to death if they try to level it.

Takeda Harunobu tasted the benefits of wooing them in Toishi Castle, and was determined to promote the Sanada family and take the Shino clan into his own hands. This was indeed a good way.

Yukitaka Sanada has experienced many hardships, and after being stunned, he immediately figured out Takeda Harunobu's intention.

She sighed secretly, and fired her bow without an arrow to turn back.

The Sanada family had already left Nagano Yamasa, and the Toishi Castle incident had completely offended Murakami Yoshikiyo, so he could only follow the Takeda family.

She kowtowed to the ground and said different words of gratitude, with great excitement on her face.

Takeda Harunobu smiled reservedly and nodded silently. Seeing that the two of them got along well with each other, their acting skills were not bad.

Takeda Harunobu smiled and said to Master Tianhai who was following the army northward.

"Master, what do you think of our Takeda Army?"

Tianhai clasped his hands together and said sincerely.

"Attack like the wind, calm like the forest, invade like fire, Your Highness Takeda has mastered the secrets of Sun Tzu's art of war.

Although the poor nun has little knowledge, it has greatly opened his eyes."

Takeda Harunobu laughed loudly and pointed at her speechless.

She stormed into Beixin and showed it to Tianhai, which also meant she wanted to show off her muscles to the Tiantai Sect.

The nun actually didn't answer the question. Instead, she talked about her idol grandson, which she was very proud of.

Not only did this push hand move not make Takeda Harunobu furious, but it made her so happy that she couldn't say anything bad.

Nun is naughty.

Since he couldn't control her for the moment, Takeda Harunobu didn't bother to talk nonsense with her and said politely.

"Master, please have a good rest in Yantian City these days. I will lead my troops north and have no time to greet you anymore."

Tianhai chanted the Buddha's name and left. To be fair, she didn't want to stay here for a long time.

The people around Yantian City were demoted to slavery by Takeda Harunobu's order, and the inside and outside of the city were like hell on earth.

Husbands and daughters were separated, old and weak men and children were strung up with hemp ropes and escorted southward like livestock. Countless rebels died along the way.

The conquerors have no humanity, and the conquered are just property without dignity. Tianhai cannot bear to look directly at what happened in Yantian City.

But what can she do?

Not daring to resist Takeda Harunobu's order, she pretended to readily accept the request to stop. She silently bowed her head, chanted sutras and worshiped Buddha, and tried not to look at those personal ugliness.

Takeda Harunobu looked at Tianhai's leaving figure with cold eyes.

The Tiantai Sect is ignorant, and Tianhai Nun is asking for trouble. There is no time to deal with her now, so she will be put aside for now.

The war could not be delayed. After the party and carnival, Takeda Harunobu summoned high-ranking samurai to discuss the next strategy.

she said.

"Takanashi Castle has been captured at the front, and I will lead the troops north to completely eliminate this troublesome Murakami Yoshikiyo.

Yamamoto Kansuke, you go to Kaijin Castle to reinforce the city. Baba Nobharu, lead troops to station in Kaijin Castle."

The two bowed and accepted the order.

The Saikawa River flows from east to west on Kawanaka Island. One end is stuck in Chausu Mountain, and the other end merges into the Chikuma River.

The Chikuma River twists and turns, flowing out from Tsumame Mountain in the south to the north. The water and mountains sandwich a section of the north passage on the east bank, where Kaijin Castle is located.

The four most important strongholds surrounding Kawanaka Island are Zenkoji Temple with its backing mountains in the north, Mount Chasusu in the west, Kaijin Castle in the east, and Mount Tsumabushi in the south.

The Kawanaka Island alluvial plain composed of the Golden Horn Silver Edge Grass Belly, Saikawa River, Chikuma River and several direct currents is suitable for large-scale battles.

However, it is also easy to be outflanked by the enemy, and you must defend the stronghold behind you that breaks out into the plain.

These four places are the important fulcrums for Kawanaka Island to enter the game, and they are battlegrounds for military strategists.

Most of the slack season after spring plowing has passed, and Takeda Harunobu doesn't have much time.

She gave up the direction of Chasu Mountain and hurriedly went north along the river from the east of Zhimin Mountain. She had to seize Haijin City, the retreat route behind her.

Kansuke Yamamoto was good at building forts, so she ordered her to reinforce Kaizu Castle. Nobuharu Baba led Hatamoto's elite troops to station there, so that she could go north with peace of mind and head to the Takanashi family territory in Nakano to join the vanguard.

Takeda Harunobu thought for a long time, realized that he had not made a mistake, and said.

"The ministries patiently suppress the new leaders of Hokushin. After I wipe out the remnants of the Murakami Yoshikiyo army, we will celebrate together the Takeda family's capture of the entire Shinano country!"

The spirit of the warriors was high, and the mountain was shouting, "Long live the mountain." The ambition of the Kai Takeda family for many years was about to be realized.

This chapter has been completed!
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