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Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven Golden House Tibetan Routines

 The warriors don’t want their masters and generals to steal men because it would be detrimental to their interests.

But what if the value of this man is very high, and the benefits gained from him are more than the benefits lost by fighting the general?

Terutora Uesugi smiled slightly.

She wholeheartedly supports Shiba Yoshigan's existence in Echigo, and she wants to get entangled with him, and the forces are intertwined.

The purpose was to allow the Echigo samurai to reap the benefits from the subsequent Kanto strategy with the Shiba family. Let both sides break bones and tendons, and the flesh would be so painful to pull out that they would roll over.

So, once Yoshigan Shiba marries a general, it will be unbearable for those with vested interests in Echigo.

Only in this way will they support their master at all costs and snatch the general's man!

And the starting point of all this is at the Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Palace is the government office of Uesugi Terutora, and will also be the residence of Shiba Yoshigan. No matter whether the Joetsu samurai family wants it or not, this cannot be changed.

Echigo's dual-headed political structure must be completed. Anyone who is not convinced should die.

Terutora Uesugi smiled with murderous intent as he looked toward the land of Joetsu in the north as he marched, gradually approaching.


Before Yoshigan Shiba could get over the strange behavior of Honjo Mino, Teru Uesugi had already rushed back to Echigo day and night and entered the territory of Joetsu.

Joetsu, who returned with her, and the elite Nakatsu Uesugi family continued their march to Kasugayama Castle under her orders.

All the military units are confused. In order to save military supplies, each military unit will return to its own territory to eat after entering the country.

This time, Uesugi Teruhora continued to walk to Kasugayama Castle with his army, summoning the garrison warriors from various places along the way to the imperial palace.

Honjo Minoru was overjoyed when he heard that Terutora Uesugi had entered the country, but he also felt uneasy when he heard that the army was still coming towards Kasugayama Castle.

What does this mean, Your Highness?

No matter what Terutora Uesugi meant, under her order, the Joetsu Katahime samurai gathered towards the army, and eventually rushed towards the imperial palace like a torrent.

By the time Shiba Yoshigan received the news, Terutora Uesugi came to visit. Under Kasugayama Castle and outside the Imperial Palace, there were already more than 3,000 Chen soldiers, who were the backbone of the Nagao family in the mansion.

Important members of the retainer group, such as Honjo Minoru, Kakizaki Kageie, Usami Sadamitsu, Mori Kagehiro, Saito Nobubu, etc., all serve beside him.

Teruhora Uesugi approached the palace he was familiar with. Yoshigan Shiba had already left the palace in front.

She waved to Yi Gin from a distance, feeling a little crazy and a little excited in her heart. She drew her sword in front of the army and pointed it at the new Uesugi retainers beside her.

"I know! You are dissatisfied!

I gave Sino-Vietnamese Tonglewei City to Lord Shiba Kenshin, but you were not convinced. I also gave him the Imperial Palace to live in, but you are still not convinced.

Then I will say it again!

I want to rule Echigo with him, I want to conquer the Kanto Plain with him, and I want to share the Kanto kingdoms with him!

I am determined to conquer the Hojo rebels and accomplish great feats, but Kenshin-san cannot help me to achieve this goal.

Today, I swear again in the name of my ancestors of all generations that Uesugi Teruhora is willing to share Kantō with Shiba Yoshigan and share weal and woe.

If there is any betrayal in the future, both heaven and earth will abandon him, and both humans and gods will punish him!

Who else among you is against it? Stand up!"

It is impossible for Teruhora Uesugi to tell his retainers that I want to marry Yoshihiro Shiba, and I want him.

She could only say that we must get the help of the Shiba family to conquer the Kanto Plain. For the sake of long-term benefits, the small profits from Echigo must be distributed to Shiba Yoshigan.

She uses her ambition to open up new territories to cover up her selfish desire to covet men. Anyone who disapproves of the Uesugi and Shiba families being governed together is a scumbag and deserves to be hacked to death!

This excuse is so far-fetched that no one can believe it. From Naoe Kanetsugu to the important officials who knew the inside story one after another, they are not fools!

However, who dares to speak at this time?

Terutora Uesugi's new Uesugi family maintained their interests in Echigo, and Yoshigan Shiba promised to grant the benefits of the Hokurikudo trade route.

The cooperation between the two companies also has the prospect of expanding the Kanto Plain.

Not to mention whether opposition is useful, even if Terutora Uesugi is defeated and she leaves the country, who will maintain the interests of each family?

Without the status of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, how could the samurai from Nakagoshi and Shimotsu suppress them?

Without the call of the Guandong leader, how can we invade the Guandong Plain and obtain more benefits?

After driving away Shiba Yoshigan, the Hokurikudo trade route was about to be launched, and all the huge benefits were lost?

The distribution of all benefits has been clearly discussed in the Sino-Vietnamese review. The high-ranking samurai of the new Uesugi retainers group know very well that they have gained a lot from this transaction.

Not to mention anything else, the Hokuriku Road trade route alone was enough to make the Joetsu samurai family who controlled Naoetsu feel happy.

How could they be willing to give up!

The profit sharing between Central and Lower Echigo has begun to be decentralized, and the entire Echigo is feeling depressed and unable to look back.

If we give up, the chaos caused by giving up halfway, and reneging on the commitments made by the military family of China and Vietnam, Echigo will plunge Echigo into more intense civil strife.

Therefore, Terutora Uesugi is confident that these high-level martial arts masters do not dare to oppose him at this point.

What she needs to persuade is actually those middle- and lower-class martial artists who are short-sighted, feel that their interests have been harmed, are afraid of not getting benefits, and are hesitant about looking forward and backward.

Teruhora Uesugi must use the most intense attitude to show them his will to expand his family business externally.

The Wu family's service to the public is to ask for favors and rewards.

The Lord is confident and capable of expanding externally and capturing more territory for everyone. Who would not support it?

As for Echigo's share of the Shiba family, as long as the family business grows, we don't care about multiple partners, as long as they have the ability to help.

After what Terutora Uesugi said, the high-ranking samurai were on both ends of the spectrum and did not dare to object.

The middle- and lower-class warrior girls were unaware of the truth and were tempted by their lord's impassioned declaration of expansion, so they were willing to wait and see for the time being.

For a moment, the entire new Uesugi samurai group lost their voice.

But Shiba Yiyin, who was walking across from him, was also confused. He still didn't understand what happened.

The corner of Teru Uesugi's mouth raised, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He dismounted from his horse, pressed the knife in his hand to the ground, bent it sideways, and smashed it hard.

The blade fell apart, broke into several pieces, and shattered on the ground.

she snapped.

"Since there is no objection, it is the consensus of the family! If someone tries to drive a wedge between the two families in the future, it will end like this, and we will never tolerate it!"

After saying that, Terutora Uesugi laughed loudly and walked towards Yoshigan.

After the two greeted each other, Yiyin asked in a low voice.

"what happened?"

Teru Uesugi also answered softly.

"It's nothing. Your current residence is my residence in Shangyue, which is also where the government office is. I'll give them a few words of warning."

Shiba Yiyin's pupils shrank, his eyes swayed from side to side, and his mind began to work rapidly.

No wonder I refuse to meet you, no wonder the Joetsu family is being rude and weird, it turns out you are the one causing the trouble!

Yoshigan remembered that in front of the Echigo samurai family, he always regarded himself as the imperial palace.

Teru Uesugi's move is equivalent to hiding him in a golden house, which is really too much!

General, you don’t want face! I don’t want face! Uesugi Teruhu, you’ve gone too far!

This chapter has been completed!
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