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Chapter 559: Doubts buried in the bottom of my heart

Yiyin knew that Dao Shengmeng was taking the blame for him, and he still willingly took the blame silently.

He was a little embarrassed. He felt that he was too scumbag to sit on the sidelines and watch the consequences after getting an advantage.

So, he spoke out to help.

"Yamanaka-hime, please don't hurt the peace by talking nonsense. Shima-hime is doing this for the sake of the Shiba family.

The stability of Echigo Shibazhong is related to the success or failure of the Kanto Strategy, so no matter how cautious we are to gather military morale, it cannot be overstated."

Yamanaka Yukimori looked at Yoshiyin aggrievedly, thinking that the master was going too far.

The Wu family has never seen this kind of behavior. If you don't serve your family for the sake of your family, then do you have the nerve to accept a reward? Isn't the land where your family is settled a reward from the Lord?

When encountering this kind of thing, the general family governor will directly reprimand the retainers, and even deprive these warriors of their rewards and take back the knowledge and conduct conferred by the peace certificate.

It was because of his benevolent master that he saw these Echigo Shiba people disregarding the overall situation and acting wantonly, which was despicable.

Shima Shengmeng maintains his integrity and has no regrets, and it is not convenient for him to argue with a young girl like Yamanaka Yukimori. The world is difficult, and there are many ways to be loyal.

She bowed and said goodbye again, and Yiyin asked her to leave quickly to avoid exposing her secret.

Looking at the embarrassed back of Dao Shengmeng, Yamanaka Yukimori always felt that something was wrong.

She glanced at Yiyin unconsciously and her pupils shrank. Under Yiyin's neck, which was wrapped in a collar, there were faint red spots.

Yamanaka Yukimori twitched his nose, and the master seemed to have Shima Katsuki's body fragrance on his body.

It suddenly came to her mind.

Shima Sheng fiercely pressed Yiyin under him and kissed him wantonly. Yiyin refused to submit and dodged left and right. As a result, he was attacked on the neck, leaving the illusion of a kiss mark.

Yamanaka Yukimori was stunned on the spot, shocked by her own association. She shook her head, Shima Katsuo was always righteous and could not do such an ugly thing.

Yiyin walked into the house and saw the mess inside the room, and cold sweat poured down his head.

He immediately turned around and blocked Yamazaka Yukimori from the door and said.

"You go down first, I feel a little tired and need to rest."

After saying that, Yoshigami quickly closed the door, his heart beating wildly. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and Yamanaka Yukimori probably didn't see what was going on inside.

Yamanaka Yukimori was confused by Yoshigan. He had never seen him lose his composure like this before, and the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger.

Just now, Yiyin closed the door very quickly, but it could not stop the air circulation. Yukimori Yamazaka could still smell a hint of the smell inside.

She widened her eyes and told herself that it was impossible, it was definitely an illusion.

At that moment, she seemed to smell the air of lust, that unique smell that only exists after men and women have had fun.

She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, forcing herself to calm down.

Shima Shengmeng is not this kind of person! The Lord is not this kind of person! Illusion! It is an illusion!

She turned around and walked out, suddenly feeling cold in her body, even Qiu Laohu's warmth could not make her feel any warmth.

After taking a few steps, she slowly looked back at the sliding door. What happened behind that door? The scene seemed to reappear in her mind.

Shima Katsuo threatened Echigo Shiba's refusal to fight, and took advantage of the moment when he was alone and alone to force his master under him.

The master resisted desperately, but in the end she still succeeded. For the sake of peace in the family, he had to bear the humiliation, cover for her, and hide himself.

Yamanaka Yukimori shook his head and put aside the assumptions in his mind, this is impossible!

If that were the case, Shima Katsuki would have asked for a battle on behalf of the Echigo Shiba people, instead of refusing to fight and letting the lord sleep in vain!

Don't think too much!

Yamanaka Yukimori's footsteps were heavy and her thoughts were confused. She didn't know how she walked out of the short corridor, as if the road would never end and she could not find the exit.

In the inner room behind her, Yiyin was tidying up his room.

Sort it out and complain at the same time.

It's hard to tell that Shimahime is actually a slut. She usually looks like she's self-denial but returns to etiquette. But at some point, she really can't be judged by her appearance.

People, you should not suppress yourself too much, otherwise it will be really scary if you burst out.


The episode at the imperial palace passed by in a flash, but the behavior of Echigo Shiba and others not to fight still aroused dissatisfaction among the Echigo samurai family.

Yiyin cleared the relationship, allowing Dao Shengmeng to take the initiative to resist all pressure.

Internally, it was hard for Echigo Shiba to understand why he didn't take advantage of the good opportunity to serve in the official position.

Shiba Yiyin's bounty was so generous that the Ji warriors were willing to fight for him for the benefit.

Externally, the Echigo samurai family all ridiculed Shima Katsuki, the Echigo descendant of the Shiba family.

Sibo Yiyin looked away and supported such a coward to occupy a high position, a useless person, and do nothing for others.

For all this, Dao Shengmeng endured it silently. Compared with the suffering that Qi Yin suffered, her grievances were nothing.

Whenever she thought of the vulnerability shown by her master in front of her that day, she was filled with strength and wanted to keep an eye on the Echigo inheritance for him.

The only pity is that there seemed to be no results that day, as I was not lucky enough to be able to hit the target with one shot.

Dao Shengmeng sometimes has shameless fantasies. Since it didn't succeed, will the Lord let me go over and have a secret talk next time?

Every time I think about it for a while, my body becomes a little soft and a little warm.

On the other hand, Shiba Yiyin will certainly not allow internal and external pressure to crush Shima Katsu.

He came forward to communicate with Uesugi Terutora and suppressed the rumors about the Echigo samurai family.

After all, the Hokurikudo business was profitable, so the Echigo samurai family was still willing to buy into his account. They always boasted that they were the best in martial arts in Kanto, and they even looked down on the recent Hime samurai.

The mockery of Dao Shengmeng was not to urge her to change her ways and send troops to fight, but just to show her superiority.

In response to the internal dissent among the Echigo Shiba people, Yoshigan went to Tomo Castle in person, reprimanded these Hime samurai, and reestablished Shima Katsuo's leadership.

Echigo Shiba Chun were all former Peking University and Chun, and Shima Katsuki was himself the leader of Peking University and was endorsed by his lord.

The purpose of not going out to fight this time was to allow them to settle down with their families. The Echigo Shiba people couldn't say anything else, so they all bowed their heads and obeyed.

With the internal and external affairs settled, it was finally settled that Echigo Shiba would not fight.

Only Yukimori Yamanaka silently watched all this behind him, becoming more and more puzzled about what happened that day.

She didn't dare to delve into it, she just buried a doubt in her heart, hoping to get the answer one day.

She will keep an eye on Dao Shengmeng.

If one day she were to discover that Shima Katsuki was unfaithful, unjust, unkind and unfilial, and had committed evil deeds that would never be forgiven by the warrior Giriehime.

Yamanaka Yukimori swore that she would kill Shima Shengmu with her own hands and use her blood to wash away the humiliation she had caused her master.

She swears!

Yoshigan Shiba certainly didn't know what Yamanaka Yukimori was thinking, and he was complacent at this time.

After sleeping on the island, Katsumatō stabilized his rear and preserved the strength of Echigo Shiba. He accomplished multiple things with one stone and achieved all his goals.

Just now, because he noticed the discord between Yamanaka Yukimori and Shimakatsu Takeo, Shiba Yoshigan, who was a little worried, became confident again.

This little problem is nothing to worry about.

This chapter has been completed!
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