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Chapter five hundred and seventy-third bloody battle in Kawanakajima

 Time goes back to Hachimanhara when the fog cleared.

The dissipating fog shocked Takeda Harunobu, and the sudden appearance of Uesugi's military force not far away caught people off guard.

As the conch sound sounded, Uesugi's troops, who had already set up their formation, began to move towards Takeda's troops, which made Takeda Harunobu's eyes cracked.

She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and shouted.

"The units on the right wing stabilize their formations and engage the enemy where they are. Order Nobushige Takeda on the left wing to quickly adjust to the west!"

The entire right wing was exposed in front of Uesugi's army, with no flank protection at all. This was an extremely dangerous situation.

Takeda Harunobu could only place his hope on his sister, hoping that she would lead the army to quickly fill the position, complete the turn of the Crane Wing Formation, and block the Uesugi family's attack from the west.

At the critical moment, Takeda Harunobu was also aroused.

Although she doesn't know why the Uesugi Army is here, but now that they are here, don't leave!

She said coldly.

"Send several envoys south to Nemoseguchi and order Kosaka Masanobu and Baba Nobuharu to return to support me!

We move forward, raise our flag! I want Teru Uesugi to lose this battle with all his heart!"

Takeda Harunobu doesn't like taking risks, but that doesn't mean she can't fight!

As Sun Tzu said, I went to the army to attack you. But now, I want you to be paralyzed! Fuck her!

Takeda Harunobu also had a military flag, called the Sun Tzu Shiru Mantra Banner. The flag said: "It is as fast as the wind, it is as slow as the forest, it invades like fire, and it is as motionless as the mountain."

According to the rules of the martial arts, once the military flag is raised, there will be no advance but no retreat.

Takeda Harunobu knew that the formation had not yet been completed, and the right wing might not be able to hold on for long. She simply moved the formation forward, hoping to buy time with the best troops of Hatamoto and Akabi.

As long as Takeda Nobushige can keep up, the army can support it! When Kosaka Masanobu and Baba Nobharu return to support, Uesugi Teruhora will definitely be defeated today!

Takeda Harunobu put aside all his thoughts and concentrated on the battlefield in front of him.

I don’t want to think about it anymore! Let’s go and do something big!


Takeda's military position was to deploy towards the Nemoseguchi in the south, going down north, up south, right, west, left and east.

Twelve groups of troops were deployed into the Crane Wing Formation, with the right wing in the west group six and the left wing in the east group six.

The Uesugi Army came from the Twelve Sea Gate in the southwest, and formed its formation due west of the Takeda Army and eastward.

At this time, Uesugi's army's chariot formation was like a whip thrown towards the right wing of Takeda's army that was exposed in front of him.

The tip of the whip, Murakami Yoshikiyo, struck the rear edge of the Takeda Army's right wing in a weak arc from west to east, from north to south.

Then the second-hand Kakizaki Keike continued to impact, like the middle section of a whip, hitting the side of the edge of Takeda's right wing.

The right wing of the Takeda army was instantly shaken.

War in the cold-weapon era required formation, due to the lack of organization and lack of communication.

Due to insufficient productivity, only a few elites can train full-time, and most of the military personnel are temporarily organized women.

They are just a ragtag group. They seem to be overwhelming in numbers, but in fact they are useless. If they can't charge into battle without them, they can escape and trample the first place, so they must be restrained by means.

Due to the lack of communication means, various sounds such as drums and conch shells were used as signals on the battlefield to let the troops know what they should do.

The sound is single, and the message conveyed is also very simple. For example, beat the drum to advance, ring the gold to withdraw the troops, which is clear and easy to understand but lacks flexibility.

Due to inferior soldiers and lack of communications, large armies had to form formations to attack.

Only when the left and right are all of one's own, the sergeant knows what to do. After forming a formation, only a few elites are needed to command, and most of the people follow suit.

In samurai society, the backbone of command is the Ji Warrior.

Not to mention special units such as bows and arrows, iron artillery, etc., a mobilization team often comes from the same territory, is familiar with the fellow villagers, and is commanded by a local martial artist.

The general number of reserve troops is 250 people, probably more than 200 Ashigaru, and the Hime warriors are 400 or 50 people.

A group of ten Ashigaru people, with one or two Hime samurai commanding them, and the rest being the reserve general and Hatamoto.

The general of the reserve army obeyed the command of the sound of conchs and drums, and the lower-level Hime samurai took the order of the general of the reserve army and scolded the ashigaru to form a spear formation to fight.

The grassroots Hime Samurai are like tree roots deeply rooted in the military force, tightly uniting the scattered soil of Ashigaru around them, and this is how the military force has combat effectiveness.

Later, combat units such as ten-man teams, reserve teams, and military forces were communicated upward at one level, and a military command system was formed.

But if the formation, ten-man team, and reserve team are not completed, the military situation will lack cohesion.

The ten-man team at the grassroots level fighting alone had no idea what to do, and they didn't even know where the enemy troops came from because their vision was limited in the crowd.

At this time, the only way is to use the frontal reserve team to meet the enemy, so that the grassroots warriors should not be chaotic and resist on the spot.

The rest of the reserve team quickly organized and formed a formation, using the time when the front was being beaten to adjust the military situation and plan for the follow-up.

Takeda Harunobu had no choice but to do this.

At the same time, she ordered Takeda Nobushige on the left wing to move quickly, asking them to adjust their direction and join the western battlefield.

On the one hand, he ordered the Huradai retainers on the right to meet the enemy on the spot and resist the Uesugi army's attack in a chaotic military formation.

It is conceivable how great the pressure from the right wing is, and it may collapse at any time.

Therefore, Takeda Harunobu raised the military flag and moved his formation forward to attract the enemy troops and share the pressure on the right wing.

Otherwise, if the right wing collapses and the defeated troops roll back into the main formation and the left wing, it will really be over.

Takeda Harunobu also firmly believed that he could hold on because the right wing was the Takeda retainers group.

The Takeda family has a hereditary guardianship of Kai, and its retainers have been passed down from generation to generation. In terms of perseverance and fighting ability, these Hime warriors who have struggled in the mountains and valleys are very strong.

The Kai clan may not be the most capable samurai, but they are definitely the most hard-working warriors. The existence of a high-quality retainer group is also a major reason for Takeda Harunobu's rapid rise.


There are six military groups on Takeda's right wing, and the two weakest ones are on the edge.

Murakami Yoshikiyo's Northern followers attacked from the edge and shook their formation.

Kakizaki Keike saw the opportunity and attacked from the side with all his strength, causing the two armies to collapse instantly.

At this critical moment, Zhujiaohu decided to lead his bannermen to the front line, shouting at the same time.

"Hold still! Come closer to me!"

The chaotic front-line grassroots found the backbone and quickly concentrated on her.

With her as the center, the army held together on the front line and finally did not collapse due to the collapse of the two reserve teams in front.

Amari Kotai, Itagaki Nobukata and other veterans of the generation also rushed to the front line one after another, supporting the left and right wings of Zhu Jiaotada, and continued to gather military strength.

Takeda's right wing did not collapse, but instead held tightly together. This turtle shell left Uesugi's army unable to do anything for a while.

Terutora Uesugi looked around the battlefield from behind and ordered.

"Takeda Harunobu's main formation is moving forward, and Nakajo Fujishi is ordered to penetrate directly into his main formation."


One of the envoys waiting nearby rode his horse towards the Yangbei formation.

Shortly afterwards, the Yangbei soldiers in charge of the third arm, led by Nakajo Fujishi, broke into the enemy's position through the gap between Takeda's right wing and the main formation.

This chapter has been completed!
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