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Chapter six hundred and sixty-two new officials difficult to take office

 The villagers of Kamao clan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting off to a good start.

She made this arrangement not for the sake of the martial arts families behind her, but for herself. The position of Tongxinzhongbi was a hot potato.

Kamao's hometown is smart and decisive, and he is a talent that both Shima Shengmu and Yamanaka Yukimori are optimistic about.

The two of them left the Tongxinzhong one after another. Shiba Yiyin ordered the Hamo clan to select people from their ranks to reorganize the Tongxinzhong, which cost the life of the Kamo clan.

How bad is the relationship between the Iga clan and the Hodai Kazu clan who came to Kanto? The relationship between the two Girihime warriors, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shimakatsu Takeru, was torn apart!

The Hamo family is young and cannot bear such a big thunder. If you really have to choose from two people, how can you choose to satisfy the two bosses? Is it fair? Is it fair? Is there no favoritism between one and another?

How to do this job!

Not to mention whether they will be satisfied or not, Kamao Clan itself is in trouble.

She is young, and even with the support of her master, it is difficult for her to command those veterans. She is not afraid of resisting military orders, but is afraid of obeying them.

The battle of wits and courage with these old men is exhausting both physically and mentally. If something happens one day, it will be a sin for the Hamo clan as a united nation to handle the situation ineffectively.

What's even more troublesome is that Shiba Yiyin likes to charge into battle.

Yamanaka Yukimori is a bit stupid, but serving under another lord may not cause such a big mistake.

After all, whoever comes across this restless master, Shiba Yiyin, will be unlucky!

If you win the battle, it’s because the lord is brave and charge forward 666. If you lose, it’s because everyone is stupid and the lord can’t protect you 250.

No matter how you calculate it, it is the village of Pu Sheng who takes the blame. It is not unfair!

Since the time when Hokushin was assigned the post of Tong Xin Zong Li by Shiba Yiyin, the Kamo family has been racking its brains to think of a solution.

Don't be fooled to death!

This joint selection and appointment system, which is similar to a training mechanism, was not set up by the Kamao clan to make meritorious deeds, but to reduce the number of scapegoats!

Tongxinzhong Selection achieved three purposes.

First, select from all the forces affiliated with Kanto Shiba and avoid choosing between the Iga clan and the Peking University Kazu clan, so you don't have to worry about offending Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsume.

On the contrary, the two of them should make good friends with the Pu Sheng clan and use their friendship with each other to increase the probability of their own people joining the Tongxinzhong.

Secondly, these high-level samurai families will definitely ask their girls to enter the Yuanfu in advance, so that the selected warriors will not be older than the Kamao clan, which increases the probability of being selected.

Shiba Yoshiyin has already said that he will let the Kamo Clan Township take full responsibility. The Kamo Clan Township has the power in its hands. If you don't pick obedient little girls, you will pick old veterans? Isn't it easy for you?

What is good at the top will be bad at the bottom.

No one is a fool. There are only thirty places. Of course, it is up to you to increase the probability.

Thirdly, after finding a group of little lolita to act as flankers, can Shiba Yiyin still go into battle and charge as soon as the war starts?

The master is good at all things, but he is soft-hearted. After all, he is a man, and he cannot compare to the ruthlessness of his daughter's family.

The high-ranking martial artists sitting here are all talented people. Of course, I can imagine that the Kamao clan will definitely choose a group of little girls to prevent the lord from rushing to the front line with his colleagues when his head gets hot.

It’s unlucky to win the Gui Sibo Yi Yin Niu B, but it’s unlucky to lose the Kamao clan. But this is also in the interest of all the martial arts present, so we must support it!

Yoshigan Shiba is unmarried, and he is the only one in the Shiba family who supports the overall situation. During the battle of Kawanakajima, he disappeared for a few days, and the Kanto Shiba territory almost collapsed.

If he had come back a few days later and the news had spread back to nearby Sibo, God knows what trouble would have happened.

Zhu Ji has already made a tacit understanding in his heart that this kind of thing will never happen again! Therefore, the Hamo clan is destined to bring a group of little lolita to form a unified doll army.

This is to cultivate talents, and also to ensure that the master is not impulsive, hello to me, hello to everyone.

How did Shiba Yiyin know that the martial arts family under his command had reached a tacit understanding. It would be difficult for him to rush to the front line in the future.

Since the introduction of the plug-in, Sibo Yiyin has used up the benefits and secured a large territory.

But with the expansion of his power, the requirements of the warriors for him have gradually changed. They no longer require Shiba Yiyin to be brave and fearless, but only hope that he will live a long life.

Before Shiba Yiyin had no heirs, his reckless charge into battle was a huge risk that the entire Shiba family interest group could not bear.

After the Tongxinzhong problem was solved, Yamanaka Yukimori jumped out again and put forward some of his own ideas about the management of the Kanto Shifu.

"Your Highness, I first joined the Guandong Shifu as a deacon, and I worried about it day and night, fearing that I would fail to live up to my lord's trust and forget my lord's teachings.

There is no war in the winter, so I intend to train the imperial troops, especially the foot drill commands taught by the Lord, which must be mastered by all the concubines."

Yamanaka Yukimori had a serious look on his face and wanted to be taught the foot drill commands strictly. Yoshigan Shiba was dumbfounded when he heard this. The reason why he gave the foot drill commands was to disgust the Odai people controlled by Honjo Shigenaga.

Why let Shima Shengmeng serve as a sparring partner?

On the one hand, he asked the people in Yutai to take a look, and Sibo Zhong also did so. Sibo Yiyin did not deliberately torment them.

On the other hand, it also prevents the Tai people from causing trouble, so they can be suppressed in time so that they can scare the monkeys.

In the final analysis, Yiyin was planning to use the whip of running commands to beat the hungry wolf into a loyal dog, but the result was not ideal.

Honjo Manchang suppressed the imperial man and lowered his head for a moment, thus escaping the disaster.

Shiba Yoshigage's foot drill commands disgusted the people in the imperial area. These warriors fought together in Kawanakajima to fight to their death, turned their backs on their master, and almost trapped Yoshigage himself.

But times have changed, and today's Yutai people are no longer what they used to be.

With the crime of betraying the master on his shoulders, Shiba Yiyin didn't have to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Benzhuang Fanchang cried like an abandoned dog, wagging his tail to beg for a way out.

He used Honjo Nobunaga to destroy the unity of the Yangbei clan, and introduced Sanada Nobunaga's Sanada clan to join the Odai people, and finally let Yamanaka Yukimori serve as the leader.

At this point, the Yutai people have been almost tamed. Shiba Yiyin asked him to cross his legs and not dare to come together. He made him act automatically and did not dare to stop.

The foot drill commands have lost their use value. This kind of military training that does not belong to this era is of little use to the Hime Warriors.

Yoshigan was no longer prepared to mention this simply disgusting training method. Who knew that Yukimori Yamanaka would insist on it.

This is so interesting.

Dao Shengmeng sneered at the side. Compared with her master's doubts, she had a clearer understanding of Yamazaka Yukimori's thoughts.

Yamanaka Yukimori insists on training in foot drills and passwords because she is incompetent.

The Yutai people abandoned their master on the battlefield, and she argued hard, which resulted in a huge fuss. If the master had not returned safely, Yamazaka Yukimori's incompetent and furious behavior would have ended with hara-kiri.

But Yoshigan Shiba returned safely, and because of her loyal behavior, she was once again entrusted with important tasks. Yukimori Yamanaka became the deacon of the Kanto Palace and became a prince.

But the trustworthiness of Shiba Yiyin is one thing, and the discussion among the samurai family is another matter. This is not a good evaluation of an incompetent, foolish and loyal person.

Yamazaka Yukimori was holding back his anger, so naturally he wanted the new official to take charge of the job.

This chapter has been completed!
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