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Chapter seven hundred and fifty-one separation of families is afraid of fire

 Shiba Yiyin was relieved when she saw that Benzo Shigenaga was satisfied with the reward, which relieved the grudge in her heart.

He has no foundation in Kanto, so he relies on borrowing power to win people's hearts. Honzo Nogecho is capable and knowledgeable, and he doesn't want to abandon him.

Yamanaka Yukimori's reaction was a little slow, but Yoshigami paved the way for her so directly, she would be really stupid if she couldn't understand it.

Thinking about why the master treats me so well? Is he afraid that Daosheng's powerful forces will kill him at the conference? Sure enough, he still likes me more.

Yamanaka Yukimori was very happy, his smile became even brighter, and his bandaged hands and feet became a little heavier.

Honjo Nogicho's face froze in pain, but he immediately regained his bright smile. Compared to the benefits of Shonai's trade routes, this little pain is nothing! As long as you can have a heart-to-heart relationship with Yamanaka Yukimori, anything will do!

Honjo Nobunaga is now determined to get along with Yamanaka Yukimori. If she gets generous compensation from her master every time she does something wrong, Honjo Nobunaga will laugh to death.

It’s so worth it!

Both concubines were very satisfied, but Yiyin shook his head secretly. Since ancient times, true love cannot be retained, only money and silk can move people's hearts.

For a problem that Honjo Shibunaga couldn't solve with extreme means, Shiba Yiyin readily helped her to feel at ease. This is the truth in troubled times. Only when you have an army in one hand and money and food in the other can you have the confidence to speak.

In order to clean the buttocks of this silly girl Yukimori Yamanaka, Yoshigami spent a lot of money.

Regardless of whether it was for Yoshigan's sake or not, now that both Honjo Shigenaga and Kachi Hidetsuna are willing to follow her, Yamanaka Yukimori finally has some power base to become the deacon of the Kanto Service Office.

As they were talking here, there was a knocking sound outside the door, and Yiyin asked.

"What's up?"

The sliding door opened, and Pu Sheng clan kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Letter from Kasugayama Castle, Imperial Office."

"Bring it to me and see."


Yoshigan took the letter and read it at a glance. It was a letter from Terutora Uesugi, saying that Yoshitsuna Hatakeyama had arrived at the Imperial Palace in Joetsu and was waiting to be summoned by the Imperial Palace.

Yiyin raised his eyebrows.

In the winter, there was heavy snow on Hokuriku Road, and the snow had just begun to melt in spring. She was eager to come from China. It was really urgent to be able to climb the Hatakeyama family governor.

If I had known today, why bother in the beginning.

Isn't it a good idea to save money for a few more years when Nanao Port is full of business profits? Jihouhou and Wenjing Zongzhen are at odds, and now they are reduced to a bereaved dog. They really have nothing to do.

Yoshigan thought for a while and wrote a reply. He told Uesugi Teru that everything under Shimotsu had settled down and that he would return to Uesugi's palace in the near future. Let Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna wait for him.

While he was writing, he said to Honjo Shigenaga.

"My dear Lady, the matter of Xieyue is still finishing, so we should not take it lightly.

You continue to serve as my commander, and command all the people in charge to monitor the local area to prevent recurrence."


Benzhuo Fanchang fell to the ground and kowtowed, and Yoshiyin said to Yamazaka Yukimori.

"Shinhada Castle is located in the central plain of Shimotsu, overlooking Niigatazu to the east and the Echigo Mountains to the west, radiating to the entire Shimotsu.

I will discuss with His Highness Uesugi to temporarily place the headquarters of the Kanto Palace here, and you will be stationed in this city.

The Jiadi family in the local area serves as an arm, and the banker family in the north echoes from afar, which can block the connection between the entire Xiayue military family at critical moments.

I hope that the name Yangbeizhong will gradually be forgotten, and that the Shimogotsu are the Kanto Servant Princess Samurai and the Uesugi family retainers who are loyal to their lord.

do you understand?"

Yamanaka Yukimori bowed his head and said happily.

Yiyin looked at her beautiful back and hips and remained silent. He arranged this for two main reasons.

First, the more he came to work, the less likely he would be able to work for nothing. The fourteen families of the Yangbei family, the Xinfatian family and the Fifigongye family perished, and their territory was swallowed up by the Jiadi family.

The Katchi family and the Honjo family closely followed the Kanto Chamber of Commerce, and Yiyin controlled the territory of four of the fourteen families.

In particular, our banker is very powerful in the northern part of Xieyue. After calculation, it turns out that 30% of the strength of the Yangbei Zhong was taken away by the Sibo family.

A large piece of the Shimogoshi cake was cut off by Yoshigan. The Uesugi retainers group could no longer hesitate and would definitely support Uesugi Teruhora to win over the other Shimogoshi samurai families.

Otherwise, sooner or later the Shimogotsu samurai family, which accounts for 40% of Echigo's military strength, will be swallowed up by Shiba Yiyin, and Echigo's current dual political situation will be unbalanced.

The Shiba family will become the main force in Echigo, replacing the new Uesugi family in Echigo and becoming the strongest force in Echigo. It is impossible for the Uesugi retainers to accept this result.

Yoshigan wrote a letter to Terutora Uesugi, which was also a signal to her. Once she was done here, she could force the Uesugi retainers to make concessions.

Second, Yiyin must let Yamanaka Yukimori leave Tomi Castle.

Tobi Castle is shared by the Kanto Shibarui and the Kanto Secretariat, and both Shima Katsuruo and Yamanaka Yukimori work in this city. It was okay before, but not now. Yoshihiro is so scared that he can't sleep.

The two ladies were completely at each other's throats. He was afraid that one day he would receive a report that both sides of Tonglewei City were engaged in a firefight and suffered heavy casualties. He wanted to cry but had no tears.

Therefore, Yiyin found a high-sounding excuse to transfer Yamanaka Yukimori to Hagotsu.

From then on, Yiyin and the Tongxin people lived in the Joetsu Imperial Palace, Shima Shengmeng led the Kanto Shiba people to station in the Central Etsu Tomei Castle, and the Kanto Shishao of Yamazaka Yukisheng established himself in the Lower Etsu Shinfatian Castle.

Yamanaka Yukimori listened to Yoshigan's arrangement, and he was already vaguely aware of his master's worries.

She smiled slightly, disapprovingly.

The Kanto strategy is imminent, and neither Yamanaka Yukimori nor Shima Katsuo will take the initiative to start an internal fight in the face of great justice. They are not so ignorant.

But the master's arrangement is correct. Yamanaka Yukimori doesn't want to get too close to Shima Katsuo and feel uncomfortable all over.

she replied.

"My lord, Sanada-hime is going to recruit new Otai people. Do you want to inform her?"

Yiyin nodded.

"You write a letter to Tomi Castle and ask Sanada Hime to recruit you and take charge of the finishing work there. Then take Sanada Zhongdong into Shimotsu and go to Shinbada Castle to return to your command."

Yi Gin paused, still a little worried, and reminded Yamanaka Yukimori.

"Sanada-hime is used to being wild in the mountains. Her temperament is a bit surly. Sometimes she is too frivolous and does not distinguish between superior and inferior.

Since you are already in charge of one side, you should be more open-minded and don't conflict with her.

The Sanada clan has a deep relationship with the Shino clan and will be of great use to the Kanto strategy."

Yamanaka Yukimori was a little aggrieved. The master was afraid that she would be greedy. He had just subdued Honjo Shigenaga and Kachi Hidetsuna, and then went to attack Sanada Nobunoshi.

That wild monkey has an unstable temper, and if something happens to him, Yoshigan will be even more embarrassed. That's why he used the Kanto strategy to scare Yamanaka Yukimori not to cause trouble.

Yamanaka Yukimori bowed to the ground and accepted the master's warning. This time Yoshigami held his nose and wiped her buttocks to pave the way for her. She was too embarrassed to say anything back, so she just bowed her head and obeyed.

Seeing that she accepted it happily, Yiyin nodded slowly. I hope everything goes well and nothing happens again.


At this time, Sanada Nobushige had already taken the newly recruited Sanada people and ate white rice in Toruo Castle for a long time.

Heavy snowfall in winter is troublesome for ordinary people. For these mountain people who are used to suffering, if they can eat white rice early, what does this hardship mean?

As soon as Umino Rishi came forward, Sanada Nobuhige contacted Nezu Sadamori and Mochizuki Yukitada, and a hundred people were quickly recruited.

There was a shortage of food in the mountains. In order to save food for their families, these elites of the Shino Tribe impatiently urged Sanada Nobushige to set off.

Before the Xinbada Rebellion ended, the Sanada troops had returned to Tomei City, catching Okuma Asahiu off guard as he was supplying supplies to the front line.

But she had promised the Imperial Palace that there would be no problem with the food at the Kanto Imperial Palace, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and feed these hungry wolves from the mountains.

The Sanada people who came with half-belief and hesitation actually ate every meal of white rice, and their morale was greatly boosted, and everyone returned home.

Long live white rice! No, long live Odaisho!

This chapter has been completed!
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