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Chapter seven hundred and sixty-eight troubles have always been

 Sibo Yiyin said solemnly.

“In the matter of Noto in Vietnam, the focus is not on killing and suppressing, but on stabilizing the balance.

Your military strategy and the fierceness of the Echigo samurai family are enough to quell the chaos. But if you cannot balance the interests of all parties, there will be chaos in the future.

I'm going to talk to Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna to see if this person is greedy and whether she deserves a helping hand.

In addition, I want to go to Shinsekiyama Honganji Temple in the hope that I can communicate with Master Xianju and prevent you and me from falling into the quagmire that we have always been stuck in."

Teruhora Uesugi nodded.

The Shiina family and the Onjing family are both small problems. They collude with the Xiang clan to cause chaos, and the samurai family must be disgusted.

The monastery's exclusive privileges were criticized by the Wu family, not to mention the Yixiang sect who liked to cause trouble, which was even more irritating.

If someone in the Wu family colludes with Xiang Zong to cause chaos, it is definitely a bottom-line approach. It is unpopular, so naturally there is nothing to worry about.

But the Yixiang sects in Kaga and Yuezhong should not be underestimated. The most troublesome thing about these nuns is that the wildfires are not burning out, and the spring breeze blows them again.

The land in Japan is barren. In order to prepare for war, the samurai family squeezed the products to the maximum extent. The ignorant people in the countryside were starved of food and lived in despair.

The Yi Xiang Zong's penetration into the villages was a spring of spiritual nectar for the desperate people. As long as the Wu family could not let the people live a good life, the Yi Xiang Zong incited by the Yi Xiang Zong would never be cured.

Either kill them all, or they will cause trouble again sooner or later. But if everyone is killed, who will farm the land? Therefore, the samurai family hates the Ichigo clan, but they are still polite to Ishiyama Honganji Temple because they want to ask for help from the Buddhist master.

For example, if Echigo wanted to send troops to combat the expansion of the Hokurikudo clan, he would also write letters to communicate with Ishiyama to prevent the problem from amplifying.

War is a means, not an end. Really powerful people start planning how to end the war before it even starts.

As for Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, the two masters also had the same attitude. Whether they send troops to help depends on whether this person is reliable or not.

If this was Adou who couldn't be helped, the two of them would never be so foolish as to get stuck in the quagmire, and in the worst case, they would have to think of other ways to deal with matters in Hokurikudo.

Teru Uesugi nodded in approval and said.

"No problem, just go to Xinshishan. If you need to share profits with the Yixiang Sect, I am willing to share it with you.

One year after the opening of the Hokurikudo trade route, the Hokurikudo clan watched helplessly as we made money through shipping and skipped the territory they controlled.

The overland caravans were almost extinct. Kaga Ezhong's Yixiang Zong could not benefit from it. Of course he acted radically and did not feel bad about destroying the trade route.

As long as they stay on their own terms, at most I'll give them some benefits, as long as they don't make trouble again."

Shiba Yiyin laughed and thought it was impossible.

"Are you too confused to talk about benefits with these religious lunatics? Even if you are given benefits, who of them can keep their word?

In the dispute between large and small sects, who can control the overall situation among the semi-independent Yikui? Only by beating them painfully will they know how to lie down and stop making trouble.

I contacted Ishiyama Honganji Temple, but I was afraid that our war with the Hokurikudo Ichikō sect would anger Kyōjoji.

If she encourages the believers to launch a new uprising, just wait for the Hokurikudo to be on fire, and there is no way we will send troops to the Kanto Plain after autumn."

Teruhora Uesugi nodded, that's why.

The origins of the Hokuriku-do Ichijo sect are complex. On the Central and Eastern side, Zuisen Temple was founded by the Five Dynasties of Dharma Masters.

The eighth-generation Buddhist master Renyoshouren was the master of the revival of the Ichibo Sect, and expanded the power of the Hokurikudo Ichibo Sect in the Daishoji area.

Renru left behind three daughters in the Kaga Kingdom. Rentsu of Matsuokaji, Renshou of Kokyoji, and Rengo of Honsenji controlled the three temples. These three temples were the small sects ruled by the Ichijo clan in the local area.

The area around the Daishoji River that was conquered by the dying Asakura Sodiko was the place where Rennyoshangren preached and the holy land of Xiaozong Sanji Temple.

The second daughter of Renshu of Guangjiao Temple established Shengxing Temple in Yuezhong, and together with Ruiquan Temple, governed the Yixiang Sect in Yuezhong, and occupied Tobo County in western Yue China.

After that, Sosamji Temple and Ishiyama Honganji Temple gradually drifted apart, trying to be independent, while Shengxing Temple and Zuisen Temple in Etsuchu stood on the side of Ishiyama.

Ishiyama sent monastic officials to the Kanazawa Plain in the north of Kaga to establish the Oyama Gobo in order to suppress the small sects around the Daishoji Temple in the south of Kaga.

The dispute between the small and large sects had a great impact, and it was not until Asakura Sotikong took over the Daishoji River area that the foundation of the three small sects was destroyed and their influence was eliminated.

Kaga General General Nanali Yorishu didn't want to fight back to the Daishoji River, but also to prevent the resurgence of the Xiaosong. Then she looked north and was introduced to Noto country by the Onei family.

The troubles within the Hokurikudo Ichigo clan go beyond the disputes between the small and large clans, and there are also conflicts between the bureaucracy system and the local ichikai clan.

The fanatical believers who participated in the war lacked military literacy, and those who really occupied the core of the military were the village servants and wild samurai.

These people use Yixiang Yikui to evade military and food services, and occupy a place to dominate and prosper. Although they claim to be believers, they have their own interests and demands, and they may not really care about the earthly Buddhist kingdom of Yixiang Sect.

Therefore, even if Shiba Yoshigan persuades the master of the Ishiyama Honganji Temple, she will not be able to help. In the conflict with the Hokurikudo Ichikoku clan, the battle that needs to be fought must be fought.

However, since there is no clear religious call from the master, the local Ichikai clan has lost legal support, its will to resist will not be firm, and the possibility of reaching a compromise with Echigo is relatively high.

The big sect, the small sect, the Kaga Ixiang sect, the Yuezhong Ixiang sect, and the local Yikuizhong all have inconsistent interests and their combat effectiveness is even worse.

If the political and religious concerns can be removed and they are solved purely from a military perspective, it will be completely vulnerable. This is also the goal that the Bank of Japan hopes to achieve.

Teruhora Uesugi understood what Yoshigan Shiba was thinking, but made his own request.

"Mr. Kenshin, other conditions can be negotiated, and we can also compromise on one or two things for the Hokurikudo Ichimura clan.

But one thing is very troublesome. All the Ichikō sect temples on the land east of the Kurobe River will be destroyed in this war, and not a single tile will be left."

Yoshigan saw Uesugi Teruhora speaking seriously and knew that this was the request of the Uesugi retainers group, so he frowned.

When Shiina Yasuin was persuaded by his retainer Koma Tsunemitsu to betray the alliance and attack Uesugi Teruhora, he was preparing to rely on the Echu Ichiko clan to resist Jinbo Nagashi's strategy.

Shengxing Temple and Ruiquan Temple are far to the west of China. What Shiina Kangyin can really rely on are the Yixiangzong temples in Xinchuan County, Yuansheng Temple, Ji Xing Temple, Jinchengfang, Dade Temple, etc.

The Shiina family, who were assisting in the defense of these temples, were blocked from advancing at the Kadokawa line. They had no choice but to attack Matsukura Castle located in Tateyama upstream.

To the east of Kadokawa is the Katagai River, and further east is the Kurobe River.

Once the defense lines of Uozu Castle, Kanayama Castle, and Tenjinzan Castle between Kadokawa and Katagai River are attacked and fell by the Echigo army behind them, Shiina Yasuin of Matsukura Castle will be finished, and the Shiina family will also perish.

In order to eliminate the root cause, the two retainers groups, Jimbo and Uesugi, must hope to clean up the Ichikō sect temples in Sinchuan County without leaving any future troubles.

No matter how angry Ezhong Yixiangzong from Tonami County to the west was, he could not stop the actions of the two families.

How can the land obtained by the Wu family through a deadly battle tolerate these thieves and nuns continuing to act recklessly? Why not go see the Buddha as soon as possible?

This chapter has been completed!
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