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Chapter seven hundred and eighty prepare both hands

The expansion of the Nanman religion was inseparable from the help of Nanman trade. Portuguese and Westerners were very pious, and these Nanman merchants were of great help to the missionaries.

Flois is not an outsider in the operation of business. They are missionaries who are very good at using business transactions to spread their faith.

She warned.

"Dear Paul, I just came back from Kanto and took the Tokaido route.

I must remind you that there are huge commercial risks on the Tokaido trade route, and the rulers there are preparing for war. I seem to hear the footsteps of war."

Konishi Lonzo was stunned. There was going to be a war in Tokaido? She couldn't help but feel happy.

The original exchange condition for Imai Munehisa to help her persuade some caravans to switch to Hokuriku Road did not seem to be as difficult as imagined.

Konishi Lonzo is mainly engaged in the medicinal materials business on the front line of Sanyo Road in the West Country. The dispute between the two trade routes of Hokuriku Road and Tokaido has little to do with her.

This time, it was purely a small personal favor for Imai Munehisa, contacting medicinal herb merchants traveling through Kanto and persuading them to consider the Hokuriku Road trade route.

In exchange, Imai Munehisa will use the Yodogawa concession to send Nanman missionaries to Kyoto and provide some channels for donations from the shogunate samurai family.

Lonzo Konishi said.

"You know that I have no business dealings with Guandong. Please rest assured that I am just doing a small favor for my friend regarding the caravan.

And the other party promised to help you go to Kyoto for activities, which is why I am willing to trade."

Flois nodded thoughtfully. This transaction is indeed very simple, but it is what the Nanman Cult urgently needs.

In the Japanese archipelago, Nanman Sect only has the right to preach in the territory of a few daimyo in Kitakyushu. Its preaching is still spread privately in the seaport trading towns, so it is difficult for missionaries to appear in public.

The local Nanman believers in Japan can go to Kyoto to spread their faith, but it is difficult for missionaries to go to the center of the shogunate.

Their exotic appearance and special clothing will cause violent reactions from the very powerful Buddhist sects in Kyoto.

The Nanban Cult does not have the missionary rights granted by the Ashikaga Shogun, and their missionary behavior is not protected.

The Buddhist warriors along the way had reasons to prevent them from moving and even endanger their lives. This was why the Nanman religion was eager to obtain the right to preach.

When the missionary enterprise entered a bottleneck period, missionaries needed Japan's supreme ruler to open up their missionary rights in order to further spread their faith.

The first trouble we have to face is how to enter Kyoto, the center of the shogunate.

Flois subconsciously felt that this matter was not simple, but she did not care about being taken advantage of, and even being persecuted to death.

To spread the Lord's faith, someone always needs to sacrifice, and she was prepared to make sacrifices before she decided to come to Japan.

Her guide, Francis Xavier, had worked hard for a long time but had no chance to go to Kyoto to meet Japan's supreme ruler, Shogun.

Now that she has this opportunity, even if there are many thorns ahead, they cannot stop her from moving forward.

Flois praised.

"Paul, I am touched by your piety. So tell me if we can bring more people there."

Konishi Lonzo was stunned and worried.

"You know, there are many Buddhist temples in Kyoto, and they keep a close eye on us Nanman believers.

There is no church in the castle town of Kyoto, so you and your sisters can only temporarily live in the homes of believers, and both confidentiality and safety are issues."

Flois smiled and said.

"We are not afraid of sacrifice, as long as we can spread the glory of the Lord.

But what you said makes sense. The missionaries in the church are not good at hard work and will bring too much burden to the believers in Kyoto.

I ask you to arrange as many places as possible. I will contact Bautista and ask her to arrange the accompanying personnel."

Lonzo Kosilon nodded and looked at the selfless Flois with admiration.

Peter and Bautista are also priests of Nanmanism in Japan, but they are not in the same monastic order as Flois. Like other Buddhist sects, there are also groups with different demands within Nanmanism.

Xavier was the leader of Flois, they belonged to the Society of Pages, and Bautista was a member of the Society of Self-Defense.

The page number will be radical, obsessed with spreading the glory of the Lord, and very hostile to heresy, which is the biggest driving force for the expansion of Nanman religion.

The Fangji Society is also a monastic order that is keen on preaching. This sect advocates dedicating all their money to the Lord, living by working with their hands, and even begging.

These two monastic orders are currently the two largest groups of missionaries in the Southern Barbarian religion in Japan. Buddhism in Kyoto is extremely powerful, and missionaries are destined to suffer a lot if they go there to operate.

Flois was able to put aside the differences in ideas and choose to support Bautista's group to preach in Kyoto, which made Lonzo Konishi have to admire her broad-mindedness.

Floyce didn't care about her admiration for Lonzo Konishi, she was more concerned about how big a goal she could achieve during this trip to Kyoto.

she asked.

"Sister Paul, how will your business partners arrange for me to communicate with the shogunate?"

Konishi Lonzo was a little embarrassed. She had promised Imai Munehisa to keep it secret, but speaking too carefully would expose her existence.

Because Imai Munehisa is a follower of the Ichijo sect, helping Konishi Lonzo bring missionaries to Beijing for business exchange this time was already a big risk.

With the support of the Shiba family tree, Imai Munehisa's power in Sakai Port has grown stronger and stronger. Secretly seizing on her collusion with the Nanman Cult will be beneficial to the Nanman Cult and Konishi Lonzo in the future.

She really wanted to keep the secret between the two of them, and now was not the time to betray Imai Munehisa.

Seeing her embarrassment, Flois probably guessed something and smiled.

"If the other party asks for confidentiality, then it goes without saying. The other party has a lot of energy and there will be opportunities for transactions in the future."

"Yes, wise Floyce."

Flois thought for a while and said.

"But I can't place all my hopes on this facilitator. We should also have our own channels to fight for it.

It's good that the other party can help us enter the capital. It's better not to have too many expectations about contacting the shogunate or even meeting the general.

As long as I can show up publicly in Kyoto and demonstrate my teachings, it is a great victory."

Frois is very clear-headed. Religious disputes are a zero-sum game of life and death, with no room for compromise.

In recent years, the Buddhist sect in Kyoto has put the fanatical Yixiang Sect in the front, and it has indeed blocked the spread of the Nanman Sect.

But as long as he appears in Kyoto and establishes a line with the shogunate, it will be a major victory for the Nanman Sect.

The first-line diocese in Sakai Port and Kyoto has always been preaching in private. Now that it has stepped forward, it finally has its own voice and image at the official level. So even if the chance of success is very small, we must give it a try.

she said.

"I came back from Tokaido and walked back to Sakai Port along the Yodogawa River. Along the coast, I met the samurai believers in the Settsu Takayamaso area.

The Gaoshan family has been religious since the previous generation, and the family governor of this generation, Rus Ding, is very pious.

She is now a samurai under the command of Matsunaga Hide, the lord of Yodo City of the Miyoshi family. This big shot of the Miyoshi family is very influential in Kyoto.

I want to contact the Kyoto shogunate through her and the channel of Matsu Nagahide. Even if I can't see the general, I hope to be received by the important ministers of the shogunate.

It would be best if we could be allowed to build a church in the castle town of Kyoto, no matter how simple it is."

Konishi Lonzo thought for a while, she knew Justin of the Takayama family. He was a powerful follower of the Wu family in Settsu and a close friend of Takayama.

She nodded and said.

"I will gather Matsunaga-sama's money, pay tribute to the shogunate, and pay for the construction of the Kyoto church. I will call together the believers in the towns of Sakai Port and Kyoto to raise money, so you won't have to worry about it.

Please be sure to come back safely, and I will pray for you in Sakai Port."

Floys looked at her with a smile and made the sign of the cross on his chest.


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