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Chapter 785: Meeting with Toyama Castle

 Shiba Yiyin didn't know the little thoughts going on in the mind of the divine protector, and even if he knew, he would sneer at them.

The samurai fear power rather than virtue. Without strength, the Ashikaga shogun is just a prank, and what is the shogunate?

Xinchuan County has been beaten by the gods for so many years, and the local samurai family has long been exhausted physically and mentally. Now that the Shiina family governor has run away, the rest are not fools who know what to choose.

Regardless of whether they are convinced in their hearts or not, they must kneel down openly, otherwise the whole family will die. The shogunate's sign only gives them a step to kneel down and look less embarrassed.

Talking about status is useful. It is because the Japanese value etiquette and pay attention to public etiquette. In other words, it is too hypocritical.

Even so, I can't stop these people from being shameless. When Yoshigan was in Owari, his status was sufficient, right?

Oda Nobunaga was dragging him to bed while preparing to swallow up the Shiba family's last 1,500 stone quarry. I really care about your son, and swallowing your territory is for your own good.

The Wu family, hehe, pays attention to people and knows how to be grateful.

Shiba Yiyin has never had any illusions about the integrity of these martial arts families. The so-called fig leaf of fame can only be based on strong strength.

This time he came to Ezhong to take advantage of the spring and summer slack to completely eliminate the hidden dangers in the Hokuriku Road. Jinbo Nagai can think whatever he wants, as long as he has a clear head and doesn't rebel.

Yiyin looked at the unfamiliar Warrior Ji and asked.

"Who is this?"

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna and the man bowed to the ground together, and Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna introduced.

"This is my retainer, named Iikawa Mitsumato. He heard that the emperor was coming and came from Matsunami Castle to see him."

"I've seen the imperial office, how are you?"

Yiyin nodded, thoughtfully.

Matsunami Castle is a castle that extends to the top of the Noto Peninsula, at the corner of the coastline of the C-shaped peninsula.

This castle monitors the shipping lines externally and restricts the samurai families in the central part of the peninsula internally. It is a strategic location in Noto country second only to Nanao Castle.

This time Yoshigan summoned the Noto samurai family to come for an audience to mediate the chaos in Noto, and chose the meeting place to be Takaoka Castle in Shemizu County.

But this person came directly to Toyama Castle and was brought to see him by Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, which shows that the relationship was close.

It seems that Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna did not lie when he was in Echigo. There are indeed samurai families loyal to the Noto Hatakeyama family in Noto, and Matsunami Castle is still in the hands of the Noto Hatakeyama family.

Yiyin smiled and said.

"There is no need to be too polite. The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the rough and rough wind knows the sincere minister."

If everyone could serve the Lord faithfully, how could the world be in such chaos?"

All the concubines praised the emperor for his wisdom and said that we will be loyal to the shogunate.

Yoshigan was tired of hearing this kind of talk, so he looked at Mitsumato Iikawa. This concubine had slender limbs, clear and shining eyes, good appearance and temperament, and seemed to be both civil and military.

He thought for a while and asked.

"I remember that the guardian of Noto country is the Iikawa family?"

Iikawa Mitsumato bowed and replied.

"Hi! The Odaisho has a thousand-mile vision. The Iikawa family once served as the Noto guardian."


Yoshigan glanced at Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, saw her smiling bitterly and saying nothing, and understood in his heart.

Since the Noto Hatakeyama family lost their power in the family, the Seven Hatakeyamas have controlled the domestic affairs of Noto in a collegial manner. If the Iikawa family is loyal to the master, it is not surprising that they have lost their guardianship.

he asked.

"Iikawa Hime is working in Matsunami City now?"

"Now he holds the position of Matsunami Castle Representative."

Yiyin nodded with satisfaction.

Iikawa Mitsuki was entrenched in Matsunami Castle, watching behind the Noto samurai family, and threatened by the Uesugi Jinho coalition forces approaching from Echu. He was more confident about the success of this mediation.

Looking back at the Divine Protector, he seemed to be indifferent and smiled.

"Your Majesty Jinbo, we haven't seen you for a long time."

The chief priest bowed to the ground and answered with a smile.

"The style of the Imperial Palace is even better than last year."

Yiyin looked at her, her appearance was still the same as last year, but there were faint ripples on her forehead, her complexion was a little sallow, and she seemed to be not feeling well.

"His Majesty Jinbo has gone through a lot of changes. He has worked hard this year."

"Thank you for your concern."

After chatting for a while, Yiyin said.

"Xinchuan County was pacified, and the rebellious Shiina Yasuyin disappeared. Although it is regrettable, your wish was finally fulfilled.

This time I am using Takaoka Castle to meet with the Noto samurai family, so I will cause you trouble again."

Yiyin bowed slightly, as the chief priest did not dare to accept the gift, so he avoided it and bowed in return.

"I dare not take it for granted, but it is my blessing to be able to serve the emperor.

Takaoka Castle has been fully prepared, and it is said that there are already people who can climb from the Zhuang River into the river mouth and arrive in the city to wait for the imperial palace to summon them.

In addition, regarding Shiina Yasuyin, I just received news that she is now the leader of the Ichiko clan in Tonami County."

Yoshigami frowned slightly, Etsuchu Ichikong still didn't give up? What did they mean by protecting Shiina Yasuin? Do they want to fight against the Uesugi Jinho alliance?

Seeing that he was silent, the chief priest said again.

"Odaisuo, I shouldn't question your decision, but Takaoka Castle is actually not safe.

In recent years, Eshui County has been infiltrated by the Etsuchu Ichigo clan, and the banks of the Yamada River in the central part of the county have been converted into Anyangji Temple by Shengxing Temple, blocking the road from my home to Noto.

Had it not been for the use of water this time, the Noto family would not have been able to come to Takaoka Castle to see you."

The chief minister spoke with great indignation, seemingly worried about Yoshihiro Shiba. However, Yoshihiro was wary, as the governor of the divine protection family seemed to want to take advantage of him again.

Yiyin didn't want to cause too many conflicts with the Yixiang Sect. The temple in Xinchuan County was destroyed and there was no other way.

But if he could, he didn't want to fight the Etsuchu Ichibuki clan head-on, and he would avoid any conflict with Noto's Kaga Ichibuki clan if he could.

The logic of religion is different from that of the secular world. Sometimes you can do anything for your faith, but it is difficult to calm down in exchange for benefits, which is very troublesome.

The four counties in central Vietnam.

Tonami County to the west belongs to the Ichiko clan, and Shinkawa County to the east was originally the territory of the Shiina family. And the two counties of Eishui and Fufu in the middle are the traditional territories of the Jimbo family.

Before the Jinbo family took office, the family business was in decline. She relied on the local samurai family who were loyal to the Jinbo family to revive the family business.

Yiyin glanced at Xiaodao Zhen beside Baochangzhi, and when he saw her looking at him eagerly, he knew that this matter was serious.

Although before going into battle, Yoshigan was on guard against the Jinbo Nagasaki using him, and asked the Uesugi and Jinbo families to clearly divide Shinkawa County to avoid trouble in the future.

Who knew that this guy was still scheming with him, and still wanted to use himself to cause friction with the Yixiang Zong in Yuezhong and regain the land eroded by the Yixiang Zong.

Yiyin thought for a while and then answered.

"His Majesty Jinbo is famous far and wide, and I am a bit mean-spirited. As long as there are troops stationed in Takaoka City, I believe that the Yuezhong Yixiang Sect will not come to find him unhappy.

However, His Majesty Jimbo's concerns are justified. I will write to His Majesty Uesugi and ask her to send a military force to Himiya Castle in the upper reaches of the Shogawa River to be wary of Tonami County sending troops across the border.

So, as for Hinomiya Castle, would you like His Majesty Jinbo to release the city defenses and allow Uesugi troops to temporarily garrison it?"

Of course, Yiyin will not be used as a hammer by the gods.

The chief minister said that he was worried that the Vietchu Ixiang Zong would cross the border and threaten the safety of the Yi Bank. They even harbored Shiina Yasuin with evil intentions, so let’s attack the Vietchu Ixiang Zong first!

Yiyin avoided her wishes and pretended to be dumbfounded.

If you say there is danger, please send more people to Takaoka Castle to protect me. Upstream, Hinomiya Castle is an important border town that oversees Tonami County. I asked Uesugi Teruhora to send people to guard the place to prevent Ichigo Mun from attacking.

In fact, Yiyin was afraid that the Jinbao Choji would send people to attack from Hinomiya Castle, provoke the Ezhong Ichigo clan, and seduce them to attack.

In order to drag down the Yoshigan and Echigo armies and help him weaken the Echichu Ichikai clan, this is something that the God of God, Nagasaki, can really do.

This chapter has been completed!
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